Washington, DC About Me

From Washington, DC!
This website is about Eastern Prussia. Western Prussia is in Germany and Eastern Prussia is in Poland near the Gulf of Danzig. Gdansk, Poland is near Lubeck, Germany. Here is my website about my daily routine here in #DC, Archive, Archive 2, Archive 3, Archive 4, Archive 5, Russian literature page, Archive 6, Archive 7, Archive 8, Archive 9, The British page, Archive 10, Southeast Asia page, Archive 11, Archive 12, Ukraine page, Archive 13,
Hatton page, Archive 14, Archive 15, Archive 16, Archive 17, Archive 18, Archive 19, Archive 20, Archive 21, Library science page

District of Columbia

Crazy reports about the Treasury department. Are the sanctions teams sending away our money to Kiev? Aren't they supposed to be protecting our money?
[The Department of the Treasury is the national treasury and finance department of the federal government of the United States, where it serves as an executive department. The department oversees the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and the U.S. Mint.]

This is me talking about the sanctions. 12-6-23

EU Commissioner Applauds Bulgaria's Border Controls During Border Point Visit

Romania is Close to a Visa-Free Regime with the US

Heavy Fighting in Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip

Turkish Police Arrest Murderer from Skopje

It is a myth that Bulgaria has the largest grey economy in the EU

Buffer zones could be solution to Gaza crisis — Israeli ambassador to Russia "We should think of what to do so that our citizens who live near the border never face a repetition of what happened on October 7," Alexander Ben Zvi added MOSCOW, December 6. /TASS/. Creating buffer zones could be a solution to the situation around the Gaza Strip, Israeli Ambassador to Russia Alexander Ben Zvi told TASS as he urged efforts to prevent a repetition of the October 7 events. "It will depend on the results of the operation. If there is not a terror organization at all in the Gaza Strip, then such buffer zones will be less relevant," the diplomat said. "If there are any remains of terror organizations, then we will need [a buffer zone]. A buffer zone is just an option," he said as he also mentioned the demilitarization of the Palestinian enclave and international control scenarios. "We should think of what to do so that our citizens who live near the border never face a repetition of what happened on October 7," Ben Zvi emphasized. According to the Israeli envoy, it is too early to discuss how that could be done anyway. "We shall see how the operation ends," he reiterated. The fight against terrorism should continue as long as there is a terror organization in Gaza, he added.

Zelensky’s adviser says Kiev will run out of funds by January — Politico "We’re at the end of our rope in terms of the existing funding," the newspaper quoted the advisor, whose name was not disclosed WASHINGTON, December 6. /TASS/. The Kiev government is experiencing an acute lack of money, and its funds will run out completely after December, an adviser to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told the Politico newspaper. "We’re at the end of our rope in terms of the existing funding," the newspaper quoted the advisor, whose name was not disclosed. "It’s not going to go beyond December." The statement was made prior to Zelensky’s planned plea for additional funding to US senators. It was scheduled to take place on Tuesday, but the Ukrainian president cancelled it "at the last minute," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said. According to the Ukrainian presidential adviser, Zelensky was to tell US senators that without additional funding, the Kiev government’s troops are likely to lose swaths of its territories. " And ultimately Kiev itself could be at risk," he added. US Department of State Spokesperson Matthew Miller said on December 4 that the US administration had used 97% of the Congress-approved funds earmarked for assistance to Ukraine. On the same day, Shalanda Young, director of the Office of Management and Budget in the Biden administration, issued a letter to Congressional leadership warning that the US would run out of resources to help Ukraine by the end of the year, if the lawmakers turned down the administration’s financing draft. In October, the US administration asked Congress to set aside extra budgetary funds for the 2024 fiscal year, which began in the United States on October 1, in assistance to Israel and Ukraine, as well as to contain China and Russia in the Asia Pacific region. In all, the US plans to spend around $106 billion for these purposes. Several House and Senate Republicans have spoken out against continuing financial assistance to Kiev. The Politico newspaper said on Monday that the Senate’s vote on assistance to Kiev, which is due on December 6, is likely to fail due to the Republicans’ position.

US to bear responsibility for Kiev’s defeat if it fails to send new aid — official According to US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, the Kiev government "is just running out of money" WASHINGTON, December 6. /TASS/. The United States will bear responsibility for the Kiev government’s defeat if Washington fails to approve additional aid to Ukraine, Reuters quoted US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen as saying. "I've talked to members of Congress, my colleagues have. I think they understand this, that this is a dire situation and we can hold ourselves responsible for Ukraine's defeat if we don't manage to get this funding to Ukraine that's needed, and I'm including direct budget support here because that's utterly essential," she said. In her words, the Kiev government "is just running out of money." She claims that Kiev has been "spending more than every penny they're taking in, in tax revenue, on military salaries and defense." "They wouldn’t have any schools or hospitals or first responders if not for the money we’re sending to them to support them," she added. In October, the US administration asked Congress to set aside extra budgetary funds for the 2024 fiscal year, which began in the United States on October 1, in assistance to Israel and Ukraine, as well as to contain China and Russia in the Asia Pacific region. In all, the US plans to spend around $106 billion for these purposes. Several House and Senate Republicans have spoken out against continuing financial assistance to Kiev. The Politico newspaper said on Monday that the Senate’s vote on assistance to Kiev, which is due on December 6, is likely to fail due to the Republicans’ position.

MOSCOW, December 6. /TASS/. The resumption of a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is still possible, but the military operation will continue until the movement’s members give up their military efforts, Israeli Ambassador to Russia Alexander Ben Zvi has told TASS.

A spy from the Serbian Army was arrested Reserve officer of the Serbian Army Lj. G. was arrested yesterday on suspicion of providing confidential information to the Bulgarian secret service. Reserve officer of the Serbian Army and employee of the Culture Center in Bosilegrad Lj.G. was arrested yesterday on suspicion of providing confidential information to the Bulgarian secret service. According to Novosti, Lj.G. (61) gave information about our armed forces. Namely, as stated, he forwarded to the interested party data on the number of soldiers in Vranje, the situation in the units, as well as what weapons and equipment they use. He also provided them with the personnel scheme of the security authorities. Moreover, he referred to the political situation in the south of the country, Novosti points out. According to the newspaper's sources, the citizens of Bosilegrad are quite confused because they know Lj.G. as a good neighbor, a father of two daughters, who, in addition to his basic job at the Cultural Center, also has a store in this border town. The suspect is accused of having communicated secret military information to members of a foreign organization, which could cause harmful consequences for the security, defense and military interests of the country. He was brought to the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office in the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Vranje yesterday for questioning.

(December 6, 2023)

On your way to the top, you'll do anything. But how do you get your life back when you get there. Is my dilemma.
I'm wanting to be funny. For example, I'm a really great driver. Because I have great eyesight. And I'm able to drive and shift gears, etc. I'm smart about driving laws. I'm good at defensive driving, etc. My friends in Texas, they're fine if I drive us because we'll arrive safe and I'm just fun to be with in the car. Another extreme though is like games. Dominios and scrabble. When I play dominos. There is a TI video where he's playing dominos in Atlanta. Also, in the wire they're playing craps. I'll think I got dominos because it's multiples of five, but it wasn't.

Cairo 14

Cairo 13

This is me talking about Nastya Ovechkina. 12-5-23

It's possible the Moscow Astana stuff, maybe that's now a threat to the Royal Navy.
The IDF is responding with no comment. That happens here. Is the bureau allowed to say no comment? Is the White House allowed to say no comment? Is the Pentagon allowed to say no comment?
"Aren't they just in there not working?"

This is me talking about Moscow and Astana. 12-5-23

Explosion Erupts in Arlington After Suspect Fires Flare Gun at Police (VIDEO) A dramatic incident unfolded in Arlington, US, where a massive explosion shook a house after a suspect discharged a flare gun toward police executing a search warrant. The Arlington County Police Department reported the explosion in the Bluemont neighborhood on N Burlington Street. As the fire department works to contain the blaze, authorities continue investigating the suspect who fired rounds from the residence. Minor injuries were reported on-site, and the area remains under police investigation, prompting warnings to avoid the location. The Arlington Police Department updated on the situation, revealing that during the execution of the search warrant, multiple rounds were fired within the residence, culminating in the explosion. Emergency responders, including @ArlingtonVaFD, are actively managing the fire at the scene. Reports from local media highlighted the visibility of flames and smoke that emanated from the explosion, visible from miles away.

Israeli intelligence possesses data on whereabouts of remaining hostages — army spokesman Jonathan Conricus pointed out that the release of the hostages is a top priority for Israeli intelligence, including IDF Military Intelligence TEL AVIV, December 5. /TASS/. Israeli intelligence services have information on the presumed location of the remaining hostages, reserve Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Jonathan Conricus said at a briefing. "The short answer would be yes, we have [data]," Conricus said when asked by reporters if the IDF had any information on the purported whereabouts of the remaining hostages. "But as you said, as you correctly suggested, I'm not free to share those details because of the sensitivity of the issue, and of course that would jeopardize our efforts in the future. But I can say that this is a key priority," he added. Conricus pointed out that the release of the hostages is a top priority for Israeli intelligence, including IDF Military Intelligence. He also noted that Israel intends to return all hostages. "If it can be done through negotiations, that's great. And if it can't be done through negotiations, then we will act in other, kinetic ways," the spokesman emphasized. Earlier, IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said that Hamas militants continue to hold 137 Israelis hostage. Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 when militants from the Gaza Strip-based radical Palestinian movement Hamas staged a surprise attack on Israeli territory from Gaza, killing residents of Israeli border settlements and taking over 200 hostages, including women, children and the elderly. Hamas described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. In response, Israel declared a total blockade of the Gaza Strip, home to 2.3 million Palestinians, and has been delivering air strikes on Gaza as well as some parts of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also underway in the West Bank.

Hamas leaders could flee Gaza to Egypt through underground tunnels, IDF says It is noted that there exists an extensive network of tunnels between Rafah in Gaza and the Egyptian side TEL AVIV, December 5. /TASS/. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) admits that leaders of the radical Palestinian movement Hamas may have left the Gaza Strip through underground tunnels and fled to Egypt, reserve IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus said at a briefing. "This concern exists. It's something that intelligence is really monitoring," he told reporters. "We know that before the war, before October 7, Hamas had an extensive network of tunnels under Gaza, they had attempts to tunnel into Israel as well, and there exists an extensive network of tunnels between Rafah in Gaza and the Egyptian side," Conricus added. "I don't have up-to-date information on the status of those tunnels, but the working assumption is that at least some of them are still active. So the risk is there," he pointed out. Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 when militants from the Gaza Strip-based radical Palestinian movement Hamas staged a surprise attack on Israeli territory from Gaza, killing residents of Israeli border settlements and taking over 200 hostages, including women, children and the elderly. Hamas described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. In response, Israel declared a total blockade of the Gaza Strip, home to 2.3 million Palestinians, and has been delivering air strikes on Gaza as well as some parts of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also underway in the West Bank.

Israeli military base allegedly storing nuclear weapons was struck by rocket in Oct — NYT "A rocket most likely fired by Hamas militants during their Oct. 7 attack on Israel struck an Israeli military base where, experts say, many of the country’s nuclear-capable missiles are based," the US daily said NEW YORK, December 5. /TASS/. Israel’s military base Sdot Micha, which allegedly stores nuclear weapons, was subjected to a rocket strike on October 7, The New York Times reported referring to visual analysis from the satellite footage.

Finnish, UK naval forces hold drills in Baltic Sea on undersea infrastructure protection According to the statement, "The aim of the exercise is to develop the capability for the surveillance and protection of undersea infrastructure and to repel undersea military threats" STOCKHOLM, December 5. /TASS/. The Finnish naval and coast guard forces hold joint military drills on December 4-5 with the United Kingdom and Estonia in the Baltic Sea region on the protection of undersea infrastructure, the Finnish Defense Forces said in a statement. According to the statement, "The aim of the exercise is to develop the capability for the surveillance and protection of undersea infrastructure and to repel undersea military threats."

ASTANA, December 4. /TASS/. Coordination on foreign policy issues between Russia and Kazakhstan has reached an all-time high, Russian Ambassador to Astana Aleksey Borodavkin said at a reception at the diplomatic mission on the occasion of Unity Day and the 10th anniversary of the treaty between Russia and Kazakhstan on good-neighborliness and alliance in the 21st century.

MOSCOW, December 4. /TASS/. Russia is disappointed that political, trade, economic and cultural relations have been suspended with Sweden, President Vladimir Putin said at a ceremony ushering in newly appointed ambassadors of foreign countries.

(December 5, 2023)

I have a half-sister. We have the same mom, but not the same dad. She used to live in Arlington, Texas. I have been here in Washington, DC for eleven years now. My sister, by contrast has lived in a lot of different cities in Texas. I remember when she moved to Arlington. I helped her move. It's near Dallas. She now lives near Wichita Falls.
I tell people that Rex Grossman is from there. That's wrong. I mess that up. It's true that Rex Tillerson is from that same town.

An argument that came over here from London is that the size of the Chinese economy. It meant I guess the American and Chinese economies were comparable.
How are the American and Chinese economies similar and different?

This is me talking about Sir Martin Sorrell. 12-4-23

Cairo 12

I studied at the Sam Nunn School at Georgia Tech. I had friends who self-identified as neoconservatives. They were nice to me. They were men my age. I thought it was funny how they talked.

This is me talking about the nine dash lines. 12-4-23

It seems like the Chinese claims to sea-lanes in the Pacific are evaporating. To begin with they are communist lines on a map.

BEIJING, December 4. /TASS/. The appearance of the USS Gabrielle Giffords near the Ayungin Shoal in the vicinity of the disputed Nansha islands has violated China’s sovereignty, Senior Colonel Tian Junli, spokesman for China's People's Liberation Army Southern Theater Command, said.

[The average price of sand imported by Singapore was US$3 per tonne from 1995 to 2001, but the price increased to US$190 per tonne from 2003 to 2005.[32] Although the Philippines and China had both ratified the UNCLOS III, in the case of and Johnson South Reef, Hughes Reef, Mischief Reef, the PRC dredged sand for free in the EEZ the Philippines[33] had claimed from 1978[34] arguing this is the "waters of China's Nansha Islands".]

[Jul 25, 2023 — The 'nine-dash line' is one of many names for a controversial Chinese maritime claim in the South China Sea.]

BEIJING, December 4. /TASS/. The Chinese authorities are against external interference in the internal political situation in Belarus, Chinese President Xi Jinping said at a meeting with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko.

TEL AVIV, December 4. /TASS/. Israel’s intelligence is ready to eliminate the leaders of the Palestinian radical group Hamas worldwide, including in Qatar and Turkey where some of them are located, according to an audio recording of remarks made by Director of Israel’s Security Agency Ronen Bar aired by Kan Radio.

Bucharest Hosting the 4th Edition of Energy Week Black Sea

Bulgaria Implements New Measures: Unpaid Fines Alert at All Border Checkpoints

Israel Pulled Negotiators Out of Qatar and Struck Gaza

Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel to Host Conference on Bulgaria's Foreign Policy Strategy

Financial deadlines delay commercial exploitation of LNG terminal near Alexandroupolis The commercial exploitation of the liquefied gas terminal near Alexandroupolis, which is key to Bulgaria’s energy security, will be delayed by two months. The deadlines, set for the beginning of January, are being postponed until March, 2024, BGNES reports. The reason for the delay is the updated business plan adopted on 3 November at a meeting of the board of directors of the project company Gastrade SA which is constructing the terminal. The update had to be made because of the approval, by the European Commission, of the request by the Greek side for additional state aid for the project amounting to EUR 106.1 million. The aid is granted after a significant increase in the planned expenditure for the construction and exploitation of the facility, as compared to the projected costs.

CB of Uzbekistan meets with EU special representative on sanctions

(December 4, 2023)

My dad was born in New York City in 1956. His dad had studied at Oxford. Sam Welles survived the blitz in London. And then he began working for Time Inc in New York City. He made a large salary and they owned a large home.
I grew up in Austin because my dad worked for the Texas state government. I was at UT-Austin the same time as Jenna Bush. She's two years older than me.
My dad though, he didn't make a large salary. I'm his only kid. I tell people that the house was like a Dutch canoe. Because me and my dad would fight over what little money we had. It was as though we were the only ones who knew like, the deal. And both of us needed the money or whatever.

David Beckham has four kids.
Is he tired of construction projects in London?
Does he intend for his children to live abroad?
Fertility rates are probably tied to construction budgets, immigration, and imported materials.

This is me talking about construction and fertility rates. 12-3-23

Donna, you know we're supposed to be reading about constriction every day. Why haven't you been doing the reading you're supposed to be doing?
The British enjoy talking about construction as a business sector.

Cairo 11

Key Scripture: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Revelation 22:13
We are fit because we exercise. We are smart because we go to school. We are in church on Sunday because we have a sober lifestyle. I have friends because I am a nice person.

This is me talking about the Episcopal church. 12-3-23

Rational and liberal paradigms.
What if the Bundestag espouses anti-Russia rhetoric?
Can Moscow turn off the gas pipe?
Or, regardless of what the Bundestag does.
Russia should maintain energy export quotas.

This is me talking about German energy imports. 11-30-23

Slovak prime minister to meet with Russian ambassador on Thursday The Russian embassy confirmed that the ambassador is scheduled to meet with the Slovak prime minister on Thursday BRATISLAVA, November 30. /TASS/. Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico is scheduled to meet with Russian Ambassador to Bratislava Igor Bratchikov on Thursday, November 30. "Tomorrow I am holding two meetings with [representatives] of two different worlds. I am meeting with the US and Russian ambassadors [to Slovakia], having respect for each of them. I do not see [the world] in black and white and I reject the policy of only one correct political opinion," the prime minister said on Wednesday in a video posted on his Facebook page (the social media owned by US corporation Meta that is outlawed as an extremist organization in Russia). The Russian embassy confirmed that the ambassador is scheduled to meet with the Slovak prime minister on Thursday.

Czech Republic mulling potential freezing of more pieces of Russian state property They may become subjects to national sanctions in addition to around 70 buildings, on which the country’s government took a similar decision on November 15, Czech Television reported PRAGUE, November 29. /TASS/. The Financial Analytical Office of the Czech Republic is considering the potential freezing of more real estate assets owned by Russian state entities. They may become subjects to national sanctions in addition to around 70 buildings, on which the country’s government took a similar decision on November 15, Czech Television reported. An inspection is being carried out in hotels held by Russian state entities, according to the report. For example, the issue is about hotels Ulrika and Moskevsky dvur in Karlovy Vary (in the western part of the country) that are controlled by Tatarstan’s Svyazinvestneftekhim and Russia’s state company Medical center, respectively, as reported. The Czech authorities put Russia’s Enterprise for Property Management Abroad on the national sanctions list two weeks ago. It is no longer able to perform any actions on property management in the republic. The Czech authorities suggest that EU sanctions be extended to individuals and legal entities on the national sanctions list.

OSCE kept on ‘life support,’ says Austrian foreign minister Alexander Schallenberg thinks that the organisation spends 80% of its resources "battling for survival", reports Puls 24 VIENNA, November 29. /TASS/. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is being on "life support," Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said ahead of the OSCE ministerial meeting. According to the Puls 24 television channel, the minister thinks that the OSCE spends 80% of its resources "battling for survival". Schallenberg opined that OSCE members should take on more commitments in order to support this organization. "We are going to need more of the OSCE, not less, in the future," the minister said. Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that it is still possible to try to save the OSCE from the West, which is trying to use it in its own interests, but the chances of success are slim.

SIRIUS /Federal Territory/, November 30. /TASS/. Germany "swallows up" the attacks from its "allies" as Berlin has no sovereignty and some of its high-ranking officials have no sufficient training, and the world laughs at them, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with young scientists, commenting on Europe’s refusal from Russian energy imports.

(November 30, 2023)

My dad was born in New York City in 1956. His dad worked for Time Inc. And they lived in a large home. My dad's childhood best friend lived in an even larger home in the neighborhood down the street. Davis later went to the Wharton business school.
I grew up in Texas though because my dad worked for the Texas state government. I applied and I was accepted to the public schools that specialize in the maths and sciences. And my fellow students were my friends throughout high school and college. Their dads maybe owned land near there or they were tech people. What people do for a living in Austin.
I would always bring gin to drink when I went to people's houses. Maybe they didn't drink gin before.

It seems like the Iranian navy and the Chinese navy. Maybe they are allied. Both are aggressive at the same time.

[Post 7 October, the enormous US-led build-up of warships in the Eastern Med added a fifth front and whilst it has kept things limited there, for now, a sixth front has appeared in the Red Sea and beyond as Houthis fire missiles and drones towards Israel, hi-jack ships by helicopter in the southern Red Sea and employ Somalis to hijack ships by more traditional methods, albeit failed, in the Gulf of Aden. Given the centrality of Iran to all of this, it is ironic that the one place that has been relatively quiet since 7 October has been the Gulf itself: even the traditional flashpoint, the Strait of Hormuz, the only way in or out of the Gulf, which has Iran on one side of it.]

[An Iranian air drone “took unsafe and unprofessional actions” near the aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower as the ship operated in the Persian Gulf on Tuesday, according to Naval Forces Central Command.]

(November 29, 2023)

There is some kind of an American business perspective where you prefer the Germans. Because British colonial means trade with Brasilia and Jakarta. I can kind of see through that.

I usually oppose sanctions. The Treasury department, maybe they are rivals with the Commerce department. Also, maybe the sanctions are an alternative to the army.

This is me talking about the sanctions in Moldova. 11-29-23

Bulgaria: Significant Rise in Price of Natural Gas in December

Foreign Nationals Drive 90% of Illegal Migrant Trafficking in Bulgaria

Bulgarian Defense Minister Warns Against Kremlin's Hybrid Threats in the Black Sea Region

Ukrainian Community in North Macedonia Protest against Lavrov Visit

Bulgaria Has More than 3,000 MW of Renewable-Energy Power Generation Capacities, Expert Says

The parents of 1 in 4 children work abroad One in four Bulgarian children are growing up without their parents because they are working abroad, MEP Petar Vitanov stated during a conference dedicated to the social consequences of European mobility and the children who get left at home. Vitanov cited data by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, which indicate that the problem is most severe in several regions of the country, one of them – Northwestern Bulgaria, where up to 60% of minors are left in the care of grandparents, relatives or even neighbours while the parents are working in other countries.

Joint Expeditionary Force to send warships to patrol Baltic Sea This was stated by Swedish Defense Minister Pal Jonson STOCKHOLM, November 29. /TASS/. Around 20 ships of the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) will patrol the Baltic Sea in accordance with a decision made by its members, Sweden’s Defense Minister Pal Jonson told the SVT television. "I’m talking about maritime observation. About twenty warships will be involved," he said, adding that the zone of the mission will also include certain regions of Northern Atlantic. The warships will be deployed "to monitor the security situation and to better defend undersea infrastructure." The decision was made against the backdrop of "increased threat to critical undersea infrastructure" and its goal is "to send signals to Russia," the TV channel reported. Sweden will contribute two Visby-class multirole corvettes. According to a statement, issued by the Swedish government, the decision was made during an online conference of JEF defense ministers on November 28. The mission will take place on December 1015 and "will ensure a security presence, strengthening our common efforts with NATO in the Baltic Sea region." The JEF is a regional defense union bringing together 10 countries from Northern Europe - the United Kingdom, Denmark, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Sweden and Estonia.

Belarus ratifies memorandum on joining Shanghai Cooperation Organization The document obliges Minsk to follow goals and principles enshrined by the SCO charter, the SCO Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation and other international treaties and documents adopted by the organization MINSK, November 29. /TASS/. Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has signed into law a memorandum on the country’s commitments related to obtaining the membership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The document, published by the country’s national online database of legislative information, tells "to ratify the Memorandum on commitments undertaken by the Republic of Belarus in order to obtain the status of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s member country, signed in New Delhi on July 4, 2023." It also tasks "the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus with taking measures necessary for formalizing the Republic of Belarus’ participation in the Memorandum." The document obliges Minsk to follow goals and principles enshrined by the SCO charter, the SCO Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation and other international treaties and documents adopted by the organization. Belarus undertakes to join the organization’s charter and the Shanghai Convention on combating terrorism, separatism and extremism and additional protocols no later than December 1. Deadlines for joining other SCO agreements listed in two annexes of the memorandum are January 15, 2024 and April 15, 2024. At present, the SCO comprises Russia, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Belarus became an SCO dialogue partner in 2010 and obtained observer status in 2015. The membership procedure was launched during the SCO summit in Uzbekistan’s Samarkand in 2022. The memorandum was signed by SCO leaders during this year’s summit in New Delhi. Minsk’s accession is expected to be finalized before the organization’s next summit, scheduled to take place in 2024 in Astana, Kazakhstan.

MOSCOW, November 29. /TASS/. Moscow has slammed Moldova’s decision to join the European Union’s anti-Russia sanctions as another hostile step and it will not leave it unanswered, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

New Bill Proposes Stricter Penalties for Traffic Violations

(November 29, 2023)

My mom grew up a Baptist in Indiana. The preacher came to the house asking for money. I'm an Episcopalian.

In college I wrote a research paper on the railroads out west. It's true that Chinese immigrants helped build them. Also Irish people.
You wonder about the books I read. Also, my professor.
At the time the books said that the Irish. They died of dysentery because they didn't make tea.
I've met a few Irish guys here. They work in the construction sites.
I drink tea and coffee all day.
Maybe they don't.

"Unions Power the Economy, Says Treasury Report — and Most Americans Agree The Biden administration has come out with new data supporting a long-held view: that unions are good for the middle class, and what’s good for the middle class is good for the American economy. And, according to new polling, most Americans agree."
Maybe unions are like the army. Can normal people join these things and come out alright? It's been a few decades of frightened draftees and trades union members. Some kind of a stigma. Also, they often really do have health problems.

1) Taiwan is an island, not a peninsula. It sits visibly apart from the mainland.
2) Sometimes Taiwan is a Japanese island. Meaning they speak Japanese and the Japanese navy uses the ports.
3) Some kind of, will then Beijing want to expand into Korea or Vietnam?

I guess now we know about PLAN ships in the Gulf of Aden, can Beijing be clear about their intentions holistically?
We're asking for the Chinese government to be clear about their military intentions.
As they are communists, are they allowed to do this stuff with their army?

This is me talking about Taiwan. 11-28-23

Bulgaria, Turkiye Launch Joint Project to Improve Border Security

Ten Migrants Detained in Sofia, One Dies A group of around ten migrants was detected on Kliment Ohridski Boulevard in Sofia, the Interior Ministry said on Monday. An alert was placed on the 112 emergency number. When a police patrol found the group, one of the migrants was unresponsive. Emergency medics, who arrived on the sire confirmed his death. The time of death and the cause are to be established. The other men received medical care. The migrants said they were from Egypt.

ROME, November 28. /TASS/. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the threat of terrorism in Europe is real.

Germany forced to find funds for Kiev in non-military budget items — lawmaker Germany is facing a budget crisis that could lead to adjustments in the financing of various projects next year BERLIN, November 28. /TASS/. The German government will continue to support Kiev despite budget difficulties, but it will have to take funds for this, in particular, from non-military budget items, a German lawmaker told TASS. "The ruling coalition will simply take funds from other budget lines. It is likely that money will be cut from the social sphere or healthcare, because the coalition sees its task as not letting Ukraine lose," Steffen Kotre, a member of the Bundestag (German parliament) for the Alternative for Germany (AfD), said. "It is unlikely that the government will come up with the idea of deporting illegal immigrants and saving billions," the lawmaker said. In his opinion, in any case, the German taxpayer will have to bear the costs in the end. Germany is facing a budget crisis that could lead to adjustments in the financing of various projects next year. On November 21, the German Finance Ministry decided to temporarily freeze almost all allocations from the 2023 budget due to the Constitutional Court's ruling on the illegality of the redistribution of old unclaimed loan funds worth 60 billion euros. On November 11, that is, before the court ruling, the German newspaper Bild reported, citing its own sources in the German Defense Ministry, that the government intends to increase military aid to Ukraine from 4 billion to 8 billion euros in 2024. Later, the Der Tagesspiegel newspaper pointed out that the budget crisis was jeopardizing plans to increase military aid to Ukraine. On November 25, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that Berlin would continue to support Kiev. The total amount of German aid to Ukraine - humanitarian, financial and military - exceeded 25 billion euros.

Taiwan's so-called 'independence' means war — Chinese official According to the official, mainland China "will neither tolerate nor show leniency" to the "Taiwan independence" forces if they dare to take risks and provoke incidents promoting "Taiwan independence" BEIJING, November 28. /TASS/. Mainland China is ready to create opportunities for peaceful reunification with Taiwan, but will not tolerate separatist activities aimed at ‘Taiwan independence,’ a Chinese official said. "I would like to emphasize that 'Taiwan independence' means war," Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, said, commenting on statements by politicians from Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party who claimed that Beijing had "no timetable" for military action against the island. According to the official, mainland China "will neither tolerate nor show leniency" to the "Taiwan independence" forces if they dare to take risks and provoke incidents promoting "Taiwan independence." Taiwan has been governed by its own administration since 1949, when the remnants of the Kuomintang forces led by Chiang Kai-shek (1887-1975) fled there after their defeat in the Chinese Civil War. Since then, Taiwan has retained the flag and some other attributes of the former Republic of China that existed on the mainland before the Communists took power. Official Beijing considers Taiwan a province of the People’s Republic of China.

UNITED NATIONS, November 28. /TASS/. The actions of the US and its allies, such as joint military maneuvers near the border of North Korea, are inconsistent with plans to reduce tensions in the Korean Peninsula and beyond, according to Russia’s deputy envoy to the UN Anna Yevstigneyeva.

13,019 Foreign-Invested Enterprises in Uzbekistan

(November 28, 2023)

My aunt married a man from Virginia. And they have two sons. I'm older than them.
I am sometimes on the board of DC Phi Beta Kappa.
When I was younger, I was talking to my uncle about these kids, my cousins. He decided that the older one was a genius. He even called him the golden child. Because he saw in him genius and potential. The other son, he decided he wouldn't even be able to finish college.
I asked him what he meant by that, that my cousin couldn't finish college.
And he didn't I don't think. He got married, and they live in her parents' house because I think her parents died.

Why is he doing the phone stuff?

There is an us and them here.
My mom is from Indiana. Jimmy Hoffa was from Indiana. I have read that the Teamsters. They knew never to talk on the phone. For a lot of reasons. I call that the phone stuff. Like, weird or not normal in some way about the telephone.
I sometimes meet people here in Washington, DC.
Some kind of a crazy they're weird about the phone.
I think to myself about Jimmy Hoffa.
I then wonder, is there something specific they don't want to say on the phone?

Cairo 8

Are there PLAN ships in the Atlantic?

This is me talking about Chinese navy ships near the Yemeni coast. 11-27-23

The US and Japanese ships were not the only vessels in the region that could have responded to the Central Park’s call for help. Three Chinese navy ships in the vessel’s vicinity chose to ignore the 59 distress calls from the Israel-linked ship, Pentagon press secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder said.

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s navy on Monday added a destroyer capable of launching cruise missiles to its Caspian Sea fleet, state media reported.

(November 27, 2023)

These ships evidence suspicious trade between the EU and the Far East.

This is me talking about the ships near the Yemeni coast. 11-27-23

April 13, 2009 -- At least one former SEAL was not surprised that each of the three Somali pirates was killed with just one shot, despite the fact that they were on a rolling sea and the Navy snipers had to make a successful "head shot," something he said is "extremely difficult."

“The American team engaged in a firefight. Osama bin Laden did resist.” These words, uttered by a senior Pentagon official, summed up the now-historic raid on May 2, 2011, during which SEAL Team Six secretly descended upon a compound in Pakistan, blew down doors and engaged enemy combatants. The goal: kill or capture terrorist leader Osama bin Laden.

Yemen Coast Crisis: US Intervention Safeguards Bulgarians on Hijacked Central Park Tanker An urgent response by an American warship saved the Central Park tanker and its crew, which included two Bulgarians, from perilous circumstances off the coast of Yemen. The vessel was targeted by armed attackers, prompting the intervention that successfully averted a potential disaster, as reported by American officials via Reuters. The distressing situation unfolded on Sunday when assailants commandeered the Liberian-flagged Central Park while it was navigating the Gulf of Aden, transporting phosphoric acid. The ship's operator, Zodiac Maritime, confirmed the identity of the targeted vessel as Central Park. However, specific details regarding the departure of the attackers and their identities have yet to be disclosed by US officials involved in the operation.

Central Park Tanker with Two Bulgarians on Board Freed by US Warship An American warship has responded to the distress call of the Central Park tanker seized by armed attackers off the coast of Yemen, and currently, the ship and its crew, including two Bulgarians, are out of danger, American officials reported, quoted by Reuters. On Sunday, attackers seized the Liberian-flagged Central Park, which carried phosphoric acid in the Gulf of Aden. The operator of the tanker, Zodiac Maritime, confirmed that it was indeed Central Park. So far, the US officials in question have refused to reveal details about how the attackers left the ship and who they were.

The hijacked tanker Central Park with two Bulgarians on board has been rescued The tanker Central Park with two Bulgarian sailors on board, which was hijacked yesterday by unknown armed attackers in the Gulf of Aden, is now safe. A US warship responded to a distress call and the vessel was freed, Reuters and the Guardian reported, citing US authorities. The commercial tanker is loaded with phosphoric acid, sails under the flag of Liberia and is under the management of the multinational shipping company Zodiac Maritime - part of the Zodiac Group of Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer. It is assumed that this is the reason why the ship became the target of a series of attacks off Yemen related to the war between Hamas and Israel. A week ago, the Yemeni Houthi rebels captured an Israeli-linked cargo ship in the southern part of the Red Sea, whose captain and assistant captain are Bulgarian citizens.

The hijacked ship Galaxy Leader, whose crew includes two Bulgarians, is in the Yemeni port of Hodeidah, announced its owners from the company Galaxy Maritime, quoted by Reuters. According to their information, the vessel was diverted to the coast of Yemen after it was illegally boarded by military personnel via a helicopter. All communications were subsequently lost with the vessel. Galaxy Leader was hijacked by Yemen’s Houthi, who control the capital Sanaa and support the Palestinian group Hamas. The Isle of Man-based company that owns the ship is part of a business empire of an Israeli billionaire.

Yemeni separatists seize ship with Bulgarians on board Yemeni separatists seized a cargo ship in the Red Sea. According to the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, there are no Israelis on board the Galaxy Leader. The crew is international and the captain – Bulgarian, the Bulgarian news agency BTA reports, citing AFP. Israel is accusing Iran of being behind the hijacking of the ship en route from Turkey to India. The Houthi are an Iran ally, and have been targeting Israel with missiles and drones because of the war in Gaza. Teheran has denied the accusations. Israeli officials insisted the ship was British-owned and Japanese-operated. However, ownership details in public shipping databases associated the ship’s owners with Ray Car Carriers, founded by Abraham “Rami” Ungar, who is known as one of the richest men in Israel, AP writes. Ungar told The Associated Press he was aware of the incident but couldn’t comment as he awaited details. "The Houthis captured a cargo ship and drove it into As Salif port," a source in the rebel-held northern Yemeni city of Hodeidah said, according to AFP. The Houthis have promised to treat the 22-strong crew "as guests according to the principles of Islam" as long as they are not Israelis, Russian state news agency Novosti reported. The crew of the Bahamian-flagged ship are Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Filipinos and Mexicans, but no Israelis. The ship was chartered by a Japanese operator, BGNES reported. Two Bulgarian citizens have been kidnapped, we have notified their families. They are – the ship’s captain and the first mate. So far, no one has contacted us. We are working with our colleagues from partner services, Secretary General of the Ministry of Interior Zhivko Kotsev said at a briefing. He confirmed that the ship is owned by a British company, with shares owned by Abraham Ungar. According to reports, the captain is Lyubomir Chanev, from the village of Kavrakirovo, Petrich region. The second Bulgarian is Danail Veselinov from Gorna Oryahovitsa, BNR has l Arabist Prof. Vladuimir Chukov said, in an interview with Nova TV, that Ungar is well known in Bulgaria. “He is a sponsor of the Naval Academy in Varna. Many of the people who graduate from this academy then work on Ungar’s ships,” Prof. Chukov said. "There have been no hijackings of ships by the Yemeni Houthi resistance so far, but they have announced that they will take action against Israeli ships. Their demands will be political," Vice Admiral Plamen Manushev, a former naval commander, told BNR. He described the hijacking as a serious and dangerous precedent.

No radio contact with tanker presumably hijacked off Yemeni coast – Turkish authority The Main Directorate for Maritime Affairs of the Republic noted that communication was interrupted on the morning of November 26 ANKARA, November 26. /TASS/. Radio contact has been lost with the Central Park tanker that has been presumably hijacked off the Yemeni coast, Turkey’s maritime authority said. "When the Central Park chemical tanker operated by Zodiac Maritime was in the Gulf of Aden near the Yemeni coast, radio contact with it was lost this morning. Efforts to get it touch with it have been failing. The vessel has presumably been hijacked," it said. There are Turkish seamen onboard. The Associated Press agency, Ambrey, a company dealing with maritime security issues, and Zodiac Maritime reported earlier that the ship’s crew includes citizens of Russia, Vietnam, Bulgaria, India, Georgia, and the Philippines. The ship is carrying phosphoric acid.

Kazakhstan begins construction of new railway link to Uzbekistan

(Nov 27, 2023)

Saint Petersburg was built before there were cars. And so maybe people who drive, they are the lower classes. I no longer drive. Maybe there aren't driving laws even. Maybe no driving law is enforceable.

It's possible that Manchester, England and Connecticut are similar. Because there are businesses there who trade with South America. And so there are businessmen there who own large homes. You wonder about South American immigrants in both places.

Vladimir Putin has a daughter who works at Moscow State as a research director. I wish her office was turned into a museum. And so we can begin the Putin historic walking tour of Moscow.
You wonder about the defense sector historic walking tour of Delaware and the Samsung historic walking tour of Connecticut.

This is me talking about museums in Russia. 11-26-23

This is me talking about Hunter Biden. 11-26-23

This is me talking about DC construction sites. 11-25-23

1) Do workers get immigration visas to work on the construction sites?
2) What about drugs and theft at the sites?
3) And upper management mismanagement scandal?

4) Cell phone use onsite
5) Worker conduct in their off hours

This is me talking about East Coast talking. 11-25-23

This is me talking about Karen Hill. 11-25-23

Does the USN or the RN have to enforce laws about the Japanese economic zone? Maybe that's inconsistent even with British maritime laws.
Ken McCallum went to the University of Glasgow.
Notice this description of Turkish made weapons.
Maybe Turkish weapons are aimed at American or British ships.

This is me talking about Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone. 11-25-23

China navy used sonar pulses against divers, Australia says Australia has accused China's navy of using sonar pulses in an incident in international waters that resulted in Australian divers suffering injuries. The Australian defence minister said a Chinese warship had resorted to "unsafe and unprofessional" actions during the encounter off Japan earlier this week. The warship approached an Australian frigate as divers were clearing fishing nets from its propellers, he said. The Chinese ship then emitted dangerous sonar pulses, the minister added. This had posed "a risk to the safety of the Australian divers, who were forced to exit the water", Defence Minister Richard Marles said in a statement on Saturday. The divers suffered minor injuries that were likely caused by the sonar, Mr Marles said. "Australia expects all countries, including China, to operate their militaries in a professional and safe manner," he said. The Australian long-range frigate HMAS Toowoomba had communicated its intention to conduct diving operations on normal maritime channels, and using internationally recognised signals, the statement said. There has been no comment from the Chinese government. According to the Diving Medical Advisory Committee, a London-based body, high levels of underwater sound can cause "dizziness, hearing damage or other injuries" to divers. The reported incident occurred on Tuesday in Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone. HMAS Toowoomba was conducting operations in support of UN sanctions enforcement, Mr Marles said, without giving details. Earlier this month Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese made a breakthrough trip to China, and hailed "significant progress" in relations between the Pacific powers. However tensions remain, notably over security. Australian has expressed concern over China's growing assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific region. Canberra has recently deepened military ties with the US and overhauled its defence posture in a bid to counter potential threats from China.

Ukrainian capital rocked by overnight Russian drone attack A Russian explosive drone attack on Kyiv was underway at dawn on Saturday, injuring at least two people, according to Ukrainian authorities. "At this time, there are two victims in the Solomyansky district. Both received medical aid on the spot", Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko wrote on Telegram. An apartment building in the district had been damaged by falling debris and emergency services were working to extract two women from the rubble, he added. Several fires were reported in the same district, including one at a kindergarten, according to Klitschko. Debris from drones shot down by Ukrainian anti-aircraft defence also fell on Pechersky district. The explosive drones were Iranian-made Shaheds, local authorities said, without specifying the number of projectiles that targeted the capital.

The Dnipro River, a new key front line for Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russia Ukraine confirmed this week that it had managed to maintain its positions along the left bank of the Dnipro River, which had been completely under Russian control. These successes suggest that a major Ukrainian counteroffensive, aimed at reclaiming Crimea, could soon be under way. Ukrainian soldiers appear to have successfully consolidated their positions on the left bank of the highly strategic Dnipro River, an area that was previously under Russian control, according to a November 22 update from the Institute for the Study of War, which analyses the military situation in Ukraine on a daily basis. In a new development, the Ukrainian general staff officially congratulated themselves on Wednesday on the Ukrainian "successes" on the left bank (Crimea side) of the river. "Until a few weeks ago, Kyiv had remained very discreet about its attempted incursions into Russian-occupied territory in the Kherson region. Now the general staff are bragging about it," says Huseyn Aliyev, a specialist on the war in Ukraine at the University of Glasgow.

Police arrest 34 in Dublin as PM says rioters brought 'shame' on Ireland A night of torched vehicles and shop looting sparked in Dublin after a knife attack outside a school was of an "extraordinary" level of violence unseen in decades, police said Friday. The violence started when a group broke through a police cordon Thursday in the area where three young children and a women who was caring for them were injured in a knife attack. Groups went on to torch busses and trams and loot shops in one of Dublin's most famous throughfares, O'Connell Street. Garda Commissioner Drew Harris told a press conference in the Irish capital on Friday that multiple Irish police officers were injured in a running battle with the group that stormed the crime scene in Dublin on Thursday night. He said that one officer received a serious injury, with "numerous other members injured" as missiles were thrown at them.

Turkish jets destroy PKK terrorist targets in northern Iraq Turkish airstrikes destroyed 17 PKK terrorist targets in northern Iraq, the Defense Ministry said Friday. The operations were carried out in the Gara, Metina, Hakurk and Qandil regions to "eliminate terrorist attacks against Türkiye and its security forces from north of Iraq by neutralizing members of the PKK/KCK terror group and other terrorist elements and to ensure border security in line with the self-defense rights arising from Article 51 of the U.N. Charter," the statement read. The targets included caves, bunkers, shelters and warehouses considered to be housing ringleaders of the terrorist group, it said. A large number of terrorists were also "neutralized" in the operations, during which Turkish-made munitions were used, the ministry added. Many terrorists were "neutralized," according to the statement, which did not specify the number. Turkish authorities use the term "neutralize" to imply the terrorists in question surrendered or were killed or captured. PKK terrorists often hide out in northern Iraq to plot cross-border attacks in Türkiye. "During this operation, every possible precaution was taken to safeguard innocent civilians, friendly elements, historical and cultural landmarks and the environment from any harm," it added. In its more than 40-year terror campaign against Türkiye, the PKK — listed as a terrorist organization by Türkiye, the U.S., and the EU — has been responsible for the deaths of more than 40,000 people, including women, children and infants.

Motion to extend Libya troop deployment sent to Turkish Parliament The motion to extend the mandate of Turkish troops in Libya for two more years was submitted to the Parliament on Friday. The motion, signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said: “The continuation of the cease-fire and the political dialogue process in Libya and the establishment of peace and stability as a result of this process are of great importance for Türkiye.” “The risks and threats arising from Libya persist for Türkiye and the entire region. In case of the resumption of attacks against the legitimate government, Türkiye’s interests in both the Mediterranean basin and North Africa will be adversely affected,” the motion noted. “Preventing the resumption of conflicts holds significance to ensure the conclusion of military and political negotiations conducted under the auspices of the U.N.,” it added. Parliament first allowed the deployment of troops in Libya for one year in January 2020. Libya’s U.N.-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) had formally requested Turkish “air, ground and sea” military support to fend off an offensive by Gen. Khalifa Haftar’s forces to take the capital Tripoli. Türkiye and Libya have seen closer ties in recent years, especially after the signing of security and maritime boundary pacts in November 2019, along with Türkiye’s aid to help the legitimate Libyan government push back putschist Gen. Khalifa Haftar’s forces. In the Libyan crisis, Türkiye supported the U.N.-recognized legitimate government in Tripoli against the eastern-based illegitimate forces led by Haftar, who was backed by Egypt, France, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Russia. Türkiye’s support for the U.N.-recognized Tripoli government was critical in repelling the Haftar forces’ offensive to capture the capital, Tripoli. It led to a period of stability, resulting in the formation of a united government. In the current situation, Türkiye suggests that an election reflecting the will of the Libyan people should be held to establish a long-lasting and stable government in the country.

(November 25, 2023)

The Germans sail from Finland past Ireland to the Levant and then to Indonesia.

This is me talking about Ukrainian aid packages. 11-24-23

The education layout of the construction site. Is there enough education so there is good supervision?

This is me talking about construction companies in Washington, DC. 11-24-23

Chaos in Dublin: Knife Assault Triggers Street Violence, Children Hurt

Bulgaria Plans Extensive Integration Measures for Ukrainian Nationals Minister of Labour and Social Policy Ivanka Shalapatova unveiled Bulgaria's forthcoming comprehensive measures aimed at ensuring the seamless integration of Ukrainian nationals into society. At a meeting with Ukrainian Ambassador Olesya Ilashchuk, Shalapatova emphasized the nation's commitment to not only safeguarding but fully embracing Ukrainians residing in Bulgaria.

Over 12,000 Non-EU Foreign Nationals Obtained Work Permits in Bulgaria from January to November 17

Bulgaria is preparing new measures to help the integration of Ukrainian refugees

MOSCOW, November 24. /TASS/. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry announced plans to spend some $4.85 bln on the purchase of rockets and ammunition next year.

More Ukrainians coming over to idea of conceding territories to Russia — Bloomberg It is also noted that Ukraine is frustrated with its allies for underestimating the strength of Russia's defenses, which has stalled the counteroffensive

DUBAI, November 24. /TASS/. The Israeli army has stormed an Indonesian hospital in the Beit Lahia settlement in the northern Gaza Strip, the Al Jazeera TV channel reported, citing the Gaza Health Ministry.

PETROZAVODSK, November 23. /TASS/. More than 215 illegal immigrants have been detained in the Russian Karelia region bordering Finland over the past week, a representative of law enforcement agencies told TASS.

MURMANSK, November 23. /TASS/. Three temporary accommodation centers for foreign refugees who amassed along the Russian-Finnish border following the closure of Finnish border crossings will be opened in the city of Murmansk, as well as in the Kola and Kandalaksha districts of the Murmansk Region, a draft decree of the region’s governor said.

(November 24, 2023)

Cairo 7

Can we let the bureau and the ATF and the metro PD and the park police and the other police people. Can they police Washington? I'm opposed to forieners policing American cities.

This is me talking about Mossad policing foreign cities. 11-23-23

Over 2,000 People Arrested After Major Police Operation in Turkiye Turkiye’s Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya Wednesday said that 2,136 people have been arrested after a major police operation in the country over the past three days. He added that the detainees had police records and were wanted by the authorities for various crimes. "We will not allow escaped criminals to roam the streets with impunity. We will not allow them to disturb the peace of our families," the Interior Minister said on X. Six of the detainees had been wanted by the police for over 10 years. One of them had been on a wanted list for between five and ten years, and the rest for the past five years. Yerlikaya thanked the district chiefs of the gendarmerie, police, and coast guard for their participation in the operation codenamed "Ring-6", which involved house and workplace searches and roadside checks. The detainees have been handed over to the judicial authorities.

US warship downs several Houthi kamikaze drones in Red Sea According to CENTCOM, neither the ship no its crew sustained any damage NEW YORK, November 23. /TASS/. A US warship has downed several Houthi kamikaze drones over the Red Sea, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) said. "On the morning (Yemen time) of November 23, the USS Thomas Hunder (DDG 116) shot down multiple one-way attack drones launched from Houthi controlled areas in Yemen. The drones were shot down while the U.S. warship was on patrol in the Red Sea," it wrote on its X (formerly known as Twitter) account. According to CENTCOM, neither the ship no its crew sustained any damage.

The Mossad received an order: Track them down… Israel's Prime Minister said he had instructed the Mossad intelligence agency to track down members of the Hamas leadership living outside the Gaza Strip abroad "I have instructed the Mossad to act against the heads of Hamas, wherever they are," Benjamin Netanyahu told a press conference last night. He was responding to a reporter's assessment that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashal, his predecessor, are "euphoric" about the war and expect to continue ruling Gaza when it ends. They both live abroad. Most senior members of Hamas live in exile, mainly in Qatar and Beirut, the capital of Lebanon. The Mossad has been accused of a series of murders abroad not only of Palestinian extremists but also of Iranian nuclear scientists in recent years.

(November 23, 2023)

This is me talking about Connecticut. 11-23-23

Our guys are Steve van Zandt and Christapha.

I have a sense usually of us and them.
Longhorns and Sooners.
Commerce and State.
We are New Jersey and the city.
They are Connecticut and the burbs.
It's kind of people who live north of the city.

This is me talking about Baghdad. 11-22-23

US fighter jets strike Iran-backed targets in Iraq after repeated attacks on US bases US officials say their forces have been attacked approximately 66 times since October 17 as a result of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza — 32 times in Iraq and 34 times in Syria US forces carried out strikes against two sites in Iraq early on Wednesday in retaliation for attacks by “Iran and Iran-backed groups,” US Central Command said. The US military “conducted discrete, precision strikes against two facilities in Iraq,” CENTCOM said on X, previously Twitter. “The strikes were in direct response to the attacks against US and Coalition forces by Iran and Iran-backed groups,” the post added, and come the day after a previous US airstrike killed multiple Iranian-backed militiamen in Iraq. The US fighter jets struck a Kataeb Hezbollah operations center and a Kataeb Hezbollah Command and Control node near Al Anbar and Jurf al Saqr, south of Baghdad, on Tuesday, two defense officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity to provide additional sensitive details of the attacks. Kataeb Hezbollah said in a statement that the two US strikes south of Baghdad early Wednesday “left eight martyrs” and “will not go unpunished.” Hours earlier, a warplane struck a militia facility where Iranian-backed forces had fired a short-range ballistic missile at American and allied personnel in the country, the Pentagon said. It was the first time the United States has announced a strike on Iranian proxy forces in Iraq since targeting Tehran-linked sites in Syria on three occasions in recent weeks, in response to a spike in attacks on American personnel.

US hits Iran-backed militants with 4th round of retaliatory airstrikes Iran-backed groups have attacked US forces more than 60 times since mid-Oct. United States fighter jets struck two sites in Iraq used by Iran-linked militants on Wednesday morning local time, according to U.S. Central Command and defense officials. This is the fourth round of American retaliatory airstrikes in response to a near-daily spate of attacks on U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria by Iran-backed groups. The attacks began in mid-October, 10 days after Hamas' deadly terror attack on Israel. The Pentagon counts more than five dozen such attacks since then. "U.S. forces have been attacked approximately 66 times since October 17," Pentagon Deputy Press Secretary Sabrina Singh told reporters Tuesday night. "32 separate times in Iraq, and 34 separate times in Syria." Wednesday's strikes were partly in response to militants launching two close-range ballistic missiles at U.S. forces on al-Asad Airbase in western Iraq, injuring as many as eight service members. This was the first use of ballistic missiles against Americans in the region since mid-October, which the U.S. perceived as a definite escalation, a U.S. official told ABC News. "On the morning of November 22 in Iraq, U.S. Central Command forces conducted discrete, precision strikes against two facilities in Iraq. The strikes were in direct response to the attacks against U.S. and Coalition forces by Iran and Iran-backed groups, including the one in Iraq on November 21, which involved use of close-range ballistic missiles," a statement from Central Command read. "The strikes were conducted against a Kataib Hezbollah operations center and a Kataib Hezbollah Command and Control node near Al Anbar and Jurf al Saqr, south of Baghdad," one of the officials said. One of the officials said members of the militant group were on site during the strikes, while the other told ABC News that some were likely killed, though a full damage assessment is still under way. In addition to the four pre-planned retaliatory airstrikes by the U.S. since Oct. 17, there have been several instances of American forces immediately firing back at Iran-linked attackers when their locations were identified. The most recent of those counterstrikes just occurred Tuesday when an American AC-130 gunship already airborne in the region spotted a group of militants launch the aforementioned close-range ballistic missiles at U.S. troops stationed in western Iraq. The gunship crew tracked the attackers in their vehicle and struck back, killing several of them, according to U.S. officials.

VIENNA (AP) — The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency said Wednesday that Iran’s decision in September to bar several experienced U.N. inspectors from monitoring the country’s nuclear program constituted “a very serious blow” to the agency’s ability to do its job “to the best possible level.”

(November 22, 2023)

This is me talking about Thanksgiving in DuPont Circle. 11-22-23

"Yeah, but that's hard for the Russians to defend their border with China."

It's a paradox about Belgrade.
Yes, they are Russian allies but they behave as Communists.
Russia isn't a Communist country anymore.
And so Belgrade trades with East Asia.
I think it puts pressure on the Russia China border.

This is me talking about Marko Djuric. 11-22-23

Serbia sent a note of protest; Albania was told… Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia delivered a note of protest to Embassy of Albania, strongly condemning burning of the national flag of Serbia in Tirana. Let us remind you that on November 20, a video appeared on social networks and media portals showing soccer fans in Tirana burning the flag of Serbia on Skanderbeg Square. That is why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivered a note to the Embassy of Albania in Belgrade. "We believe that such events harm the bilateral relations of the two countries, which in the past few years have reached the highest point during their centuries-long joint history," announced the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia. The statement reads that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, in that spirit, expects that the competent institutions of the Republic of Albania will do everything in their power to identify and prosecute the perpetrators of that act, who are clearly visible in the published video, as well as that they will to inform the institutions of the Republic of Serbia through diplomatic means within a reasonable period of time.

Israel's cabinet approved a deal with Hamas to release 50 hostages held in Gaza. This was reported by the BBC and Reuters. The hostages will be released during a four-day pause in the fighting, the Israeli prime minister's office said in a statement.

There is no security threat to the Republic of North Macedonia, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski told a joint news conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg here on Tuesday. Stoltenberg is paying a two-day visit to Skopje.

The vote of no confidence in the government for "failure in the field of national security and defense" has failed, BNR reporter Daniel Inkov informs. The vote gathered just 71 votes "for" from the opposition parties "Vazrazhdane", BSP and ITN.

South Korean authorities approve partial suspension of military agreement with North Korea According to the statement, Seoul's ability to detect dangerous targets and its combat readiness will be greatly improved SEOUL, November 22. /TASS/. The South Korean government has held an emergency meeting where it agreed to partially suspend the September 19, 2018 agreement with North Korea on reducing tensions in the military sphere, the Yonhap news agency reported. The government meeting was chaired by Prime Minister Han Duck Soo. The decision will take effect after President Yoon Suk Yeol approves it. "North Korea is clearly demonstrating that it will not abide by the agreement to reduce military tensions and build trust. Our military's ability to detect dangerous targets and its combat readiness will be greatly improved," the prime minister said. On November 21, North Korea made its third attempt to launch a military reconnaissance satellite, which was successful, according to the Korean Central News Agency. The satellite went into orbit. National Security Council Meeting Earlier, the South Korean National Security Council held a meeting chaired by the president, who is on a visit to the UK. Meeting participants agreed to suspend some provisions of the document, particularly Article 1, paragraph 3, which deals with no-fly zones. The National Security Council said in a statement that South Korea would "resume intelligence activities against North Korea around the Military Demarcation Line that were conducted in the past." The agency also emphasized that the measure was in line with the Inter-Korean Relations Act. The president said that regardless of the outcome, the satellite launch is aimed at strengthening North Korea’s intelligence capabilities against South Korea and improving the performance of intercontinental ballistic missiles. Whether the other provisions remain in force depends on Pyongyang's actions, the South Korean authorities added. South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won Sik said earlier that North Korea had violated the de-escalation agreement thousands of times. The agreement calls for buffer zones where flights, drills and artillery fire are banned. Shin Won Sik has on several occasions spoken publicly about his intention to seek the suspension of the agreement. He said that it limited the ability of South Korean intelligence on the border to detect preparations for a surprise attack like that of the radical Hamas movement. The agreement was signed under the previous South Korean president, Moon Jae In, who was keen on dialogue with Pyongyang.

Ukraine wants to get short-range radars from US — Politico The US Secretary of Defense visited Kiev on November 20, where he met with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and Defense Minister Rustem Umerov. Later, Austin announced provision of a new package of military aid to Kiev worth $100 million MOSCOW, November 22. /TASS/. Ukraine wants to receive from the United States Sentinel short-range radars that are designed to track ballistic missiles, slower-moving drones and fixed-and rotary-wing aircraft, the Politico newspaper wrote citing a person familiar with US-Ukraine discussions. According to the report, Ukraine’s explains its desire to obtain these radars by expectations of a tough winter season as its government is bracing for Russia’s strikes on infrastructure. The US Secretary of Defense visited Kiev on November 20, where he met with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and Defense Minister Rustem Umerov. Later, Austin announced provision of a new package of military aid to Kiev worth $100 million. According to the Ukrainian media, Austin said in Kiev that there is no weapon in the US’ arsenal that would become a magic wand for Ukraine; instead, Kiev is in for an exhausting struggle and everything will depend on how Ukraine would use weapons, provided by the West.

During the reporting period, the country’s main trade partner was China with $10.8 billion, followed by Russia - $7.9 billion and Kazakhstan – almost $3.6 billion.The top 10 also includes the following countries: Türkiye - $2.61 bln, Korea - $1.87 bln, Turkmenistan - $939.1 mln, Germany - $876.7 mln, Kyrgyz republic - $814.1 mln, France - $773.3 mln, Afghanistan - $693.5 mln

(November 22, 2023)

About etiquette.
My parents. I think I come from a good family. My mom's role and my dad's role.
Kind of when I meet other people.
The men and women. What does everyone do?
When I was little. Kind of at the table. For example, after we're done eating the women get up to walk around. My dad will sit there and wait for the check.
Maybe he'll have something to say to the waiter or the cook or something.
My mother won't want to sit with dirty dishes.
The kids need to get around and get in the car.

But, Texas is where I'm from. We eat so much.
I just here. I let the men order because then I know he can eat that.
Like, I'm not going to starve or whatever if I miss a meal.
Also, the food here is all the same to me anyway.

Do the Iranians or Chinese maintain military bases in Tajikistan?

This is me talking about Uzbek immigrants in Mexico. 11-21-23

Tajik president arrives in Russia for talks with Putin Both leaders are expected to sign a number of documents and make statements for the media MOSCOW, November 21. /TASS/. President Emomali Rahmon of Tajikistan has arrived on an official visit to Moscow, according to footage aired on Rossiya-24 television. During the visit, Rahmon is expected to hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. According to the Kremlin press service, the two leaders will discuss strategic cooperation between Russia and Tajikistan, as well as regional and global issues. They are expected to sign a number of documents and make statements for the media. After completing his visit to Moscow, the Tajik president plans to participate in a Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) summit, which is set to be held in the Belarusian capital of Minsk on November 23. Putin said earlier that he would take part in the event.

The US Department of Homeland Security has notified the State Department. Uzbek citizens attempting illegal entry into the USA via Mexico now will be detained until their immigration case is resolved. The US is collaborating closely with the Uzbek government for the expulsion of citizens without legal basis. Removals are conducted through commercial airlines and charter flights with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Illegal migration across the US-Mexico border is risky and costly. The US advises against falling for smugglers' false promises and encourages using safe and legal means to travel to the United States. Those illegally crossing the border are barred from legal re-entry for at least five years. Family members aiding illegal migration may lose their visas. The US works with foreign partners to ensure safe, orderly, and humane migration processes, swiftly deporting individuals without a lawful basis to remain in the country under immigration law.

Bulgaria Joins EU Coalition Seeking Aid for Farmers Hit by Ukrainian Imports

Deputy Defence Minister to Participate in Defence Ministers of SE Europe Forum in Turkiye Deputy Defence Minister Atanas Zapryanov is leaving on Tuesday for a three-day visit to Turkiye, the Defence Ministry reported on Monday. Zapryanov will take part in the annual meeting of defence ministers of the South Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial member states, which will be held from November 21 to 23 in Ankara. The forum will discuss progress made and opportunities for further development of the initiative, prospects for the activities of the South-Eastern Europe Brigade, as well as other issues of regional security and defence cooperation. On Thursday, Zapryanov will participate in a trilateral discussion with senior defence ministry officials from Romania and Turkiye on a draft Memorandum of Understanding on the launch of a naval mine countermeasures operation in the Black Sea.

The hijacked ship with two Bulgarians onboard is in a Yemeni port The hijacked ship Galaxy Leader, whose crew includes two Bulgarians, is in the Yemeni port of Hodeidah, announced its owners from the company Galaxy Maritime, quoted by Reuters. According to their information, the vessel was diverted to the coast of Yemen after it was illegally boarded by military personnel via a helicopter. There has been no contact with the ship since then. Galaxy Leader was hijacked by Yemen’s Houthi, who control the capital Sanaa and support the Palestinian group Hamas. The Isle of Man-registered company that owns the ship is part of a business empire of an Israeli billionaire. Yemeni separatists seize ship with Bulgarians on board

Azerbaijani president accuses France of sowing instability in South Caucasus According to Ilham Aliyev, Paris also seeks to take advantage of its permanent membership of the UN Security Council to conduct political intrigues in various regions BAKU, November 21. /TASS/. France encourages separatists and provides weapons to Armenia, setting the stage for a new war in the South Caucasus, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said in a welcoming address to participants at a conference titled "Decolonization: Empowerment and Development of Women." "Apart from its former and current colonies, France is also destabilizing our region, the South Caucasus, by supporting separatist tendencies and separatists, providing weapons to Armenia, imposing a military policy, encouraging revanchist forces in Armenia and setting the stage for a new war in our region," Aliyev said in his address, which was read out by Azerbaijani Presidential Aide Hikmet Hajiyev. According to Aliyev, France also seeks to take advantage of its permanent membership of the UN Security Council to conduct political intrigues in various regions, while Western organizations use Paris to put pressure on other countries. The conference "Decolonization: Empowerment and Development of Women" is taking place as part of Azerbaijan’s chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement. The movement brings together countries that have declared non-participation in military and political blocs and promote peaceful co-existence based on the principles of independence and equality as the basis of their foreign policy. The movement includes 120 countries, while a number of nations, including Russia, and international organizations have observer status. Azerbaijan assumed the movement’s 2019-2022 chairmanship following the 2019 summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Baku. The country’s chairmanship term was later extended for another year.

(November 21, 2023)

Rose Kennedy supposedly had mental health problems. And she went to the early mass at the Catholic church during the day during the week.
Kind of, you're supposed to attend community events.
I'm an Episcopalian. What form does that take?
I've heard a Virginian say we're supposed to pair.
I think we're supposed to group in the sense you're supposed to be active in mentally healthy group events.
Hopefully you'll go church every week. But, if you work or something. You should have some book group or group fitness class.
I'm a group fitness teacher.
It's alright when my students miss class.
But, I notice when they're there and when they miss.
Kind of, you're supposed to go when you can.

This Yemen ship story evidences a German navy route from the Baltic Sea to the Far East. Notice a report about Finland and the Baltic Sea.

This is me talking about Ken McCallum and the GCHQ. 11-20-23

BREAKING: Yemen's Houthi Rebels Hijack Ship with Bulgarian Crew! A cargo ship, carrying crew members that include Bulgarians, has been seized by Yemen's Houthi rebels in the Red Sea. Israeli authorities have connected the incident to Iran, branding it a "terrorist act." Although the ship isn't of Israeli origin, there might be contrary claims. Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov informed "NovaTV" about the potential abduction of two Bulgarians, including the captain, although this information isn't confirmed. The hijacking follows threats by Houthi leaders, who, supported by Iran, warned of targeting ships in the Red Sea amid Hamas's conflict with Israel. Al Jazeera reported a Houthi spokesperson linking the action to supporting the people in Gaza. Later, the military spokesperson confirmed the ship was taken to the Yemeni coast and warned against activities with Israeli-owned ships in the Red Sea. The Bulgarian Prime Minister's Office condemned the act, labeling it as Iranian terrorism and a threat to global shipping security. The ship, under the Bahamian flag and operated by a Japanese company, departed from Turkey and was en route to India when the incident occurred in the southern Red Sea. The ship, reportedly named Galaxy Leader, has a diverse crew, including Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Filipinos, and Mexicans. While no Israelis are confirmed on board, there are associations with Israeli ownership or operation. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu distanced Israel from the ship's ownership or crew. The vessel is linked to Ray Car Carriers, founded by Abraham Ungar, a prominent Israeli businessman. Ungar acknowledged the incident but withheld detailed comments. There have been prior connections between Hungarian-related incidents and Ungar's property in the Gulf of Oman. Ray Shipping, a company under the same umbrella, has been engaged in training for Bulgaria's Nikola Vaptsarov Higher Naval School and employed over a thousand Bulgarians, according to information available. The situation is ongoing, and details about the incident and the well-being of the crew are awaited.

Energy Experts to Discuss Innovations in Energy Storage in Sofia

Netherlands asks EC for a report on Bulgaria The Netherlands has officially asked the European Commission for an additional fact-finding mission to Bulgaria, BNR’s correspondent in Brussels Anguelina Piskova reports. The mission is connected with the Netherlands’ veto on Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen area. Caretaker prime minister Mark Rutte explicitly stated he expected an objective not a “sugar-coated” report on the rule of law from the mission. The EC once again stated Bulgaria and Romania meet all Schengen membership requirements. The news comes just before the early elections in the Netherlands on 22 November. According to surveys, the favourite in the election is the right-wing party New Social Contract which opposes the enlargement of the EU. It is followed closely by Christian Democratic Appeal, whose position is unclear.

Yemeni separatists seize ship with Bulgarians on board Yemeni separatists seized a cargo ship in the Red Sea. According to the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, there are no Israelis on board the Galaxy Leader. The crew is international and the captain – Bulgarian, the Bulgarian news agency BTA reports, citing AFP. Israel is accusing Iran of being behind the hijacking of the ship en route from Turkey to India. The Houthi are an Iran ally, and have been targeting Israel with missiles and drones because of the war in Gaza. Israeli officials insisted the ship was British-owned and Japanese-operated. However, ownership details in public shipping databases associated the ship’s owners with Ray Car Carriers, founded by Abraham “Rami” Ungar, who is known as one of the richest men in Israel, AP writes. Ungar told The Associated Press he was aware of the incident but couldn’t comment as he awaited details. There is such an incident, according to unconfirmed information there are two Bulgarians, one is a captain, Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov said in an interview with NOVA TV.

South Korea demands that DPRK stop preparation for launch of reconnaissance satellite "We issue a strict warning: to immediately stop the ongoing preparation for a launch of a military reconnaissance satellite. If North Korea proceeds with the launch despite our warning, our Armed Forces will take necessary measures to ensure the safety of the people," the statement reads SEOUL, November 20. /TASS/. The South Korean Join Chiefs of Staff demanded that North Korea immediately stops the preparation for the launch of a reconnaissance satellite, Yonhap reported. "We issue a strict warning: to immediately stop the ongoing preparation for a launch of a military reconnaissance satellite. If North Korea proceeds with the launch despite our warning, our Armed Forces will take necessary measures to ensure the safety of the people," the statement reads. Earlier, South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-Sik said that North Korea may launch its first reconnaissance satellite within one week or before the end of November in order to get ahead of South Korea. The first South Korean military satellite will be launched via a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from the US Vandenberg airbase. North Korea made two unsuccessful attempts to launch its first reconnaissance satellite in May and in August; Pyongyang announced another attempt to be made in October, but that did not happen.

Czech diplomat summoned to Russian Foreign Ministry on November 17 Jiri Cistecky was handed a protest against Prague’s sanctions targeting a Russian state-run company MOSCOW, November 18. /TASS/. Czech Charge d’Affaires Jiri Cistecky was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry on November 17 and was handed a protest against Prague’s sanctions targeting a Russian state-run company, the ministry said in a statement. "On November 17, the Charge d’Affaires of the Czech Republic, Jiri Cistecky, was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry. The diplomat heard a strong protest in response to the Czech government’s legislative act of November 15 that puts Russia’s Federal State Unitary ‘Enterprise for Property Management Abroad’ (Goszagransobstvennost) on the Czech national sanctions list, freezes all of the enterprise’s assets and bans the management and use of federal real estate properties in the Czech Republic. He was firmly notified of the inadmissibility of such legal arbitrariness," the Foreign Ministry said. The ministry emphasized that Russia will employ all available means, including retaliatory steps against Czech property assets in Russia, to protect its legitimate interests. The Czech Foreign Ministry confirmed that its interim charge d’affaires had been summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry. "We can confirm that our temporary charge d’affaires has been invited to the Russian Foreign Ministry. The Czech diplomacy will not comment on the details and content of the talks," the CHTK news agency reported, citing an anonymous foreign ministry official. On November 15, the Czech Republic slapped sanctions on Russia’s Goszagransobstvennost. The company, incorporated into the Administrative Directorate of the Russian President, manages numerous real estate properties owned by Russia in the Czech Republic, which have been frozen as a result of the sanctions.

Russia, Pakistan reaffirm willingness to boost counterterrorism cooperation – Russian MFA Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Sergei Vershinin and Deputy Foreign Minister of Pakistan Syed Haider Shah held a meeting in Islamabad on November 16 MOSCOW, November 18. /TASS/. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin and Pakistani Deputy Foreign Minister Syed Haider Shah reaffirmed readiness to strengthen counterterrorism cooperation when they met in Islamabad on November 16, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. "The sides discussed the national experience of the two countries in the field of combating terrorism and extremism, exchanged assessments of current terrorist threats at the global and regional levels, reaffirmed readiness to strengthen constructive counterterrorism cooperation both bilaterally and as part of joint work in international organizations, primarily the UN and the SCO," the ministry said following the 10th meeting of the Russian-Pakistani working group on countering international terrorism and other security challenges At a separate meeting, Vershinin and Shah also exchanged views on pressing issues on the international and regional agendas "with a focus on the situation in Afghanistan, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict zone and around Ukraine." The sides paid special attention at the meeting to "the problem of countering radicalization, the fight against the use of modern technologies for terrorism purposes, the spread of terrorist and extremist ideology, financing and other material support for terrorism," the ministry said The next meeting of the working group will be held in Moscow in 2024 on a date that’s yet to be agreed. Vershinin also held a meeting with Pakistani Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani.

EU ready to send its forces to Finland to Russian border The exact time of arrival is unknown, according to Helsingin Sanomat newspaper STOCKHOLM, November 17. /TASS/. The European Border and Coast Guard Agency, commonly known as Frontex, is ready to send its forces in Finland to the border with Russia, according to Helsingin Sanomat newspaper. According to the report, Frontex wants to help tackle the problem created by the recent spike in the number of unlawful border crossings. Frontex has not yet chosen which contingent will go to Finland. The exact time of arrival is also unknown, according to the newspaper. On November 16, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo announced that Finland will shut down four border checkpoints on Friday. "Finland shuts down checkpoints on the eastern border. They will be closed on the night from Friday to Saturday," he said. According to the government, it is necessary to "react decisively" to the growing number of third-country citizens coming to the eastern border recently, because this is an organized phenomenon, which poses a serious threat to the public order and national security. It was announced during the press conference that 280 migrants have asked for refuge this fall. Minister of the Interior Mari Rantanen specified that the checkpoints in question are located in Vaalimaa, Nuijamaa, Imatra and Niirala; the decision will remain in effect until February 18, 2024. According to the Finnish Border Guard, checkpoints in Vartius, Salla, Kuusamo and Raja-Jooseppi will remain open. Russia will analyze the situation around Finland’s decision and the accusations made by Helsinki, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Evgeny Ivanov told TASS.

(November 20, 2023)

Both Johnny Depp and George Clooney are Kentuckians. I think it's funny because Johnny Depp is always kind of in trouble. He has a tattoo that says Winona.
I like George Clooney also.
But, me and my mom were watching the television.
And George Clooney was in South Sudan. And he was protesting. And I guess they arrested him. And then a journalist asked if he'd ever been arrested before and he said no.
They grow up on tobacco farms. Sometimes they make homemade alcohol. Louisville and Cincinnati and Lexington.

In 1994, Johnny Depp and Kate Moss got into an epic fight at New York City's Mark Hotel, where Moss accused Depp of cheating on her. Police were called, and they found a "possibly intoxicated" Depp and a disheveled Moss in the middle of their ravaged guest room. Depp was arrested, and although the charges [..]

John Christopher Depp II is an American actor and musician. He is the recipient of multiple accolades, including a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award, and has been nominated for three Academy Awards and two BAFTA awards. Wikipedia Born: June 9, 1963 (age 60 years), Owensboro, KY

George Timothy Clooney is an American actor and filmmaker. He is the recipient of numerous accolades, including a British Academy Film Award, four Golden Globe Awards, and two Academy Awards; one for his acting and the other as a producer. Wikipedia Born: May 6, 1961 (age 62 years), Lexington, KY

Dom, that's the Vienna Convention not the Geneva Convention.

As the war grinds on, Ukraine needs more troops. Not everyone is ready to enlist On the global stage, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been consistently on message: In visits to Washington and other Western

Money for Ukraine is losing Republican support in Congress In Congress, there is a broad agreement over the funding for Israel, but the money for Ukraine is losing Republican support.

Netherlands budgets $2.2 billion in military aid for Ukraine PARIS – The Netherlands is making €2 billion ($2.2 billion) available for military aid to Ukraine in 2024, the Dutch Ministry of Defence

(November 19, 2023)

This is me talking about Tony Diver. 11-19-23

This is me talking about the sanctions in Houston. 11-18-23

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia — Robert O’Brien, former President Donald Trump’s last national security adviser, accused President Joe Biden of failing to prevent dozens of attacks in recent weeks by Iranian-backed proxies on U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria. In an interview with POLITICO on the sidelines of the Halifax International Security Forum, O’Brien called on the Biden administration to do more to protect American troops. He criticized Biden’s retaliatory U.S. airstrikes on facilities used by the militants in Syria, calling them “a couple of minor pinprick attacks.”

US announces new sanctions against Iran-backed militia groups The United States announces new sanctions against Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (KSS) and its secretary-general, Hashim Finyan Rahim al-Saraji, designating them as Specially Designated Global Terrorists. “KSS terrorist activity has threatened the lives of both US and Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS personnel in Iraq and Syria,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken says in a statement. Six individuals affiliated with Iran-aligned militia group Kata’ib Hizballah (KH) have also been sanctioned by the US Treasury Department. “Iran, through the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its external operations force known as the Qods Force, has supported KSS, KH, and other Iran-aligned militia groups with training, funding, and sophisticated weapons — including increasingly accurate and lethal unmanned aerial systems,” Blinken says. “KSS, working at times with other US-designated organizations, including KH and Harakat al-Nujaba, has planned and supported attacks against US personnel.” “Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism. The United States remains committed to using all available tools to counter Iran’s support for terrorism and degrade and disrupt the ability of Iran-backed groups to conduct terrorist attacks,” Blinken adds.

Nov 17 (Reuters) - A U.S. jury has convicted two Texas men of trying to sell Iranian petroleum in violation of sanctions imposed by Washington and of conspiracy to commit money laundering, the Justice Department said on Friday. Zhenyu Wang, 42, and Daniel Ray Lane, 42, were found guilty on Wednesday, and each face a maximum penalty of 45 years in prison. The two men had planned to purchase petroleum from Iran, mask its origins, and then sell it to a refinery in China, the department said in a statement.

(November 18, 2023)

Live: Israeli army orders Al Shifa hosipital evacuation 'in the next hour' Israeli troops ordered a rapid evacuation of Al Shifa hospital over loudspeakers on Saturday, a journalist at the scene reported. Hospital director, Mohammed Abu Salmiya, said he had been instructed to move people inside the complex, including 650 patients, “on foot towards the seafront” in Gaza city. Follow our blog to see how the day's events unfold. Israeli troops have launched multiple searches on the hospital this week looking for traces of Hamas, which Israel says has a command center concealed beneath the medical complex. Hamas and staff at the hospital, Gaza's largest, deny the allegations. Jordan will do 'whatever it takes' to stop displacement of Palestinians, foreign minister says Jordan's foreign minister warned on Saturday the Arab kingdom would do "whatever it takes to stop" the displacement of Palestinians, amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. "We will never allow that to happen, in addition to it being a war crime, it would be a direct threat to our national security. We'll do whatever it takes to stop it" Ayman Safadi said at the IISS Manama Dialogue security summit in Bahrain. The Israel-Hamas war has reawakened long-standing fears in Jordan, home to a large population of Palestinian refugees and their descendants, that Israel could expel Palestinians en masse from the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

'Türkiye has alternatives if Germany doesn't sell Eurofighters'

(November 18, 2023)

At Georgia Tech. A South African guy came and gave a talk about sanctions. He didn't like them because the warlords still get the money. The poor get poorer. They might not work for the goal. His big example was North Korea. They're isolated and does all of that work about weapons proliferation?

This is me talking about sanctions generally. 11-17-23

This is me talking about the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control. 11-17-23

Israeli army reports finding body of its soldier abducted by Hamas near Al-Shifa hospital The IDF confirmed the death of Corporal Noa Marciano on November 14 TEL AVIV, November 17. /TASS/. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reported that the body of a 19-year-old female soldier who had been held hostage by the Palestinian radical movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip since October 7 was found in a building adjacent to Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. "The body of IDF soldier Corporal Noa Marciano, who was abducted by the Hamas terrorist organization, was extracted by IDF troops from a structure adjacent to the Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip and was transferred to Israeli territory," the IDF wrote on its Telegram channel. "Yesterday (Thursday), IDF representatives informed her family that her body was extracted and returned to Israeli territory," the Israeli army added. The IDF confirmed the death of Marciano on November 14. On Thursday, the Israeli military said it had found the body of another woman, Yehudit Weiss, abducted on October 7, in a building adjacent to Al-Shifa, the Gaza Strip’s largest hospital. Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 after militants from the Gaza Strip-based radical Palestinian group Hamas launched a surprise incursion on Israeli territory, killing many Israeli kibbutz residents living near the Gaza border and abducting more than 200 Israelis, including women, children and the elderly. Hamas described its attack as a response to Israeli authorities’ aggressive actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. Israel declared a total siege of Gaza and started carrying out strikes on the Palestinian enclave, as well as on certain areas in Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank.

Syrian air defense forces repel Israeli rocket attack on Damascus — daily Al Watan newspaper, citing its military source, reports that the Syrian air defense managed to shoot down several enemy missiles BEIRUT, November 17. /TASS/. The Syrian air defense forces opened fire on targets in the airspace over the country’s capital of Damascus, Syria’s daily Al Watan reported on Friday citing its military source. "The Syrian air defense is repelling a rocket attack launched by the Israeli aggressors," the daily quoted the source as saying. According to the source, the Syrian air defense managed to shoot down several rockets of the enemy.

US Treasury sanctions Russian companies US authorities also hit with the sanctions the UAE-registered Kazan Shipping Incorporated and Progress Shipping Company Limited and Gallion Navigation Incorporated, registered in Liberia WASHINGTON, November 16. /TASS/. The US Department of the Treasury added a number of Russian companies to the sanction list, the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control said. Asset Electro, Dominion Nikolsky, and other companies were included into the sanction list. US authorities also hit with the sanctions the UAE-registered Kazan Shipping Incorporated and Progress Shipping Company Limited and Gallion Navigation Incorporated, registered in Liberia. Restrictions also cover Kazan, Ligovsky Prospect and NS Century oil tankers under the flag of Liberia.

Western judicial system proven its bias repeatedly — Lavrov on Assad arrest warrant "I am unaware what facts and assessments the Paris courts based its verdict on," the top Russian diplomat noted MOSCOW, November 16. /TASS/. The Western judicial system has repeatedly proven its bias both on the national and international level, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said during a press conference. The Minister made this remark, commenting on the French court’s ruling to issue an arrest warrant for Syrian President Bashar Assad over allegations of using chemical weapons in 2013. "The episode in question, 2013, use of chemical weapons in the Idlib zone, it is well known. Many independent experts, journalists, including Western journalists, published facts that make it possible to assume, at least, that this chemical weapons action involved the notorious Nusra Front terror group [outlawed in Russia - TASS]," Lavrov said. "I am unaware what facts and assessments the Paris courts based its verdict on," he added.

Uzbek student enrollment in U.S. soars over 72%

The Israeli military says it is entering the next phase of its ground offensive in Gaza and that it is close to destroying the Hamas military system in the northern Gaza Strip.

(November 17, 2023)

This is me talking about Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian. 11-16-23

1) This might be an example of Gestapo-like policing in Iran. Maybe they use German police technology.
2) The Iranian foreign minister is in the news a lot. I think he's from a rural area in northeast Iran and he has a graduate degree in international affairs from the University of Tehran.

Iran on 'execution spree' since start of Israel-Hamas war, killing 107 anti-regime activists, ethnic minority Amnesty International cited Iran as 2022's second-leading executioner behind China Iran has executed over 100 people since the Hamas terrorist attack on Oct. 7 drew the world’s attention to Israel and the Gaza Strip, with one report referring to Tehran's "execution spree." "On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, as the United Nations General Assembly's Third Committee was considering a resolution condemning the systematic and widespread violation of human rights in Iran, the henchmen of the Iranian regime executed six prisoners," the secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) wrote this week after more executions took place. The NCRI noted that the regime, which the United Nations has condemned dozens of times for "systematic and widespread violation of human rights," has continued to "carry out brutal executions in an increasing manner" and called for the international community to "ostracize" Iran. "Appeasement with this regime, which has set unprecedented records in executions, terrorism, and warmongering, is a clear violation of all international and recognized human rights standards," the NCRI wrote.

Insight: Iran's 'Axis of Resistance' against Israel faces trial by fire DUBAI, Nov 15 (Reuters) - Iran's supreme leader delivered a clear message to the head of Hamas when they met in Tehran in early November, according to three senior officials: You gave us no warning of your Oct. 7 attack on Israel and we will not enter the war on your behalf. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Ismail Haniyeh that Iran - a longtime backer of Hamas - would continue to lend the group its political and moral support, but wouldn't intervene directly, said the Iranian and Hamas officials with knowledge of the discussions who asked to remain anonymous to speak freely. The supreme leader pressed Haniyeh to silence those voices in the Palestinian group publicly calling for Iran and its powerful Lebanese ally Hezbollah to join the battle against Israel in full force, a Hamas official told Reuters. Hamas didn't respond to questions sent by Reuters before the publication of this report. After publication, the group posted a statement on Telegram saying it denied the validity of the report, which it described as "baseless". The post didn't specify what was inaccurate, and Hamas didn't immediately respond to a request for clarification. Iran's foreign ministry didn't respond to a request for comment about the meeting, which both Tehran and Hamas announced publicly, and the country's response to the crisis. Iranian officials, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, have said publicly several times that they don't want the Israel-Hamas war to spread across the region. The unfolding crisis marks the first time that the so-called Axis of Resistance - a military alliance built by Iran over four decades to oppose Israeli and American power in the Middle East - has mobilised on multiple fronts at the same time. Former U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper says defeating Hamas means dealing with Iran "once and for all"

(November 16, 2023)

Is Serbia radically in favor of Chinese trade?
What does Serbia do for a living?

How Serbia is on the way between Berlin and the Med. Are the Serbians in on it? Their influence in Tel Aviv and North Africa. Do they assist Berlin to trade with the Far East? Then they'll say they're allied with Moscow. They don't want to pay normal energy prices or do group sanctions stuff.

Yes. We are the west. End it. Economics with China. Do you understand?
Да. Мы — Запад. Закончи. Экономика с Китаем. Вы понимаете?

This is me talking about the Serbian econony. 11-16-23

Bulgarian Parliament Debates Ending Derogation for Russian Oil Imports

No-car zone now in place in the centre of Sofia

Defense Minister: No Signs of Threats to Bulgarian Military Installations In response to concerns about potential attacks on Bulgarian armament facilities amid the Ukraine conflict, Defense Minister Todor Tagarev reassures the public of reinforced security measures. Minister Tagarev highlights the intensified physical protection of military depots and munition storage locations due to the ongoing war in Ukraine. Addressing a query from MP Ivaylo Mirchev, Minister Tagarev emphasizes the installation of surveillance fire systems and increased security protocols. Stringent measures have been implemented across public companies to prevent incidents similar to the explosions at a private arms company's munitions depot near Karnobat. Tagarev underscores tightened control over explosives, weapons, and facility access to prevent industrial accidents. Importantly, he clarifies that there is no recorded data of any attacks or attempted attacks on Bulgarian armament facilities, specifically citing the state-owned arms company, TEREM. MP Mirchev's inquiry regarding attacks against armament plants remains unspecified, prompting Minister Tagarev's detailed clarification regarding the absence of reported incidents.

GERB Representatives Walk Out of Emergency Security Council Meeting GERB Floor Leader Desislava Atanasova and Energy Committee Chairman Delyan Dobrev MP of GERB walked out of Thursday's meeting of the Security Council with the Council of Ministers. Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov called an emergency meeting to discuss the risks of an immediate revocation of the exemption from the EU ban on the processing of Russian oil by the Lukoil Neftochim refinery in Burgas. Atanasova told reporters: "It would be completely pointless for us to stay because all the fears we have voiced for many months were confirmed by the security services' reports." It emerged that Lukoil was ready to switch to all non-Russian oil as of yesterday, but after the Energy Committee meeting that changed abruptly and it is still currently refining a huge percentage of Russian oil. It became clear that deliveries of non-Russian, non-Urals crude oil are possible. This comes as no surprise to us and it would be a waste of time to stay at this impromptu Security Council which confirms everything we have been saying for the last year and a half, Atanasova commented. The other participants in the meeting are National Assembly Chair Rosen Zhelyazkov, Foreign Policy Committee Chair Boyko Borissov, EU Affairs Committee Chair Kiril Petkov, Economic Policy Committee Chair Hamid Hamid, and Movement for Rights and Freedoms Floor Leader Delyan Peevski. On Tuesday, the parliamentary Energy Committee rejected, by a vote of 5-4, with five abstentions, a motion to scrap Lukoil's exemption from the EU ban on Russian oil within three days from the entry into force of a bill moved by Delyan Dobrev on November 10. His proposal came in the wake of the release of an international report saying that the Kremlin had generated EUR 1 billion in profits from fuel exports through Bulgaria and Lukoil. In 2022, the European Commission granted Bulgaria a derogation from the EU embargo on oil imports from Russia due to the country's specific geographic exposure. Under the effective legislation, the exemption is to be revoked on October 1, 2024, three months ahead of the initial December 31, 2024 deadline.

Bulgarian National Bank Reports Decrease in Banknotes in Circulation M/M At end-October, 583.7 million banknotes were in circulation in Bulgaria, down from 589.9 million at end-September, which is a 1.05% decrease, the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) said on Wednesday. The BGN 50 bill has the largest share of banknotes in circulation (242.4 million). It is followed by the BGN 100 bill with 126.1 million banknotes and the BGN 20 bill with 103.2 banknotes. At the end of October, the total value of banknotes in circulation was BGN 27.7 billion, down from BGN 27.8 billion at end-September, which is a 0.12% decrease. A total of 340 counterfeit banknotes circulating in Bulgaria were registered and seized in the third quarter of the year. Most of them were of BGN 50 denomination – 278 pieces. Seized were also 46 pieces of BGN 20 bills, 12 pieces of BGN 10 bills, and 2 pieces of BGN 5 and BGN 100 each. BNB statistics show that 160.5 million banknotes were in circulation as of end-1999. The banknote with the largest denomination then was the BGN 50 bill, with some 20 million pieces in circulation. At the end of 1999, the most circulated banknotes were of BGN 1 denomination – 37.2 million pieces. The BGN 1 bill has not been in circulation since January 1, 2016 but they are still being exchanged at the BNB. The BGN 100 bill has been in circulation since December 8, 2003.

SAN FRANCISCO /California/, November 16. /TASS/. The Russian delegation to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit will raise the issue of anti-Russian sanctions, Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk, who heads the Russian delegation to the APEC summit, told reporters.

MOSCOW, November 16. /TASS/. US-made Abrams tanks, delivered to Ukraine, did not become a game-changer on the battlefield, because their numbers were too small, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said at a meeting with African media.

MOSCOW, November 16. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky admitted that his country will plunge into a recession and the government will be unable to pay social benefits to its citizens if the West stops its financial support.

BEIJING, November 16. /TASS/. The Chinese government insists that the US lifts its unilateral sanctions against China, Chinese President Xi Jinping told US President Joe Biden during a meeting in California. Clash between the police and protesters in Washington: There are injured and arrested In Washington, police and protesters clashed in front of the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee.

(November 16, 2023)

"That looks like Christopher Wray."

This is about Mossad and the Iranian army.
What does one know about the other?
It's some kind of.
Is any of this dangerous for the United States Navy or the Royal Navy?
Mossad and the Iranians.
Do any of them assist the PLAAF to develop air force technology?

Since the conflict began, there has been debate over how deeply involved and aware Tehran was of the planned brutal incursion. Iranian leaders have repeatedly warned Israel of the threat of a regional war over the offensive in Gaza, but have denied involvement in the massacre. The former deputy head of the Mossad Ehud Lavi said Sunday that he believed it was unlikely that Iran did not know in advance of the Hamas assault.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has estimated that Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium has reached 22 times the limit set out in the since-collapsed 2015 nuclear accord, according to a new report by the UN nuclear watchdog.

(November 15, 2023)

Bulgaria’s Defense Minister, Todor Tagarev, denounced the vote of no confidence, asserting it doesn't represent the army's true state. During debates on the opposition's call for the cabinet's dismissal over defense and security policies, Tagarev highlighted the multifaceted nature of defense issues, promising a comprehensive policy presentation in February.

Interior Minister Says There Are No Signs of Migrant Wave Moving towards Bulgaria in Wake of Gaza Conflict

Turkish Students Prefer to Attend Bulgarian Universities - Varna Economics University

EPP Political Assembly Reaffirms Support for Bulgaria's Schengen Accession

European Commissioner calls on Bulgaria to make plan for phasing out Russian energy imports

A software developer preserves the traditions of one of the oldest Bulgarian folklore ensembles in Germany

BEIRUT, November 15. /TASS/. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) detained one of the leaders of the Ramallah branch of the radical Palestinian movement Hamas, Hussein Abu Kweik, the Palestinian news outlet Quds reported, citing local sources. According to the sources, Abu Kweik was arrested during a raid in the West Bank town of Al-Bireh. The Israeli military has not yet announced Abu Kweik's arrest. Both Israel and the Palestinian Authority have previously detained and arrested him several times for his Hamas activities.

YEREVAN, November 15. /TASS/. Armenia’s refusal to take part in events hosted by the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) threatens the country’s security, Seyran Ohanyan, head of the "Armenia" parliamentary opposition faction and ex-defense minister, said at a briefing.

SEOUL, November 15. /TASS/. Servicemen from South Korea and the United States have conducted air drills with the US B-52 strategic bomber capable of carrying nuclear weapons, the South Korean Defense Ministry reported.

STOCKHOLM, November 15. /TASS/. A court in the Danish city of Frederiksberg rejected a plea for release, filed by a 56-year-old Greek-Russian entrepreneur, who was earlier detained in Denmark on Russia’s request, the Ritzau news agency has reported.

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in San Francisco.

(November 15, 2023)

Cairo 6

This is me talking about the IDF. 11-15-23

If people don't know that. It was like twenty or more years. When the Navy SEALs all wanted to learn to speak Urdu, etc. I've met people like that who went to weird language schools.

I guess this is a commentary generally about the great powers.
And how we go about things.
Remember the army.
They used to learn to speak Pashtun tribesmen.
I've met army people who went to weird language schools that they speak in Afghanistan.
I guess these Hamas guys speak Farsi.
Do the British speak French?
Do the Russians speak German?

A document recovered from a computer found inside a Hamas pickup truck outside Gaza, obtained by CNN from Israeli officials, shows a Hamas military commander requesting a scholarship for Hamas operatives to study engineering, physics and technology at universities in Iran. While it is widely known that Iran provides financial and military support to Hamas, Israeli officials and some former US intelligence officials say the document is evidence that in the run up to the October 7 attack on southern Israel, Iran was seeking to provide technical training that would help Hamas produce its own weaponry.

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Biden administration has extended by four months a sanctions waiver that will allow Iraq to continue to purchase electricity from Iran and gives Iran limited access to the proceeds to buy humanitarian goods.

(November 14, 2023)

1) Maybe the Taiwanese themselves are communists
2) They might be right wingers
3) It's weird Apple products are built in Taiwan
4) Do the Taiwanese make scary weapons?

IDF: Hamas has Lost Control of Gaza "Hamas has lost control of Gaza - terrorists fleeing south, civilians looting Hamas bases", Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Monday night - five weeks after the terror attack. Soldiers from the Golan Brigade shared a historic photo showing them lifting the Israeli flag in the meeting room of the Palestinian Legislative Council in Gaza, which has been controlled by Hamas since 2007, and since then there have been no elections in the Gaza Strip. "Our units operate according to plan and execute missions precisely, lethally and in coordination between air, sea and land forces, using precise intelligence," the defense minister added. "There is no force with which Hamas can stop the Israeli army, it is advancing at all points. Hamas has lost control of Gaza, terrorists are fleeing south, civilians are looting Hamas bases, they have no confidence in their government." said Gallant. Army strikes have crippled the effectiveness of 10 of Hamas' 24 battalions, the military says. For the first time since the start of the war, they today provided their official estimates of the size and composition of Hamas forces ahead of the war, which began on October 7. As well as the effect on the Hamas forces of more than a month of airstrikes and two and a half weeks of ground operations. According to the army, Hamas started the war with 30,000 men, who were divided into five regional brigades, which were made up of a total of 24 battalions or 140 companies. Each battalion had about 1,000 men. Troops from the 188th Army Brigade have eliminated a terrorist group operating in the Al-Quds Hospital area of Gaza City, the military said in a statement on Monday. According to them, the explanation for the fighting there is that several terrorists, hidden among civilians, fired two rocket launchers at the soldiers in front of the hospital and damaged a tank. This was answered with gunfire and air support. About 21 terrorists were killed, the army said, where it maintained that there were no Israeli casualties in the battle. Military spokesman Daniel Hagari shows journalists footage that he says is evidence of Hamas infrastructure at Al-Rantisi Children's Hospital. The video showed the group's equipment found in the basement under the hospital - Kalashnikov assault rifles, grenades, RPGs, explosives, explosive vests, computers, money and a motorcycle used in the October 7 attacks. He said the Israeli army also found baby feeding bottles, a makeshift toilet and a small kitchen in the basement, which he said showed Hamas was holding hostages there. The group systematically denies hiding its fighters under hospitals. Hamas' armed wing said on Monday it had told Qatari mediators it was ready to release up to 70 women and children detained in Gaza in exchange for a five-day truce with Israel. "Last week, the Qatari brothers attempted to release women and children in exchange for the release of 200 Palestinian children and 75 women held by the enemy," Abu Ubaydah, a spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, said in an audio recording posted on the group's channel on Telegram. "The truce must include a complete ceasefire and allow aid and humanitarian aid everywhere in the Gaza Strip," he added, accusing Israel of "procrastinating and avoiding" paying such a price for the deal.

Hungary Challenges Bulgaria Over Gas Transit Fee: EU Unity Tested In a move that adds strain to European Union cohesion, Hungary has lodged a formal complaint with the European Commission (EC), seeking criminal proceedings against Bulgaria over its imposition of a new transit fee on Russian gas. The fee, set at 20 leva (equivalent to 10 euros), has ignited a diplomatic dispute, with Hungary arguing that Bulgaria enacted the levy without proper consultation, thereby violating European customs and trade regulations. Hungarian Minister for Europe, Janos Boka, contends that the Bulgarian tax poses a severe threat to the entire region's energy security. He accuses Bulgaria of taking unilateral action, emphasizing that the decision was made without the necessary discussions and agreements among neighboring countries. According to Hungary, this breach of established protocols is a direct violation of European customs and trade rules, and it undermines the collaborative approach that is essential for ensuring regional stability. Boka further asserts that Bulgaria's move seriously jeopardizes the energy security of the broader European region. To demonstrate the gravity of the situation, Hungary is urging the European Commission to initiate criminal proceedings against Bulgaria promptly. If the EC fails to act, Hungary has signaled its readiness to escalate the matter to the highest European court by the end of the year. The tax on gas transits through Bulgaria was a subject of discussion in Brussels in October. However, no definitive decision was reached regarding the justification and legality of Bulgaria's move. The Bulgarian government maintains that the new fee will not result in increased gas prices for Serbia and Hungary. Instead, it argues that the levy is intended to curtail Gazprom's privileged position in the Southeast European gas market, ultimately reducing Russian influence in the region. The European Commission has now confirmed the receipt of Hungary's letter and is in the process of reviewing the complaint. The unfolding conflict highlights the complexities and challenges associated with energy policies within the EU, especially as member states navigate the delicate balance between national interests and collaborative decision-making. In a related development, the EC has sought additional information on the agreement between Bulgargaz and the Turkish company Botas. The agreement, established under the caretaker government "Donev" in January, provides Bulgargaz with access to gas supplies from Turkey. This additional inquiry adds another layer of complexity to the already intricate web of energy-related disputes within the EU. As the situation evolves, all eyes are on the European Commission to mediate and provide a resolution that preserves the unity and cooperation vital for the EU's collective strength.

Bulgaria, UK Strengthen Cooperation in Fighting Illegal Migration UK Minister of State for Immigration Robert Jenrick and Bulgarian Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov signed a joint statement on enhanced cooperation in countering and preventing organized crime in the field of immigration on Monday, the Interior Ministry reported. Minister Jenrick is on an official visit to Bulgaria. The document, proposed by the UK, envisages the establishment of a joint working group tasked with determining ways to deepen the bilateral cooperation between the competent authorities and with assessing the implemented activities. This document gives Bulgaria the opportunity to strengthen cooperation with Great Britain in the field of combating and countering illegal migration, said Minister Stoyanov at a briefing at the Kapitan Andreevo border checkpoint, where he and the British Minister signed the document. This statement comes after two months of intensive work regarding the prevention of the passage of boats, engines and devices that do not meet European standards through this country, explained Stoyanov. He added that Bulgaria currently has the opportunity to detect and confiscate boats that transport migrants across the English Channel from France to Great Britain. Stoyanov added that this is significant progress in the fight against illegal migration, and that the confiscation of vessels began a month and a half ago. When asked about the situation on the Bulgarian-Turkish border, Stoyanov replied that, unlike the beginning of the summer, when around 1,500 attempts to illegally enter the country were registered per day, after the reorganization and the increase in employees at the border by 30%, attempts are down to 300-400. At the moment, the situation is extremely calm, Stoyanov summarized. Minister Jenrick expressed gratitude to Minister Stoyanov and the Bulgarian government and called them "essential important partners" in the fight against organized crime, immigration crime and human trafficking. The efforts that the two countries have made together have resulted in cutting down on the activities of organized crime groups that bring migrants in these absolutely dangerous boats across the English Channel, and as a result, people die, he stressed. Jenrick also noted that he works in extremely close cooperation with the Bulgarian Ministry of the Interior and the Customs Agency, with the United Kingdom providing support in various ways such as donating customs dogs, technical means, with the aim of deepening cooperation. The British Minister concluded that the good thing in both countries is that there is a firm determination to crack down and stop the activities of organized crime groups involved in channeling, so that they can stop using Europe as a channel to transfer people. He added that Bulgaria is a very strong ally in this struggle and is looking forward to the further development and deepening of the successful cooperation. The visit of the two delegations, Bulgarian and British, to the border also included demonstrations of the work of the customs dogs at the checkpoint, the gas analysis sensors for hidden migrants and inspecting some of the confiscated boats.

Senior Russian diplomat, representative of Iraqi Shiites’ leader discuss regional conflict The sides also touched upon the issues of strengthening friendly Russian-Iraqi relations, including the development of inter-religious ties MOSCOW, November 13. /TASS/. Russia’s special presidential envoy for the Middle East and Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov has discussed the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict with Sheikh Mahdi Mosuli, the representative of the spiritual leader of Iraq’s Shiites Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani in Russia, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said. "There was a detailed exchange of views on topical Middle East issues with a focus on the situation in and around Iraq, as well as the unprecedented escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict," the Foreign Ministry said. The sides also touched upon the issues of strengthening friendly Russian-Iraqi relations, including the development of inter-religious ties.

Large-scale military drills taking place in southern China Apart from Chinese troops, the exercise also involves service members from Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand BEIJING, November 14. /TASS/. Over 3,000 troops are taking part in the Peace and Friendship international drills in the city of Zhanjiang in China’s Guangdong Province, the Chinese Defense Ministry said. According to the ministry’s statement on the WeChat social media platform, the drills are quite large-scale. Apart from Chinese troops, the exercise also involves service members from Malaysia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. The drills will last until November 22. Most of the Chinese troops taking part in the exercise come from the Southern Theater Command, while other parties have sent ground troops and navy ships to China. Sporting events and cultural activities will accompany the drills. The goal of the exercise is to practice skills in combating terrorism and maintaining maritime security. Such drills are said to be taking place in China for the first time.

HONG KONG, November 14. /TASS/. The Taiwan issue is a matter of life or death for Beijing, which is why it will not make concessions to the United States on this, said former Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tankai. "The Taiwan question is a matter of national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national unity. So this is something like a life-or-death question for China. So there’s no room for concession," the Chinese diplomat said, addressing the Family Business Summit, which was held behind closed doors in Hong Kong.

HONG KONG, November 14. /TASS/. The risks of a military operation will rise greatly, if the United States violates the one-China principle over Taiwan, said former Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui Tankai.

In Uzbekistan, state grants are provided to entrepreneurs to create job opportunities for unemployed women, as reported by Saodat Boymirzayeva, head of the information service of the Family and Women's Committee.

America "gave up" on Ukraine? "It's only going to get worse" The reluctance of the U.S. House of Representatives to approve the administration's request for support for Ukraine complicates aid to Kyiv.

(November 14, 2023)

This is me talking about Taiwanese independence. 11-14-23

It was in Nashville where the hockey team plays. The Predators. I was by myself. And there had been a flood. Recently David Beckham and Reese Witherspoon were in Nashville.
Austin, Texas is my home town. I saw a photo of Jared Kirshner in Austin last month. I couldn't believe that. I guess Nashville maybe is a big city compared to Austin. It's cold in the winter because the winds still come down from Canada. Downtown Nashville. It's really amazing about the architecture. Because every door, is a new bar with music. Door to door to door to door to door. In each door is a new bar with music. The music is kind of country music, but it's maybe angry music like New York City. Maybe it's angry country music.
That night I went to the Garth Brooks concert. He is from Oklahoma. I think he doesn't come to Austin ever, is a good example. I'm thoughtful about that about factoids. How many times Garth Brooks has given a concert in Austin. Probably not very often.

If the orders came from the White House, it seems less likely they were Iranians in Syria.
Maybe it's just a show of force.
Are we sure these are IRGC positions in Syria?
Maybe they are Syrian army positions.
The Turks are saying there are PKK positions on the other side of the border in Iraq.

[Mr Austin confirmed the air strikes in a brief statement on Sunday, saying they were conducted against a training facility and a safe house near the cities of Albu Kamal and Mayadin in eastern Syria. He added the attacks were ordered by President Joe Biden "to make clear that the United States will defend itself, its personnel, and its interests". The Pentagon did not provide any details on the damage caused by the strikes, but the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a UK-based monitoring group, said eight members of Iran-backed militias were killed in the attack.]
(November 13, 2023)

The Pentagon is talking about F-16s and precision strkes in eastern Syria.
A response is that if the strikes are in Syria, maybe they're not Iranians.

The Main Hospital in Gaza is No Longer Functioning The World Health Organization has been able to restore communications with health officials at Al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza, but it is no longer functioning as a hospital.

Bulgaria's Defence Spending to Equal 2.05% of GDP, Minister Tagarev Says Bulgaria's defence spending will equal 2.05% of the country's GDP on the estimates of the macro-frame of the 2024 draft state budget, Defence Minister Todor Tagarev told bTV on Sunday. 30% of the funds will be earmarked for investment, he added.

Bulgaria issues bonds to repay debt

Iranian general sees risk of Middle East conflict expanding "We don’t know what will happen next, but Iran is ready for any scenario," Amir Ali Hajizadeh elaborated DUBAI, November 13. /TASS/. Tehran is ready for any developments as it does not rule out that the conflict in the Middle East may soon expand, the Tasnim news agency quoted an Iranian general as saying. "Today, we can see that the war has expanded, with Lebanon being embroiled in it. The conflict may grow in scale later. We don’t know what will happen next, but Iran is ready for any scenario," Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, opined. "The United States is not threatening Iran," the general added, taking a relevant question from reporters. "Actually, Iran is not in a position where anybody would seek to threaten it, as we are currently at the peak of our military strength," he said. Tensions in the Middle East flared up again on October 7 when Hamas militants launched a surprise incursion into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip, killing many Israeli kibbutz residents living near the Gaza border and abducting more than 200 Israelis, including women, children and the elderly. The Palestinian radical movement described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. Israel declared a total siege of Gaza and started carrying out strikes on the Palestinian enclave, as well as on certain areas in Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank. Tensions continue to grow in the north of the Israeli border, with attacks from Lebanon being reported regularly and the Israeli military returning fire. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it was targeting facilities of the Lebanon-based Shiite Hezbollah party. Earlier, Israel ordered the evacuation of settlements within 5 km of the Lebanese border.

Israeli army conducts raids near Al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza — statement According to the IDF, Hamas' "infrastructure was deliberately located inside civilian structures, including in the Al-Quds University, and inside the Abu Bakr mosque" TEL AVIV, November 13. /TASS/. Israeli troops conducted raids in areas adjacent to the Al-Shati refugee camp in the Gaza Strip last night, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a statement. "IDF troops are continuing to conduct raids on the outskirts of the Al-Shati Camp, targeting terrorist infrastructure located in central governmental institutions in the heart of the civilian population, including schools, universities, mosques, and residences of terrorists," the statement reads. According to the army press service, Hamas' "infrastructure was deliberately located inside civilian structures, including in the Al-Quds University, and inside the Abu Bakr mosque." "The troops uncovered a section of the mosque which housed a large number of explosive devices and flammable materials. During the activity, the troops seized dozens of weapons, military equipment, and operational plans belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization," the statement added. The Israeli army also said that "IDF ground troops entered the residence of a senior Islamic Jihad terrorist and located a large number of weapons inside the kids' room of the residence." "During an additional activity in the area of Beit Hanoun, IDF troops located a tunnel shaft, intelligence materials of the terror organization, and weapons," the statement said. On November 12, the Israeli military said that troops had entered the Al-Shati Camp located near the city of Beit Hanoun in the northeast of the Gaza Strip.

US strikes on pro-Iranian groups in eastern Syria result in deaths of 6 people — TV US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin earlier confirmed that US President Joe Biden ordered airstrikes on Sunday against Iranian-backed groups in eastern Syria NEW YORK, November 13. /TASS/. At least six people have been killed in US airstrikes against Iranian-backed groups in eastern Syria, Fox News reported citing a senior representative of the United States Department of Defense. According to the representative, at least six fighters of Iranian forces were killed as a result of US attacks on Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) bases in the Middle East.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin earlier confirmed that US President Joe Biden ordered airstrikes on Sunday against Iranian-backed groups in eastern Syria. "US military forces conducted precision strikes today on facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Iran-affiliated groups in response to continued attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria. The strikes were conducted against a training facility and a safe house near the cities of Abu Kamal and Mayadin, respectively," the statement said. According to him, "The President has no higher priority than the safety of U.S. personnel, and he directed today's action to make clear that the United States will defend itself, its personnel, and its interests."

Earlier, Biden warned that the US is prepared to launch further strikes if necessary against groups that, according to Washington, are funded by Iran and are responsible for attacks on US forces in the Middle East. According to the Pentagon, US troops in Syria and Iraq have been attacked around 50 times since October 17. On October 26, two US Air Force F-16 aircraft carried out raids on warehouses containing weapons and ammunition belonging to the IRGC, according to the Washington administration. Around 900 US troops are stationed in Syria, with another 2,500 in Iraq.

Pentagon chief confirms airstrikes against Iranian-backed groups in eastern Syria According to the statement, the strikes were conducted against a training facility and a safe house near the cities of Abu Kamal and Mayadin WASHINGTON, November 13. /TASS/. US President Joe Biden ordered airstrikes on Sunday against Iranian-backed groups in eastern Syria, according to a written statement by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. "US military forces conducted precision strikes today on facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Iran-affiliated groups in response to continued attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria. The strikes were conducted against a training facility and a safe house near the cities of Abu Kamal and Mayadin, respectively," the statement said. According to the statement, "The President has no higher priority than the safety of U.S. personnel, and he directed today's action to make clear that the United States will defend itself, its personnel, and its interests." Earlier, Biden warned that the US is prepared to launch further strikes if necessary against groups that, according to Washington, are funded by Iran and are responsible for attacks on US forces in the Middle East. According to the Pentagon, US troops in Syria and Iraq have been attacked around 50 times since October 17. On October 26, two US Air Force F-16 aircraft carried out raids on warehouses containing weapons and ammunition belonging to the IRGC, according to the Washington administration. Around 900 US troops are stationed in Syria, with another 2,500 in Iraq.

US carries out two airstrikes on pro-Iranian groups in Syria - Reuters The agency, citing sources, reports that one of the targets was a command post, and the second one was a warehouse with weapons WASHINGTON, November 13. /TASS/. The US Air Force carried out two airstrikes in Syria against two targets affiliated to pro-Iranian forces, Reuters reported citing sources. One of the targets, according to the report, was a command post, while the other was a weapons storage. The Pentagon has yet to confirm the information to TASS.

Scholz says he is against immediate ceasefire in Gaza Strip The German Chancellor believes that this will give a respite to the Hamas movement to recuperate BERLIN, November 12. /TASS/. German Chancellor has said he does not support the idea of an immediate ceasefire or a lengthy humanitarian pause in the Gaza Strip as it will give time to Hamas to summon up strength. "I don’t think that some demands for an immediate ceasefire or a lengthy pause, which is actually the same, are right because is the long run it will mean that Israel will have to give Hamas time to recover and obtain new missile to launch them again. This cannot be accepted," he said in an interview with the Heilbronner Stimme newspaper. According to Scholz, only short humanitarian pauses "can have sense" to deliver assistance to the Gaza Strip and evacuate citizens of other countries and the wounded from there, and to release hostages. Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 after militants from the Gaza Strip-based radical Palestinian group Hamas launched a surprise incursion on Israeli territory, killing many Israeli kibbutz residents living near the Gaza border and abducting more than 200 Israelis, including women, children and the elderly. Hamas described its attack as a response to Israeli authorities’ aggressive actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City. Israel declared a total blockade of the Gaza Strip and launched bombardments of the enclave and some areas in Lebanon and Syria, as well as a ground operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Clashes are also reported in the West Bank.

Russia, UAE discuss prospects of military-technical cooperation — defense agency

[Russian intel officers destroy advancing Ukrainian troops with use of drones near Kupyansk It is also specified that Russian forces destroyed an ammo depot belonging to the enemy's territorial defense troops MOSCOW, November 13. /TASS/. Intelligence officers of Russia’s Battlegroup West destroyed an advancing assault team of Ukrainian troops with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the Kupyansk direction in the Kharkov Region, the Russian Defense Ministry said. The defense agency released footage of Ukrainian militants being wiped out. "An advancing Ukrainian assault team was detected last night and it was wiped out with the use of drones in the Kupyansk area," the ministry said in a statement. On Sunday, Russian forces repelled two Ukrainian attacks in the Kupyansk direction as they destroyed an ammo depot belonging to the enemy's territorial defense troops. In all, Ukraine’s losses amounted to roughly 40 troops in the past day.]

America carried out an airstrike U.S. troops attacked two corps of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and pro-Iranian groups in eastern Syria. The attack occurred in response to U.S. military strikes in the Middle East, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said. "U.S. military forces conducted precision strikes today on facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Iran-affiliated groups in response to continued attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria," Austin said in a statement, according to Reuters. The strikes were conducted against a training facility and a safe house near the cities of Abu Kamal and Mayadin, respectively.

The agreement includes large-scale arms transfers, increased intelligence sharing and support for Ukraine's defense industry so that it can more independently produce weapons and ammunition. South Korea will help Ukraine in the production of drones The Republic of Korea will help Ukraine produce more combat drones for the war against Russia, Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi announced in a video commentary after a tour abroad, Ukrinform reported. "We have very good contacts with drone manufacturers. We connect them with our manufacturers. There will be more drones and they will be of higher quality," Sadovyi said.

Meanwhile, Russian officials said drones sent by Ukrainian forces targeted areas around Moscow and Russia's Smolensk region, the Associated Press reported. A ballistic missile was shot down as it approached the Ukrainian capital, Sergii Popko, head of the Kyiv military administration, said. No one was injured. Ukrainian forces later confirmed that an Iskander-M ballistic missile was used in the attack, the first in nearly two months against Kyiv. The missile was destroyed by the Patriot system of the Ukrainian air defense system. The Ukrainian air defense system has also actively repelled attacks on various Ukrainian regions - Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Poltava, Sumy and Kirovohrad regions. The Air Force of Ukraine reported that Russian forces sent 31 Shahed-136/131 drones to Ukrainian territory, of which 19 were shot down.

(November 13. 2023)

This is me talking about the Pentagon and Syria. 11-13-23

Are there any [this kind of] restaurants that you like?
Dad, there are rats the size of cats outside of the grocery stores. They are too big to fit in the traps. And so you walk past them to buy the food. There are real problems with food security in Washington, DC. The Congress complains about it.

Nearly 1,500 Hezbollah fighters in the ranks of the Syrian regime’s army have been withdrawn to strengthen the group’s frontline in Lebanon. The political and militant group is Iran’s most prominent proxy movement.

It also called on the international criminal court and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to investigate possible Israeli war crimes, and for more decisive action from the UN security council. It also condemned “the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, the war crimes and the barbaric and inhumane massacres perpetrated by the occupation government”.

Nov 10 (Reuters) - China's oil imports from Iran have hit record highs as Iran ramps up output despite the threat of further U.S. sanctions.

The G7 also called on Iran to "refrain from providing support for Hamas and taking further actions that destabilize the Middle East, including support for Lebanese Hezbollah and other nonstate actors."

Iran, which supports Hamas financially and militarily, has hailed the militant group's attack on Israel as a "success" but denied any involvement.

Iran does not recognize Israel and has made support for the Palestinian cause a centerpiece of its foreign policy since the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

This is me talking about Syria and Iran. 11-12-23

What do you think about the Pentagon using drone strikes against IRGC positions in eastern Syria?
It's an unanswerable question because of the acronym.

This is me talking about the Pentagon and the IRGC. 11-12-23

Cairo 5

This is a distinction.
Eliot went to Penn. In Los Angeles, when we'd walk around. We might be ten feet apart. Maybe people couldn't be sure we knew each other.
Harry went to Eton. It is as though he always has to touch Meghan when they walk.

We're talking about Iranian military capability.
I've been reading about missile defense systems, cyber capability, and the Quds force.
I think holistically Iran can be a threat because of this secretive stuff they do.
I guess the Germans and the Russians give them weapons or whatever.

[Iran's Assassins Sunday on 60 Minutes While Iran's backing of Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon is widely known, the regime is quietly carrying out a shadow war in the U.S. and Europe, deploying proxy assassins to silence or eliminate critics of the regime. Lesley Stahl meets some of the targets, including Iranian-American activist Masih Alinejad and former White House National Security Adviser John Bolton. NOV 9, 2023]

This is kind of a crazy one.
Esmail Khatib is espousing war game theory as though we're playing chess.
I would like to distinguish between the IDF and the United States armed forces.
I don't like that Iran is behaving as though Tel Aviv and Washington, DC are the same city.

[Iran's Intelligence Minister Calls Blinken A 'Peddler' Iran's minister of intelligence has ridiculed US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, saying he is moving around the region like a "peddler" seeking a solution favorable to Israel. Esmail Khatib alleged that Blinken, with the assistance of certain countries, is actively pursuing what he termed a "dignified ceasefire" in the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel. Khatib asserted on Saturday that “a regime, initially claiming victory in the region following operations against Hamas, is now shifting its focus towards negotiating a ceasefire.” He suggested that the ceasefire is being sought in exchange for the release of prisoners and an attempt to diminish Hamas's control over Gaza. The Iranian minister claimed that the October 7 attack by Hamas as a setback for the United States in the region. He alleged that “the US dominance, previously asserting military, intelligence, economic, and political support for the Zionist regime, has collapsed.” However, Khatib did not provide details on how the US has been defeated despite deploying significant military assets, including a nuclear submarine and two aircraft carriers, along with thousands of forces to the region amid the conflict. On the contrary, the ongoing conflict has seen Israel intensify its attacks on Gaza, aiming to uproot Hamas. The war has become exceptionally bloody due to Hamas's strategy of operating within the civilian population and beneath non-military facilities in the coastal enclave. While Iran supports Hamas, it denies any involvement in the October 7 terror attack that triggered the current crisis. Additionally, Iran backs Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group with close ties to both Hamas and Islamic Jihad, another Palestinian faction in Gaza supported by Iran.]
(November 11, 2023)

Is it IRGC or PKK in eastern Syria and northern Iraq?
It might be old complaints about the Pentagon and the targeted killing program.
The proverbial complaints about the targeted killing program.
The Turks are saying immediately across the border, the PKK resembles drug dealers, etc.

This is me talking about the IRGC and the PKK. 11-11-23

US military buildup off Israeli coast requires balancing act between deterrence and escalation US warplanes conducted air strikes on a weapons storage facility in Syria used by Iran-backed militants on November 8 in retaliation for the growing number of attacks on US military interests in the region, the second such strikes in less than two weeks. The strikes illustrate the delicate balancing act the US must carry out as it aims to protect its interests in the region without escalating the war between Israel and Hamas into a reg In a statement immediately released after its latest military strike in eastern Syria, Washington appears to have weighed every word to limit the risk of escalation. “US military forces conducted a self-defence strike on a facility in eastern Syria used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups,” said US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin. Damage control The US leadership insisted upon the limited nature of its military operation. A senior US military official interviewed anonymously by CNN said the US is “very certain” Wednesday’s strike “did not involve civilian loss”. He added that the US “did use the deconfliction line” with Russia before the strike, in reference to a special channel of communication established between Moscow and Washington to avoid military surprises in Syria. "It’s clearly in the realm of deterrence effort, because in warfare you're trying to maximise the destruction, as opposed to what went on with these strikes," said Robert Geist Pinfold, a lecturer in international peace and security at Durham University. The two US air strikes carried out since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war were designed to take out supplies, weapons and ammunition linked to Iran, according to US intelligence services. “These are low-intensity targets,” said Veronika Poniscjakova, an expert on Middle East military strategy at the University of Portsmouth. The risk of collateral damage and human casualties were low, especially since “the US Army did wait until they were reasonably sure all personnel left the building”, added Pinfold. The US military is aware that it has ventured into dangerous terrain ever since moving roughly 1,000 US service members and two aircraft carrier groups into the region. Officially, “the US deterrence is mainly aimed at stopping Hezbollah and Iran from opening a new front against Israel", said Poniscjakova. Yet the simple presence of a US contingent off the Israeli coast “increases tensions and multiplies the risk of incidents”, said Pinfold. This projection of military power is seen as a demonstration of US support for the Israeli war effort and in the view of pro-Iranian militias, reinforces the legitimacy of attacks against US interests in the region. Limits of 'made in America'-style dissuasion The United States thus finds itself with two military goals: to prevent attacks against its positions in the Middle East and to “encapsulate the conflict [within] the Gaza Strip”, said Pinfold. Yet, “for deterrence to work, the goal must be clear, and the other side must act rationally, which is debatable with groups like Hezbollah or the Houthis in Yemen, which have already launched missiles on Israeli military targets,” said Poniscjakova. In his first speech since the deadly attacks on Israel on October 7, the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, said on November 3 that Hezbollah was not intimidated by American threats and by US forces deployed to the region, adding that his movement is “prepared for whatever scenario”. This is Hezbollah’s way of “hinting at the possible use of anti-vessel missiles,” said Poniscjakova. The limits of US dissuasion are further illustrated by the drone and rocket attacks on US forces which have continued in recent weeks, even after the initial October 26 strike in Syria. “There have been at least 22 more [attacks] since the American retaliatory strikes last month ... Iran-backed militias have packed even larger loads of explosives – more than 80 pounds – onto drones launched at American bases”, reported The New York Times. "In these cases, there usually is a balance of deterrence, meaning there is an understanding of where the other side will attack and what are the acceptable means,” said Pinfold. In other words, both sides are testing each other’s limits. The red line According to Pinfold, further demonstrations of American military might and attacks against their interests will “lead to a slow, gradual escalation of tensions and not a dramatic one”. The key is not to cross the red line. For the United States, this means “limited air strikes are tolerated, and I would say that ‘no US boots on the ground’ is the red line”, said Poniscjakova. “On the other hand, it all depends on what Hezbollah will do in the coming weeks. If they launch rockets at the north of Israel, it’s fine, but if they attack population centres or use anti-ship missiles, the US will be forced to respond.” "This is a very, very dangerous game both are playing because there are a lot of variables [which are] impossible to control at 100%", said Pinfold. The US therefore depends on the quality of the intelligence it collects, which is always fallible, to avoid casualties during its strikes. "For example, when the Houthis [Iran-backed Yemeni rebels] send missiles into Israel, they expect them to be intercepted. But there can always be a failure to do so. And if they hit an urban centre, there will have to be a response," concluded Pinfold.

Live: Arab leaders gather in Saudi Arabia to call for an end to the violence in Gaza Arab leaders, including Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, are meeting in Saudi Arabia on Saturday for a joint summit that is expected to underline the urgency of putting an end to Israel's attacks on Gaza before the conflict ignites the region. Follow our live blog for all the latest developments. All times are Paris time (GMT+1).

Gaza and the collapse of Western normative hegemony

Erdoğan, Scholz to meet in Berlin, discuss Gaza conflict next week

Turkish intelligence eliminates PKK terrorist in Iraq Türkiye’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) eliminated Yadin Bulut, a "senior" figure of the terrorist group PKK in charge of its drug trafficking and money laundering operations. Security sources said on Friday that Bulut, also known under the code name of "Rizgar Suvar," was eliminated in Iraq’s north. Northern Iraq has hideouts and strongholds for the terrorist group’s leadership but in recent years, it has also been the scene of MIT operations against PKK members. MIT has an extensive intelligence network in Iraq’s north. Bulut was wanted on drug dealing charges when he joined the PKK in 2015. He stayed in Qandil, the mountainous region where the terrorist group’s leadership has strongholds, until the end of 2016. Over time, he rose in the "ranks" and was leading the terrorist group’s drug smuggling and money laundering work. Security sources say the operation dealt a serious blow to the finances of the terrorist group. The terrorist group is able to finance its bloody campaign, which has caused the deaths of thousands of innocent people, through drug trafficking in the European Union, according to several reports from Turkish and international law enforcement agencies. The group is involved in all aspects of the illicit narcotics trade in the bloc, including production, distribution to other nations and street dealing. By leveraging Türkiye’s southeastern border near the Middle East and drug trafficking routes in the Balkans, the Caucasus and Africa, the PKK has been active in drug transportation and is connected to regional drug networks. To distribute the drugs it brought onto the streets, the terrorists rely on their supporters and pro-PKK political groups throughout Europe, reports found. In recent years, Türkiye has stepped up efforts to cut off drug supplies to the group. At the same time, Turkish security forces regularly conduct counterterrorism operations in northern Iraq.

What’s next for Germany’s landmark citizenship reform?

US 'tacit support' will not waver as it seeks to exert influence over Israel for regional stability Blinken's intense nine-day diplomatic tour of the Middle East and Asia marks his second frenetic Mideast trip since the war began with Hamas' deadly incursion into southern Israel on October 7th. More than 1,400 people have been killed in Israel, mainly in the initial Hamas attack. Blinken's tour focused largely on the war amid growing international outrage over the destruction wrought on Gaza and demands for an immediate cease-fire. Neither Israel nor the United States support a cease-fire because they argue Hamas would take advantage of it to regroup and launch new terror attacks. Blinken said the US has come up with additional proposals on how better to protect civilians but did not elaborate. US officials have said they would like to see Israel introduce longer “humanitarian pauses” in areas beyond the two established safe passage and exponentially expand the amount of assistance getting into Gaza from Egypt by increasing the flow of truck convoys. The US also remains resolute to secure the release of Israeli and other hostages held by Hamas, get all foreigners who want to leave Gaza out, prevent the violence from spreading to the broader region, and to begin planning for what a post-conflict Gaza will look like, Blinken said. Starting last week, Blinken's marathon mission took him to eight countries — Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, Iraq, Turkey, Japan, South Korea and India — as well as the occupied West Bank. But as he did on his previous Mideast tour last month, he encountered skepticism and outright resistance. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv last Friday rejected the idea of “humanitarian pauses,” saying military pressure on Hamas could not be eased. “We are going full steam ahead,” Netanyahu said shortly after Blinken warned that Palestinians were being driven toward further radicalism that could perpetuate the unresolved Israeli-Palestinian conflict and leave Israel at greater risk. During Blinken's trip, both Jordan and Turkey recalled their ambassadors to Israel in protest and made clear that Israeli envoys to their countries would not be welcomed back until the conflict was over. By the time Blinken had visited Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah, made a brief stop in Cyprus, and flown on to Iraq and Turkey on Sunday, it appeared he had won little, if any, support for most of his proposals.

(November 11, 2023)

It seems suspicious about this David Barnea meeting in Doha.
Maybe they give the Qataris American military secrets.

Turkey Slams EU's 'Unfair' Criticism in Enlargement Progress Report In a contentious response to the European Commission's annual enlargement report, Turkey has denounced the assessment as "unfair and biased." The report, which scrutinizes the progress of nine countries seeking EU membership, cited Turkey's "serious backsliding" on democratic standards, the rule of law, human rights, and the independence of the judiciary. Ankara vehemently rejected these allegations, asserting that they reflect the EU's insincerity and a clear double standard, especially concerning political criteria and the judiciary.

Austrian President Backs Bulgaria for Schengen Contrary to the opinion of the Austrian Government, Austria's Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen supports the Schengen entry of Bulgaria and Romania.

Parliament approves $1.376 billion purchase of US combat vehicles

European Commission to investigate Bulgaria over evasion of sanctions against Russia by Lukoil “The European Commission will probe Bulgaria after a Russian oil firm (Lukoil – editorial note) in the country exploited a loophole in EU sanctions to raise €1 billion for the Kremlin’s war chest,” writes Politico, as quoted by the BNR correspondent in Brussels Anguelina Piskova. Politico has also published an analysis in which it writes “…Bulgaria has likely exported almost 3 million barrels of Russian-origin oil products by sea from March to July this year alone”, and cites two examples – one of a tanker with 265,000 barrels of high-sulfur fuel oil which loaded at Burgas and unloaded at the port of Rotterdam, and the second – a tanker reloaded near Malta and redirected to Florida. “We're paying attention to it and we've asked the Bulgarians to explain themselves,” said a senior Commission official, who was granted anonymity to speak candidly, Politico writes.

Israeli army launches a strike on Syrian territory in response to drone attack in Eilat "The Israel Defense Forces attacked an organization in Syria that launched a drone that hit a school in Eilat yesterday," the report states TEL AVIV, November 10. /TASS/. The Israel Defense Forces launched a strike on the Syrian territory in response to the launch of a drone in the direction of the city of Eilat in the south of the Jewish state, the army press service reported. "The Israel Defense Forces attacked an organization in Syria that launched a drone that hit a school in Eilat yesterday (November 9 - TASS)," the report said. It is noted that the Israeli military "holds the Syrian regime fully responsible for any terrorist activities coming from its territory." "The Israel Defense Forces will respond harshly to aggression against the Jewish state," the army press service stressed. The situation in the Middle East sharply escalated following an incursion of Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip into Israel on October 7. Hamas regards the attack as a response to Israeli actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Israel has declared a complete siege of the Gaza Strip and has started delivering strikes on that area and parts of Lebanon and Syria.

Israeli army reports intercepting ‘suspicious target’ in skies over south of the country Israeli air defense forces used to intercept the Patriot air defense system TEL AVIV, November 10. /TASS/. Israeli air defense forces deployed a Patriot anti-aircraft missile system to intercept a "suspicious target" in the south of the country, the army press service reported. "Some time ago, the IDF Air Defense forces intercepted a suspicious target in the Arabah region in southern Israel using the Yahalom (Patriot) system. The target did not penetrate Israeli territory," the statement said. The Arabah Valley is located in the very south of Israel on the border with Jordan. During the day, the military reported two incidents in the city of Eilat, located on the Red Sea in the southernmost part of Israel. First, an unknown drone crashed into a public building, there were no casualties. The army is still clarifying the origin of the device. In the evening, an air raid alert was announced in Eilat. Following this, the army announced the interception of a surface-to-surface missile in the Red Sea area, while the military stressed that the missile did not reach Israeli airspace.

Israeli defense minister says military using new methods to deal with Hamas tunnels This will continue and improve in the coming days, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said TEL AVIV, November 9. /TASS/. The Israel Defense Forces have started using new methods to deal with Hamas’ fortified tunnels during its ground operation in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said. "The IDF has also begun employing new methods, to reach these [terrorists] located in tunnels as well as to eliminate the tunnels. This will continue and improve in the coming days. Our forces are working to find unique solutions for these missions, they are working and succeeding," he said at a news conference.

US, Israeli intel chiefs hold talks with Qatari authorities on releasing Hamas hostages It is reported that Qatar continues to act as the main mediator in talks with Hamas LONDON, November 9. /TASS/. Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) WIllian Burns and head of Israel’s Mossad spy service David Barnea have held talks with the Qatari authorities, discussing conditions for the release of 10 to 20 hostages held by the Hamas movement, the Financial Times writes. The newspaper reported, citing an official briefed on the discussions, that a three-day humanitarian pause might be announced for that purpose. "Talks have been progressing well towards a deal in the past few days," the official said, as quoted by the paper. Qatar continues to act as the main mediator in talks with Hamas, whose members, according to the FT, demand "a five-day pause, alongside fuel and aid deliveries in exchange for an unknown number of hostages." The Israeli authorities earlier suggested "hours-long tactical pauses during hostage releases," the newspaper writes, adding that "the talks in Qatar are the most advanced so far." Tensions in the Middle East flared up again on October 7 after militants from the Gaza Strip-based radical Palestinian group Hamas staged a surprise incursion into Israeli territory from Gaza. Hamas described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City. Israel announced a total blockade of Gaza and started carrying out airstrikes on the Palestinian enclave, as well as on certain areas in Lebanon and Syria, and launched a ground offensive against Hamas’ strongholds in Gaza. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank.

Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan Strengthen Economic Ties

EDB commits $1.2 billion to tackle hunger in Central Asia

(November 10, 2023)

This is me talking about the IDF as an American ally. 11-10-23

Welles is a loyalist name. For people to know that. There is a Welles beach in Maine. Many of the Tories or Loyalists ended up moving to Maine because it's near Canada. Also, it is true that after the war. The losing side, so to speak. It happens still about the war and who was on which side. Obviously that was a long time ago.

These British guys showed up once to Brandon's worksite. They were there because. It was 2011 and the army was still in Afghanistan. It was about military vehicles that could be used in Afghanistan.

Often the Russians complain about Pentagon stuff in Syria.
Yeah, but what if it's the Quds force firing at our bases?

[Russia Expands Military Facilities in Syria May 12, 2021 Russia is expanding its navy base at the Syrian port of Tartus and planning to construct a floating dock to boost the port's ship repair facilities, according to Russian military officials.]

This is me talking about this fire fight in eastern Syria. 11-9-23

Serbian Police Raided a Bulgarian Cultural Center and Seized Bulgarian Books A group of civilian policemen and inspectors from the municipality of Surdulica searched the premises of the Cultural and Information Center "Bosilegrad" on the Day of the Western Outlands - November 8. The action is by order of the High Court from the city of Vranje. After the search, 23 books of the Bulgarian writer, poet and diplomat Edvin Sugarev were temporarily taken, BTA reports. Sugarev's book "Elegy for the Outland" was stopped several times in recent months when it was tried to be brought to the territory of Serbia. For the chairman of the "Bosilegrad" Cultural Center, Ivan Nikolov, this "sudden search" of the association's offices is "extremely surprising and incomprehensible". According to an order issued by the High Court in Vranje, in preliminary proceedings, at 2:10 p.m., six civilian police officers from the Police Department in Surdulica invaded the Center under the pretext that they were looking for traces and objects important for criminal proceedings under Art. 317, para. 1 of the Criminal Code of Serbia - inciting national, racial and religious hatred and intolerance. The reason for these actions is understood when the officials decide to collect all Edvin Sugarev's books. They seized all 23 books that are in the Center. They wrote a report on their actions and issued a note for temporary detention of the taken books. The diplomatic representations of Bulgaria in Serbia were immediately notified of these actions. All this happened just a few hours before the planned promotion on the occasion of the Day of the Western Outlands of Sugarev's book, which was supposed to take place last night in the "Bosilegrad" Cultural Information Center. The VMRO press center announced that "Edvin Sugarev, VMRO co-chairman Alexander Sidi, Maria Tsvetkova - member of the VMRO leadership, Valentin Yanev - co-chairman of the Civil Committee 'Western Outlands' and others were stopped at the border for fabricated reasons."

Germany sends Fighter Jets to Romania after Russian Danube Attacks Germany will deploy four Eurofighter fighter jets to Romania to support NATO's air surveillance mission from the end of November, Reuters reported, citing increased Russian attacks on Ukrainian ports on the Danube River.The drone strikes and debris found in Romania have increased security risks for the military alliance, whose members have a mutual defense commitment. In September, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg called Russian strikes near the border "destabilizing" even if there were no indications that Russia intended to strike a NATO member. The first of a total of 80 German soldiers to be stationed at a military base near Constanta will leave for Romania on Thursday. The German Air Force has supported NATO's air policing mission in Romania in the past. The alliance has increased its military presence on the eastern flank since Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022.

On the Day of the Western Outlands, November 8, police intervention disrupted the presentation of the book "Elegy for the Kraishte: The Fate of the Bulgarians in the Western Outlands" in Bosilegrad, BTA reported. A group of police officers from the municipality of Surdulica searched the premises of the Cultural and Information Center "Bosilegrad". The action was ordered by the Court in Vranya. All 23 copies of the book were seized. The author of the book, poet, writer and diplomat Edvin Sugarev and three other Bulgarians were stopped by the Serbian police at the "Ribartsi" border checkpoint and were not allowed to enter Serbia. Bulgarian consul Petar Danov also arrived at the checkpoint but was unable to assist in Sugarev's admission to Serbia. The Bulgarian ambassador to Serbia, Petko Doikov, was also present at the failed event in the Cultural Center. He condemned the actions of the local authorities and said he would inform the Bulgarian government and foreign ministry about the case.

Exchange of fire between US, Syrian troops in Euphrates zone subsides — Al Mayadeen No casualties have been reported at this point by any of the sides BEIRUT, November 9. /TASS/. An exchange of fire between Syrian troops and US forces based on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River has started to subside, the Al Mayadeen television said on Thursday. According to the report, the clash broke out at 03:28 a.m. Moscow time [12:20 a.m. GMT], following the US air force’s attack on eastern districts of Deir ez-Zor. The sides used large-caliber machine guns, mortars and artillery cannons. No casualties have been reported at this point by any of the sides. Syrian troops and militia units opened fire at US positions on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River in response to an air strike on a facility, allegedly used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated Shia groups. AFP reported that at least ten people were killed as a result. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a statement earlier in the day that the strike was conducted by two F-15 fighter jets of the United States and targeted a weapons storage facility. Shortly after, at least 15 rockets were fired at a US military base near the Al-Omar oil field in eastern Syria and six - at a US base, located near the Conoco gas field in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province. The Islamic Front for the Iraqi Resistance Shia movement claimed responsibility for both attacks.

US strike on military facility in Syria leaves nine dead US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a statement earlier in the day that the strike was conducted by two F-15 fighter jets of the United States and targeted a weapons storage facility PARIS, November 9. /TASS/. Nine people were killed in a US air strike on a facility in Syria, reportedly used by the Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups, Agence France-Presse reported on Thursday citing the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. "Nine people working for Tehran-backed groups were killed in US strikes on sites used by pro-Iran groups," the agency quoted a spokesman for the organization as saying. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a statement earlier in the day that the strike was conducted by two F-15 fighter jets of the United States and targeted a weapons storage facility. It came as "a response to a series of attacks against US personnel in Iraq and Syria." According to Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East Dana Stroul, US facilities in Iraq and Syria have been attacked 41 times since October 17, by armed groups supported by Iran.

Six rockets fired at US base in Syria in response to Deir ez-Zor strikes BEIRUT, November 9. /TASS/. Units of the Islamic Front for the Iraqi Resistance movement attacked a US base, located near the Conoco gas field in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province in the early hours of Thursday. According to the Al Mayadeen television, six rockets were fired towards the US military facility. The consequences of the attack are unknown at this point. According to the TV channel, Shia units attacked the facility in response to US air strike on eastern districts of Deir ez-Zor, some 420 km away from the capital Damascus. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a statement earlier in the day that the strike was conducted by two F-15 fighter jets of the United States and targeted a weapons storage facility, reportedly used by the Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and affiliated groups. It came as "a response to a series of attacks against US personnel in Iraq and Syria. AFP said at least nine people were killed as a result.

Rockets fired at US base near Al-Omar oil field in east Syria According to the Al Mayadeen, the Islamic Front for the Iraqi Resistance Shia movement claimed responsibility for the attack BEIRUT, November 9. /TASS/. At least 15 rockets were fired at a US military base near the Al-Omar oil field in eastern Syria in the early hours of Thursday, the Al Mayadeen television reported. According to the report, the Islamic Front for the Iraqi Resistance Shia movement claimed responsibility for the attack. Earlier, its forces attacked a US base, located near the Conoco gas field in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province, firing six rockets. The consequences of those attack are unknown at this point.

Uzbekistan appoints new ambassador to Poland

(November 9, 2023)

[Senator Charles S. Robb and General (ret.) Charles F. Wald July 2014 Evaluating a Nuclear Deal with Iran]

[Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs JINSA is a national organization based in Washington D.C.]

This is me talking about the Iran nuclear deal. 11-8-23

All the dead will know, this is Hector. The fool who thought he killed Achilles.

A report about defense contracts in Bulgaria and election security.
Odessa, Ukraine.
The EC and Bulgaria.
Astana and security personnel.
Ukrainian financial issues.
Air pollution in Tashkent.

Bulgarian Defense Minister: No Issues with Stryker Vehicles Decision Defense Minister Todor Tagarev has reassured the public that there are no issues surrounding the decision on the Stryker vehicles project in Bulgaria. His statement comes in response to concerns raised during the election campaign by GERB leader Boyko Borissov, who questioned the project's approval without the National Assembly's decision. Tagarev explained that the Council of Ministers had already approved one of the contracts related to the Stryker project. Several contracts are involved in the initiative, and once the Council approves the project for investment expenditure, they plan to swiftly sign the contract, which will subsequently require ratification by the National Assembly. Tagarev noted that leading politicians have publicly declared their intent to adopt the project once they return after the elections. Todor Tagarev anticipates the contract to be finalized in December, marking a significant step forward in the Stryker vehicle project.

Prime Minister Denkov Challenges President Radev: Who Controls National Security? Bulgarian Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov has issued a robust response to President Rumen Radev's recent comments regarding the call for the resignation of the State Agency for National Security (SANS) chairman. Denkov contended that the appointment of service heads primarily rests with the president, a practice carried out through his caretaker governments. He implied that if the term "takeover of services" were to be employed, the president might be the one overseeing it. Furthermore, Denkov emphasized that his decision to request the change in the leadership of SANS stems from significant reasons. The primary issue revolved around the absence of electronic voting machines during the first round of elections. This absence led to a decline in public trust in the electoral process, resulting in an unusually high number of invalid ballots. Denkov laid blame for this situation on one deputy director within SANS. The prime minister highlighted the steps taken by this particular deputy director, whose actions he believes greatly contributed to the decline of confidence in the use of electronic voting machines. Two specific methods were cited: the creation of a memo containing false and manipulative information and the subsequent distribution of this memo, despite it being unclassified. According to Denkov, this unclassified distribution violated the Classified Information Act and led to the memo's widespread access. Denkov argued that the proper course of action for the deputy director should have involved a thorough assessment of the information, followed by distribution solely to those individuals responsible for deciding whether the information should be made widely available. He maintained that this was not executed, and the deputy chairman of SANS bore responsibility for these actions. Moreover, Denkov underscored the gravity of the situation, where the deputy director's actions posed a direct threat to national security. Problems with the electoral process, in Denkov's view, equate to national security concerns. He questioned President Radev's continued support for the SANS leadership and its involvement in these actions. Denkov ended by urging the president to consider how they would work with the current leadership of SANS, which he believes is a threat to national security. He also inquired if the president was willing to take responsibility for national security issues, given the reported violations of the Classified Information Act by SANS' deputy director, as confirmed by the State Commission on Information Security.

An air alert was issued in the Ukrainian city of Odesa and Odesa Oblast at 12:47 am, the Odesa City Council said Wednesday. In a Telegram post, the Operational Command South warned of an increased threat of missile strikes from the Black Sea. The post further reads that Russia has prepared three small missile carriers equipped with 24 Kalibr missiles. The Bulgarian community in the Odesa Oblast is the third largest, numbering over 150,000 people, according to the official 2001 census in Ukraine. Between 50,000 and 60,000 Bulgarians reside in Odesa. The most densely Bulgarian-populated areas are Bolhrad, Izmail, and Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi.

Bulgarian MEPS propose a veto on the EU budget over Schengen “We have been ready to join Schengen for a long time. The fact that Austria is blocking us is unfair. We should oppose this unprincipled position by using the European budget,” said Bulgarian MEP Andrey Novakov at a conference, at the European Parliament, on Schengen enlargement and Bulgaria's role in EU borders' security. At the forum, MEP Emil Radev, also from Bulgaria, also supported the proposal that Sofia should veto the new budget of the EU, BGNES reports. According to Andrey Novakov, Bulgaria is not part of Schengen because of political calculations that are going to help the ruling party in Austria earn an additional 3% of the votes at the election. “Was Schengen reformed when they admitted Croatia,” Novakov asked in response to the words of the Austrian chancellor that Schengen was “broken” and cannot be enlarged before it is “mended”. Enlarging Schengen is unthinkable before it is “mended”, Austrian Chancellor Nehammer says The Bulgarian MEP stated that Bulgaria will not tolerate double standards because Bulgarians can no longer have obligations but no rights.

MOSCOW, November 8. /TASS/. Kazakhstan is working together with Russia on a number of midterm agreements in energy, economy and other areas within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said in an interview with Russia’s Izvestia daily.

Israel to deploy security forces in Gaza after completing its operation — adviser At the same time, the adviser added that the presence of Israeli security forces "doesn’t mean Israel is re-occupying Gaza," and is planning to govern the enclave NEW YORK, November 8. /TASS/. Israel’s security forces will remain in the Gaza Strip even after the ongoing operation against the Hamas movement in the enclave is completed, said Mark Regev, a senior adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. "When this is over and we have defeated Hamas, it is crucial that there won’t be a resurgent terrorist element, a resurgent Hamas. There is no point doing this and just going back to square one," Regev told CNN. "There will have to be an Israeli security presence [in the Gaza Strip]." At the same time, the adviser added that the presence of Israeli security forces "doesn’t mean Israel is re-occupying Gaza," and is planning to govern the enclave. Netanyahu said earlier this week that Israel will have the overall security responsibility in the Gaza Strip "for an indefinite period." The situation in the Middle East sharply escalated following an incursion of Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip into Israel on October 7, accompanied by killings of residents of Israeli settlements near the border and taking more than 200 hostages, including children, women and elderly people. Hamas regards the attack as a response to Israeli actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Israel has declared a complete siege of the Gaza Strip and has started delivering strikes on that area and parts of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank. On October 27, the IDF’s chief spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, announced the expansion of Israel’s ground offensive in Gaza.

US House committee supports draft bill on transfer of Russian assets to Kiev According to a live broadcast on YouTube, 40 members of the committee supported the move, while two voted against it WASHINGTON, November 8. /TASS/. The Foreign Affairs committee of the House of Representatives of the US Congress has approved a bill to transfer a part of Russian assets frozen by the US to the Kiev government. According to a live broadcast on YouTube, 40 members of the committee supported the move, while two voted against it. The date when the draft will be put to a vote in the US House of Representatives is unknown. Following the start of Moscow’s special military operation in Ukraine, Western countries slapped sanctions against the Bank of Russia. Apart from freezing Russia’s gold and foreign currency reserves, all transactions related to management of the regulator’s reserves and assets, as well as transactions with any legal entity, organization or body acting on behalf or at the direction of the Central Bank, were prohibited.

Tashkent Ranks 5th in World Air Pollution Tashkent is one of the world's top five cities with highly polluted air. On November 7, at 7:00 a.m., Tashkent ranked 5th in air pollution, surpassing Mumbai and Karachi, according to IQAir.

(November 8, 2023)

This is me talking about the Uzbek army. 11-8-23

England is what our dads do.
My dad worked for the Texas state government. What did that mean? It meant he had job security. And I had a lot of opportunities about education, etc because we lived in Austin. We didn't have a lot of money, as in monthly income. But we would have had healthcare and stability. We lived in a house. Justin's dad. They are the Braun family in central Texas.
One day. The mom had car trouble. Justin called me. Of course I had my car which worked. Of course it was clean and had gas. Of course I immediately went to them and gave them a ride home. That's the time I met Justin's dad.

The Ukrainians might surrender.
Uzbeks in Russia.
Zelensky is saying he won't hold elections.
A report about the Houthis.
A statement from Tel Aviv.

Capitulation? Political analyst Miloš Laban believes that the capitulation of Ukraine is approaching. He said that he does not see another solution in a situation where Russia has pointed out an important fact of a military-technical nature. "The Russians have weapons that can function even in winter conditions, while Ukraine used up its Soviet weapons a long time ago and received weapons from NATO that do not have these characteristics," Laban told Tanjug today.

A group of Uzbeks in Russia worked for two months without pay and had their citizenship passports taken. They were eventually returned to Uzbekistan after reporting their situation to authorities.

Zelensky gets petition to criminalize calls to hold elections under martial law in Ukraine At least 25,000 votes are required for Zelensky to consider the proposal MOSCOW, November 7. /TASS/. A petition proposing the criminalization of calls for holding elections in Ukraine has been put to a vote on the official website of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. "We ask the president of Ukraine to introduce appropriate changes to the legislation so that [calls for holding elections] during martial law <...> entail criminal liability," the petition reads. So far, it has garnered 196 votes. At least 25,000 votes are required for Zelensky to consider the proposal. On November 6, Zelensky said that now is the wrong moment for holding elections, and demanded a halt to attempts to "throw [this issue] out into society" for discussion. Zelensky's statement was made after an upsurge in public debate over the possibility of holding elections. There have been reports, citing sources, that the Ukrainian authorities were beginning preparations for the election of the country’s president in the spring of 2024. Parliamentary elections were to be held in Ukraine in October and the presidential election in the spring of 2024. Under the Ukrainian constitution, however, elections cannot be held while martial law is in effect. Zelensky has repeatedly said that it would be possible to hold the election for head of state only after the end of hostilities. However, Kiev's Western partners, who have repeatedly ramped up arms supplies to Ukraine and allocated funds to prop up the Ukrainian economy since the outbreak of hostilities, are insisting that the election be held within the stipulated timeframe. In this connection, Zelensky softened his rhetoric. Without giving an unambiguous answer, he noted that it would be difficult to hold the election while conducting active combat operations and even proposed that the US finance the electoral process if it was so crucial for Washington.

Houthi say they staged drone attack on ‘sensitive facilities’ in Israel According to the Houthi spokesman, attacks will continue until the end of hostilities in the Gaza Strip DUBAI, November 6. /TASS/. Yemen’s Ansar Allah (Houthi) rebel movement claims that it has staged another attack on "sensitive facilities" in Israel. "In the past several hours, the Yemeni armed forces <…> launched a series of drones at various sensitive facilities of the Israeli enemy on the occupied [Palestinian] territories. As a result of the operation, traffic at the targeted military bases and airports was suspended for several hours," Houthi spokesman Yahya Saria said in a statement posted on his Telegram channel. According to the Houthi spokesman, attacks will continue until the end of hostilities in the Gaza Strip. The Houthi staged its first attack on Israel on October 31, when according to Saria, "a large batch of ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as a lot of drones" were launched "at various enemy targets on Israel-occupied territories." The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on the same day that sirens warning about an enemy aircraft had sounded near Eilat in southern Israel. Later, Israel’s Kan radio station said that a drone had been launched from Yemen and shot down over the Red Sea. On October 27, Egyptian air defense systems intercepted two drones over the northeastern part of the Sinai Peninsula, which were flying northward from the southern part of the Red Sea. Shortly before this, the Israeli foreign ministry said that the Houthi had struck Egypt with missiles and drones.

[Israel ready for "Small Breaks" in the Fighting Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has stated that Israel is willing to consider "small tactical pauses" in the fighting in Gaza but firmly rejected the possibility of a ceasefire. This comes amid intensifying Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, with the Israeli military claiming to target infrastructure linked to the radical group Hamas. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has sharply criticized the increasing number of Palestinian casualties and called for an immediate ceasefire in the region. The latest developments have raised concerns over the humanitarian situation and the safety of civilians. Prime Minister Netanyahu suggested that these tactical pauses could serve to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid or allow for the evacuation of hostages held by Hamas fighters. He also asserted that Israel would assume responsibility for security in the Gaza Strip after the conflict's conclusion. "I think Israel will be in charge of the overall security situation for an indefinite period of time because we see what happens when it is not. We have an explosion of terror by Hamas on a scale that we cannot imagine," Netanyahu emphasized. The Israeli military reported that ground troops are already deployed "deep inside Gaza City." Several Hamas commanders have been killed in the past 24 hours, including two responsible for mass killings in Israel on October 7. Additionally, numerous entrances to underground tunnels were destroyed, with many located near schools, hospitals, and humanitarian sites. The military also found a facility near a mosque that had platforms for launching rockets. According to Palestinian health authorities controlled by Hamas, the number of Palestinians killed since the beginning of the conflict has exceeded 10,000 people, with over 4,000 of them being children. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres decried the situation, describing Gaza as a "graveyard for children." He criticized both Israel and Hamas for targeting civilians, hospitals, refugee camps, religious sites, and UN bases. Guterres also condemned the use of civilians as human shields and indiscriminate rocket fire against Israel. In the face of these developments, the UN Security Council convened to discuss a resolution on the ongoing conflict. However, no consensus was reached, and discussions continued for more than two hours. In a telephone conversation between US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, they discussed the fate of hostages held by Hamas, the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza, and the possibility of implementing tactical pauses in the conflict. As the situation unfolds, the international community remains concerned about the escalating violence and its devastating impact on civilians in the region.]

(November 7, 2023)

Lauren's dad. His mom. She was in the Chicago philharmonic. She was some kind of a, maybe she played the cello. Rick. He joined the navy. And he was a SEAL and he went to Vietnam.
When I was in school. For example, early on. I remember the first day of biology class. I walked in. I didn't sit next to Lauren.
Somehow. Maybe I didn't know I was supposed to sit next to her.
But, also. I could tell about Rick.
We lived in a Mexican neighborhood. My dad was from New York City. It was scary where we lived.
People would get stabbed during the school day. It was like the Wire but it was a Mexican neighborhood in Austin.
And I remember him driving to our neighborhood.
He couldn't, maybe. His eyesight even.
I guess my dad and I. Our eyesight. It's as though we can see in the dark. Like Batman or something.
What is Batman about.
Kind of. I can see about 3X as far as everyone else. I can see in the dark. I have a weird sleeping schedule.

A Ukrainian soldier died. He had four kids. He was the assistant to one of the generals.
Notice all of these Iranian drones.
And then reports that the Ukrainians are embezzling funds or they are getting low quality items for their army.
The Germans and the EU bid.
It's possible that Russia can import a lot of these kinds of items from countries like Iran and North Korea.

Day 622 of the Invasion of Ukraine: No Elections as long as the Country is at War says Zelensky Day 622 of the invasion of Ukraine. Summary of key events in the last 24 hours: Zelensky: As long as Ukraine is at war, there will be no elections The EC intends to recommend the start of negotiations with Ukraine for EU membership Russia has withdrawn from a treaty balancing arms in Europe Zaluzhnyi’s adviser died. Someone gave him a grenade, which exploded Ukraine put into serial production its analog of the Iranian Shahed drones, which fly 1000 kilometers Over 1,700 cultural sites in Ukraine have suffered from the war Zelensky: As long as Ukraine is at war, there will be no elections There will be no elections in Ukraine while the country is at war, Volodymyr Zelensky said this las night. In his regular video address, the Ukrainian president urged his compatriots that it is not appropriate to divert efforts from defense and survival to political disputes while Russia still occupies nearly 20 percent of Ukraine's territory. Reuters reports that holding elections is precluded by law from martial law, but Zelensky has come under pressure to allow a legal change, including from influential US senators. The EC intends to recommend the start of negotiations with Ukraine for EU membership The European Commission will recommend that the EU start membership negotiations with Ukraine, Reuters reported. The Agency refers to senior representatives of the Union. The recommendation is expected to be contained in the progress report of the candidate countries, which will be released on Wednesday. Meanwhile, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen supported Ukraine's desire to start negotiations in a speech to EU ambassadors: "The best way to give prosperity and stability to Ukraine in the medium and long term is, of course, EU membership. Just think about it - to restore Ukraine, Europe is the answer. To further strengthen Ukrainian democracy, the answer is Europe. To protect Ukraine from future intervention, the answer is Europe. And it is very important to say that the reverse is also true. In a world where weight and size matter, it is strongly in Europe's geostrategic interests to our union will be completed. With over 500 million people to live in a free, democratic and prosperous EU. So history is calling us again and Your Excellencies, it is our generation that must answer it." Kyiv is investigating a former deputy defense minister for corruption Ukraine is investigating two Ukrainian defense officials for embezzling several million euros to buy low-quality armored vests, AFP reported, citing the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office. Those under investigation are a former deputy minister of defense and one of his associates, BTA clarifies. Their names were not released. It is suspected that they ordered protective equipment from abroad that was of insufficient quality by paying the full amount for the order in advance without following the quality control procedure. As a result, Ukrainian forces received poor-quality body armor that could not be used on the battlefield without putting people's lives at risk, investigators said. The two investigated for embezzlement of state funds worth 6 million euros are in custody and could face up to 12 years in prison if found guilty. This case is a new chapter in a more global investigation into the supply of poor-quality ammunition to Ukrainian forces, worth a total of €36 million. Russia has withdrawn from a treaty balancing arms in Europe Russia formally withdrew on Tuesday from a key post-Cold War security treaty designed to de-escalate potential conflicts between East and West, in the latest sign of growing tensions between Russia and NATO. "At 00:00 on November 7, 2023, the procedure for withdrawing Russia from the CFE (Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe) was completed," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. "Thus, the international legal document, the validity of which was suspended by the country us back in 2007, it finally became history for us". The 1990 treaty, concluded at the end of the Cold War and signed a year after the fall of the Berlin Wall, limited the deployment of military equipment to maintain the military balance between NATO and the countries of the then Warsaw Pact. Russia suspended its participation in the treaty in 2007 and its active participation in 2015. In May 2023, at the start of the war in Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree denouncing the pact, drawing condemnation from NATO for "undermining Euro-Atlantic security". "The CFE Treaty was concluded at the end of the Cold War, when it seemed possible to form a new architecture of global and European security based on cooperation, and appropriate attempts were made," the Russian Foreign Ministry said. However, the United States' moves to expand NATO have led the alliance's countries to "openly circumvent" the group's restrictions, the ministry added. "In this way, CFE in its original form lost touch with reality," they admit in Moscow. The CFE is one of the 10 most important treaties since the end of the Cold War. It created a lower-level balance of conventional (non-nuclear) armed forces of the NATO and Warsaw Pact countries and limited the possibility of massing of conventional armed forces on the line of contact between the two blocs. Thus, the danger of a surprise attack and the conduct of large-scale offensive actions in Europe was reduced. Zaluzhnyi’s adviser died. Someone gave him a grenade, which exploded The assistant to the commander of the Ukrainian armed forces, Gennady Chastyakov, died as a result of a grenade explosion at his home in the village of Chayki, near Kyiv, "Unian" reported. VSU commander Valerii Zaluzhnyi confirmed that the explosive device was hidden in a present for Chastyakov's birthday. "Indescribable pain and heavy loss for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and for me personally. Today, under tragic circumstances on his birthday in a family circle, my assistant and close friend Major Gennady Chastyakov died. An unknown explosive device exploded in one of the gifts. Gennady had a wife and four children. My deepest condolences to the family," announced Zaluzhnyi. Chastyakov's wife and Ukrainian Interior Minister Igor Klymenko later provided details of the incident. Chastyakov returned home with gifts from colleagues, which he began to show to his relatives. "He took out a box containing grenades and showed one of them to his son. It was a new Western-style grenade. The son took the grenade in his hands and began to twist the ring. His father took the ammunition from the child and pulled the ring, which caused the tragic explosion," says Klimenko. The police found Chastyakov's colleague who gave him the gift, his office was searched, where two similar grenades were seized. During the past 24 hours, 78 frontline battles were fought between Russian and Ukrainian soldiers. The battles near Avdiivka - a key city of military-strategic importance, which Russia has been trying to capture since 2014 - are particularly fierce. According to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Army, the Russians carried out 16 airstrikes, and conducted 54 attacks with rocket systems for salvo fire against the positions of the Ukrainian troops and populated areas. "There have been deaths and injuries among the civilian population as a result of the Russian terrorist attacks. Damage has been caused to residential buildings and other objects of the civil infrastructure." Specifically, Russian forces carried out airstrikes on Novomykhailovka and Rivneopol, Donetsk region; Novodarovka, Zaporizhzhia Region; Berislav and Ivanovka, Kherson region. Ukraine put into serial production its analog of the Iranian Shahed drones, which fly 1000 kilometers Ukraine has put into serial production kamikaze drones, which are an analog of the Iranian "Shahed" dones. Defense forces are already ordering these strike drones for their operations. This was said by the General Director of Ukroboronprom Herman Smetanin in an interview with the publication "Ikonomicheska Pravda". He confirms that Ukrainian drones capable of traveling 1,000 kilometers and exploding are already being mass-produced. Smetanin points out that the project in question is implemented jointly with foreign partners. “I won't tell you exactly where for security reasons. The main thing is that they fly and explode, and the VSU orders them. That's great," he said. According to him, Ukraine already has a sufficient number of state and private manufacturers that create both analogs of the "Shahed" and more powerful designs. "We have an analog of the Shaheds, there are also more powerful models, because the Shaheds do not fly at such a great distance. Now we are focused on the production of more complex and expensive projects with high characteristics," explains Smetanin. According to him, the record for combat range of Ukrainian drones is approximately 1000 kilometers. Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fyodorov said that in 2023, the production of Ukrainian drones will increase more than 100 times compared to last year.

This is me talking about the Iranian army. 11-6-23

[Israel’s cyber defense chief tells CNN he’s concerned Iran could increase severity of its cyberattacks After suspected Iranian hackers claimed a string of recent attacks on Israeli security cameras, Israel’s cyber defense chief told CNN he is “very concerned” that Iran could escalate its long-running covert battle with Israel in cyberspace with more serious attacks on infrastructure as the war between Israel and Hamas shows no sign of ending. “They [Iran] know that they can act there more freely [in cyberspace] than in the physical space,” said Gaby Portnoy, the head of the Israel National Cyber Directorate. “We are prepared for that as much as we can.” Portnoy said there would be a “cost” to any Iranian escalation in cyberspace, implying that Israeli hackers could retaliate against Iran with their own operations. But Portnoy, who is in charge of cyber defense and not offense, said his goal is to keep cyberspace from becoming “another front” in the war between Israel and Hamas. Iranian hacking groups have proven adept at crippling computer systems at companies in Israel, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Middle East. Israel has its own elite cyber operatives that are, alongside the US, widely suspected to have conducted a cyberattack on an Iranian nuclear facility in 2009. And Israeli covert cyber operations against Iran have continued in recent years. In the four weeks since the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel, suspected Iranian hackers have claimed hacks of a slew of security cameras in Israel and posted an instructional video on how to make Molotov cocktails to “attack the Israeli and American embassies,” according to interviews with private cybersecurity experts who track the hackers and CNN’s review of the social media posts. Analysts say the digital saber-rattling is another way for Iran to project power during the war, aside from rocket and drone attacks on Israeli forces conducted by Lebanese militia Hezbollah, and similar strikes by other Iranian proxies against US troops in Syria and Iraq. Portnoy also alleged that hackers affiliated with Hezbollah have hacked private security cameras in Israel to try to track the movement of Israeli soldiers in recent weeks. So far, suspected Iranian hackers appear to have had minimal impact on their publicly claimed targets in Israel in the last month. Their goal seems to be to spread narratives in the media of Israeli and US vulnerabilities to cyberattacks. But the string of recent Iranian cyber activity has raised concerns among US and Israeli officials that Tehran could use its substantial hacking capabilities to hit Israeli and US interests while avoiding a direct kinetic confrontation with the Israelis. The US intelligence community believes – for now – that Iran and its proxies are calibrating their response to the Israel-Hamas war to avoid direct conflict with Israel or the US while still exacting costs on its adversaries, CNN has reported.]
(November 6, 2023)

A description of Odessa.
The Ukrainians have low ratings of the government in Kiev.
A mention of the JAF.
The Germans and Ukraine's EU bid.
The Israeli ground operation.
Uzbeks in Moscow.

Russian Missile Attack in Odesa Region Injures People, Causes Damages A Russian missile attack in Odesa Region injured people and caused damages, the head of the Odesa Regional Military Administration, Oleg Kiper, said on the Telegram app. According to him, the enemy is targeting is civil ships. An infrastructure site in the region was hit as well, he said. Three employees were injured and the administrative building was damaged. The blast broke the nearby houses' windows. On Sunday, there were two air raid alerts in Odesa and the region. The Bulgarian community in Odesa Region is the third biggest, numbering more than 150,000 people, according to the 2001 census. Some 50,000 to 60,000 Bulgarians live in Odesa.

More Ukrainians growing pessimistic about likelihood of conflict ending soon - newspaper At a time when the Ukrainian army is bogged down in trenches along the front line, and the supply of weapons from the allies is lagging behind and will be reduced, opinion polls and interviews indicate growing pessimism, the New York Times notes NEW YORK, November 6. /TASS/. More and more Ukrainians are pessimistic about the likelihood of a quick end to the conflict, the New York Times reported. With the Ukrainian army bogged down in trenches along the front line, and a sense that arms deliveries from allies are lagging behind and will dwindle, polls and interviews indicate growing pessimism, the newspaper pointed out. It stressed that Ukrainians' optimism has been undermined and the country is now preparing to live with "war as a constant, and no end in sight." The newspaper recalled that according to a study by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology, the level of trust Ukrainians have in the government has dropped from 74% in May to 39% in October. "We should be honest. People are becoming pessimistic," Anton Grushetsky, deputy director of the institute, told the New York Times. He explained that Ukrainians do not feel safe and are trying to find the culprits. There is growing anger in the society because of the corruption of the Ukrainian government and the lack of diligence of the West in providing military aid, the expert added. Earlier, Ukrainian top military commander Valery Zaluzhny admitted in an article for the Economist that the conflict had reached a "stalemate." Later, in an interview with the same newspaper, he said that Ukrainian troops would not be able to make a breakthrough on the front. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, commenting on the commander-in-chief's article, said that for Kiev, the situation was not a stalemate.

Jordanian air force parachutes down shipment of medical aid for Palestinians in Gaza Jordanian King Abdullah II noted that Jordan "will always be close to the Palestinian brothers" BEIRUT, November 6. /TASS/. The Jordanian Air Force planes dropped on parachutes a batch of medical aid for the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip, Jordan's King Abdullah II said on his X (formerly known as Twitter) page. "Our fearless air force personnel air-dropped at midnight urgent medical aid to the Jordanian field hospital in Gaza," he pointed out. "This is our duty to aid our brothers and sisters injured in the war on Gaza," the king said. Abdullah II pointed out that Jordan "will always be there for our Palestinian brethren." On October 17, in a statement carried by the Petra news agency, the Jordanian monarch described the Israeli bombing of Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza as a massacre and a war crime, calling on Israel to immediatly stop the bombing and all actions against the defenseless population.

Top Ukrainian diplomat says his German counterpart promised EU accession Dmitry Kuleba admitted that Ukraine will have to reform its judicial system in order to join the single market BERLIN, November 6. /TASS/. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said that Ukraine will become a member of the European Union and his German counterpart Annalena Baerbock assured him of this. "I have no doubt that Ukraine will become a member of the European Union. Today I received this assurance from Annalena Baerbock," Kuleba told the German newspaper Die Welt. He admitted that Ukraine would have to reform its judicial system in order to join the single market. "We also need to strengthen our anti-corruption measures. We have already adopted the relevant laws, which now need to be implemented," the top Ukrainian diplomat pointed out. On November 1, Politico reported, citing sources, that the European Commission recommended to start negotiations with Ukraine on its accession to the European Union, but Kiev should not expect them to be held in an accelerated mode. The newspaper also drew attention to the address of German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock to the heads of foreign ministries of the Community and candidate countries, in which she noted that no application for EU membership "can be considered in an accelerated mode." Politico pointed out that this warning "serves as a refutation" of the words of the head of the European Council, Charles Michel, who called on the community to admit Ukraine by 2030. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky signed the country's application to join the EU on February 28, 2022. At a summit in Brussels on June 23, 2022, EU leaders agreed to grant Ukraine and Moldova the status of candidate countries. In order to start the negotiation process, the countries must meet a number of conditions, including the implementation of reforms.

Israeli ground operation may press Hamas to make hostage deal - newspaper According to The Jerusalem Post, any ceasefire agreement would actually be temporary TEL AVIV, November 6. /TASS/. Hamas may make a deal on the hostages held in the Gaza Strip under pressure from the ground operation, the Jerusalem Post reported, citing an Israeli diplomatic source. "Initially nothing was seen in that direction," the source said, but now "we [Israeli authorities] see something, it hasn't matured yet." According to the source, any ceasefire agreement would actually be temporary and more like a pause. It can only happen in exchange for the release of all hostages, with the clear understanding that Israel will continue to "work to defeat Hamas," the newspaper's source said. Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 when militants from the radical Palestinian group Hamas staged a surprise attack on Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Hamas described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City. Israel has announced a total blockade of the Gaza Strip and has been delivering air strikes on Gaza as well as some parts of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also underway in the West Bank.

Warning Issued to Uzbeks in Russia The Foreign Labor Migration Agency issued a warning to Uzbeks working in Russia. Some Uzbeks faced issues with online orders asking for the delivery of items between addresses for a high fee. Unofficial courier services have been found asking for deliveries containing illegal substances, resulting in workers being caught and prosecuted by the police. The warning advises Uzbeks not to work for unofficial courier services, deliver suspicious items for large sums, or accept orders without verifying the contents.

(November 6, 2023)

This is me talking about Uzbek migrants in Moscow. 11-6-23

I am writing about England and France. Maybe these are two different, perspectives or other worldly mindsets. There is a song from London now Bad Habits. I have nothing left to use or lose it's true my bad habits lead to you. And maybe you say that aloud sitting there.
The French version of that.
Maybe they like group and it's weird how they. Escapism. The mind leaving the body in thought.

This is from Voice of America. Notice it's a description of the Iranian police. I guess the police in Iran coerce people into protesting.

[In a Friday email to VOA, a State Department spokesperson said the Biden administration is aware of reports Iranian authorities "coerced Iranian Jewish leaders and their communities" to engage in the protests.]

Kind of, the Putin era has been defined by a surge in importing Chinese stuff. I'm sure he didn't understand it like that. But, that's what the numbers say. All the while, the border opened up to Chinese imports.

This is me talking about Russia importing stuff from China. 11-5-23

This is me talking about the Serbian economy. 11-4-23

1) The Jordanians are saying the IDF is sieging, which is illegal.
2) The UAF and the IDF sometimes fire missiles, and there is disagreement about what the missiles hit.

Israeli army fires on Lebanon's Hezbollah following attack on border positions The Israeli military on Thursday said it had targeted Lebanon's Hezbollah with a "broad assault" as the Iran-backed militant group claimed an attack on 19 Israeli positions. Earlier in the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces broke Hamas’s first line of defence and pushed further past the outskirts of Gaza City, according to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Read our live blog to see how the day's events unfolded. All times are Paris time (GMT+1). The latest news in brief: Israel's ground troops advanced past the outskirts of Gaza City on Thursday as US and Arab countries intensified diplomatic efforts to ease the siege of the Hamas-ruled enclave. Egypt will help evacuate some 7,000 foreigners and dual nationals from the war-ravaged Gaza Strip, the foreign ministry said in a statement on Thursday. The first foreign nationals and wounded Palestinians were able to leave Gaza through the Rafah border crossing on Wednesday. Israel said it struck the Jabalia refugee camp for a second time in two days on Wednesday, prompting international outrage, with the UN warning of war crimes. Hamas said on Thursday that 195 people were killed in Jabalia refugee camp by Israeli strikes this week. This live blog is no longer being updated. For the latest on the Israel-Hamas war, please click here. 9:57pm: Jordan to tell Blinken that Israel must immediately stop war on Gaza Jordan's Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi will tell US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Amman on Saturday that Israel must end its war on Gaza where he said it was committing war crimes by bombing civilians and imposing a siege. In a foreign ministry statement, Safadi warned that Israel's unreadiness to end the war was pushing the region rapidly towards a regional war that threatened world peace. France will send a second French helicopter carrier off the coast of Gaza as it works with Israeli and Egypt.
The Israeli military said it targeted Lebanon's Hezbollah with a "broad assault" on Thursday, as the Iran-backed militant group said it had attacked 19 Israeli positions simultaneously. Israeli "warplanes and helicopters attacked in recent hours targets of the Hezbollah terror organisation in response to fire from Lebanese territory earlier today, together with attacks with artillery and tank fire", an Israeli military statement said. 6:19pm: Lebanon's Hezbollah says it attacked 19 Israeli positions simultaneously Lebanon's Hezbollah said it attacked 19 Israeli positions along the border simultaneously Thursday, on the eve of a speech by the Iran-backed group's leader on the Israel-Hamas war. At 3:30 pm (1330 GMT), Hezbollah fighters "simultaneously attacked 19 Zionist military positions and points with guided missiles, artillery shelling" and other weapons, the group said in a statement. 6:13pm: Blinken to talk with Israel on 'concrete steps' to minimise civilian harm An AFP photographer saw Israeli emergency crews checking the debris of burnt out vehicles following the strikes in Kiryat Shmona. The Lebanese section of Hamas's armed wing said it fired a dozen rockets at the town "in response to the occupation (Israeli) massacres against our people in Gaza". 5:12pm: Time 'running out to prevent genocide' in Gaza, UN experts say "We're at the height of the battle. We've had impressive successes and have passed the outskirts of Gaza City. We are advancing," Netanyahu said in a statement released by his office. Israel's IDF spokesperson earlier told reporters that Israeli forces have breached Hamas's first line of defence, FRANCE 24 senior correspondent Catherine Norris Trent reported from Tel Aviv, adding that details on the Israeli ground operation in Gaza remain scarce. The two leaders met as they attended talks on the final day of the inaugural AI Safety Summit at Bletchley Park in England 1:05pm: Lebanon says fires from Israeli shelling have destroyed 40,000 olive trees Fires caused by Israeli shelling in south Lebanon have burned some 40,000 olive trees and torched hundreds of square kilometres of land, dealing a serious blow to a major Lebanese crop, the agriculture minister said. Fires on Lebanon's side of the border have flared daily since Lebanon's Hezbollah and Israel began exchanging fire last month after war between Israel and Gaza's ruling Palestinian Islamist group Hamas erupted. "Forty-thousand trees mean 40,000 histories. People are connected to olives spiritually. Our ancestors planted them, and we are losing them today," Agriculture Minister Abbas Hajj Hassan told Reuters. He accused Israel of starting the fires by using shells containing white phosphorous to destroy wooded areas that Hezbollah fighters – who began firing into Israel in support of Hamas in what has become the worst flare-up of border hostilities since a 2006 war – could use as cover. The Israeli army denied the accusation and said the types of smoke-screen shell it uses do not contain white phosphorus. 12:52pm: Three Palestinians, one Israeli killed in West Bank violence FRANCE 24 was not able to independently verify the figures. 11:30am: Israeli fire kills two Lebanese shepherds, state media says Lebanon's army on Thursday retrieved the bodies of two shepherds killed by Israeli fire, official media said, raising to 66 the number killed in Lebanon since the Israel-Hamas war began, according to an AFP tally. Lebanon's southern border has seen tit-for-tat exchanges, mainly between Israel and Hamas ally Hezbollah, since Hamas militants launched an unprecedented October 7 attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip. The two shepherds, aged 20 and 22, had been reported missing on Wednesday as they herded their flock through Wazzani, their home village near the border, Lebanon's official National News Agency (NNA) reported. "They were found dead after the (Israeli) occupation forces opened fire in their direction," the NNA said. Most of those killed in the cross-border violence have been Hezbollah fighters but the number also includes seven civilians, one of them a journalist. On the Israeli side, nine people have died – eight soldiers and one civilian, the army says. 11:05am: UAE says it plans to treat 1,000 Palestinian children from Gaza

This is me talking about the IDF and the UAF. 11-4-23

This is a great description of the border between Egypt and Israel.
The Israelis, I guess, lobby to be in charge of the surveillance in Gaza.
And, maybe knowing that these militants built the tunnels or whatever.
Maybe it is out of IDF greed, that they were the ones in charge of the surveillance.
And then here are these tunnels that were built.

[The Gaza-Egypt Rafah crossing explained: 'It is not a normal border' For Gaza's two million residents, the Rafah border with Egypt serves as a vital lifeline. Over the years, this crossing has seen numerous shifts, openings, and closures, prompting the construction of illicit tunnels beneath it to facilitate the flow of people and goods. As the war between Israel and Hamas persists, the Rafah border now plays a crucial role in evacuations and the delivery of humanitarian aid. What is the Rafah border crossing? Often referred to as a lifeline for people in Gaza, the Rafah border allows Palestinians living in the war-torn enclave to have a vital connection to the outside world and essential resources. It’s located along the 12km border that divides the Gaza Strip from Egypt. The Rafah border is one of two main crossings for inhabitants of Gaza. While Rafah is located in the south of the Strip, another crossing called Erez is located in the north at the Israeli border. Rafah is thus the only crossing that isn't directly controlled by Israel. Rafah is controlled by Egypt, but Israel monitors all activity in southern Gaza from its Kerem Shalom military base, found at the junction between Gaza, Israel and Egypt, and other surveillance points. “Theoretically, Rafah should be controlled by the Palestinian and Egyptian authorities,” says Lorenzo Navone, a sociologist specialised in borders and conflicts at the University of Strasbourg who has carried out significant research on the crossing. “But Israel still has influence over the crossing." People, goods and humanitarian aid all cross through the Rafah border. But because of the blockade imposed on Gaza in 2007 by Israel, the border has only intermittently been open to Palestinians. "It doesn’t work the way a normal border does. It is selective, it can be activated or deactivated. It's not an invisible border like the ones you find in the Schengen Area or across state lines in the US. You can’t cross freely with your car. It's not open 24 hours a day, seven days a week," says Navone. The Rafah border was open for 245 days in 2022, according to the UN. And so far in 2023, it has been open for 138 days. Why is it so important? Many Gazans depend on the Rafah border crossing to survive. Since Israel imposed a land, sea and air blockade and an embargo on the Gaza Strip in 2007, movement in and out has been significantly restricted. Living conditions in the enclave have seriously deteriorated as a result. In times of peace, the Rafah border is bustling with commercial traffic and people travelling to and from Gaza. It allows Gazans to get access to essentials and other goods, like fuel, cooking gas, medicine and construction materials from Egypt. For families separated by the border, it is the only way to reunite. "There are a lot of transnational families who want to see members on either side," says Navone. But leaving and entering Gaza is no easy feat. It is only possible to enter Gaza with a permit from either the Egyptian or Israeli government. Those who wish to leave Gaza through the Rafah crossing must register with the local Palestinian authorities (Hamas) weeks in advance, though those willing or able to pay extra can try via Egyptian authorities. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, "the procedures and decisions by both authorities lack transparency". "People just sit there, waiting. They can wait for a month or even two to cross over into the Gaza Strip. Then they wait again to cross back into Egypt. It’s an impossible, lengthy process," says Navone. How has the border changed over the years? Navone calls the border a "mobile frontier" that has shifted as a result of the multiple conflicts affecting the region throughout the years, including the First Arab-Israeli War in 1948, the Six-Day War in 1967, the War of Attrition in 1970 and the Yom Kippur or Ramadan War in 1973. After the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel occupied the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip, “meaning the border with Egypt was actually on the Suez Canal”, explains Navone. Israel withdrew from the Sinai in 1982, three years after it signed a peace treaty with Egypt. Before that, what is now known as the Gaza Strip was under Egyptian authority. “The border was there, but it was more or less open – it was Egypt," says Navone. "All the issues about the border came after the Oslo Accords in 1993,” he says. The Accords were hailed as a breakthrough at the time, paving the way for the creation of the Palestinian Authority and allowing Palestinians to have areas of self-rule in their territories. “But the Gaza Strip was still occupied by Israeli settlers. So for security reasons, the movement between Egypt and Gaza was not made any easier,” Navone explains. Then in 2005, Israel launched its disengagement plan and its authorities pulled out of Gaza. A year later in 2006, Hamas swept the legislative elections in the Palestinian Territories and eventually seized control of Gaza in 2007. “Since then, the Gaza Strip has become more and more isolated from the world," says Navone. Egypt and Israel both largely sealed their border crossings with Gaza on the grounds that there was no authority providing security on the Palestinian side, due to Hamas’s presence on the ground. As a result of these restrictions and the eventual blockade, a system of tunnels between Gaza and Egypt was developed, allowing goods and people to cross the border illegally. However, reports of tunnels discovered by Israel go back as far as 1983. Then when an Islamist insurgency took hold of the Sinai in Egypt in 2011, the country’s authorities imposed strict controls on who was allowed to travel to towns and cities close to the Rafah border crossing. “Since the Egyptian revolution in 2011, all of the northern Sinai has basically been closed for security reasons,” says Navone. “It’s a big border zone.” Rafah itself, both on the Egyptian and Palestinian side, has a history of being a smuggling hub largely thanks to the tunnels that have been built underneath the crossing. Egypt purposely flooded the border area in 2015 in order to destroy the underground tunnel system that had allowed people and goods to pass from Gaza. For the past 10 years, the crossing has been closed more times than it’s been open. What has happened to the border since October 7? Before the October 7 Hamas attacks that sparked the latest violence between the militant Islamist group and Israel, aid used to enter Gaza through the Kerem Shalom crossing controlled by Israel. Since the war broke out, Israel has tightened its existing restrictions, making Rafah the only entry point for humanitarian aid. Egypt said in the first few days of the war that the border crossing was open, but essentially inoperable, because of Israel’s bombardment. In just 24 hours on October 10, Israel carried out three air strikes on Rafah. As a result, the border and its surrounding area was left in tatters, and roads were impossible to drive on, leaving humanitarian aid trucks headed for Gaza on the Egyptian border with nowhere to go. Finally on October 21, the first aid convoy crossed over into Gaza. Before the war, UN estimates say about 500 trucks would enter the Gaza Strip through the Rafah border crossing daily. Since delivery aid was unblocked on October 21, a total of 374 aid trucks have gone in – which amounts to about 31 trucks a day on average. WHO emergencies chief Dr. Michael Ryan called it a “drop in the ocean” during a news briefing on October 19. Fuel desperately needed to operate vital infrastructure and water plants is still banned from entering by Israeli authorities. But Rafah was mainly used as a civilian crossing before the war broke out, meaning its use for large-scale relief efforts is a "huge, huge undertaking”, aid officials told Reuters. Thanks to a deal mediated by Qatar and agreed upon by Egypt, Israel and Hamas – in coordination with the US – limited evacuations have now been allowed through the Rafah border crossing. At least 600 foreign passport holders and staff members from NGOs have been able to leave the Gaza Strip since Wednesday, November 1, with more expected to leave in the coming weeks. And Egypt also agreed to let around 100 people with severe injuries, along with accompanying family members, pass through the Rafah crossing. "But the situation is very unclear for Palestinians in Gaza,” says Navone. Talk of Israeli plans to move Gaza’s population across the border into Egypt's Sinai region has sounded alarm bells among politicians, experts and humanitarian groups. According to the UN, 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza are refugees. "They would be refugees for a second time," says Navone. "And if they would be able to go back to Gaza, what would they be going back to?"]

This one is like the UAF. What was in this ambulance? Was it the microchips that the Bulgarians use in weapons making?

[4:38am: Israeli strike on Gaza ambulance convoy kills several Israel struck an ambulance on Friday in Gaza City that it said was carrying militants, but which health authorities in the Hamas-controlled enclave said was evacuating wounded people from the besieged north to the south of the territory. The attack near the Al-Shifa hospital resulted in the deaths of 15 civilians and wounded 60 other people, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said, mirroring figures released earlier by the Hamas-run health ministry.]

[Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned that a wider conflict in the Middle East was a "realistic possibility".]
[Shortly after US Antony Blinken, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the idea of "humanitarian pauses" in a televised statement. "I made clear that we are continuing full force and that Israel refuses a temporary ceasefire which does not include the release of our hostages."]

The IDF doesn't want a ceasefire due to the hostages that were taken on Oct 7.
That was a month ago almost.
A French institute in Gaza and a French media building was struck by the IDF.
I guess a lot of French people live in Gaza.
Also, French people have been evacuated through the Rafah border crossing.
Notice here the IDF is intentionally targeting ambulances.

[Israel's military said it had identified and hit an ambulance "being used by a Hamas terrorist cell" in the battle zone. It said a number of Hamas fighters had been killed in the strike and accused the group of transferring both militants and weapons in ambulances.]
(November 4, 2023)

Cairo 3

1) Send the IDF weapons so they can defend themselves
2) The IDF will translate Russian language documents and tell the Pentagon what is going on in Eastern Europe

A Bulgarian police story.
Iranian drones aimed at American bases in Iraq.
A diplomatic initiative from Tel Aviv.
The Iranian army, maybe, is directly engaging the IDF in Tel Aviv.
IDF navy stories.
Tashkent and drone production.

Twenty-four people were arrested in the Varna region during a special police operation against vote-buying and domestic crime, public broadcaster BNT reported. Eight were wanted by the police and one had a European arrest warrant. Inspections were carried out at ferrous and non-ferrous metal shops, pawn shops, car scrap yards, drinking establishments and other commercial premises. A 57-year-old woman was detained and 500 packets of cigarettes without excise duty and 30 litres of untaxed brandy were found and confiscated from her home. In the Chaika district of Varna, police officers also found a laboratory where drugs were being cooked. 10 pre-trial proceedings and 2 summary proceedings were initiated.

Shia drones attack US bases in Syria, Iraq According to the report, the drones fired rockets at the US facility. Explosions were heard on the territory of the base, the television said BEIRUT, November 3. /TASS/. Shia armed groups, affiliated with the Islamic Front for the Iraqi Resistance, have used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to attack the US base in Shaddadi, in the northeastern Syrian province of Al-Hasakah, the Al Mayadeen TV reported.

Israeli government severs all ties with Gaza, prohibits its residents to work in Israel "There will be no more Palestinian workers from Gaza and the workers who were in Israel on the day the war broke out will be returned to Gaza," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said in a statement TEL AVIV, November 3. /TASS/. Israel is severing all ties with the Gaza Strip and prohibits all of Palestinian residents of the enclave from working in Israel, the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. "Israel cuts off all contact with Gaza. There will be no more Palestinian workers from Gaza and the workers who were in Israel on the day the war broke out will be returned to Gaza," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said in a statement. "The political and security cabinet decided to deduct from the funds of the Palestinian Authority all the funds intended for the Gaza Strip, in addition to the offset carried out according to law of funds paid to terrorists and their families," the statement says.

It's confirmed: Attack on Lebanon has been launched The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced today that they are carrying out attacks on "a number of Hezbollah sites" in Lebanon. The Israel Defense Forces made the announcement after several rockets were fired into northern Israel in the past hour. The IDF said a surface-to-air missile was fired at an Israeli drone earlier in the night without hitting the drone. Israeli ground forces fired artillery shells after missiles from Lebanon were launched at the Mount Dov and Mount Hermon region, the IDF said in a statement. Israel has faced a steady increase in attacks from Lebanon, led by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, along Israel's northern border since Israel's war with Hamas began on October 7.

Ships deployed: War declared Israel deployed warships to the Red Sea yesterday after Yemen's Houthis declared war and launched a ballistic missile at an Israeli town. Photos released by the Israeli military show Sa'ar-class corvettes patrolling near the Red Sea port of Eilat, which Israel sees as a new front as the war in Gaza draws retaliation from Iranian-backed forces in the region, the Telegraph reports. The Houthis said on Tuesday that they had carried out three drone and missile attacks on Israel since the start of the war between Hamas and Israel on October 7. They promised that there would be more such attacks "to help the Palestinians win." Israel's military has used its air defense system for the first time to intercept an "air threat" over the Red Sea, believed to be a ballistic missile. Tzachi Hanegbi, Israel's National Security Adviser, said Tuesday that Houthi attacks would not be tolerated, but declined to elaborate on how Israel might respond. The Houthis are part of Iran's regional alliance hostile to Israel and the United States, which includes Lebanon's Hezbollah and Iranian-backed Iraqi militias. The Houthis control parts of Yemen, including the capital Sana'a, more than 1,700 kilometers from Israel. Rockets and drones fired at Israel from the Red Sea area since October 7 have either been shot down or failed to reach Israel. Israel said the Houthis were behind an Oct. 27 drone attack that caused explosions in two Egyptian Red Sea cities, saying the drones were targeted to attack Israel.

Russian company to launch drone production in Navoi The drones will be used for agricultural purposes. Investments in the program over a five-year period will amount to $80 million The Russian company Fly & See Agro intends to launch the production of drones in Uzbekistan, Spot writes with reference to Kommersant. The mayor of the Navoi free economic zone, Habib Abdullayev, and the Director General of Fly & See Agro, Vasily Ptitsyn, signed a memorandum on the implementation of an investment project for the production of unmanned aerial systems in the republic. The drones will be used for agricultural purposes. Investments in the program over a five-year period will amount to $80 million. As part of the project, it is planned to attract Russian specialists and export finished products to Russia and third countries. Thus, the company Fly and See Agro considers Uzbekistan as a springboard for entering the markets of the Middle East.

Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds in Gaza as Death Toll Surpasses 9,000 The ongoing conflict in the Middle East has reached a tragic milestone, with over 9,000 lives lost on the Palestinian side since the conflict's inception, according to reports from the Gaza Strip. The toll has continued to mount as Israel's ground operations and airstrikes persist, following Hamas's attack on Israel on October 7, which claimed more than 1,400 lives and resulted in around 240 hostages. In the northern part of the Gaza Strip, five ground battles are underway between the Israeli army and Hamas, with civilian casualties rising. In response to the crisis, additional foreigners and nationals have fled the Strip, crossing into Egypt through the Rafah checkpoint, seeking refuge from the relentless violence. Reports indicate that at least 15 people lost their lives in an Israeli airstrike on the Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. Hamas has been reporting an increasingly dire situation, emphasizing that the civilian population is bearing the brunt of the conflict. Israeli forces, while continuing to advance on Gaza City, are grappling with fierce resistance as Hamas deploys mortars and guerrilla tactics through a network of tunnels. The Israeli military is well aware of the complexities of combat in urban environments and has concentrated its efforts in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, avoiding a broad offensive across the entire enclave. Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, an Israeli military spokesman, confirmed the ongoing clashes, stating, "The Israeli military continues to advance in the Gaza City area and fight face-to-face with Hamas terrorists. During the night, our forces fought many terrorists who tried to ambush them. We fought battles that lasted for several hours with support of planes and a missile ship. At the end of the battle, many terrorists were killed." The situation in Gaza has escalated to a humanitarian crisis, with acute shortages of food, fuel, clean water, and medicine. Broken sewers have forced some residents to drink saltwater, and hospitals are grappling with dire conditions due to a lack of fuel to power essential equipment. Residents like Hiyam Shamlah in Gaza City find themselves trapped in a harrowing ordeal, seeking safety in hospitals but living in fear of rocket attacks. Shamlah said, "This is not life. We need a safe place for our children." In recent days, Israel carried out airstrikes on the densely populated Jabalia refugee camp, resulting in further casualties. Hamas reports that the death toll in Jabalia reached 195. Israel contends that Hamas is using civilians as shields and reports that two Hamas military leaders were among the casualties. The international community has decried Israel's actions, with the Arab world condemning the ongoing conflict. The United Nations has expressed concerns that the disproportionate attacks could amount to war crimes. In response to the escalating crisis, US President Joe Biden announced a "pause" in the fighting to facilitate the release of hostages, offering a glimmer of hope in an otherwise dire situation.

Iran-Backed Militia Reinforces Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon Amid Escalating Tensions The Imam Hussein Brigade, an Iran-backed militia, is relocating from Syria to southern Lebanon to bolster Hezbollah forces, according to an announcement by an Israeli military official. The move follows a series of setbacks for Hezbollah in recent clashes with Israel. Lt.-Col. Avichay Adraee, the Israel Defense Force's Arabic-language spokesman, revealed on X (formerly known as Twitter) that the Iranian Imam Hussein Brigade, led by a commander known as Zulfiqar, has arrived in southern Lebanon. They have engaged in confrontations with the IDF along the Lebanese border. Adraee warned, "Hezbollah and the Imam Hussein Brigade will exact a heavy toll on Lebanon, all for the benefit of Hamas-ISIS. The IDF is fully prepared to respond to any threats against its sovereignty in the north." Arab media reports indicate that the militia comprises approximately 1,000 members and is under the leadership of Zulfiqar Hanawi, a Lebanese national. In recent weeks, terrorist squads in Lebanon have been launching mortars and anti-tank rockets at IDF positions and communities in northern Israel. The Israeli military has responded with retaliatory strikes but has thus far avoided escalating the situation. Meanwhile, Palestinian sources have expressed feelings of betrayal by Iran and Hezbollah, as tensions continue to rise in the region. Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is scheduled to deliver a televised address on Friday.

(November 3, 2023)

This is me talking about the IDF. 11-3-23

Notice the Tashkent government.
They're telling Uzbek citizens in Israel to follow the instructions of the Israeli police.
The point is that the world audience is telling people to not do what they say.
Americans are test flying MiG-29s.
A mention of the UNRWA.
The White House is commenting on Tel Aviv.

Uzbekistan Embassy in Israel Warns Against Social Media Controversy The Uzbekistan Embassy in Israel warned Uzbeks in the country about expressing inappropriate attitudes and making calls for actions on social media regarding controversial events. They reminded everyone that discussing the current situation is strictly monitored by Israeli law enforcement and special services.

[36 Bulgarian Citizens were Evacuated from the Gaza Strip and are Now in Egypt A total of 36 Bulgarian citizens and their family members were successfully evacuated today from the territory of the Gaza Strip and are now safe in Egypt. The 37th has expressed his desire to stay, this was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mariya Gabriel. "In a complex and extremely dynamic situation, thanks to the coordinated efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the actions of our representations in Cairo, Ramallah and Tel Aviv, the withdrawal of our compatriots through the Rafah checkpoint was successfully implemented, in the first possible group that was allowed leaving the Gaza Strip. I would like to thank all parties involved in achieving and implementing the passage," Gabriel added. Everyone is doing well. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in continuous communication with its representations in Cairo, Ramallah and Tel Aviv, with a view to providing the best follow-up care for Bulgarians in the current situation.]

Grigor Dimitrov Qualifies for 3rd Round of 2023 Paris Masters after Defeating Daniil Medvedev

The Air Forces of Bulgaria and the USA begin a joint training on Thursday within NATO's enhanced vigilance activities, the Bulgarian Defence Ministry said in a press release Wednesday. MiG-29 fighters from the Graf Ignatievo Air Base will perform tasks for escorting Allied military aircraft and providing cover and safe airspace for actions by forces and resources of Bomber Task Force 24-1 (BTF 24-1). Bomber Task Force's missions are routine operations across the globe that demonstrate the United States' commitment to collective defence through participation in joint operations and exercises with partners and allies. The joint training will create an opportunity to upgrade Bulgarian pilots' preparation and will confirm the readiness of the Bulgarian Air Force to counter any military threats and to contribute to ensuring security and stability in the region within the framework of NATO's collective defence, the press release reads. In late August, Graf Ignatyevo Air Base hosted two joint training events, Falcon Defender 2023 and Falcon Responder 2023, with the participation of instructors and servicepersons from the Tennessee Air National Guard, USA.

Death toll among UNRWA staffers in Gaza Strip climbs to 70 The agency points out that it "is no longer able to provide services to the displaced persons" in Gaza City and the Gaza Strip CAIRO, November 2. /TASS/. At least 70 employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) have been killed since the conflict in the Middle East flared up on October 7, the agency said in a statement on its website. "In the last 24 hours, three additional UNRWA staff have been killed, bringing the total to 70 UNRWA colleagues killed since 7 October," the statement said. According to it, "Some 690,000 Internally Displaced People (IDPs) are sheltering in 149 installations across the Gaza Strip. An estimated 160,000 are housed in 57 shelters in the north and in Gaza City." The agency points out that it "is no longer able to provide services to the displaced persons in those areas." Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 when militants from the Gaza-based Palestinian radical group Hamas staged a surprise incursion into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Hamas described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City. In response, Israel has announced a total blockade of the Gaza Strip, home to 2.3 million Palestinians, and has begun delivering air strikes on the enclave and certain parts of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are underway in the West Bank as well.

White House believes Netanyahu's political career almost over - Politico According to the newspaper, the White House believes that "Netanyahu's political days are numbered," and that he would "likely last a matter of months, or at least until the early fighting phase of Israel's military campaign in the Gaza Strip was over." WASHINGTON, November 2. /TASS/. US President Joe Biden Believes that the cared of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is about to end, Politico reported, citing source in the US Administration. According to Politico, the White House believes that "Netanyahu's political days are numbered," and that he would "likely last a matter of months, or at least until the early fighting phase of Israel's military campaign in the Gaza Strip was over." Politico notes that Biden discussed Netanyahu's further political perspectives during a phone call with the Prime Minister, offering to "consider the scenario he was leaving for his successor." According to the newspaper, the US Administration holds negotiations with former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennet, former Defense Minister Benny Gantz and leader of the parliamentary opposition Yair Lapid. During a press conference earlier, Netanyahu refrained from commenting on his potential resignation, underscoring that he is now completely focused on the military operation in the Gaza Strip.

(November 2, 2023)

This is me talking about the Tashkent news. 11-2-23

At the same time, the IDF has broken through defensive lines in Gaza, foreigners and dual nationals have crossed into Egypt from Gaza.

[Israeli military says it has broken through Hamas defense lines in northern Gaza Strip The official representative of the country's Defense Forces, Daniel Hagari, noted that "the ground operation is progressing according to plan" TEL AVIV, November 1. /TASS/. Israeli troops have broken through the defense lines of the radical Palestinian group Hamas in the northern Gaza Strip, Israel Defense Forces Spokesman Daniel Hagari said. "The ground operation is progressing as planned. Our forces are in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. Thanks to intelligence data and joint attacks from the land, air and sea, our forces broke through Hamas' front lines of defense in the north of the Gaza Strip," he said at a news conference.]

[Over 330 foreigners, dual nationals cross from Gaza into Egypt - media The Egyptian Health Ministry said that 117 foreign nationals, including 35 children, have undergone medical examinations at the border crossing CAIRO, November 1. /TASS/. The number of foreigners and persons with dual citizenship who passed through the Rafah crossing point located on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip has reached 335, the Al Hadath TV channel reported citing an unnamed Egyptian representative. "So far, 335 foreigners and dual nationals have crossed the Rafah crossing and entered Egypt," the channel quoted an official as saying. The Egyptian Health Ministry, meanwhile, said that 117 foreign nationals, including 35 children, have undergone medical examinations at the border crossing. The Extra News TV channel reported that 30 wounded Palestinians who were evacuated through the Rafah crossing earlier have been transferred to city hospitals in the North Sinai Governorate for surgery and intensive care. According to Wael Abu Mohsen, the media director for the Rafah crossing, three buses with 160 passengers of dual nationality entered Egypt earlier. According to the reports, they are mostly employees of international organizations. The Al-Qahera al-Ihbariya TV channel reported that the Egyptian authorities are in coordination with foreign embassies to facilitate the entry of dual nationals into the country. Moreover, 22 ambulances carrying the wounded and their escorts arrived in Egypt from Gaza.]

(November 1, 2023)

This is me talking about the IDF. 11-1-23

Different reports about the Egyptian tax payer.
The Black Sea and warships.
Taiwanese independence.

Bulgarian PM Nikolai Denkov and Volodymyr Zelensky discussed Security in the Black Sea region

Defence Ministry Holds Meeting within Strategic Review of Defence Policy The Ministry of Defence Tuesday held a meeting at the Lozenetz Residence as part of a Strategic Review of the Defence Policy.

Hamas allows citizens of 8 countries, including 19 Bulgarians to be evacuated from Gaza Strip Hamas is allowing 430 citizens of Bulgaria and 7 other countries to leave the Gaza Strip, indicates a document by the Hamas border service. The passport numbers of the Bulgarians who will be allowed to leave have been published. There are 19 names of people with dual citizenship in the column marked "Bulgaria" in the table, of them 17 with Bulgarian passports. The holders of foreign passports and the people in need of urgent medical aid will be able to lave Gaza with the expected opening of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt on 1 November. According to Reuters, agreement on the opening of the border crossing has been reached between Egypt, Israel and Hamas, with the mediation of Qatar and in cooperation with the US. There is no information how long the Rafah crossing will remain open for evacuation. The people allowed to leave have been summoned to Rafah border crossing at 7 AM, the Russian TASS news agency reports. The lists include citizens of Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Jordan, Finland, Czechia and Japan. The people working for the International Committee of the Red Cross and NGOs operating in the Gaza Strip will also be allowed to leave.

Hamas official says Gaza tunnels built to provide protection from Israeli airstrikes "Everybody knows that 75% of Gaza residents are refugees and the UN is responsible for protecting them," he noted BEIRUT, November 1. /TASS/. The network of underground tunnels in the Gaza Strip was designed to protect members of the Palestinian movement Hamas from Israeli airstrikes and were not meant for civilians, a Hamas political bureau member said.

DPRK envoy rejects as 'false rumors' reports of Hamas fighters using North Korea-made arms Kim Song also stressed that the current crisis was rooted in Israel's "illegal actions" in Palestine UNITED NATIONS, November 1. /TASS/. Reports of militants from the radical Palestinian movement Hamas using North Korea-made weapons in attacks on Israel are rumors spread by US government-funded media outlets, Kim Song, Permanent Representative of the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK) to the United Nations, said.

Egypt deploys tanks to Gaza border near Rafah crossing - newspaper It is reported that Egypt allows only trucks with humanitarian aid to enter the Gaza Strip

Palestine considers Israel's idea to transfer Gaza residents to Sinai declaration of war "We are opposed to the relocation of people in any form, and we consider it a red line that we will not allow to be crossed," the statement reads CAIRO, November 1. /TASS/. The Israeli authorities' idea to relocate 2.3 million residents of the Gaza Strip to Egypt's Sinai Peninsula will be a red line for Palestine and will be tantamount to the declaration of a 'new war,' Palestinian Presidential Spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh said.

Taiwan records 43 Chinese aircraft, 7 vessels approaching island According to the statement, "R.O.C. Armed Forces have monitored the situation and tasked CAP aircraft, Navy vessels, and land-based missile systems to respond these activities" HONG KONG, November 1. /TASS/. Taiwan's armed forces have recorded 43 aircraft and seven ships of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) approaching the island over the past 24 hours, the Taiwanese Defense Ministry said in a statement published on its website.

(November 1, 2023)

This is me talking about the border between Gaza and Egypt. 11-1-23

Israel is still launching missiles at Gaza and Lebanon.
American positions in Iraq are being targeting with UAVs.
Refugees, I think, are being sent to Egypt from Gaza.
The German Leopard tanks in Ukraine seem stuck in the mud for the winter.
A few reports about Ukrainian special forces operations.

[Israel will Not Agree to an End to Hostilities against Hamas Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel will fight until victory against Hamas. Amid recent UN warnings about the dire situation for civilians in the Gaza Strip, the United States said an increase in humanitarian aid was possible. "Israel will not cease fire against Hamas in the Gaza Strip because that would mean surrendering to terrorists and barbarians", Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said. "Just as the US did not agree to a cease-fire after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, or after the terrorist attack of 9/11, Israel will not agree to a cease-fire against Hamas after the horrific attacks of October 7," he said. Netanyahu quoted the Bible that there is a time for peace and a time for war: "This is a time for war - a war for our common future". He officially confirmed that a fifth hostage kidnapped by Hamas in the October 7 attack, when 1,400 people were killed and more than 200 captured, has been released. Israel has expanded its ground operations, prompting new international calls to protect civilians in Gaza. The Israeli military said it had struck more than 600 Hamas targets in the past few days. Airstrikes have also been carried out in Lebanon against the Shiite "Hezbollah" movement, an ally of Hamas. Only a few dozen trucks of humanitarian aid have reached Gaza. According to Washington, 100 trucks a day could enter the enclave of more than two million people. Israel renewed its warnings to the civilian population to move from the northern part of the Palestinian territory to the south. Gaza is "hell on Earth," Palestinian UN representative Riyad Mansour said. According to the Palestinian side, more than 8,300 people died in the Israeli attacks. Israel's UN envoy Gilad Erdan pinned a yellow star to his chest during the Security Council meeting and said he would wear it "with pride" until the council condemned Hamas' atrocities. Russia's permanent representative to the UN, Vassily Nebenzya, said that "a humanitarian catastrophe of biblical proportions is unfolding in the Gaza Strip."]

No casualties as drones attack Iraq's military base hosting US forces Earlier, a senior Pentagon official told reporters that, between October 17 and 30, US forces and the Washington-led coalition had been attacked at least 14 times in Iran and nine times in Syria LONDON, October 31. /TASS/. Two unmanned aerial vehicles attacked western Iraq's Ain al-Asad air base housing US forces, Reuters reported, citing two security sources at the government of the Arab republic. The attack caused no casualties or damage, Reuters said, without giving more details. On October 30, a senior Pentagon official told reporters that, between October 17 and 30, US forces and the Washington-led coalition had been attacked at least 14 times in Iran and nine times in Syria with the use of drones and rockets. The bulk of the 23 attacks were thwarted, the Pentagon official said.

On October 13, Israel informed the United Nations that 1.1 mln Palestinians should relocate to the south of the Gaza Strip within 24 hours. The Israeli army explained the recommendation saying that Hamas militants were hiding in tunnels under civilian buildings in Gaza. Hamas, however, urged Gaza residents to ignore Israel's demand, and asked the UN to take measures to prevent people from being forced from their homes.

Russian forces destroy three Ukrainian army boats, amassed enemy troops in Kherson area According to the regional emergency services, the Russian military also eliminated a Ukrainian gun emplacement in the island zone and a temporary deployment site near Kochkarovka in the Kakhovka direction GENICHESK, October 31. /TASS/. Russian forces destroyed three camouflaged Ukrainian army boats and amassed enemy troops in the Kherson area over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, a spokesman for the regional emergency services reported on Tuesday. "Dnepr battlegroup units inflicted damage on the enemy by firepower in the Kherson area, destroying a D-30 howitzer with ammunition near the settlement of Zelenovka (the Ukrainian army's casualties: four soldiers were killed and three others were wounded), amassed adversary manpower near Alyoshkinsky Island (casualties: 10 Ukrainian personnel were killed) and three camouflaged boats near Alyoshkinsky Island," the spokesman said. In addition, Russian forces eliminated a Ukrainian gun emplacement in the island zone and a temporary deployment site near Kochkarovka in the Kakhovka direction, killing 12 and wounding another five enemy soldiers and damaging two vehicles, he said.

German-made Leopard tanks prove inefficient on battlefield, says DPR According to Yan Gagin, Ukrainian servicemen perish both in operations as Leopard 2 crews and in attempts to evacuate the armor from the battlefield DONETSK, October 31. /TASS/. German-made Leopard 2 tanks that the West is supplying to Ukraine have proven their inefficiency at the frontline due to technical flaws, Yan Gagin, adviser to the head of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), told TASS on Tuesday. "These [Leopard 2] tanks have proven their inefficiency. They lack maneuverability, have a large weight, a weak cross-country capability, especially in the mud period, and quite a vulnerable hull. This tank cannot be repaired in the fields and can be only pulled away from a battlefield into a repair area where specially trained personnel must carry out its maintenance using the entire required repair equipment," he said. Ukrainian servicemen perish both in operations as Leopard 2 crews and in attempts to evacuate the armor from the battlefield, Gagin said. Earlier, the American magazine Forbes reported that the West was planning to deliver modified Soviet T-72M tanks to Ukraine to outfit them with new engines, electronics and reactive armor.

Russian forces repel Ukrainian attack near Verbovoye, politician says "A large number of troops and a great amount of equipment were detected near Verbovoye. Our artillery and missile troops hit them; information is being collected about enemy losses," Vladimir Rogov added MELITOPOL, October 31. /TASS/. Russian forces repelled a Ukrainian attack near the village of Verbovoye in the Orekhov area on Tuesday morning, Vladimir Rogov, chairman of the We Stand With Russian movement, told TASS. "The enemy attempted to break through our defenses near Verbovoye early in the morning. They used about five armored vehicles to deploy and cover their troops. The attack was repelled; at least one tank was hit and at least ten Ukrainian militants were killed," he specified. Rogov pointed out that enemy attacks towards the Novoprokopovka, Kopani and Nesteryanka settlements had been thwarted. "A large number of troops and a great amount of equipment were detected near Verbovoye. Our artillery and missile troops hit them; information is being collected about enemy losses," he added. The Ukrainian army has been attempting to advance without success since June 4. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on October 30 that over 90,000 Ukrainian troops had been killed or wounded since then. Kiev has also lost about 600 tanks and 1,900 armored vehicles of various types. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Ukraine has been unable to achieve any tangible results. Russian President Vladimir Putin stated on October 15 that the Ukrainian army's counteroffensive had failed even though Kiev was making preparations for more offensive operations in some areas.

(October 31, 2023)

Notice the Bulgarians are attending a peace conference and they're complaining about air quality. The Telegraph keeps telling Kiev to fight on.

PM Denkov Emphasizes Bulgaria's Support for Ukraine in Video Address at Third Ukrainian Peace Formula Meeting

Residents of Bulgaria's Ruse on the Danube dissatisfied with air quality

BEIJING, October 30. /TASS/. The People's Liberation Army will never allow Taiwan to separate from China, Colonel General Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of China's Central Military Commission, said. "The Taiwan issue is at the heart of China's key interests and the One China principle is the general consensus of the international community," he pointed out at the Tenth Xiangshan Forum on Security. "No matter who tries to somehow separate Taiwan from China, the Chinese military will never let it happen," the senior military official added.

Mass riots took place at the airport of regional capital Makhachkala on October 29. The unrest was caused by the arrival of a regular flight from Tel Aviv amid tensions in the Middle East. Several hundred people entered the airport building and went to the tarmac; they were eventually dispelled by law enforcement officers. According to the latest data, over 20 people, including police officers, suffered injuries, and 60 rioters were detained. Dagestani authorities and religious leaders condemned the incident, linking it to an attempted provocation.

Uzbekistan may introduce visa free regime with China

Pistorius told the public broadcaster ZDF that the conflict in the Middle East and the war between Russia and Ukraine will have consequences in German society. "We have to get used to the idea that there could be a danger of war in Europe," said the German defense minister. Pistorius said that Germany will simultaneously do everything to prevent further escalation in the Middle East conflict. Speaking about the situation in the Bundeswehr, the German minister stated that not only was a special fund worth 100 billion euros created, but the structures were also changed. According to Pistorius, the Bundeswehr has long been neglected, but will be in a completely different position by the end of the decade.

This is me talking about the ISW and Dominic Nicholls. 10-30-23

This is some kind of a joke that maybe the ISW isn't great at interpreting the Geneva Convention. Sometimes, for example, do they mean the Vienna Convention?

[ISW: Russia enlists Ukrainian prisoners of war in military unit According to the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW), Russia is forcing Ukrainian prisoners of war to join so-called volunteer forces to participate in military operations against Ukraine. According to the report, at the end of October, the "Bohdan Khmelnytsky" volunteer detachment forcibly recruited 70 Ukrainian prisoners of war held in various Russian colonies. They are now undergoing training and are expected to be sent to the front soon, US experts say. They do not specify how many such formations have already been created, but emphasize that this is a gross violation of the Geneva Convention on prisoners of war. The convention states that prisoners of war cannot be sent to a war zone or held in a war zone where they may come under fire. Also, according to the convention, prisoners of war cannot be used for work that poses a danger to life and health.]
(October 30, 2023)

Egypt 11

1) The IDF is using their fighter jets a lot
a. Both at the tunnels in Gaza City
b. And toward Lebanon
2) Maybe the point of origin is Tehran
a. That's why the IDF is using warplanes so much
b. Also, the Pentagon is targeting Iranian positions in Syria

[Israel retaliating three launches from Lebanon - IDF Israel is firing back TEL AVIV, October 29. /TASS/. Three rounds were fired from the Lebanese territory, Israel is firing back, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Sunday. "Following the most recent report regarding the sirens that sounded in northern Israel, three launches were identified from Lebanon toward Israeli territory. The IDF Aerial Defense Array intercepted two launches. An additional launch fell in an open area. The IDF is responding with fire toward the origins of the shooting," it said. "Furthermore, several launches were identified a short while ago toward the area of Malkia. No injuries were reported. IDF soldiers are responding with fire toward the origins of the shooting," it said, adding that in response to attacks on the Har Dov area from Lebanon, Israel scrambled its fighter jets, which hit Hezbollah military infrastructure.]
(October 29, 2023)

This is me talking about the IDF and Beirut. 10-29-23

If I have British colleagues here. I'm from Texas.
I thought New York City was Dutch and English guys who worked at the bank and they're not married.
If everyone follows what I mean.

'Suits' is a television show set in New York City. Gabriel Macht, for me, is the point of the show. It's set in New York City. Out west, none of us know what they're talking about. But, Harvey is a likeable character. That's amazing he's an attorney at this law firm. Out west of course we have attorneys and law firms. In the show. Harvey isn't married. He goes to work. His entire day is that he loves his job at this law firm. In real life. I studied modern Russian literature in Saint Petersburg.
I think 'Suits' is a dystopian novel. It's about married life and raising small children. Kind of, if all actors are married or if all hockey players are married or if all attorneys are married. And then the wives and kids start showing up at the film sets and hockey games and law firms.
I guess conservative family values have taken over in New York City. The dystopian novel of it is that in real life, Gabriel is married and he has two kids. In real life he couldn't work as Harvey does at this law firm. The show is a dream. It's an impossible dream. Because Gabriel chose to live as a married man and his wife chose to give birth to two children.
It's about the American economy.
Another example is that Christian Bale in American psycho isn't married. 'Suits' is a dream that's impossible.

This is a description of Turkish weapons. Notice they make air defense systems and cruise missiles. Also, some of these items have been banned.

Turkiye is celebrating its centenary encouraged by the profound transformation it has achieved in its defense industry, marked by hundreds of domestically produced weapons systems and a range of homegrown air, land and marine platforms. In strategic geography where conflicts have been witnessed through the ages, Turkiye has always needed high-level defense products to protect itself. However, due to strained relations with some countries over disagreements, it has been facing some embargoes or difficulties in obtaining these systems. In 1985, the country established the Defense Industry Development and Support Administration, which later became the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB), amid arms embargoes related to its peace operation in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The years 1985-2004 are considered to be the founding period of the Turkish defense industry when defense companies started with assembly as subcontractors in order to close the gap between trained manpower and technology after infrastructure investments. The Turkish Armed Forces Foundation (TAFF) was established during this period and Aselsan, Havelsan, TAI, Isbir, Aspilsan and Roketsan, which were established in 1988 under the roof of TAFF, became the driving force of the defense industry. Especially in the last decade, the country has gained significant ground in the defense field thanks to the increasing number of domestic defense companies. While the country's defense imports decreased largely, the country became an exporter of some products, such that four Turkish defense giants - Aselsan, Roketsan, TAI and Asfat - entered the top defense exporters list of the U.S.-based Defense News. The transformation drive has eventually helped lower Turkiye's foreign dependency in defense from around 80% in the early 2000s to some 20% today. The capabilities of its vehicles, spearheaded by combat drones, triggered unprecedented demand that saw Turkiye seal billions of dollars worth of export deals in recent years. Exports hit a record of nearly $4.5 billion in 2022, and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sees them hitting another all-time high of over $6 billion. Recent developments The drone magnate Baykar continues to test its new unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) Bayraktar TB3, a short-runway-capable version of the company's famed TB2 platform, which has been exported to more than 30 countries. Baykar also continues to test its unmanned fighter jet, Bayraktar Kizilelma. The firm has also recently introduced a cruise missile, Kemankes. The state-run aviation company TAI, which has a wide product range, from helicopters to training planes to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), has showcased its fifth-generation fighter jet Kaan this year. Kaan is expected to fly with an indigenously produced engine in 2028. The country aims to replace its existing F-16 fleet with new-generation aircraft, including Kaan, by the 2030s. Turkish defense giants Aselsan and Roketsan focused on an indigenous air defense system which is of critical importance for the safety of the country. While there are several systems for various altitudes in the test phase, the Siper air defense system with a range of 800 kilometers (500 miles) has come to the forefront. Turkish small arms producer Sarsilmaz has been manufacturing various types and sizes of weapons for a long time. Its Sar 9 pistol won awards a couple of times in the U.S. market. The country made also a significant leap to boost its naval capabilities, having commissioned its long-anticipated largest warship in April this year, making it one of the few nations in the world with a domestically built aircraft carrier. More than Turkiye's first aircraft carrier, the TCG Anadolu will also be the world's first vessel with an air wing mainly consisting of unmanned aircraft. As part of the country's production of MILGEM class ships, it established many warships for its navy and countries such as Pakistan. Besides vehicles, the country manufactures sub-systems, strategic parts for defense products and software. In 2021, Canada blocked exports of a camera component used in Turkish drones, but Turkish defense giant Aselsan managed to produce a similar one in a short period and Turkish UAVs were equipped with this system. Over the years, embargoes and bans have prompted Turkish defense companies and engineers to replace imported goods with domestic products and systems. The country has also organized major defense and technology events such as the SAHA Expo, IDEF and Teknofest to showcase its developments and latest products to the world.
(October 28, 2023)

The Israeli army coordinates ground operations with strikes from warplanes.

There are some unknowns about these tunnels beneath Gaza City. I guess Hamas has been using tunnels for army bases. That's hard for me to know here in Washington, DC. Maybe the IDF could explain exactly what they mean by these tunnels. Did Hamas dig tunnels? Were these already a part of the city planning?

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard is using the internet to recruit volunteers.

Live: Gaza communications down as Israel targets Hamas tunnels in north Fighting raged in Gaza early on Saturday as Israel expanded its ground operations and cut the Palestinian territory off from communications, three weeks after Hamas launched the deadliest single attack in Israel's history. Israeli warplanes struck 150 tunnels and underground bunkers in northern Gaza overnight, targeting Hamas's extensive underground network, the Israeli military said. Follow our live blog for the latest updates. All times are Paris time (GMT+2). The Israeli army said it planned to extend ground operations in the Gaza Strip Friday night after significantly intensifying its air strikes on the Palestinian territory. A telecoms provider in Gaza said Friday evening that internet and phone services had been cut off. The World Health Organisation says it is out of touch with its staff and health facilities in Gaza. "The blackout is also making it impossible for ambulances to reach the injured," WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus wrote in a post on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter. Palestinian militants fired rockets from Gaza into Israel, including one that hit a residential building in Tel Aviv. At least two people were wounded, according to Israeli medics. Hamas militants have vowed to respond with "full force" to Israel's expansion of ground operations. Overnight into Saturday, Israeli warplanes struck 150 tunnels and underground bunkers in northern Gaza, the military said. Hamas's extensive underground installations, many of them located under Gaza City in the north of the territory, are seen as key targets of the offensive. A military statement said the sites hit included "terror tunnels, underground combat spaces and additional underground infrastructure". The UN General Assembly approved a nonbinding resolution on Friday calling for a "humanitarian truce" in Gaza leading to a cessation of hostilities between Israel and Gaza's Hamas rulers. The 193-member world body adopted the resolution by a vote of 120-14 with 45 abstentions.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard recruits volunteers to fight in Gaza The Iranian regime has launched an online campaign to recruit volunteers - including children - to fight alongside Hamas in the war against Israel. But the government's propaganda efforts are not making much headway among anti-regime Iranians. Shortly after Hamas conducted its bloody "Al-Aqsa Flood" terrorist operation in Israel on October 7, Iran's Revolutionary Guard launched an online recruitment campaign with the same name, hoping to convince young Iranian men and boys to join the Palestinian armed group in its war efforts. The campaign, taken up by Iranian state TV and radio, and several websites affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard, has already garnered more than 3 million ready-to-be-deployed volunteers, Iranian television reported. The "Al-Aqsa Flood" campaign features a young boy in his pre-pubescent teens wearing military fatigues in front of Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque. The child also has the symbolic pro-Palestine keffiyeh scarf wrapped around his neck, and wears a pin with General Qassem Soleimani's portrait on his jacket. Soleimani, who long headed the Revolutionary Guard's elite Al-Quds unit, was killed by American forces in Baghdad in 2020.

(October 28, 2023)

1) The Russians might be very smart about winter warfare. The Ukrainians might be continuing on as is regardless of the season.
2) The SBU has been investigating collaborators. Maybe it isn't verifiable about Russians shooting deserters.
3) All of this anyway is happing in Ukrainian territory.

This is me talking about Ukraine in the winter. 10-27-23

The Congress is complaining about the White House giving Ukraine money.
Now the White House is giving green lights about airstrikes in eastern Syria.
Maybe the White House gives too many green lights.
Notice this mention of energy politics in the Balkans.

North Macedonia Demands Compensation from Bulgaria if it has to Pay the "Russian Gas" Tax

White House fails to inform Congress about ultimate US goal in Ukraine - house speaker In his opinion, the administration needs to report about US funds allocated for helping Ukraine NEW YORK, October 27. /TASS/. The US administration has failed to inform the Congress about the country's ultimate goal in the Ukrainian conflict, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Mike Johnson said in an interview aired by Fox News. "We want to know what the objective there is, what is the endgame in Ukraine. The White House has not provided that," he said. In his opinion, the administration needs to report about US funds allocated for helping Ukraine. Previously, US President Joe Biden filed a request to the US Congress to provide additional military and other aid to Ukraine and Israel worth about $106 billion. According to the accompanying documents, published by the White House, the request for the fiscal year 2024 proposes to allocate over $61.4 billion for Ukraine and over $14.3 billion for Israel. The future of the request is unknown at this point. A number of Republican members in both chambers of the Congress have publicly spoken out against continuing financial aid to Ukraine.

Pentagon to take 'necessary measures' if pro-Iranian groups attack US forces - secretary "If attacks by Iran's proxies against US forces continue, we will not hesitate to take further necessary measures to protect our people," Lloyd Austin said WASHINGTON, October 27. /TASS/. The US Department of Defense will take "further necessary measures" if pro-Iranian groups continue to attack US forces in the Middle East, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said. The Pentagon reported that at US President Joe Biden's direction, US military forces had conducted strikes on two facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups. "If attacks by Iran's proxies against US forces continue, we will not hesitate to take further necessary measures to protect our people," Austin said in a statement, published by the Pentagon's press service. In his words, the United States "has no intention nor desire to engage in further hostilities, but these Iranian-backed attacks against US forces are unacceptable and must stop." "Iran wants to hide its hand and deny its role in these attacks against our forces. We will not let them," the US defense secretary added. He said the strikes came in response to attacks on US servicemen in Iraq and Syria.

US strikes two facilities in Syria used by Iran - Pentagon "Today [on October 26], at President Biden's direction, US military forces conducted self-defense strikes on two facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups," Lloyd Austin said WASHINGTON, October 27. /TASS/. On an order from US President Joe Biden, US forces have conducted strikes on two facilities in Syria reportedly used by Iran, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said. "Today [on October 26], at President Biden's direction, US military forces conducted self-defense strikes on two facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups," Austin said in a statement, published by the Pentagon's press service. According to the defense secretary, "these precision self-defense strikes are a response to a series of ongoing and mostly unsuccessful attacks against US personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-backed militia groups that began on October 17." Biden directed the action "to make clear that the United States will not tolerate such attacks" and will defend itself, its people, and its interests, the US defense chief added.

(October 27, 2023)

This is me talking about the IRGC. 10-27-23

This is me talking about Ken McCallum. 10-26-23

Notice the EU and the ammunition sent to Kiev.
Maybe the EU is losing its intention about that.
The Egyptians are saying that the Palestinians are being sent to the desert.
A description of the Polish border police.

Bulgaria: Enhanced Security Measures in Sofia at Places Visited by Citizens of Israel

Seven Illegal Migrants Detained near Lovech Seven illegal migrants, who identified themselves as Syrians, have been detained not far from the Sopot village near Ugarchin, the Lovech police confirmed to BTA on Wednesday.

Russian gas transit fee affects only Gazprom, PM Denkov tells EU ambassadors

EU falling behind schedule of munitions supplies to Ukraine - agency According to the media, only 30% of the expected amount have been supplied by now NEW YORK, October 26. /TASS/. The European Union is falling behind the schedule of supplying Ukraine with artillery rounds, Bloomberg said, citing documents and officials familiar with the situation. Under the schedule, the EU was supposed to supply one million artillery rounds to Ukraine by March. However, according to Bloomberg, only 30% of the expected amount have been supplied by now. Several member states have reportedly asked to extend the period for munitions supplies. European foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said earlier that as many as 300,000 shells of the 155mm caliber and 2,600 missiles have been donated to Ukraine since the beginning of the current year so that Ukraine could continue combat operation. The top EU diplomat also pledged to increase the production of ammunition for Ukraine. In February, Borrell promised that Brussels will supply one million artillery rounds to Kiev. Two billion euro were allocated from the European Peace Facility for these purposes.

Palestine values Egypt's stance opposing citizens' expulsion to desert, envoy says According to Palestinian Ambassador to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan Jawad Awad, Israel aims to "intimidate the remnants of the Palestinian population, force them to flee to safety in Egypt and cleanse the Gaza Strip" TASHKENT, October 25. /TASS/. Palestine appreciates the position of Egypt, which opposes the displacement of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to Egypt's territory, Palestinian Ambassador to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan Jawad Awad told TASS. "We appreciate Egypt's position against forcing the Palestinians into its desert territories where they will simply die out. The worst case will occur if Israel succeeds in cleansing the Gaza Strip. Then after a while the Israelis will repeat it in the West Bank, as they did in 1948. In fact, 80% of Gaza's residents are refugees from 1948," the diplomat said. According to him, Israel aims to "intimidate the remnants of the Palestinian population, force them to flee to safety in Egypt and cleanse the Gaza Strip." "Over the past decades, the Palestinian people have learned to endure misfortunes and hardships. Therefore, it will continue to fight for the liberation of its occupied lands and seek the establishment of its state," the ambassador added. Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told the CNN on October 17 that Cairo was ready to allow humanitarian aid for residents of the enclave through the Rafah crossing on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. However, the country did not intend to accommodate refugees from Gaza on its territory. The Al-Araby Al-Jadeed reported citing sources that Egypt proposed to establish camps for refugees in the Palestinian Rafah. According to the newspaper, the camps will be located 2 miles from the border with Egypt, and their activities will remain under Cairo's control. Britain's The Financial Times also reported that Egypt was actively resisting pressure from the EU trying to persuade it to host Palestinian refugees. Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 when militants from the Gaza-based Palestinian radical group Hamas staged a surprise incursion into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Hamas described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem's Old City. In response, Israel has announced a total blockade of the Gaza Strip, and has begun delivering air strikes on the enclave and certain parts of Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are underway in the West Bank as well.

Polish security forces break refugees' legs, force them out to Belarus In addition to physical violence, tear gas was used against unarmed people MINSK, October 25. /TASS/. Members of Poland's security structures have broken the legs of two migrants and pushed them out to Belarusian territory, the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus said in a statement. "[On the evening of October 24,] Belarusian border guards discovered two foreigners near a fence on the border with Poland who could not move about on their own and were in need of medical aid. An Afghan national said that the military on the other side of the border had detained them and savagely beaten them. In addition to physical violence, tear gas was used against unarmed people, and then, being threatened with violence, they were expelled into Belarusian territory," the statement said. Medics who arrived on site diagnosed the Afghan national with a closed ankle fracture, while a Bangladeshi national had lacerated wounds and a closed foot fracture. Polish, Latvian and Lithuanian border guards make regular attempts to drive migrants toward Belarus or leave the bodies of dead refugees on the border. In 2022, operatives from the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus intercepted over 3,800 attempts to force out of EU countries about 31,000 foreigners. Since August 2021, Belarusian border guards have discovered 38 bodies of dead migrants on the border with EU, including 19 on the Polish border, 10 - on the border with Latvia and nine - on the Lithuanian border.

They entered; Tanks in Gaza Israeli forces entered the Gaza Strip with tanks. Palestinian sources claim that there are dead. The IDF confirmed that tanks entered northern Gaza and targeted Hamas strongholds. The action was carried out in preparation for the upcoming full ground offensive on the Gaza Strip. It is also stated on social media that the IDF's goal was to eliminate terrorist cells and places where Hamas is believed to be holding hostages, so that the Palestinian militant group would have nothing more to negotiate over. This information has not been confirmed. It is also stated that the attack was carried out during the night and that the Israeli tanks returned to the territory of Israel. Footage released by the army showed armored vehicles driving through the sandy border zone, and Israel's military radio described the operation as the biggest incursion in the current conflict. Dozens of victims Medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported that dozens of people were killed in the latest actions by the Israeli army. In Khan Yunis, rescuers reported that 17 people were killed in the attack on the building complex, noting that dozens more were wounded and missing under the rubble. Gaza media also reported mass attacks in Gaza City and the northern Strip.

(October 26, 2023)

Yeah, but both Fleming and Craig are in the Scottish names book though.

- I own two Scottish names dictionaries. Both Fleming and Craig are in the Scottish names book. That was kind of crazy about Ken McCallum and James Bond. Has he not read through the Scottish names books recently?
- About Lord of War. Nicolas Cage is related to the Coppola family. They, themselves, are mentioned in the Godfather novel by Mario Puzo. His relative, is in the novel.

This is me talking about the ISW and Dominic Nicholls. 10-25-23

For people to know this.
The British used to make comments, that the IDF Russia desk were better than the American Russia desk.
I'll never forget that.
And I complain that the USN has to sail all of the way to Canberra.
Can the Americans less defend Canberra with our navy?

Dom from the pod is friends with the ISW. I think their map, I wonder if the workers at the ISW make maps for people with bad eyesight.

Tension at UNSC - Israeli Foreign Minister Cancels Meeting with Guterres Tension at the UN Security Council - Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen canceled his meeting with Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. The reason - Guterres' statement that Israel's actions in Gaza are clearly a violation of international humanitarian law. The Secretary General's words angered Israel's first diplomat, and he wrote on social networks that there would be no conversation between the two and that "after October 7, there is no room for a balanced approach. Hamas must be wiped off the face of the Earth." Israel's military says it has carried out airstrikes against Syria. A military structure of the Syrian army and missile launchers were hit, and it was clarified that this was in response to at least two missiles fired from Syrian territory against Israel. Over the past few days, Israeli forces have been fighting both the Palestinian group Hamas and fighters from the Iran-backed Shiite group "Hezbollah". Members of the terrorist organization operate in both Lebanon and Syria.

China's defense minister has been removed from office after weeks of speculation that he would face the same fate as former foreign minister Qin Gang. Li Shangfu has been sent to resign, the official Xinhua news agency reported, without giving reasons for this decision, the South China Morning Post wrote.

MP Delyan Peevski Urges Lukoil to Pay Their Taxes and Obey the Law

Israeli army says it struck Syrian military infrastructure TEL AVIV, October 25. /TASS/. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) struck the military infrastructure of the Syrian army in response to a mortar attack, the press service reported. "A short while ago, IDF fighter jets struck military infrastructure and mortar launchers belonging to the Syrian Army in response to the launches toward Israel yesterday (October 24 - TASS)," the statement said.

UNITED NATIONS, October 25. /TASS/. Russia is systematically subject to hacking attacks from Ukraine, said Andrey Belousov, deputy permanent representative of Russia to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva.

The Crimean bridge was attacked; Explosions resound through Kyiv War in Ukraine - 608th day. Fierce fighting is still going on. During the previous day, Russian forces repelled 29 attacks by the Ukrainian army. The Russian army claims to have prevented an attempt by Ukrainian sabotage-reconnaissance groups to cross the Dnieper in the Kherson region. Russian grenade production contributes to the length of the conflict Russia's domestic production of artillery shells, supplemented by increased ammunition imports from North Korea, will likely allow Russian forces to sustain sufficient rates of artillery fire in Ukraine in 2024, albeit at a relatively lower level than during 2022, said ISW. The Russians closed the Crimean bridge again A big explosion was heard in Sevastopol. The previous night, Russian forces closed the Crimean Bridge again, which was originally closed on February 23 of this year. Explosions in Kyiv region There are reports of explosions in the Gostomel area of Kyiv Oblast. There is no alarm in the region, as stated in the message of the publication. There is still no official information from the authorities about the cause and nature of the explosions. According to the online map of Ukraine's Ministry of Digital Transformation, the alarm was declared in Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Kirovohrad regions of Ukraine, as well as in the part of Kherson region controlled by Kyiv, RIA reported.

(October 25, 2023)

This is me talking about the ISW. 10-25-23

Egypt 10

3 charged with assault on police officer after nearly 300 protesters were arrested near US Capitol The protest happened inside and outside of the Cannon House Office Building, across the street from the Capitol.

Hezbollah units attack Israeli army barracks in border areas According to a communique broadcast by the channel, the Shiite fighters attacked, among other things, the barracks of soldiers of the northern military district in the settlements of Pranit and Shtula, as well as command and observation posts in Khirbet Menara, Jel al-Alam and al-Abad BEIRUT, October 25. /TASS/. The armed wing of the Shiite Hezbollah party attacked five positions of the Israeli army in the border areas of southern Lebanon, the Al Manar TV channel reported.

This is me talking about Beirut. 10-24-23

Notice the Iranians are wanting to advocate against Tel Aviv.
Lots of energy politics in the Balkans.
Maybe the army takes too much energy.
Bucharest and the army.
Budapest and the army.
That's great these countries near Germany are engaging in energy debates.
Several reports about Russian military advances.

Bulgaria: The State Debt for 2022 is over 37.85 Billion Leva - The Deficit is 2.9% of GDP

Hungary has arranged Additional Gas Supplies from Gazprom

Day 606 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Bulgarian Taxes will not hinder Russian Gas Supplies to Hungary, says Putin

Multinational Corps Southeast in Romania to command NATO operations in Romania and Bulgaria

Iranian Foreign Minister asks Lavrov to prevent adoption of anti-Palestinian UN resolution

Russia's Black Sea Fleet conducts preventive bombing against submerged saboteurs Fire is set to be delivered from rocket and grenade launchers from aboard boats MOSCOW, October 24. /TASS/. Russia's Black Sea Fleet will deliver fire by rocket and grenade launchers from gunboats to fight submerged saboteur forces, Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev wrote on his Telegram on Tuesday. "Approximately from 7:40 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., the Black Sea Fleet will conduct preventive measures against submerged saboteur forces and capabilities. Fire is set to be delivered from rocket and grenade launchers from aboard boats. Numerous explosions will be heard and so I warn in advance," the governor said. The Sevastopol governor said earlier on Tuesday that the Black Sea Fleet had repulsed an attack by Ukrainian submerged saboteurs at night.

Russian forces thwart Kiev's attempt to land troops near railway bridge in Kherson area Dnepr battlegroup units inflicted damage on the enemy by firepower in the Kherson direction, destroying two boats on the Dnepr River and killing ten Ukrainian soldiers, the spokesman said GENICHESK, October 24. /TASS/. Russian forces thwarted an attempt by the Ukrainian military to land an assault team near a railway bridge on the left bank of the Dnieper River in the Kherson Region, a spokesman for the regional emergency services reported on Tuesday. "Dnepr battlegroup units inflicted damage on the enemy by firepower in the Kherson direction, destroying two boats on the Dnepr River and killing ten Ukrainian soldiers. They also thwarted an attempt by the enemy to land troops near the small railway bridge, destroying two boats and 12 Ukrainian militants," the spokesman said. Russian forces also obliterated a Ukrainian army's observation post and an ammunition depot near Alekseyevsky Island in the Kherson area, he added. In addition, Russian forces eliminated a Ukrainian army position in the island zone, a fuel and lubricants depot near the settlement of Kazatskoye and an enemy deployment site near the settlement of Vesyoloye and damaged two motor vehicles in the Kakhovka direction, the spokesman said.

Russia's borderline Belgorod Region records 50 incoming Ukrainian strikes in 24 hours In the Grayvoronsky District, an air defense system took down a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle over the village of Kazachya Lisitsa BELGOROD, October 24. /TASS/. Ukrainian troops have fired 50 rounds of munitions at populated areas in the borderline Belgorod Region and carried out two drone attacks over the past 24 hours, regional Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said on his Telegram channel. "In the Belgorodsky District, seven artillery shells were fired at the village of Krasny Khutor, three artillery shells each [were fired] at the villages of Shchetinovka and Zhuravlyovka and two - at the village of Solntsevka. Also, one explosive device was dropped from a drone in Solntsevka. There are no casualties or destruction in any residential areas in the district," the governor wrote. On Monday, in the Volokonovsky District, Ukrainian troops shelled the outskirts of the farming community of Stary using a grenade launcher and a mortar with 17 grenade launcher rounds and six mortar rounds recorded. In the Grayvoronsky District, an air defense system took down a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle over the village of Kazachya Lisitsa. On October 23, in the Krasnoyaruzhsky District, Ukrainian artillery shelled the outskirts of the village of Vyazovoe with one incoming strike recorded. In the Shebekinsky District, four mortar rounds were fired at the farming community of Pankov and three and two mortar rounds, respectively, were fired at the village of Novaya Tavolzhanka and the farming community of Maryino. One mortar round each was fired at the village of Leninsky and the farming community of Balki. "There are no casualties or destruction in any of the populated areas," Gladkov added.

Air defenses hit targets in special operation zone from Russia's Rostov Region - governor Earlier, Rostov-on-Don residents reported on social media that loud sounds had been heard in some of the city's districts early on Tuesday ROSTOV-ON-DON, October 24. /TASS/. Russian air defenses have hit targets in the special operation zone, Governor Vasily Golubev said. "Air defenses were active in the regional capital at 8:08 a.m. They successfully hit targets in the special operation zone, beyond the Rostov Region," Golubev wrote on Telegram, urging the region's residents to remain calm. Earlier, Rostov-on-Don residents reported on social media that loud sounds had been heard in some of the city's districts early on Tuesday. On Monday, the governor said that air defenses had hit aerial targets over the Rostov Region.

Russia strikes three Ukrainian unmanned motor boats in Black Sea The Black Sea Fleet said it was currently conducting a range of anti-mining and anti-sabotage measures around the outer edge of Sevastopol Bay MOSCOW, October 24. /TASS/. Russia's Black Sea Fleet performed a missile and bomb attack on three Ukrainian unmanned motor boats in the Black Sea. "At around 4 a.m. on October 24, three unmanned motor boats of the Ukrainian Navy were detected in the northern part of the Black Sea. A missile and bomb attack was carried out on the unmanned motor boats," the Russian fleet said. The fleet said it was currently conducting a range of anti-mining and anti-sabotage measures around the outer edge of Sevastopol Bay. Earlier, Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev reported that the Black Sea Fleet was busy thwarting a potential underwater attack at the outer harbor of the city.

During the previous day, Russian forces repelled 29 attacks by the Ukrainian army. The Russian army claims to have prevented an attempt by Ukrainian sabotage-reconnaissance groups to cross the Dnieper in the Kherson region.

Explosions in Kyiv region There are reports of explosions in the Gostomel area of Kyiv Oblast. There is no alarm in the region, as stated in the message of the publication. There is still no official information from the authorities about the cause and nature of the explosions. According to the online map of Ukraine's Ministry of Digital Transformation, the alarm was declared in Mykolaiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Kirovohrad regions of Ukraine, as well as in the part of Kherson region controlled by Kyiv, RIA reported.

(October 24, 2023)

It seems like the Russians control a lot of the map, both the land in Ukraine and the Black Sea.

[Ukraine war latest: Military reports advance in southeast, indicates Ukrainian forces cross Dnipro by Alexander Khrebet and The Kyiv Independent news desk October 19, 2023]

[With Raids Across Dnipro River, Ukraine May Be Seeking New Front in War Military experts are reporting extensive strikes on Russian-held territory in the south, potentially with the goal of establishing a bridgehead on the east bank of the Dnipro. Oct. 20, 2023]

This is me talking about the Ukrainian army. 10-23-23

Did the MIM-23 HAWK air defense system shoot down 14 drones and one cruise missile over the weekend, as the UAF has reported?

A lot of reports about energy politics in the Balkans.
Maybe the army is taking too much energy.
The Iranians might be directly challenging American positions and ships.
1) The Czechs are being accused of assisting the Ukrainian MOD with bad reports.
2) Maybe this UAF report about the Hawk air defense system isn't right, for example.

[Serbia Freezes the Price of Gas The price of gas for consumers in Serbia will be frozen until May 2024 at the level that will apply from November 1 this year, the Belgrade newspaper "Danas" reports today. In case of sudden changes in the market, the government will cover the difference for manufacturers and importers from the national budget. This is provided for in the ordinance on a temporary measure to limit the price of gas and compensate for the difference in the price of natural gas purchased from imports or produced in Serbia, in case of sudden changes in the natural gas market. The regulation applies exclusively to the quantities of natural gas intended for consumption on the territory of Serbia, the publication states. In line with the agreement Serbia reached with the International Monetary Fund to receive a loan, Belgrade has taken a step-by-step increase in retail gas prices, with the latest going into effect on November 1 at the rate of 10 percent. This means that from this date forward, gas will cost 5.02 dinars per kilowatt hour with taxes and fees, Serbian media reported earlier this week.

Unless Lukoil Pays BGN 1,500 Mln-Plus in Delinquent Taxes, Charges, Exemption for Import of Russian Oil Will Be Removed

The cancellation of the derogation for import of Russian oil will not significantly affect fuel prices

NEW YORK, October 23. /TASS/. Washington has asked Israel to postpone the start of its much-anticipated ground operation in the Gaza Strip in order to better prepare for potential attacks on US forces across the Middle East, The New York Times reported, citing sources. The newspaper's sources said that the number of attacks on US forces may increase after Tel Aviv green-lights sending the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) into Gaza, the stronghold of Palestinian radical group Hamas. The US suspects that such attacks may be carried out by regional groups backed by Iran.

The paper says the US wants more time to prepare for possible attacks by Iran-backed groups on U.S. interests, and estimates that such attacks are likely to intensify once Israel begins a ground operation, the Guardian reports.

MOSCOW, October 21. /TASS/. Czech Charge D'Affaires Jan Ondrejka was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry on October 17, where he was handed a protest over Prague's support for the speculations about Russian military's alleged involvement in the shelling of the village of Groza in the Kharkov Region, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. "On October 17, the Charge D'Affaires of the Czech Republic, Jan Ondrejka, was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry. He heard a strong protest in response to the recent demarche of the Czech Foreign Ministry and was informed in detail about the Russian position on the situation around Ukraine, including in the context of Ukrainian fabrications, picked up by Prague, about the alleged involvement of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the strikes on civilian infrastructure in the village of Groza," the Foreign Ministry said. "The diplomat was harshly reminded of the Czech Republic's disreputable role in the Ukraine conflict, its energetic support of Kiev so as 'to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia', its pumping of weapons to the Ukrainian armed forces, which contributes to continuing the conflict and destabilizing the entire region," the ministry added. In addition, the statement said that "against this backdrop, the attempts of Prague, which turns a blind eye to the crimes by the Kiev regime, to act as a champion of human rights and humanitarian values look untenable, as does the eagerness to lecture others". Earlier, commenting on the incident in the village of Groza, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the Russian military does not target civilian facilities.

The Hawk Air-Defense System: Cold War Relic To Ukrainian Asset Air defense has played a crucial role in the Russia-Ukraine war, with both sides vying for control of the airspace by deploying advanced air defense systems. Recent news articles highlight these state-of-the-art systems, such as the Patriot air-defense system successfully intercepting a Russian hypersonic weapon, and Russian electronic warfare systems countering 10,000 Ukrainian drones each month. Therefore, it is somewhat surprising that a recent aid package from the U.S. to Ukraine included the MIM-23 Hawk air-defense artillery system. Developed by the U.S. in 1959 and phased out of service in the 1990s, the Hawk system is considered somewhat outdated.

Russians shelled Krupyansk; Ukraine is testing MIM-23 HAWK air defense system War in Ukraine - 607th day. Fighting continues in Ukraine. Russian forces shelled the city of Krupyansk in the Kharkiv region, hitting residential buildings and injuring three people. Ukrainian defense systems shot down 14 drones and one cruise missile launched by Russia last night, the Ukrainian Air Force announced.]

(October 23, 2023)

This is me talking about the UAF. 10-23-23

1) Does Ken speak French, German, or Gaelic?
2) That seems like an awkward topic, what does MI5 do. It's a complex maybe not answerable question.
3) Dom Nicholls is some kind of a radio genius because he spent his career talking to the other British tank brigades

This is me talking about Ken McCallum and math. 10-21-23

It seems like the Iranians are directly targeting American positions and ships.

[Turns out that those US warships sent to the region aren't just for show. In the Red Sea, the USS Carney intercepted three cruise missiles and several drones launched by the Iran-aligned Houthi movement from Yemen, potentially towards Israel.]

[Aircraft carriers sent near Israel for potential evacuations, US tells Turkiye American authorities informed their Turkish counterparts that aircraft carriers positioned nearer to Israel in the Eastern Mediterranean were deployed for the potential evacuation of civilians, according to a Turkish Defense Ministry official on Thursday. The U.S. has deployed two aircraft carriers - and their support ships - to the Eastern Mediterranean since a surprise attack by the Palestinian resistance group Hamas against Israel earlier this month.]

(October 21, 2023)

Ken 1

[McCallum High School and Fine Arts Academy is located in the heart of North Central Austin.]

This is me talking about Ken McCallum. 10-21-23

Egypt 9

This is me talking about the security people locally. 10-20-23

Egypt 7

Notice the IDF has sent tanks near the border with Gaza.

[Tanks near the border; "You will see Gaza from the inside" Israeli tanks were seen on a road near the country's border with Gaza, reports Sky News. Yesterday, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant told soldiers at the border that they would soon see Gaza "from the inside," in what appeared to be a suggestion that a ground offensive was approaching. Israel has ordered more than a million Palestinians to evacuate to the south ahead of an expected ground attack.]

Notice the IDF is firing at Lebanon and Gaza at the same time.
IDF UAVs and IDF fighter jets.
A mention of the IDF Northern Command.
They're wanting people in a town to start living in state owned housing.

Israel strikes Hezbollah targets in response to October 19 rocket launches - army The press service reported that its drones were operating in Lebanon and striking targets TEL AVIV, October 20. /TASS/. The press service of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said that the military hit a number of Hezbollah military targets at night in response to rocket launches from Lebanon on the evening of October 19. "In response to launches fired from Lebanon toward Israel yesterday, the IDF struck several military assets belonging to the Hezbollah terrorist organization," the statement said. The press service also reported that its drones were operating in Lebanon and striking targets. "Overnight [on Thursday], an IDF UAV struck a terrorist in Lebanese territory," the military added.

Israel strikes over 100 Hamas military targets in Gaza Strip overnight "During the strikes, Amjad Majed Muhammad Abu 'Odeh, a Hamas naval operative was who took part in the massacre of Israeli civilians in southern Israel, was killed," the army said TEL AVIV, October 20. /TASS/. The fighter jets of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) hit more than a hundred Hamas military targets in the Gaza Strip overnight, including an underground tunnel, weapons depots and command centers, the army's press service reported. "Overnight, IDF fighter jets struck over a hundred terror targets belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization, including an underground tunnel, weapon warehouses, and dozens of operational command centers," the statement said. The military added that a group of Hamas militants tried to fire rockets at an aircraft and was neutralized by a targeted strike on Gaza City. "A terror squad belonging to the Hamas aerial array was neutralized in a targeted strike [on] Gaza City, after they attempted to fire rockets at a jet," the press service said. In addition, "terror assets and weapons located in a mosque in the Jabaliya neighborhood were destroyed, which was used as observation posts and staging ground by Hamas terrorists," the press service added. "During the strikes, Amjad Majed Muhammad Abu 'Odeh, a Hamas naval operative was who took part in the massacre of Israeli civilians in southern Israel, was killed," the army said.

Israeli military announce evacuation of city on Lebanese border "The National Emergency Authority in the Ministry of Defense and the IDF announced the implementation of a plan to evacuate the residents of Qiryat Shemona to state-funded guest houses," the statement said TEL AVIV, October 20. /TASS/. The Defense Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced the evacuation of residents of the northern town of Qiryat Shemona on the border with Lebanon, the army's press service said in a statement. "The National Emergency Authority (NEA) in the Ministry of Defense and the IDF announced the implementation of a plan to evacuate the residents of Qiryat Shemona to state-funded guest houses," the statement said. The press service added that "the [evacuation] plan was approved by Defense Minister Yoav Galant." "A short while ago, the Northern Command informed the mayor of the city of the decision. The plan will be managed by the local authority, the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Defense," the army's press service said.

(October 20, 2023)

Maybe the Iranian army is targeting American embassies and ships with drones.
The Jordanian FM is commenting on Tel Aviv.

Israeli Defense Minister: Ground Operation in the Gaza Strip is Coming in the Near Future Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant made it clear that an Israeli ground operation in the Gaza Strip is imminent. Egypt is expected to allow humanitarian aid to the Palestinian enclave through the Rafah border crossing. Inspecting Israeli army units stationed along the border, Yoav Gallant told the soldiers that they would soon receive "the order to see Gaza from the inside as well." At the same time, he claimed responsibility for security breaches that allowed the coordinated attacks by Hamas militants on Israeli territory on October 7, which claimed 1,400 lives. The families of some of the nearly 200 people abducted from Israel have called on Hamas to release them and for the Israeli army not to ignore their fate by planning the invasion. Former Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal believes the group will use the captives to force Tel Aviv to release all of its more than 5,000 Palestinian prisoners. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for an immediate end to Israeli bombardment and Hamas counterstrikes in order to provide humanitarian aid to the civilian population of Gaza. Egypt agreed to allow the passage of trucks with water, medicine, and fuel through the Rafah border crossing. This is expected to happen as early as today. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called for dialogue between Israel and its neighbors to continue, noting that more than 90 percent of Hamas' military equipment comes from Iran. According to Von der Leyen, sanctions against Tehran should be strengthened. Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi expressed concern that the worst of the war between Israel and Hamas is yet to come and there are no signs of success in efforts to reduce tensions.

US military personnel have been targeted by missile and drone strikes in or near 2 different Arab countries in the Middle East in the past 24 hours. The Ain al-Assad airbase in Iraq was shelled last night. It is located in the western province of Anbar, a hundred kilometers from the Syrian border. American and other Western military personnel are stationed there, Reuters said, citing two independent, anonymous sources. Confirmed information about this attack is scarce - it is unclear whether there were any casualties or when it was over. Earlier, official American representatives confirmed to the same agency that the At Tanf military base in the Syrian province of Homs - about 20 kilometers from Syria's borders with Iraq and Jordan - was attacked by drones yesterday. The two drones were liquidated. Several soldiers were slightly wounded. The United States has 2,500 troops in Iraq and 900 in Syria. There is no mention of the perpetrators of the attacks. It was also reported that the US warship that intercepted three missiles and an unspecified number of drones while sailing in the Yemeni area was the destroyer "Carney". The Pentagon clarified that the ship was not the target of the attack. The downed missiles and drones were most likely meant to hit Israel. The death toll from Tuesday's explosion at Gaza's Al-Ahli Hospital was between 100 and 300, according to a US intelligence report cited by the White House today, ruling out the possibility that the hospital was hit by an Israeli strike. Palestinian sources put the number of civilian casualties at 471. The authors of the report, parts of which were cited by Reuters, exonerate Israel based on photo and video material from the scene of the tragedy and satellite data on ammunition fired by both sides. European Union Council President Charles Michel called in Washington for a serious investigation into the deadly explosion at the hospital.

(October 20, 2023)

1) The UAF and the Ukrainian special forces, maybe they do a lot of army stuff in their own cities.
2) It would be a hard job for the SBU to identify collaborators.

Ukrainian troops using reconnaissance drones to search for Russian positions near Berdiansk, Ukraine, in July.

Ukraine used the missiles, called ATACMS, to strike two air bases in Russian-occupied territory on Tuesday, according to an American official familiar with the assault. Ukraine's special operations forces said the attack damaged runways and destroyed nine helicopters, an ammunition depot, an antiaircraft missile launcher and military equipment. Those claims could not be independently verified.

Russian Commander Calls To Freeze Ukraine War Frontline: 'Can We Win? No' Russian commander whose battalion was recently pushed out of Urozhaine in the Donetsk region has called on Moscow to freeze the war along the current front lines, acknowledging that his troops can't win. Alexander Khodakovsky, commander of the Russian-backed "Vostok" battalion, made the comments in a post on his Telegram channel on Thursday, days after he said that his forces had suffered losses in their defense of Urozhaine.

This is me talking about the UAF. 10-19-23

Egypt 6

It's some kind of paradox, at the same time the IDF wants to control its borders, they are actively firing north toward Lebanon and they are wanting aid to enter Gaza from Egypt.
Ukrainian drones fired at the Rostov region which is a Russian area near the border.
Reports from Bulgaria about an Israeli port and if there are migrants headed to the Balkans from the Levant.
Ashdod is the port.

Egypt to Open the Rafah Border Crossing for Humanitarian Aid to Gaza Egypt will open the Rafah border crossing to allow humanitarian aid to pass into the Gaza Strip. This was announced by US President Joe Biden, who had a telephone conversation with the President of Egypt. It is the only crossing point with the Gaza Strip that is not under Israeli control. It is currently closed and in need of urgent repairs. Most likely, about 20 trucks will be let through tomorrow morning. The US and Egypt will coordinate their actions with international organizations led by the United Nations. The US president has warned that if Hamas rejects humanitarian aid, supplies will be cut off immediately. During his visit to Israel yesterday, Biden announced that the US will provide 100 million dollars in aid to the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Defence Minister Says No Increase in Migrants Expected after Hamas Terrorist Attacks against Israel Bulgarian Defence Minister Todor Tagarev said the migrant wave from the region is not expected to increase soon in the wake of the terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel and the operation for which Israel is making preparations. The main task now falls on the services and the Foreign Ministry, which are following the situation, he added. Tagarev said that the Armed Forces' presence at the Bulgarian border had been enhanced to a small degree and that there was no threat for the time being.

The sailors who sought evacuation from the Israeli port of Ashdod have returned to Bulgaria Four members of the crew of the ship Rojen, who sought evacuation from the Israeli port of Ashdod, have returned to Bulgaria. They landed at Sofia Airport from Tel Aviv with a delay of several hours after their plane had to return to Israel due to a technical problem.

TEL AVIV, October 19. /TASS/. The Israeli army has delivered more airstrikes on Hezbollah targets along the border with Lebanon, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said. "In the past few hours, the IDF struck targets belonging to Hezbollah, along the Lebanon border. This was in response to Wednesday's shooting attacks. The targets struck include an observation point facing the sea, from which anti-tank missiles were fired at Rosh HaNikra," it said. The IDF said earlier that it had retaliated strikes with anti-tank missiles on Metula, Malkia, and Manara.

Russian Air Defense Troops down aerial target in sky over Rostov Region Governor Vasily Golubev specified that there was no damage or casualties on the ground ROSTOV-ON-DON, October 19. /TASS/. An air defense system shot down an aerial target in the sky over the Rostov Region on Wednesday morning, Governor Vasily Golubev said. "Today at 10:10 a.m., a Russian Air Defense unit on duty in the Rostov Region destroyed an aerial target that was approaching the territory of the region," he wrote on his Telegram channel. The head of the region specified that there was no damage or casualties on the ground. The Rostov Region borders the Donetsk and the Lugansk People's Republics. Rostov-on-Don is also home to the headquarters of the Southern Military District. The last time the region was attacked by drones was in early September. At that time, the air defense system destroyed two Ukrainian drones, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.

IDF spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus said Hezbollah attempted to infiltrate Israel and was thwarted by the IDF.

(October 19, 2023)

This is me talking about the IDF and the border with Egypt. 10-19-23

1) In August, the SBU issued reports about Russian ships docking near Mariupol and off shore military and energy bases.
2) This week we're reading about sea drones, the SBU, and Russian collaborators being arrested near missile defense systems.
3) I guess sea drones are used specifically in response to the Russian ships that docked near Mariupol in August.

This is me talking about the SBU and sea drones. 10-18-23

Near Moscow, there are missile defense systems because of Ukrainian drones.
It's some kind of a crazy that the drones go toward these missile defense systems.
Kind of, maybe the drones on their own or something.
It's a tandem.
A not well understood tandem between the UAF and missile defense systems.
And then the SBU arrests collaborators near the missile defense systems.

Luhansk is a Ukrainian city.
Dominic Nicholls is saying the UAF hit an airfield in Luhansk.
It means that definitely the UAF are bombing their own airbases.
[Vladimir Rogov, the Russian-appointed governor of the occupied part of Zaporizhzhia region, said air defence systems "successfully intercepted enemy rockets" over Berdyansk, adding that information about casualties and damage was being checked and would be provided later.]
There are airfields in Ukraine, supposedly, that are used by Russia and the UAF is bombing those airfields.
1) Also, remember the SBU is arresting collaborators near missile defense systems.
2) What if the Ukrainians living in these areas are afraid of the UAF?
[His comments follow reports the weapons, known as ATACMS, destroyed nine helicopters at Russian bases in the east of the country. Ukraine has not confirmed the missiles were used. Ukraine said an air defence system and other equipment were among the targets hit in Berdyansk and Luhansk.]
[Ukraine uses US long-range missiles to strike Moscow-occupied territories]
[Ukraine 'destroys Russian helicopters in Berdyansk and Luhansk']

[Luhansk, also known as Lugansk, is a city in the Donbas region, eastern Ukraine. As of 2022, the population was estimated to be 397,677, making Luhansk the 12th-largest city in Ukraine.]

Ukraine 31

This is a description of sea drones.
Notice the SBU somehow has information about these sea drones.
A Russian military operation in Ukraine.
Israeli migration to Sophia.
More about refugees from Gaza.
The border between Israel and Lebanon.

[Ukraine hits Russian navy ships with sea drones KYIV - "Experimental" naval drones damaged two Russian military vessels - the Buyan missile carrier and the Pavel Derzhavin patrol boat - over the past two days, Ukrainian intelligence officials said Friday, as Kyiv continued a series of strikes against Moscow's Black Sea Fleet. The attacks on the Black Sea Fleet, which is based in occupied Crimea, have demonstrated Ukraine's ability to operate in Kremlin-controlled waters but do not appear to have seriously reduced Moscow's capabilities. An official with Ukraine's State Security Service, the SBU, said a joint operation with Ukraine's navy had damaged the Buyan missile carrier on Friday in the port of Sevastopol. The Pavel Derzhavin patrol boat was hit two days earlier. The Russian submarine Alrosa came under attack on Thursday but escaped damage, the official said.]

Day 601 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Russia has launched its First Major Offensive since January Ukrainian forces repelled a Russian advance in the Donbas over the winter after a lightning-quick counteroffensive in Kharkiv Oblast liberated Kherson and parts of the surrounding region in the fall. In Kyiv and in the West, expectations in the last month were that the counteroffensive, which Ukraine itself launched on June 4, would be nearing completion in October. The Washington-based Institute for the Study of War (ISW) wrote in its latest briefing that Kyiv's continued counteroffensive around Bakhmut (one of the three fronts since June) has had little success, as well as limited Russian operations in the Zaporizhzhia region.

No Immediate Threat of Migration Pressure to Bulgaria Due to Israel-Hamas War, PM Denkov Says

No refugee wave from the Middle East to Bulgaria is currently expected Support for Ukraine means support for our security. Bulgaria condemns the terrorist organization "Hamas". We must monitor the humanitarian situation and global risks, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel said at the conference "Government Meets the Business".

Israeli army eliminates militants trying to infiltrate country from Lebanon A squad of four militants attempted to infiltrate the security fence and plant a explosive device TEL AVIV, October 17. /TASS/. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have eliminated four militants who tried to infiltrate into the country from the territory of neighboring Lebanon, the army's press service said in a statement posted on its official Telegram channel. "A short while ago, IDF observation troops spotted a terrorist squad attempting to infiltrate the security fence with Lebanon and plant a explosive device. Four terrorists were killed," the statement said.

Russian forces destroy amassed Ukrainian army site in Kherson area over past day It is reported that Russian forces also eliminated a Ukrainian fire emplacement in the island zone and an enemy temporary deployment site in the Kakhovka direction GENICHESK, October 17. /TASS/. Russian forces destroyed an amassed Ukrainian army site in the Kherson area over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, a spokesman for the regional emergency services reported on Tuesday. "Dnepr battlegroup units destroyed the following targets by inflicting damage by firepower: a 120mm mortar with its team and ammunition near the settlement of Inzhenernoye (casualties: four Ukrainian soldiers were killed and three others were wounded), an amassed enemy site in the area of Alekseyevsky Island (casualties: 12 [Ukrainian personnel] were killed and four others were wounded," the spokesman said. Russian forces also eliminated a Ukrainian fire emplacement in the island zone and an enemy temporary deployment site in the Kakhovka direction, he added.

(October 17, 2023)

This is me talking about sea drones. 10-17-23

This is me talking about the S-400 near Belgorod. 10-16-23

The Rafah Border Crossing or Rafah Crossing Point is the sole crossing point between Egypt and the Gaza Strip.

Rafah is a border crossing between Egypt and Gaza.
The ceasefire is only supposedly for a few hours and only to deliver humanitarian aid.
Also, notice the Israelis want people near the border with Lebanon to live in kind of hotels.
A Bulgarian ship is near Tel Aviv.
Also, a crazy report from Serbia about the IDF and how they are operating in Gaza.

The US, Israel and Egypt have Agreed to a Ceasefire Regime in Southern Gaza Egypt, Israel and the United States agreed to a cease-fire regime from 9 a.m. local and Bulgarian time. Arab media and Reuters are talking about it, as it coincided with the opening of the Rafah border crossing until 5 p.m. for the delivery of aid to Gaza after a week of "total blockade" of the strip. The decision also coincides with an unfolding humanitarian disaster in southern Gaza after hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fled the north ahead of an expected Israeli army ground operation in response to the October 7 attack by Hamas. The "Reuters" agency does not have information on how long this regime will last and speaks of "several hours". According to the correspondent of "Al Arabiya" and "Al Hadas" at the border, the truce will last for five hours, i.e. until 2 p.m. Bulgarian time. More than 100 trucks are expected to cross the border, according to Al Arabiya. However, diplomats in the region warn that the situation there remains unpredictable. Rafah is the only possibility to deliver aid to Gaza, as it is the only point in the Strip that is not controlled by Israel. Traffic through Rafah is restricted by Egypt due to strained relations with Hamas, which has its roots in the Muslim Brotherhood. After the start of Israeli strikes on Gaza, the border was closed.

The ship Rojen is waiting to be unloaded at Port of Ashdod near the Gaza strip

Israel announces evacuation plan for areas along Lebanese border "The implementation of the plan was approved by the Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant," the IDF said TEL AVIV, October 16. /TASS/. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) have announced a plan to evacuate civilians from areas along the Lebanese border, according to a joint statement. "The National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) of the Ministry of Defense and the IDF are announcing the implementation of a plan to evacuate residents of northern Israel who live in the area up to two kilometers from the Lebanese border to state-funded guesthouses," the statement reads. "The implementation of the plan was approved by the Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant," the IDF said, adding: "The Northern Command updated the heads of the local authorities on the decision." Tensions in the Middle East flared up again after Hamas militants infiltrated Israel from the Gaza Strip on October 7. The Palestinian movement described its attack as a response to the actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Israel announced a total blockade of Gaza and started carrying out strikes on the Palestinian enclave, as well as on certain areas in Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank. More than 2,700 Palestinians have been killed and about 10,800 have suffered wounds; in Israel, the death toll stands at about 1,500 and nearly 4,000 people have been wounded.

Israeli PM's office denies reports of ceasefire in Gaza The Hamas radical movement has also denied reports of a ceasefire in Gaza TEL AVIV, October 16. /TASS/. There is currently no ceasefire in effect in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said. "At the moment, there is no ceasefire for humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip and the exit of foreigners," the office pointed out. Earlier, the Al Arabiya TV channel reported that a five-hour ceasefire would take effect in southern Gaza at 9:00 a.m. local time (6:00 a.m. GMT). However, the Israeli army said at about 9:00 a.m. that air raid sirens had gone off twice in southern Israel bordering the Gaza Strip. The Hamas radical movement has also denied reports of a ceasefire in Gaza. Izzat al-Rishq, a Hamas spokesman, said on Telegram that media reports about the ceasefire were untrue. Tensions in the Middle East flared up again after Hamas militants infiltrated Israel from the Gaza Strip on October 7. The Palestinian movement described its attack as a response to the actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Israel announced a total blockade of Gaza and started carrying out strikes on the Palestinian enclave, as well as on certain areas in Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank. More than 2,700 Palestinians have been killed and about 10,800 have suffered wounds; in Israel, the death toll stands at about 1,500 and nearly 4,000 people have been wounded.

Five-hour ceasefire introduced in southern Gaza Strip - media According to the news outlet, the goal is to make it possible to deliver humanitarian aid to the enclave and allow foreign DUBAI, October 16. /TASS/. A five-hour ceasefire has been introduced in southern areas of the Gaza Strip, the Al Arabiya TV channel reports. According to the news outlet, the goal is to make it possible to deliver humanitarian aid to the enclave and allow foreign nationals to leave Gaza. The ceasefire will take effect at 9:00 a.m. local time (6:00 a.m. GMT); the parties to the conflict have agreed on the need to take such a step. Al Arabiya points out that there are at least 100 trucks with aid at the Rafah crossing point on the border between Gaza and Egypt, waiting for a humanitarian corridor to be set up. The Israeli army still continues to carry out strikes on Gaza, the TV channel added. Tensions in the Middle East flared up again after Hamas militants infiltrated Israel from the Gaza Strip on October 7. The Palestinian movement described its attack as a response to the actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Israel announced a total blockade of Gaza and started carrying out strikes on the Palestinian enclave, as well as on certain areas in Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank. More than 2,700 Palestinians have been killed and about 10,800 have suffered wounds; in Israel, the death toll stands at about 1,500 and nearly 4,000 people have been wounded.

Over 13,000 Uzbeks who tried to enter the USA illegally arrested

Ceasefire agreed in southern Gaza? Israel spoke up Israel has denied reports that Israel, the US and Egypt have reached an agreement on a ceasefire in the southern Gaza Strip. As reported earlier by Reuters, citing two Egyptian security sources, it was supposed to coincide with the reopening of the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt. "At this moment, there is no agreement on a ceasefire for the entry of humanitarian aid or the exit of foreigners from the Gaza Strip," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said in a statement. Hamas also denied: There is no ceasefire The situation at the Rafah border crossing is becoming complex. Although Egyptian security forces and a representative of the Palestinian embassy told Rafa' that the border was open, possibly with a temporary ceasefire, doubts have now been cast on both accounts. First Israel spoke up, and now Hamas. Both sides claim that an agreement on a ceasefire around that crossing has not been reached.

"It's the face of evil. His days are numbered"; Israel starts hunting Hamas Commander On Saturday, Israeli troops commenced a manhunt for the Hamas commander, who they call the "Palestine's Osama bin Laden." They promise to find him wherever he is hiding and point out that his days are numbered, writes the Daily Mail. Yahya Sinwar (60) is the current Palestinian leader of the organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip, having taken over from Ismail Haniyeh in February 2017. Israel arrested him several times, and he spent 24 years in Israeli prisons. He was released in 2011 as part of a prisoner exchange in exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Sinwar, according to the Israelis, is responsible for the killing of 1,300 Israelis in the October 7 attack. ''Yahya Sinwar is the face of evil. He is the mastermind behind this, just like Bin Laden was. He built his career on killing Palestinians when he realized they were collaborators. That's why he became known as the Butcher of Khan Yunis'', said Israel Defense Forces spokesperson Richard Hecht. Hecht said Israeli troops will not rest until Sinwar is found and killed. ''We will get to that man and his whole team'', added Hecht. Sinwar was designated a terrorist by the United States in 2015. The IDF's chief spokesman, Rear Admiral Hagari, said a manhunt for Sinwar had been launched, the likes of which had not been seen in Israel's history. "He is a dead man," Hagari said at a news conference. Sinwar is the leader of Hamas in Gaza, the second in command in the entire Hamas chain and one of the founders of the military wing of that organization. Sinwar is the mastermind behind Hamas attacks on towns and communities in southern Israel, according to the official website of the Israeli army. "Hamas is not only a terrorist organization but, unfortunately, is also the elected sovereign of Gaza. As its leader, Sinwar diverts all of Gaza's resources to finance the construction of terrorist infrastructure such as underground attack tunnels, rocket launchers and weapons, leaving most of Gaza's civilians to live in poverty, while terrorist leaders of Hamas, like Sinwar himself, can live luxurious lives," the Israelis said.

(October 16, 2023)

A warning here about drones and drone manufacturing.
- In California, the highways are like Roman roads and the cars look cool and everyone looks cool driving a Cadillac.
- In Virginia there are French roads, the men are overweight and they have bad eyesight.
I can't talk for very long about military hardware.

These are from last week. They are reports about Ukrainian special forces and the UAF. I think the Ukrainians are having real credibility problems.

Russian power substation hit in latest Ukrainian drone wave attack Moscow's Ministry of Defence reports downing more than a dozen Ukrainian drones in latest attacks on Russian territory. A combat drone dropped explosives on an electricity substation in a Russian village near the border with Ukraine, while Russia's Ministry of Defence reported shooting down more than a dozen Ukrainian drones over the Russian regions of Belgorod, Kursk and Kaluga. In the Russian village of Belaya, located less than 25km (16 miles) from the border, "a Ukrainian drone dropped two explosive devices on a substation", Kursk regional governor Roman Starovoyt said on the Telegram messaging app early on Friday.

Ukraine's Defense Intelligence Directorate (GUR) released new video Wednesday showing what it claims is a raid on the Russian-occupied Crimean peninsula. The 73-second video opens with a drone view of at least eight jet skis each with two men aboard approaching the shoreline. As they get closer, several troops disembark and push the jet skis to the shore. The video closes with soldiers holding up a Ukrainian flag as gentle waves lap at their feet. The "Stugna" and "Brotherhood" units, which belong to the "Timur" special unit of the GUR, "landed on the territory of the Crimean peninsula and inflicted fire damage on the Moscow occupiers!," GUR said in a tweet. "Crimea will be Ukrainian! Glory to Ukraine!" The Russian Defense Ministry did not comment on the video, but the Russian-installed leader of Crimea on Wednesday addressed a raid on Crimea. "I thank the employees of the FSB Border Service for their effective work in stopping the penetration of an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group into the territory of the Republic of Crimea," Sergei Aksenov wrote Wednesday on his Telegram channel without offering any specifics of when the raid took place. "One of the saboteurs was captured and is already confessing. Every violator of our borders will face inevitable punishment." The official Russian RIA Novosti news agency published a video claiming to be an FSB interrogation of one of the troops captured in that mission.

Elite Ukrainian commandos on jet skis conducted a daring raid on a Russian electronic warfare station in Crimea, report says Ukrainian commandos on jet skis conducted a mission to damage a Russian electronic warfare station in Crimea. Members of the group told The Times of London how they carried out their covert and daring mission. The group had also been tasked with flying a Ukrainian flag on the peninsula for the first time in a decade. A unit of Ukrainian commandos traveled covertly across the Black Sea on jet skis in a daring raid on a Russian electronic warfare station in Crimea, a report says. A group of about 20 soldiers from the Brotherhood Battalion carried out the mission on Ukraine's Independence Day, August 24, The Times of London reported. Each jet ski carried two Ukrainian frogmen and traveled 125 miles across the sea to reach the peninsula.

(October 16, 2023)

This is me talking about Ukrainian special ops and the UAF. 10-16-23

My friend here in Washington, DC, she lives in Georgetown. Her last name is Warren. Her grandpa was in England, and he translated supposedly Tolstoy novels. Supposedly, my friend's grandpa was for his time a great Russian language translator in England.
Another example, my grandpa's sister married Charles Owen. He knew Rex Warner. He of course is a very famous translator of Greek literature. There are American Chaucer experts. I wonder maybe they're Dutch or something.

I am hearing Dominic Nicholls talk about Scandinavian weapons being sent to Kiev.
To me that means the government in Kiev are right wingers.

The Telegraph often reports on drones.
They call them Shaheed drones.
Maybe Shaheed means witness, martyr, or citizen.
I guess like the Shah.
Abdullah and Mohammad mean those.
Elizabeth means that also.
Some kind of a person who is loyal to government.

I cannot say if the Iranians built what drones the Russians might aim at Odessa.
That's hard for me to know here in Washington, DC.

New research has revealed the extent to which Iran has built a powerful weapons industry based on Western technology, and how that technology is being used by Russia against Ukrainian cities.

The Shahed 136 is an Iranian loitering munition, (suicide drone). In Persian Shahed stands for Witness. This drone was designed by Shahed Aviation Industries and produced by HESA. In 2019 this drone was launched from Iran against the Saudi oil plant. Officially the Shahed 136 is in service with Iran since 2021. In 2022 a large numbers of these drones were exported to Russia, where the Shahed 136 is known as Geran 2. In 2022 Russians widely used these suicide drones against the targets in Ukraine.

This is me talking about Tony Diver and Oxford. 10-15-23

The Ukrainians seem to be having a hard time recruiting and paying and maintaining their standing army.

The Ukrainian State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) has opened 112 proceedings against officials from territorial recruitment and social support centres since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and 15 charges have already been filed in court.
(August 8, 2023)

Ukraine investigates 260 cases of alleged military recruitment abuses KYIV, Oct 10 (Reuters) - Ukrainian authorities are investigating 260 criminal cases involving alleged "violations" at military recruitment offices, the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) said on Tuesday. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy dismissed the heads of regional recruitment centres in August after widespread allegations of criminal abuse and corruption. The SBI said 21 indictments against 35 individuals had been sent to court, and that another 58 people had been identified as suspects. It also said it had documented around $110,000 worth of alleged bribes and that courts had seized around $88,000 worth of property. "Although the vast majority of...employees conscientiously perform their duties, in many regions there are cases of abusing official positions or exceeding authority," it said in a statement. Kyiv is aiming to improve military recruitment as it presses on with a more than four-month-old counteroffensive to drive Russian forces out of territory in the east and south of Ukraine following Moscow's full-scale invasion last year.

(October 15, 2023)

This is me talking about the SBU and the SBI. 10-15-23

Dominic Nicholls was in the British army. He now works for the Telegraph which is a London-based newspaper.
The SBU is the Ukrainian, I guess, secret police.
What are they investigating?
"Volodymyr and Dmytro Mamon formerly worked for the Russian police during the occupation of the Kharkiv region. They fled to Russia last year as Ukrainian forces were liberating the Kharkiv region, SBU spokesman Artem Dehtiarenko said in a statement."
They used to work for the Russian police and now they are, supposedly, assisting the Russian army in Ukraine.
Is that what we want the SBU to investigate?
(October 15, 2023)

This is me talking about the Israeli Iron Dome. 10-14-23

Some kind of crazy development about the Iron dome and if it can defend against which rockets.

The Iranian FM is in Lebanon, telling everyone to unite against the IDF.
The French are saying Tehran finances both Hamas and Hezbollah.
A lot of these people have Iranian-sounding names.
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian was in Lebanon meeting Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah.
Naim Qassem.
The IDF is dropping flyers on Gaza using drones.
Talking about the borders with Damascus and Beirut.
And the Iron dome and if it can defense against Hamas rockets.

9:12am: Israel says it killed 'terrorists' trying to cross from Lebanon Israeli forces on Saturday killed several "terrorists" trying to cross the border from Lebanon, a military spokesman said. The military "identified a terrorist cell which attempted to infiltrate from Lebanon into Israeli territory", the spokesman said, adding that a drone strike "targeted the terrorist cell and killed a number of the terrorists". 7:59am: Israeli air strikes kill senior Hamas military commander, says army A senior military commander of Hamas who headed the Islamist group's aerial operations in Gaza City has been killed in Israeli air strikes, the military said Saturday. Murad Abu Murad was killed over the past day when fighter jets struck an operational centre of Hamas from where the group carried out its "aerial activity", the military said. There was no immediate confirmation from Hamas. 3:17am: 16 Palestinians killed in West Bank on Friday, health ministry says The Palestinian health ministry reported that 16 Palestinians were killed Friday in the occupied West Bank, bringing to 51 the total number of West Bank Palestinians killed since Hamas waged its brutal assault on Israel last Saturday. The United Nations says attacks by Israeli settlers have surged there since the Hamas assault. Key developments from Friday, October 13: The Israeli military on Friday dropped flyers on Gaza warning residents to flee "immediately" to the south, AFP correspondents in the Palestinian territory said. "Evacuate your homes immediately and go south of Wadi Gaza", read flyers dropped by drones and seen by AFP. The deputy chief of Lebanon's Hezbollah said on Friday that the powerful Iran-backed group was "ready" and would "contribute" to confrontations against Israel according to its own plan, despite foreign powers asking them to stay on the sidelines. The Reuters news agency has said that one of its journalists was killed during shelling in southern Lebanon that also injured several other reporters. "We are deeply saddened to learn that our videographer, Issam Abdallah, has been killed," Reuters said, adding that he "was part of a Reuters crew in southern Lebanon". Former Israeli security chief Ami Ayalon: 'The military can defend us; it cannot secure us' Hamas's surprise attack on Israel on Saturday has triggered outright war between Israel and Palestine, with levels of violence not seen in decades. FRANCE 24 spoke to Ami Ayalon, the former director of Israel's national security service Shin Bet, to discuss what is happening on the ground and how the conflict may evolve. From Gaza to Lebanon, Israel faces threats on multiple fronts While Israel has amassed tanks and troops around the Gaza border to the south, rocket fire and shelling incidents on its northern borders with Lebanon and Syria have multiplied since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. Amid fears of a renewed uprising in the West Bank, security experts are questioning Israel's ability to respond to simultaneous, multi-pronged attacks and threats on different fronts. As Israel ordered an unprecedented evacuation of northern Gaza ahead of an expected ground offensive, Hezbollah on Friday said it was fully prepared to join its ally Hamas in the war against Israel when the time comes for actions. The declaration by Hezbollah deputy chief Naim Qassem came as an Israeli shell on Friday landed in a gathering of international journalists across its northern border in Lebanon, killing one journalist and wounding six others. The latest shelling came after days of limited tit-for-tat exchanges between Israel and Hezbollah following the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. As Qassim was addressing a rally in the southern suburbs of Beirut, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian was in Lebanon meeting Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah. Iran, which financially and militarily backs Hezbollah and Hamas, has been calling on allies and regional Arab nations to form a united front against Israel over the past few days. With Palestinian groups in the occupied West Bank calling for an uprising against Israel, clashes erupted on Friday in several cities including Ramallah, Nablus, Tulkarem and Hebron resulting in at least nine Palestinians killed by Israeli fire, according to the Palestinian health ministry. On Thursday, Iranian Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian warned Israel that "new fronts" might be opened against the country unless it stops bombing Gaza. It's a warning that security analysts have been considering since October 7, when an Israeli ground invasion of Gaza appeared imminent. "There is a clear risk that Tel Aviv will find itself having to manage several fronts at the same time," said Veronika Poniscjakova, an Israel-Middle East security expert at the University of Portsmouth. To the north, the Hezbollah threat In the north, the most pressing threat to Israel is on the border with Lebanon, where Hezbollah attacks have grown in intensity in recent days. This includes a guided missile strike into Israeli territory on Wednesday, according to Hezbollah. Meanwhile, at least six Islamic Jihad militants attempted to cross into Israeli territory from southern Lebanon from October 8-9, according to the Washington DC-based Institute for the Study of War. Israel and Hezbollah have conducted tit-for-tat fire exchanges following the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. In the Golan Heights, the situation is more confused. Rockets have been fired into the Golan Heights, but "at this stage, we don't know who fired them," said Poniscjakova. "The most likely suspect remains Hezbollah, which has a proven presence in Syria," she added. But Hezbollah is not the only suspect. "It could also be one of the many small pro-Palestinian groups operating from Syria, such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command [PFLP-GC]," explained Clive Jones, an expert on Israel and the Middle East at Durham University. In addition, pro-Syrian regime forces have also been deployed to the border between Syria and Israel since October 9, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). The Syrian Social Nationalist Party's militant wing, the Eagles of the Whirlwind, "deployed forces and promised support on October 9, said the ISW briefing. The Israeli army's fear is that this explosive situation to the north will degenerate even further if and when Israel launches a ground offensive on Gaza. This in turn would put enormous pressure on the Israeli defence forces. "It is estimated that Hezbollah alone can mobilise between 80,000 and over 100,000 rockets, some of which are long-range guided missiles," explained Jones. Would Israel then be able to withstand the shock of a war on several fronts? "In theory, it's entirely possible, as the Israeli army has been trained for an attack from several countries at once," said Sim Tack, a military analyst who worked on armed conflicts involving Israel in Lebanon and Gaza in 2012 and 2014 for Force Analysis, a conflict monitoring company. In 1973, for example, the Israeli army successfully repelled attacks from Egypt and Syria during the Yom Kippur War. But in practice, such a scenario "would stretch defences and could very quickly prove very costly", said Jones. To cope with such a war, "Israel would probably have to draw on all its reserves, which would have an obvious impact on the economy if it's a long conflict," he added. This is one of the reasons Israel does everything in its power to conduct quick military campaigns, Jones noted. Pressure on the 'Iron Dome' The real test ultimately depends on what the Israeli army wants to achieve," said Tack. Israel will have less trouble if it can deal with the threat in the north solely by carrying out air strikes on Hezbollah positions and intercepting missiles fired by the Shiite militia and its allies. "But if we have to physically destroy enemy positions, it will be much more difficult to manage both the southern and northern fronts," he explained. Another problem for Israel would be whether its air defences its famed "Iron Dome" would remain effective if there were multi-pronged rocket attacks launched from Gaza as well as the border with Lebanon and Syria at the same time. Israel has just 10 Iron Dome batteries, each of which can defend an area of around 150 square kilometers against rocket fire. With a total area of nearly 22,000 square kilometers, it would be impossible to protect the entire country. "It is possible that Israel will be forced to make a choice," said Tack. The Iron Dome is a system designed against short-range shells, which are Hamas's main weapon in the Gaza Strip. But Hezbollah has a more sophisticated arsenal, and if a war breaks out on several fronts, "one of the Israeli army's first objectives will have to be to destroy the pro-Iranian movement's long-range missile launchers," explained Jones.

Egypt now has planes landing there with medical supplies.

9:49am: Plane with medical supplies lands in Egypt, says WHO chief A plane loaded with medical supplies to support urgent health needs in Gaza has landed in Al Arish, Egypt, near the Rafah crossing to the Gaza Strip, the chief of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Saturday in a post on the messaging platform X. "We're ready to deploy the supplies as soon as humanitarian access through the crossing is established," he said.

This one is about Jordan.
Notice they're commenting on displaced people.

10:53am: Israeli air strikes kill at least 324 Palestinians in the past 24 hours Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip over the past 24 hours have so far killed at least 324 Palestinians and wounded 1,000 others, Gaza's health ministry reported on Saturday. According to the report, the dead included at least 126 children and 88 women. 9:54am: Jordan says Palestinian displacement pushes region to 'abyss' of wider conflict Jordan on Saturday said any move by Israel to impose a new displacement of Palestinians would push the region to the "abyss" of a wider conflict. Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi also said Israel's blocking of humanitarian aid to Gaza and forcing its residents to leave their homes as it escalates its military action were a "flagrant" breach of international law.

Egypt 13

This is a comment from the Egyptian MFA.

Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The border crossing remains open Egypt's Rafah border crossing with Gaza remains open, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. Egypt asked Israel to avoid targeting the Palestinian side of the crossing after Israeli bombardment prevented normal operations.

This is about the Russian MFA.
They're warning people about a region-wide response from the IDF.

[MFA warns about consequences from Israeli strikes on Syria amid escalation with Palestine "Amid the sharp escalation of the situation in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, such military actions are fraught with extremely dangerous consequences, since they could lead to a region-wide armed escalation. This should in no way be allowed," the ministry stated MOSCOW, October 12. /TASS/. Israel's strikes on the territory of Syria amid the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict are fraught with extremely dangerous consequences, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement. "Amid the sharp escalation of the situation in the zone of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, such military actions are fraught with extremely dangerous consequences, since they could lead to a region-wide armed escalation. This should in no way be allowed," the ministry warned in comments on the Israeli airstrikes on the airports of Damascus and Aleppo.]

This is from the Russian news.
It's about the IDF telling people in north Gaza to move to south Gaza.
Also, notice the mention of the West Bank.
You wonder about the government in Amman and how they're responding.

Israeli army reiterates evacuation call for Gaza City residents The IDF claimed that HAMAS militants are hiding in tunnels below residential buildings MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) reiterated its call to civilian residents of Gaza City to evacuate to the south of the Gaza Strip in a statement, posted on IDF's official Telegram channel on Friday. "The IDF calls for the evacuation of all civilians of Gaza City from their homes southwards for their own safety and protection," the statement reads. "You will be able to return to Gaza City only when another announcement permitting it is made," the IDF said. The Israeli army claimed that HAMAS militants are hiding in tunnels below residential buildings. "Hamas terrorists are hiding in Gaza City inside tunnels underneath houses and inside buildings populated with innocent Gazan civilians," the statement says. Tensions in the Middle East flared up again after Hamas militants infiltrated Israel from the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian movement described its attack as a response to the actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Israel declared a state of readiness for war, announced a total blockade of Gaza and started carrying out strikes on the Palestinian enclave, as well as on certain areas in Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank. Over 1,500 Palestinians have been killed and more than 7,200 have suffered wounds; in Israel, the death toll stands at about 1,500 and almost 4,000 people have been wounded.
(October 13, 2023)

This is a description of the IDF.
I guess, they are using munitions that contain white phosphorus.
But, they are doing that when they target military positions in residential areas.
Maybe there aren't military positions in residential areas.
It's a grey area.
If it's zoned as a residential area, I'm not sure the IDF can say it's a military zone.

Human Rights Watch accuses Israel of using white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon HRW underscores that it creates increased risks for the civilian population and runs counter to the international humanitarian law MOSCOW, October 13. /TASS/. Human Rights Watch (HRW), an international rights organization, accused Israel of using white phosphorus during its military operations in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip in a report, published on its website. White phosphorus is used in air-delivered bombs, cluster munitions, artillery shells and mines. Although incendiary weapons are classified as conventional weapons, but Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons' Protocol (III) prohibiting Incendiary Weapons bars its use against civilians and in strikes on military targets located in residential areas. Rights organizations worldwide have long been calling for banning phosphorus munitions as a form of chemical weapons. "Human Rights Watch verified videos taken in Lebanon and Gaza on October 10 and 11, 2023, respectively, showing multiple airbursts of artillery-fired white phosphorus over the Gaza City port and two rural locations along the Israel-Lebanon border," the organization said in a report, posted on its website. HRW underscores that the use of white phosphorus in densely populated areas of the Gaza Strip creates increased risks for the civilian population and runs counter to the international humanitarian law. Tensions in the Middle East flared up again after Hamas militants infiltrated Israel from the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian movement described its attack as a response to the actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Israel declared a state of readiness for war, announced a total blockade of Gaza and started carrying out strikes on the Palestinian enclave, as well as on certain areas in Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also taking place in the West Bank. Over 1,500 Palestinians have been killed and more than 7,200 have suffered wounds; in Israel, the death toll stands at about 1,500 and almost 4,000 people have been wounded.

The IDF is flying warplanes above northern Gaza.
Remember they want north Gaza to temporarily relocate to south Gaza.
And IDF pilots are flying fighter jets over north Gaza.
Also, notice this mention of IDF special operations teams in north Gaza.
It reminds of the Ukrainian special ops teams, etc.
We read a lot about the Ukrainian special operations teams.

Israel reports striking 750 Hamas military targets overnight "Dozens of fighter jets struck numerous Hamas military targets in the Gaza Strip, including 12 Hamas military assets, each located in a multi-story building used by the Hamas for terror purposes," the Israeli military specified TEL AVIV, October 13. /TASS/. Fighter jets of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) struck 750 targets of the Palestinian military group Hamas in Gaza's north last night, the IDF reported on its Telegram channel. "The IDF struck 750 military targets overnight, including underground Hamas terror tunnels, military compounds and posts, residences of senior terrorist operatives used as military command centers, weapons storage warehouses, comms rooms and targeted senior terrorist operatives," the IDF said in a report. "Dozens of fighter jets struck numerous Hamas military targets in the Gaza Strip, including 12 Hamas military assets, each located in a multi-story building used by the Hamas for terror purposes," the Israeli military added. In parallel, IDF soldiers from a special unit targeted three Hamas operatives who specialized in mortar attacks in the Gaza Strip, the IDF added, saying that the three men were in a military command center in Gaza City when they were attacked.

Notice here the IDF is launching missiles at Lebanon from northern Israel.
Also, a mention of Israel's air borders.
That's remarkable about, conceptually, Israeli air space.

Israel fires two missiles at Lebanese city of Naqoura - news agency Earlier on Friday, it was reported that two interceptor missiles were fired from northern Israel in response to a suspected violation of the country's air borders from Lebanon BEIRUT, October 13. /TASS/. Israel's Iron Dome air defense system has fired two missiles at the Lebanese city of Naqoura in the south of the country, Lebanon's state-run Al Wataniya news agency reported. According to the news agency, Israeli reconnaissance jets are circling over Naqoura. The news agency did not say why the Iron Dome was activated. Earlier on Friday, Israeli Army Radio reported that two interceptor missiles were fired from northern Israel in response to a suspected violation of the country's air borders from Lebanon. The object suspected of entering Israeli airspace returned to the neighboring state. The Israel Defense Forces have not yet commented on the incident.

Notice the Egyptian government is telling the Gaza residents to stay in Gaza.
The IDF is supposedly bombing refugee camps.
Tel Aviv is wanting to send the northern half of Gaza to the south, and people are telling them they're not allowed to do that.
In Tel Aviv there is a wartime government.

Israel to the UN: 1.1 Million Palestinians have to Leave Northern Gaza Strip in the next 24 hours The Israeli army has informed the United Nations that about 1,100,000 Palestinians are to leave the northern Gaza Strip in the next 24 hours and head for the southern areas of the enclave. The Israeli military has called on residents of Gaza City to leave, as intense military operations are expected there in the coming days. It is recommended that they head to the southern part of the Gaza Strip, specifying that their return to the city can only take place after special permission. The spokesman for the world organization, Stephane Dujarric, warned that the movement of more than 1 million people cannot be carried out without devastating humanitarian consequences. He called for this order, if confirmed, to be revoked so that the tragedy does not turn into a catastrophic situation. There was an immediate reaction from Israel's ambassador to the UN, who described Dujarric's statement as "outrageous". Israel is massing tanks along the borders of the Gaza Strip amid continued airstrikes and reports of a planned ground operation against Hamas. At the same time, the Palestine Refugee Agency announced that international officials and the operations center had already been moved to the southern part of the Gaza Strip. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has issued an urgent appeal to raise 294 million dollars to respond to the urgent needs of the Palestinians. 25 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli shelling in the Jabalia refugee camp, local media reported. According to the Palestinian interior minister, the victims are twice as many. According to the latest figures, more than 1,500 Palestinians have died since the start of the conflict, and more than 1,600 have been injured. Over 1,300 Israelis were killed in the Hamas attacks at the end of last week. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the violence and killing of civilians on both sides. The Egyptian president said the Palestinians must remain firm and maintain their presence on their land. Iran's foreign minister has warned that continued crimes against Palestinians will be met with a response from "the rest of the Axis". Israel's parliament approved the formation of a wartime government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and leading opposition politician Benny Gantz. Observers say a broad coalition is needed to push through important military and political decisions in the coming days. Israeli authorities have called on Israelis around the world to be vigilant because of the Day of Rage declared by Hamas today. In Paris, at a pro-Palestinian rally last night, police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse participants who blamed Israel for the deaths of civilians in the Gaza Strip. French President Emmanuel Macron called on Israel for a "firm" but "just" response after the terrorist attack by Hamas. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin arrived in Israel for talks with Prime Minister Netanyahu, members of Israel's new emergency government and military officials.

This is really something.
I guess the IDF is bombing Syria because these locations assist the Iranian army.
It seems to be heating up between Tel Aviv and Tehran.
Notice these comments from the Iranian foreign ministry.
Also, the Syrian air defenses.

Syria: Israel Bombs Damascus and Aleppo Airports Israeli forces have carried out "air aggression" on runways of Syria's two main international airports of Damascus and Aleppo, putting them out of action, Syrian state media said on Friday. Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) cited a military source to report that the missile strikes happened "simultaneously" at 13:50 (local time), causing material damage to the airstrips, which resulted in them being "out of service." "The Israeli latest aggression comes in the framework of the occupation authorities' continued policy, based on aggression and violation of the international law and the UN convention," the Syrian foriegn Ministry said in a statement as cited by its state media agency. Israel has so far not commented on the strikes on the Syrian airports. Al Jazeera publication quoted Syrian television channel Sham FM as stating that Syrian air defenses were activated in response to the attacks on both airports. Damascus and Aleppo airports not only handle civil aviation but also host military bases. Israel has in the past carried out strikes on targets in Syria, including its airports as part of operations believed to be aimed at disrupting Iranian supply lines, Al Jazeera reported. The attacks on the two Syrian airports come ahead of a planned visit by Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, who on Thursday departed from Tehran for Baghdad and is scheduled to proceed to Syria and Lebanon later. Before his departure, Amirabdollahian addressed reporters in Tehran, stating that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories is the primary source of crises in West Asia, Iranian state news agency IRNA reported. The Iranian minister, on his arrival in Beirut, said if the Israeli bombardment of Gaza continues, the war may open on "other fronts". He said the continuation of "crimes against Palestinians" will receive a response from "the rest of the Axis" and Israel will be responsible for the consequences, Al Jazeera reported. Since the start of the war from October 7 when Hamas terrorists launched an attack in Israel an estimated 1,300 people in Israel and over 1,500 Palestinians have been killed.
(October 13, 2023)

In '1917' there was a character in the British army. He had black hair and he's slender. I guess it's how he talked. He was funny and up making jokes. He was talking about gambling.
I think this is a part of the English or American armies.
What is the English army?
'The English army had just won the war.'
'I saw a film today oh boy about a lucky man who made the grade. And though the film was rather sad, well I just had to laugh'.

I think maybe what sets these people apart in the army is they are up and mobile, but it's what they talk about.
When I was twenty years old. My dad drove me to the airport and I went to study in Saint Petersburg.
That was in 2004. And I lived there for a year. I took the train to Mongolia.
On the train I met Russian soldiers.
They were going to the front in Chechnya.
They lived in Siberia and they were in the Russian army and they were returning to the war in Chechnya.
They told me about the war. And I learned about how they lived in Siberia and they took the trains to Grozny.
Maybe these people in the English armies or American armies.
I am different than other people because I met the Russian army who had been deployed to Chechnya. I try to act like them. I think about them as I write the reports.

This is a true story. Have you heard of the show 'Cops'. I once saw an episode of Cops, and I knew one of the people in the show who was arrested. I said out loud, 'That's Joe!'.
He was my coworker at AmeriCorps.
Joe was into the Palestinian rights movement.
That exists in Austin, Texas.
People who are politically opposed to the IDF.
When I next saw Joe, I asked. "Were you on Cops?"
He confirmed it.

The French are making a few points:

1. Tel Aviv might be retaliating against Gaza, which sounds illegal
2. Tel Aviv might be enforcing a group punishment against Gaza, which sounds illegal
3. Tel Aviv was already having legitimacy problems because of court reforms about government and jurisdiction
4. Maybe the blockade of Gaza is illegal

This one is about how Tel Aviv is already having a hard time.
Weird judicial reforms.
People were complaining about freedoms.
And the response is called retaliation.
Retaliation probably means illegal.

[Israeli retaliation for the attack has so far killed more than 1,000 in the Gaza Strip, where Hamas holds power, and looks set to kill many more. Netanyahu has long been a divisive figure in Israeli politics, especially since he was re-elected prime minister in 2022. His return to power - to reclaim a post he previously held for over a decade - was marred by accusations he intended to push through sweeping judicial reforms that would protect him from Israeli courts where he faces corruption charges that could lead to jail time. His proposed judicial changes would hobble the Israeli courts' power over the government, which critics argued would the country towards a constitutional crisis. The deeply unpopular amendments sparked more than nine months of weekly protests bringing tens of thousands of people onto the streets in Israeli cities. Opponents said the reforms would turn Israel into an illiberal democracy - an elected government that moves to restrict democratic rights and freedoms, in the style of Prime Minister Viktor Orban's Hungary. Among the protesters were thousands of army reservists who threatened not to report for duty if the changes were pushed through, raising concerns about the military's capacity to respond to large-scale attacks.]

It's kind of a one two.
Because now the Iranians are calling on everyone to blame Tel Aviv for the IDF response.

10:31am: Iran calls on Islamic, Arab countries to confront Israel Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has called on Islamic and Arab countries to cooperate in confronting Israel as it wages a deadly war triggered by a surprise attack by Palestinian militant group Hamas. "Today, all the Islamic and Arab countries and all the free people of the world must reach a serious convergence and cooperation in the path of stopping the crimes of the Zionist regime against the oppressed Palestinian nation," Raisi told his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad in a phone call late Wednesday. Raisi stated that in order to stop the "genocide of the Palestinians by the Zionists", Iran will coordinate with Islamic countries "as soon as possible", the Iranian presidency website said on Thursday. Iran, which backs Hamas, on Saturday celebrated the assault in Israel, though it insisted it was not involved in it.

This is from France24.
They're calling the IDF response collective punishment and maybe that's illegal.
The French might think it's illegal about the blockade on the Gaza Strip.

Live: NATO urges Israel to respond with 'proportionality' in Gaza NATO countries on Thursday told Israel's defence minister they stood by his country after the attack by Hamas, but urged his forces to respond with "proportionality", the alliance said. Their statement came as Hamas militants on Thursday fired a barrage of rockets at Tel Aviv in response to Israeli air strikes that targeted "civilians" in two Gaza refugee camps, the Palestinian group said. Follow our live blog for all the latest developments. All times are Paris time (GMT+2). 11:22am: UN experts slam 'horrific' Hamas attacks, Israel siege of Gaza Dozens of the United Nations' rights experts on Thursday condemned Hamas's "horrific crimes" and said Israel's bombardment of the Gaza Strip "amounts to collective punishment". "There is no justification for violence that indiscriminately targets innocent civilians, whether by Hamas or Israeli forces," said the experts in a joint statement. "This is absolutely prohibited under international law and amounts to a war crime." They denounced what they called the targeted and deadly violence directed at civilians in Israel. But they also warned that Israel's "further tightening of the unlawful blockade" on the Gaza Strip would have devastating impacts on its entire civilian population.

Egypt 12

This is the guy who's making demands and saying they won't turn on the power until this and that happen. I think he's too old to be working in government.
[Israel Katz ( Yisrael Katz, born 21 September 1955) is an Israeli politician and member of the Knesset for Likud, now minister of National Infrastructure, Energy, and Water. He was... Born: September 21, 1955 (age 68), Ashkelon, israel Education: Hebrew University of Jerusalem]

This is pretty crazy.
I guess Tel Aviv cut off the power in Gaza.
And maybe the best exit is through Egypt.
But, now Tel Aviv is saying it won't cut the power back on until demands are met.
But, yeah but they don't have power or running water and the best route out of there is to go to Egypt.
And so it's Tel Aviv yelling stuff and Egypt saying they're not allowed into Egypt.

No power switch will be turned on, no water supply will be available until... Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz said Gaza Strip won't receive electricity and water supply until the release of hostages kidnapped by the Palestinian Hamas. "Humanitarian aid to Gaza? No electrical switch will be turned on, no water pump will be operational and no fuel truck will enter until those who have been kidnapped return home," Katz wrote on the X social network. He added that Israel will respond to humanitarianism with humanitarianism. "And no one can preach morality to us," said Katz. It is estimated that Hamas kidnapped around 150 people, and their identities are still unknown. On the other hand, Israeli officials on Monday stopped the supply of electricity, water, fuel and medicine to the Gaza Strip, which is why the situation in the Palestinian enclave is catastrophic, as warned by the United Nations. Also, the only exit from Gaza, the crossing with Egypt, was closed due to the Israeli bombing, so the inhabitants of that narrow territory are practically trapped.
(October 12, 2023)

This is a good one.
Tel Aviv, I guess, expects the Gaza refugees to go to Egypt.
And now Tel Aviv is saying they didn't tell them to go to Egypt.

Advising Palestinians to leave for Egypt not conducive to peace - Putin Israel's Defense Forces explained later that the IDF had not urged Gaza residents to leave for Egypt, but designated certain areas that were to be vacated MOSCOW, October 11. /TASS/. Telling Palestinians to leave for Egypt is no way to achieve peace, as they are living on what is historically their own land, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in response to questions from Al-Ghad TV anchor Amro Abdelhamid. "I find it hard to make any assessments. The land on which the Palestinians live is historically their own. Moreover, this is where an independent Palestinian state was supposed to be established. In my opinion, this is not something that can bring about peace," the Russian leader said when asked to comment on these ideas. It was reported earlier that the Israeli military had allegedly advised Palestinians to leave the Gaza Strip for Egypt. However, Israel's Defense Forces explained later that the IDF had not urged Gaza residents to leave for Egypt, but designated certain areas that were to be vacated.

This one is talking about the Nukhba elite forces, the navy, and Muhammad Abu Shamla.
Maybe those are Iranian words and it's the Iranian navy.
Hamas naval operative.

IDF eliminates another high-ranking Hamas member According to the statement, Muhammad Abu Shamla's residence was used to store naval weapons designated for terror against the State of Israel TEL AVIV, October 12. /TASS/. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) eliminated another high-ranking Hamas member Muhammad Abu Shamla and delivered strikes on the command centers of units that infiltrated the country on October 7, the army press service said. "The Nukhba elite forces consist of terrorists selected by senior Hamas operatives, designated to carry out terrorist attacks such as ambushes, raids, assaults, infiltration through terror tunnels, as well as anti-tank missile, rocket, and sniper fire. The Nukhba elite forces were one of the leading forces that infiltrated the State of Israel in order to carry out murderous acts of terror against its citizens," it said in a statement. "Furthermore, IDF aircraft struck Muhammad Abu Shamla, a senior Hamas naval operative in the Rafah Brigade. Abu Shamla's residence was used to store naval weapons designated for terror against the State of Israel," the press service added.

At least 50 Palestinians killed in an Israeli air force raid on Gaza Strip According to medical sources, 281 people were taken to hospitals BEIRUT, October 12. /TASS/. The Israeli air force launched a series of attacks on populated areas in the Gaza Strip early in the morning. According to Al Mayadeen TV channel, 450 ground targets were attacked in Gaza City, Jabaliya and Khan Younis. According to medical sources, the death toll has risen to 51 since midnight, 281 were taken to hospitals. The biggest number of strikes occurred in the Sheikh Radwan, Al-Karama and Khalaf-Barak neighborhoods, where multistorey buildings are located. Most of the victims and injured were brought from there. UN agencies said the massive bombing had led to an increase in the flow of refugees from Gaza. According to them, 338,000 people left dangerous areas. The Gaza Strip is one of the most densely populated areas on the planet, with 2.3 mln people living on the area of 360 square kilometers live 2.3 million people. Most of the residents are refugees who drag out a miserable existence.

(October 12, 2023)

Egypt seems to want to limit its response to October 7, Israel wants an increase in its response.

I would like more reports now about the Egyptian security services.
Also, the Jordanians.
Israel has targeted rockets now at Gaza, Syria, and Lebanon since October 7.
Egypt is wanting a limited response to this because Gaza has a border with Egypt.
I think Egypt doesn't want to do total war or whatever.
Does Israel want to do total war now?
Also, it's got lots of neighbors.
Maybe Tel Aviv is going crazy and they're seeing Hamas in all of the neighboring countries.

Bulgarian Courts Grant Actions for Forfeiture of Lv 800,000-Plus Worth of Illegal Assets Three Bulgarian courts have granted actions for the forfeiture of illegal assets worth over 800,000 leva brought by the Commission for Anti-Corruption and Illegal Assets Forfeiture, the Commission said on Wednesday. By a judgment of the Veliko Tarnovo Appellate Court, 451,046 leva were confiscated from a former director of the Road Transport Administration Executive Agency after he was charged with bribery and participation in an organized crime group. The Razgrad District Court rendered an enforceable judgment on the forfeiture of assets worth 229,245 leva owned by two persons charged with participation in an armed organized crime group and procuration of women. The Varna Appellate Court issued a judgment confiscating 168,864 leva from two persons charged with tax offences.

Egypt rejects idea of opening humanitarian corridors for Gaza refugees Cairo reportedly insists that both sides resolve conflicts within their borders, believing that this is the only way for the Palestinians to secure their right to statehood CAIRO, October 12. /TASS/. Egypt has rejected any proposals to open humanitarian corridors for evacuation of civilians from the Gaza Strip, Reuters reported, citing sources in the Egyptian security services. According to one of the sources, the issue of opening safe corridors for refugees wishing to leave the enclave were raised during Cairo's talks on humanitarian aid to Gaza residents with representatives of the US and other countries. However, the Egyptian leadership rejected these proposals. The news agency said that Egypt has long restricted Gaza residents' access to its territory. Cairo, which often acts as a mediator between Israel and the Palestinians, always insists that both sides resolve conflicts within their borders, believing that this is the only way for the Palestinians to secure their right to statehood. Tensions flared up again in the Middle East on October 7 when militants from the radical Palestinian Hamas movement staged a surprise attack on Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Hamas described its attack as a response to the aggressive actions of Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem. Israel has announced a total blockade of the Gaza Strip as it has been delivering rocket attacks on Gaza as well as some districts in Lebanon and Syria. According to the latest official data, more than 1,200 Palestinians have been killed since the renewed outbreak of violence, while over 5,600 others have suffered wounds. In Israel, over 1,500 people have lost their lives and roughly 4,000 have been wounded in clashes, including on the West Bank of the Jordan River.

This one mentions Iran.
Also, Hamas and Islamic Jihad groups.
Were the positions in Gaza Iranian positions?
Were the rockets Iranian rockets?
Is what is known as Hamas in Gaza Iranian?

Israel unleashes Hell against Hamas targets in Gaza Israeli military reported earlier this morning that they were conducting a "large-scale blow" on targets belonging to Hamas in Gaza. The Palestinian Ministry of Health said more than 50 people have died in Gaza after a series of Israeli air bombing in recent hours. So far, at least 1,200 are the dead in Israel after Hamas's brutal cross-border attack. Another 1,200 people were killed in Gaza in retaliatory air strikes. The United States has increased additional military assistance to the Israeli army and are working on all aspects of the crisis with hostages held by Hamas, US President Joe Biden announced. The United States will provide Israel with everything it needs. This was stated by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken before leaving for the Jewish state: "We are firmly against terrorism," Blinkon said, adding that Hamas's actions are almost indescribable. The US Secretary of State is expected to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Yitzhak Duke. At a round table in Washington with leaders of the Jewish community, US President Joe Biden described the Palestinian group's attack against Israel as "pure evil". He urged Israel to act in accordance with the rules for hostilities and added: "This attack was a campaign of pure cruelty. Not just hatred, but pure cruelty against the Jewish people. I would say that it was the deadliest day for the Jews after the Holocaust." The US head of state also warned Iran to be careful about the conflict. The Hamas and Islamic Jihad groups have announced that they are launching heavy missiles against Israel, while the Israeli army said hundreds of thousands of soldiers have already gathered near the Gaza border in preparation for the land offensive. The only power plant in Gaza is no longer working and Israel has stopped supplies of electricity, medicines, food, fuel and water for the strip. However, UN Secretary -General Antonio Guterres insisted on immediate humanitarian access. The White House also announced that they were negotiating with Israel and Egypt about the admission of humanitarian aid in Gaza. Last night, the Israeli army has hit hundreds of objects in Gaza, including places from where Hamas has directed attacks on the Jewish state. Because of the fighting, nearly 340,000 people have left their homes in the Gaza Strip.
(October 12, 2023)

Walter Payton was from Mississippi. He and his brother both played football. He went to Jackson State. It is the religion of the empire. Maybe Italian Catholicism or Anglicanism.
What is the lesson of Walter Payton?
I was born in North Carolina.
It's a lesson of the gypsy and what we're stuck with.
In life, we're stuck with things.

Why did you go to Texas Southern?
Did you ever think about joining the army?
We give him a hard time, but Harry really did go over there to Afghanistan.
I thought it was funny Harry said he had Gulf War Syndrome.

The grocery stores are kind of empty.
Gaza is running out of power or Tel Aviv cut off the power.
More reports about rocket attacks.
Maybe they are Iranian rockets.
Al-Qassam might be Iranians like the Quds Force.

The Bulgarian embassy in Israel urged citzens not to travel there at least for the next ten days, until it is known how the war will develop. There is no new government flight planned for the evacuation of Bulgarian citizens, because there is no such need at the moment, Slavena Gergova, Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to the State of Israel, announced on the National Television. "At the moment, there are two options for leaving Israel, both for Bulgarian citizens and for other foreign citizens. One is through Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. It continues to operate, albeit with a limited number of flights. There are companies that have stopped flying to and from Israel. There are also companies that have increased the number of their flights in order to enable on the one hand foreign citizens to leave Israel and on the other hand Israeli citizens who are abroad to return to the homeland. The second way to leave the country is from the port in Haifa. There is an operating ferry line there, which is in the direction of Haifa - Larnaca (Cyprus)," explained Gergova. Ambassador Slavena Gergova warned that there is a lot of speculation about which Bulgarian citizens can evacuate. "There is no division between citizens with dual citizenship and those with only Bulgarian citizenship. Bulgarian citizens are such for the Bulgarian state, regardless of whether they also have another citizenship. The way we try to prioritize citizens is based on whether they are short-term or long-term residents. The reason is that people who came for a shorter period have a limited budget, money for hotel nights and meals for example for a certain number of days, they only have medical insurance for a certain period. These people are a priority, they have nowhere to stay in Israel. The second group of people are the permanent residents of Israel. They have a home, a job, and their evacuation does not have the same urgency as the short-term residents," she added. Ambassador Slavena Gergova explained that no evacuation of permanent residents from any nation of the European Union has begun. However, she called on Bulgarians living long-term in Israel to register and send their data to the embassy in order to have a real idea of how many Bulgarians are in Israel. Gergova talked about everyday life in a state of war. "A person goes into an autopilot. We are extremely tired. The main challenge is the sirens. The Israeli system has an extremely well-made evacuation and shelter system in the bomb shelters. But you should not be at a distance that you cannot walk in a minute and a half to the bomb shelter. A problem we are facing is the shortage of products. A store is running out of essential goods. People are restocking and the large number of reservists who are on call also matters. Many services, including deliveries, have been suspended."

Bulgarian Political Parties on Conditions to Back Skopje's EU Accession Talks

Minister of Defence Todor Tagarev visits Brussels to attend NATO-Ukraine Council meeting

Power plant in Gaza Strip to run out of fuel in 10-12 hours TV It is also noted that fuel reserves in medical institutions of the Gaza Strip will end on October 12 CAIRO, October 11. /TASS/. The only power plant in the Gaza Strip can halt operation in 10-12 hours due to running out of fuel reserves, the Al Hadath television channel reports, citing the power department of the Palestinian enclave. The department has "300,000 liters of fuel that will be enough just for 10-12 hours," it said. "Fuel reserves in medical institutions of the Gaza Strip will end on Thursday [October 12]," Health Minister of Palestine Mai Al-Kaila noted. Power and fuel supplies to the enclave were interrupted on October 8. Israel announced the start of the complete blockade for the Gaza Strip on Monday and water supplies to it were also terminated.

Four Russians killed in Hamas attack in Israel - embassy Six Russian citizens were now officially listed as missing TEL AVIV, October 10. /TASS/. The number of Russians killed in Israel as a result of an attack by Palestinian radicals from the Hamas movement is up to four, the Russian embassy in Tel Aviv has said. "We regret to say that according to the updated data of the Israeli side as of 5:00 p.m. (time coincides with Moscow time - TASS) on October 10, four Russian citizens, who also had Israeli citizenship, are listed as dead. We are currently looking into all circumstances," the embassy's spokeswoman Marina Ryazanova has told TASS. She added that six Russian citizens were now officially listed as missing. Earlier, one Russian was reported to have been killed and four gone missing.

"At the end of the game, there will be no Hamas" A surprise attack by Hamas on Israel from the Gaza Strip is "Israel's September 11th", and at the "end of the game, there will be no Hamas in Gaza". This was stated today by the leader of the Israeli opposition, Yair Lapid. "If you want to look at the sad statistics, it is obvious that this (October 7) is the worst day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust," Lapid said in an interview with France 24. He pointed out that the "vicious terrorist" attacks are a major intelligence failure for Israel, noting that Israel's priority is to focus on "eliminating all terrorist capabilities that Hamas has." "The end game is that there will be no Hamas in Gaza... Right now, what we are determined to do is just to make sure that there are no Hamas terrorists in Gaza, so that they don't make us future victims. Enough is enough. What happened will not happen again", said the Israeli politician. He noted that Hamas killed innocent people, not because it wants a Palestinian state, but because "they want Islamic territory around the world". Lapid stressed that Israel is not interested in a regional conflict with Lebanon or Iran, adding that warnings have been conveyed to Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. He said he supported Israel's defense minister's decision to impose a total siege on Gaza, cutting off food and electricity supplies to its 2.2 million residents. Rejecting UN criticism of the siege, he said it was "Hamas's fault". "We need a two-state solution. I still believe that it is possible and that it is also in the best interest of the State of Israel," concluded Lapid.

They fulfilled their terrible threats: Hamas hits Israeli city with rockets VIDEO Hamas has warned residents of the Israeli city of Ashkelon to leave by 5:00 p.m. local time, threatening launching of the rocket attack. CNN reports LIVE that, after the deadline, they bombarded the city with rockets. The Al-Qassam Brigades launched a large-scale rocket attack with hundreds of missiles on Ashkelon, only ten kilometers north of Gaza, in response to Israel's policy of displacing Palestinian civilians, reports Palestinian Al-Aqsa TV. The statement added that, if this policy is not ended, Al-Qassam will continue to demolish Ashkelon, after which it will move on to the destruction of another city.

United Nations: The total siege of the Gaza Strip is prohibited by international law Total siege of the Gaza Strip, announced by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant on Monday, is prohibited by international humanitarian law, the UN has warned. The total siege of the Gaza Strip, announced by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant on Monday, is prohibited by international humanitarian law, the UN has warned. "The imposition of sieges that endanger the lives of civilians by depriving them of the goods necessary for their survival is prohibited by international humanitarian law," United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk said in a press release.

(October 11, 2023)

Maybe the rockets. They are Iranian rockets. In Gaza.
Возможно, ракеты. Это иранские ракеты. В Газе.

Maybe the Iranians are responsible for the deaths of these IDF soldiers.

"The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said a total of 73 Israeli soldiers had been killed since Saturday, when Hamas launched a massive attack on Israel by launching rocket attacks and ground incursions into southern Israel, The Times of Israel said, adding that 16 soldiers were killed on Sunday. The IDF said that more than 500 targets were hit last night, including eight command centers of Hamas and the Palestinian branch of Islamic Jihad, several buildings housing Hamas assets, a mosque containing assets of the Palestinian militant organization, and three tunnels in the Beit Hanina area in the northern Gaza."

That might be language evidence they are Iranians.
Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades IQB

Also this one sounds like an Iranian word.
Islamic Jihad.

Hamas deploys special forces: The most devastating attack follows Hamas is deploying 1,000 members of special units to attack Israel, a source close to the group said today. As he stated, Hamas is preparing to carry out the most devastating attack on Israel in recent decades. According to Reuters, videos of some of the operations or details of the training of those units have been released by Hamas and its armed wing Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades IQB, as well as some witnesses. According to those sources, the exercises included the construction of a fake Israeli settlement for practicing military landings and assault training. The Joint Office of the Palestinian Resistance Movements, led by the military wings of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, posted on December 28, 2022, on its Telegram channel, photos showing what it said was training for "raiding behind enemy lines as well as capturing Israeli soldiers." A source close to Hamas said the group's fighters have been training in Gaza since the last conflict in 2021, occasionally conducting exercises in public. An Israeli army spokesman said Israeli soldiers were fighting armed Hamas militants at several points around Gaza, more than 48 hours after the attack was launched in the early hours of Saturday morning. The conflict began when Hamas fired 3,000 rockets, according to the organization, while the Israeli military said there were 2,500 missiles, which were intended to allow Hamas fighters to break through the fortified fence around Gaza and carry out operations inside Israel. After that, Palestinian fighters on motorized paragliders flew over the border and secured the ground for the main ground assault. The Israeli army struck back, launching a large-scale attack on Hamas centers in Gaza, the BBC reported today. Hamas, meanwhile, continued its massive rocket attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip.

The Israelis that have been evacuated aren't yet officially refugees.
I guess the Ukrainians in Bulgaria are still officially refugees.
A lot of the reports are about an attack that originated from the Gaza strip.
Gaza is about twice the size of the District of Columbia.
Mysterious events and people who live in the Gaza strip.

Bulgaria sympathizes with the people of Israel Empathy and concern - this is what the actions of the Bulgarian state in the first hours of the full-scale war that started in the state of Israel speak for. Bulgaria's Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov categorically condemned the terrorist attacks of the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas and the violence against innocent Israeli citizens. "I express full solidarity with the Israeli people. My thoughts are with the victims of these attacks. I condemn terrorism in all its forms," wrote the Bulgarian Prime Minister. Bulgarians evacuated from Israel with a second flight There is no increased threat of terrorism in Bulgaria since the start of the war in Israel The Bulgarian cabinet prepared the evacuation of the Bulgarian nationals who wished to leave Israel - the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mariya Gabriel spoke with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel Eli Cohen and the Bulgarian Ambassador to Israel in order to ensure the safe movement of our compatriots to the Ben Gurion airport, from where two government Airbus flights have been made so far. Over 150 Bulgarians returned to Bulgaria with them, as well as citizens of other countries. Thus, Bulgaria became the first country to organize a mission for the evacuation of its own and foreign citizens from the State of Israel after the beginning of the war with Hamas.

There are currently no refugees from Israel in Bulgaria The organization of Jews in Bulgaria assists Israeli tourists due to cancelled flights to their homeland After the surprising terrorist attacks of the Hamas organization on the State of Israel, the Bulgarian authorities assessed the level of terrorist threat to Bulgaria as low, with the exception of places such as airports, train stations, synagogues, tourists from the State of Israel, to which the risk level has been raised to yellow. There is no increased threat of terrorism in Bulgaria since the start of the war in Israel So far, there is no wave of refugees from Israel on the territory of Bulgaria, Maxim Delchev, educational director at the Organization of Jews in Bulgaria - Shalom, told Radio Bulgaria. They support the work of the Embassy of Israel in Bulgaria with regard to Jews in need of assistance. "At the moment, there are no Jews who have arrived on Bulgarian territory who are refugees in the sense of international law", specified Maxim Delchev. "Our task now is to help the Israelis who came here on vacation, as you know that Bulgaria is a tourist destination, and their flights are now cancelled. We can help them find shelter or provide them with the things they need related to the Jewish religion.'' Delchev assured that they work on every case and request for assistance that they receive, but neither he nor the Israeli embassy in Bulgaria have information on the number of Israeli citizens on Bulgarian territory. "My prayers are that whatever happens, a peaceful resolution of the matter is reached quickly and as soon as possible and that those responsible for this escalation of violence take their responsibility." As for how long it will last, I hope it will pass quickly and at the cost of fewer victims," said Shalom representative Maxim Delchev.

Hamas militants fail to enter Israel on Tuesday night - media It is reported that clashes with militants took place near the Sa'ad kibbutz and the Kissufim kibbutz, with all of them being over by now TEL AVIV, October 10. /TASS/. Members of the radical Palestinian group Hamas failed to enter Israel on Tuesday night, the state-run Kan radio station reported, citing a spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). "No terrorist infiltrations were recorded last night," the spokesperson said, adding: "Clashes with militants took place near the Sa'ad kibbutz and the Kissufim kibbutz, but all of them are already over. We are working to mop up the Israeli territory and retain control." Meanwhile, Reuters reported that IDF Spokesman Richard Hecht had suggested Palestinians leave the Gaza Strip for Egypt through the Rafah crossing point.

Israeli army strikes Hamas facilities According to the statement, the Israeli Defense Forces conduct wide-scale strikes on multiple targets TASS, October 10. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have attacked facilities of the radical Palestinian movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the army press service reported. "The IDF is currently conducting wide-scale strikes on multiple targets belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip. Details to follow," the press service said in a statement on its official Telegram channel. Tensions in the Middle East escalated on October 7 with an attack by Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip on Israeli territory. According to the latest official figures, nearly 700 Palestinians were killed and over 3,700 wounded in clashes and shelling, while about 800 Israelis were killed and over 2,000 wounded. Hamas said the attack was in retaliation for Israeli actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Israel has declared a state of war and a total blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Hamas plans to swap prisoners for Palestinians held in US prisons Hamas spokesman Ali Barakeh also said the militants were ready for "all scenarios" of the conflict, including a "long war" TASS, October 10. Hamas plans to use captured Israelis in negotiations for the release of Palestinians detained in the US and Arabs held in Israeli prisons. "There are Palestinians held in America [on charges of financing Hamas]. We will ask for their release," Hamas spokesman Ali Barakeh told the Associated Press. He added that Hamas would seek the release of all Arabs detained in Israel. He also said the militants were ready for "all scenarios" of the conflict, including a "long war." According to him, since the 2014 escalation in Gaza, Hamas has been training its own fighters and producing its own rockets. Barakeh pointed out the reason for Hamas's large-scale attack is the Israeli government's actions toward the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the center of Jerusalem and the increased pressure on Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. Tensions in the Middle East escalated on October 7 with an attack by Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip on Israeli territory. According to the latest official figures, nearly 700 Palestinians were killed and over 3,700 wounded in clashes and shelling, while about 800 Israelis were killed and over 2,000 wounded. Hamas said the attack was in retaliation for Israeli actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque on Jerusalem's Temple Mount. Israel has declared a state of war and a total blockade of the Gaza Strip.

It was a mystery about the Hamas rockets.
Notice this is a weapons making facility in Gaza.
I guess, where did Hamas get these weapons?
It seems like it could be the Iranians that sent the weapons to Hamas in Gaza.
Maybe these are Iranian weapons making facilities.
Also, notice the Dutch have an EC group going to Sophia.

New Gaza War: Over 2,400 Hamas Targets have been Hit, Israeli Casualties are over 900 More than 900 have already died in Israel after the attacks of Hamas, the Israeli embassy in the United States announced. Those killed in the Palestinian territories are about 560. The Israeli military reported that more than 2,400 Hamas targets were destroyed. Command and control centers, as well as weapons production and storage sites, were attacked. The UN warned that the crisis could cover the entire region. "This is a war in the truest sense of the word. There is information about 140 missing people - their names are known, action is being taken to release them," said Daniela Chopova, a member of the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Center in Tel Aviv. She added that the embassy is making lists of those who want to be evacuated, with priority given to people who are only Bulgarian citizens. According to her, these are groups that went on excursions or visits to Israel, tourists who have nowhere to shelter. People who have dual citizenship - Bulgarian and Israeli - can leave the country with regular airlines. "For now, there is no complete evacuation plan from Israel. There is a red line on the phones, hiding places are open. Apart from the grocery stores, which have been emptied, nothing else is working. Only institutions that provide emergency aid, the hospitals, are working," added Daniela Chopova. She explained that everything is divided into areas depending on the level of the threat. "My daughter and son-in-law are soldiers and they are currently in the army, they don't tell me where they are stationed. An organization has been created for those who are missing and their bodies have been found. This organization has given information to 30 families," said Daniela Chopova.

The Netherlands wants to send monitoring mission to Bulgaria The Netherlands wants more information from the European Commission and calls for a mission to find out how the rule of law is implemented in Bulgaria, before deciding whether to support the country's accession to Schengen, the kingdom's migration minister Eric van der Burg has told BNR.

(October 10, 2023)

I think the Russians are already saying the Iranians are responsible for the Oct 7 attack.
The Russian state news is publishing claims it was the Iranians.
I agree with them that it was the Iranians.
Notice the Bulgarian aid to Ukraine and then Israel will stop sending aid to Ukraine.
It seems like a big weapons trading depot and they all steal American military hardware schematics.
Overcrowding in Gaza and the border between Gaza and Israel.
That's cool that the Russians are watching this conflict so closely.

Democratic Bulgaria MP Atanas Atanassov said Wednesday that his party is launching consultations to have the National Assembly vote on a bill to have the Bulgarian Government provide military equipment to Ukraine in accordance with Bulgarian capabilities and Ukrainian needs. Atanassov said that the basis for the declaration will be the principled position expressed by Parliament on February 24 which strongly condemned the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine. Atanassov was positive that Ukraine's defence can be effectively supported with adequate weaponry and equipment, which meets the capacity of the Bulgarian military industrial complex.

The government plane "Airbus 319" with a second group of Bulgarian citizens evacuated from Israel landed at Sofia Airport at 03:40 am on Monday morning with 87 passengers on board. They are mainly tourists and medical conference participants. The plane took off shortly after 1 a.m. from Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv and was met in Sofia by Parliament Speaker Rosen Zhelyazkov and Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel. On Sunday, 92 Bulgarian citizens and one Croatian were evacuated from Israel and landed in Sofia. The Bulgarians evacuated from Israel are coming home on board the government airbus Bulgaria's Minister of Transport, Georgi Gvozdeikov, announced that the evacuations will continue as long as there are Bulgarian citizens willing to be taken out of Israel. He added that other countries in the EU have expressed a desire for Bulgaria to transport their citizens and, if possible, this will be done. There is no increased threat of terrorism in Bulgaria since the start of the war in Israel

Tehran refutes reports claiming Iranian hand in Hamas attack on Israel - media According to the mission, reports alleging Iran's involvement in the attack on Israel could be viewed as an attempt by the Israeli authorities "to justify their failure and attribute it to Iran's intelligence power and operational planning" TEHRAN, October 9. /TASS/. Tehran is not involved in the current attack on Israel, the Iranian Permanent Mission to the United Nations said in a statement to the Amwaj.media outlet. "The decisions made by the Palestinian resistance are fiercely autonomous and unwaveringly aligned with the legitimate interests of the Palestinian people. We emphatically stand in unflinching support of Palestine; however, we are not involved in Palestine's response, as it is taken solely by Palestine itself," the statement reads. According to the mission, reports alleging Iran's involvement in the attack on Israel could be viewed as an attempt by the Israeli authorities "to justify their failure and attribute it to Iran's intelligence power and operational planning." Earlier, the Wall Street Journal published an article alleging that Iran had helped Hamas plan the October 7 attack on Israel, and green-lighted it at a meeting in Beirut on October 2. The newspaper cited senior Hamas and Hezbollah officials, while an unnamed European official and a Syrian government advisor confirmed the information about Iran's involvement. Israel came under missile attack from the Gaza Strip on the morning of October 7. Simultaneously, several groups of militants infiltrated the Jewish state, engaging in fighting with Israeli forces. The Israeli army declared a state of readiness for war and launched retaliatory actions dubbed Operation Iron Swords. Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Political Bureau of the Palestinian movement Hamas, described the Palestinian operation as a response to aggressive actions by the Israeli authorities against the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem. Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant authorized the callup of reservists and ordered that "the special security situation" be expanded nationwide. According to the latest data, over 400 Palestinians have been killed since the outbreak of renewed tensions, while over 2,300 have suffered wounds. In Israel, more than 700 people have lost their lives and over 2,200 have been wounded.

Up to 1,000 terrorists infiltrated Israel on October 7, radio station says According to the media, active combat with terrorists is still underway in six locations in southern Israel, near the border with the Gaza Strip TEL AVIV, October 8. /TASS/. From 800 to 1,000 terrorists crossed into Israeli territory through about 80 holes in the fence on the border with the Gaza Strip on October 7 and attacked 20 towns and 11 military bases, the Kan Radio said citing estimates by the Israeli military. The Times of Israel reports that active combat with terrorists is still underway in six locations in southern Israel, near the border with the Gaza Strip. Early on October 7, rocket attacks were launched at Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Simultaneously, groups of militants infiltrated Israel entering combat with the Israeli military. Shortly after, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced they were launching Operation Iron Swords in retaliation for the attack coming from the Palestinian exclave. Under these circumstances, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has approved a call-up of reservists and declared the "special security situation" across the country.

Over 120,000 Gaza residents internally displaced due to Israeli strikes - UN The UN office noted that, according to Gaza's medical services, at least 413 Palestinians have been killed and about 2,300 injured since the beginning of the escalation UNITED NATIONS, October 9. /TASS/. About 123,000 people in the Gaza Strip are now internally displaced, says the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. "As of 21:00, 123,538 Palestinians had been displaced in Gaza," the office said. The UN Office added that, according to Gaza medical services, at least 413 Palestinians died and about 2,300 got injured since the beginning of the escalation.

Israel to reduce aid to Ukraine aim escalation of conflict with Palestine - expert Grigory Lukyanov considers it possible that the US will also have to allocate some resources on aiding Israel in resolving the ongoing problems MOSCOW, October 9. /TASS/. Israel will reduce the amount of aid allocated for Ukraine due to the escalation of the conflict with Palestine, says Grigory Luykanov, researcher at the Russian Academy of Science's Institute of Asian Studies Arab and Islamic Studies Center. "The fact that Israel will be occupied with solving the Gaza Strip issue in the nearest future, will reduce the level of Israel's support to Ukraine within the special military operation," the researcher told TASS. "The policy, carried out by the Netanyahu Cabined on providing a small-scale, but careful support and aid to Ukraine, will be reviewed in favor of Israel's own interests." The expert noted that Israel does not have extra resources that it could send to Ukraine. "And such resources may not appear in the nearest future," he pointed out. Lukyanov considers it possible that the US will also have to allocate some resources on aiding Israel in resolving the ongoing problems. "The Gaza Strip issue is already growing, there is unrest along the entire border of Israel," the specialist underscored. "Considering the special relations between Israel and the US, it would require certain operational intervention from the US." Therefore, according to Lukyanov, "the global public attention will switch from Ukrainian to Middle Eastern theater is the short-term perspective.".

MOSCOW, October 8. /TASS/. The unprecedented level of escalation in the Middle East gives grounds to believe that the Israeli-Palestinian crisis is unlikely to be resolved in the near-term period," Russian Ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov has told the Soloviev Live TV channel. "Making forecasts is a thankless task, but, regrettably, the unprecedented level of the escalation, unseen over the past few decades, gives grounds for bad expectations," he said, adding that no solution to the issue should be expected in the coming days "because the escalation is unprecedented." Early on Saturday morning, rocket attacks were launched at Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Alarm signals have sounded continuously since 06:28 a.m. Moscow time in many localities across the country, including the Tel Aviv area and its environs. Shortly after, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced they were launching Operation 'Iron Swords' in retaliation for the attack, coming from the Palestinian exclave. According to latest reports, the rocket attacks left at least 300 Israelis dead and over 1,500 injured. Under these circumstances, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has approved a call-up of reservists and declared the state of 'special situation' within a range of 80 kilometers from the Gaza border. The state of emergency was expanded over the entire territory of Israel late on Saturday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his country was "at war" and was determined to win it. "The enemy will pay an unprecedented price," he added.

(October 9, 2023)

This is a true story. My dad's sister married a Virginian. He went to Exeter, which is a private high school in New England. I was up at their house once. I am a Longhorn. I am a walking Texas Longhorn opposed to anything OU or Texas A&M. I speak the language of Beat OU and Beat Texas A&M. In their house, his story is that Exeter is the same thing as Andover. Which is their rival private school. The Virginians, the point I'm making, they actually don't allow in their conversations that kind of collegiate rivalry stuff.
I'm wanting to inspire in my coworkers some kind of feeling about Mossad here. What do we think is going on with the Israeli Mossad?

This comes up with the British.
The intention about our ships.
Our ships, any ship.
They have to be really really well maintained.
Sometimes somehow the British will make a comment that it's alright for our ships to sail near the PLAAF or whatever.
If you know navy people, their cars.
If you have a suit on, you cannot have food all over your suit.
It's some kind of Royal Navy joke about keeping the ships nice.
I'm alright if our carrier goes near Tel Aviv, so long as we don't think the Iranians are going to foul up the ships or something.

Maybe, the economic situation in Gaza has improved because of Lebanese banks.
The border between Gaza and Israel.
Rockets from Gaza sent into Israel, where did they come from?
The news is kind of saying Tehran fired rockets
Kind of the rockets in the conflict are a mystery
It means to me that Tel Aviv is used as a weapons trading depot from east to west

Israel's Ambassador to Bulgaria: We will Not Fight the People of Gaza, but We must Protect our Citizens "We have counted more than 800 dead. Every citizen of Israel who was in close proximity to the terrorists was kidnapped or killed," said Israel's ambassador to Bulgaria, H.E. Yosef Levi-Sfari in an interview for the morning block of Nova TV. "We are not talking about human beings. These are beasts who do things that democratic societies cannot imagine," said the diplomat. Asked what comes next, he commented that the government must first decide how to handle the hostage situation and negotiate with Hamas for their safety. According to him, the attack was unexpected because, recently, Israel has done a lot to improve the economic condition of Gaza: "We are not going to fight the people of Gaza. Israel is doing a great deal to improve the economic situation of Gaza. Every day 20,000 people from Gaza enter Israel to work, we give electricity, fuel, we give opportunities to improve their industry. We thought, that if the economic situation in Gaza improves, relations will also improve." According to him, this is not a war between armies, but a terrorist organization that has no borders and can do anything. The diplomat did not rule out an escalation of the conflict: "Gaza is very densely populated and we have no intention of doing anything against the civilian population of Gaza, but we have to protect our citizens and we will do whatever it takes." Ambassador Yosef Levi-Sfari also commented that Israel has no idea how the rockets from the October 7 attack entered Gaza: "Some were produced there. But there is no doubt that there is help from outside. (...) Iran is a threat not only to Israel but for the world. This is Europe's backyard. We cannot allow this situation to continue." The diplomat thanked the Bulgarians and the Bulgarian authorities for their sympathy and support. Latest news from the conflict: The dead are over 1,100 - US sends aircraft carrier to help Israel

New Gaza War: The Dead are over 1,100 - US sends Aircraft Carrier to Help Israel More than 1,100 are already dead on both sides since the beginning of the escalation in the Middle East. More than 800 Israelis have been killed in the past days, the victims on the Palestinian side are at least 400. The wounded are about 5,000. Israeli authorities say they have found at least 260 bodies at the site of a music festival near the Gaza border. Thousands of young people were attending the event on Saturday when dozens of fighters from the Palestinian group Hamas suddenly stormed there. The United States, Great Britain, Germany and Ireland are among the countries that have reported their citizens dead or missing in Israel. Throughout the night, the Israeli army continued its intense shelling of the Gaza Strip. Prime Minister Netanyahu has declared that his country is at war with Hamas and that the army will not stop until it destroys all of the group's fighters. Iran has denied involvement in the attacks against Israel, but has expressed its support for the Palestinian side of the conflict. Hamas had previously claimed that its military wing had collaborated with Iran to carry out the attack. Yesterday, the Tehran-backed Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah also fired rockets at Israel and Tel Aviv responded with airstrikes. The United States is sending the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford and a strike group of warships to the Eastern Mediterranean. After a series of phone calls between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden, Washington declared its firm support for Tel Aviv in the fight against the Palestinian group Hamas. On board the "Gerald Ford" are approximately 5,000 sailors and dozens of combat aircraft and helicopters. The purpose of this show of force is to prevent further escalation of the conflict in the region, as well as to prevent Hamas from acquiring more weapons. "Giant shifting of the strata is ahead. A sign of intimidation and fears that this will be used for strikes against Iran. If the aircraft carrier arrives, it means that the presence of the USA will be very long", commented the journalist Simeon Gasparov on the Bulgarian National Television.

(October 9, 2023)

Hamas 9

Hamas 8

Americans would actually know a lot about this. I know a man, his dad was in the Shah's army. Iranians, for example, sometimes immigrate to America. But, there are lots of documented engagements between the Americans and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. I guess historiography. The Americans can really diagnose the Iranian stuff with precision. I own a Farsi dictionary, for example. Recently in Washington, DC I read a report about an Iranian ship engaging a Royal Navy vessel.

Hamas is vague and Hezbollah isn't vague.
1. Maybe Hamas is Hezbollah.
2. Hezbollah could be in the Gaza strip.
3. Hezbollah is an Iranian group in Lebanon.
4. Maybe the media has it wrong in calling the attacks in Gaza Hamas.

[TEL AVIV, Israel - Israeli soldiers battled Hamas fighters in the streets of southern Israel on Sunday and launched retaliation strikes that leveled buildings in Gaza, while in northern Israel a brief exchange of strikes with Lebanon's Hezbollah militant group raised fears of a broader conflict. The flare-up on Israel's northern border also threatened to draw into the battle Hezbollah, a fierce enemy of Israel's which is backed by Iran and estimated to have tens of thousands of rockets at its disposal. Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets and shells on Sunday at three Israeli positions in a disputed area along the border and Israel's military fired back using armed drones.]

[Israel, Hezbollah exchange fire raising regional tensions Tel Aviv says it hit a Hezbollah post in Lebanon, while armed group says it launched rockets at three Israeli positions.]

[Israel battles Hamas for a second day after mass incursion and trades fire with Lebanon's Hezbollah There was still some fighting underway more than 24 hours after an unprecedented surprise attack]

[BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon's Hezbollah said it targeted Israeli military positions in the disputed Shebaa Farms on Sunday, saying it was acting "in solidarity" with the Palestinian people after an unprecedented attack by Hamas gunmen from Gaza into Israel. Israel responded with barrages of artillery into southern Lebanon. No casualties have been reported. Backed by Iran, the Shi'ite group has risen from a shadowy faction established during Lebanon's 1975-90 civil war to a heavily armed force with big sway over the Lebanese state. Governments including the United States deem it a terrorist organisation. Iran's Revolutionary Guards founded Hezbollah in 1982 to export its Islamic Revolution and fight Israeli forces that had invaded Lebanon. Sharing Tehran's Shi'ite Islamist ideology, Hezbollah recruited among Lebanese Shi'ite Muslims.]

(October 8, 2023)



Winston Churchill, I guess had kids. I have their book. It's about the Arab-Israel wars in the twentieth century. I would not have as they did, described the battles. For example, there isn't enough land in the Levant to have a tank battle I guess. Somehow it offends my sense of Patton's third army or whatever how the Churchill kids described the Israeli tank brigades. Also, the Russian tank commanders.
This is describing airbases in Israel.
Land positions in Gaza.
I'm not sure Israel can be 'at war'.
Israel Defense Force.
Casualty figures.
Again, casualty figures might not benefit the Americans or the Russians. Kind of maybe Americans and Russians die of poverty and living in remote areas.
Captured Israeli soldiers.
Maybe it's an Iranian war operation.
1. Iran maintains army positions in Syria
2. It was a surprise attack
3. The combined land, sea, and air effort
4. Iran has publicly commented on this
5. For example, 5,000 rockets were fired
6. The scale of it seems like a large army
7. The Iranians are wanting some position with access to the Mediterranean Sea.
8. It seems like a vague from nowhere enemy
9. The surveillance everything in Gaza
10. Hostages
11. Iran is already mentioned in the report

Israel, Hamas at War: Live Updates The Gaza militant group launched a broad surprise assault, prompting Israel to hit back with airstrikes. Palestinian militants on Saturday launched the biggest attack on Israel in years, sending fighters over the border from Gaza, taking hostages and firing thousands of rockets in an ongoing assault. Israel's prime minister said the country was "at war" as the military launched retaliatory strikes against Hamas targets in Gaza. Here's what you need to know: In an attack that also caught the Biden administration by surprise, the militant group Hamas launched a sustained barrage of thousands of rockets in a coordinated assault by land, sea and air and its forces crossed the Gaza border. Israel declared war on Hamas and said it launched retaliatory strikes against 17 military compounds and locations connected to Hamas's leadership in Gaza. Israel Defense Forces are going house to house in the southern part of the country near Gaza, in an effort to clear the area of Hamas militants. Around 300 Israelis, mostly civilians, were confirmed dead and 1,864 wounded. At least 256 Palestinians have been killed so far and more than 1,788 injured. Israeli soldiers and civilians had been captured and taken into Gaza, the Israeli military said. Israeli hostages were also being held by militants in at least two Israeli towns. Hamas says that the attacks are only the beginning and that it is preparing for a long battle. Iran praised Palestinian militants for the assault. Israel's failure to anticipate the attack left the world questioning what went wrong. You can read our main article here and follow live updates below as news develops.

Hamas has launched an unprecedented strike on Israel. Here's what you need to know. The IDF has launched retaliatory strikes after scores of Israeli citizens are dead and hundreds wounded. Hamas on Saturday launched a large, well-coordinated attack on Israel from the territory it controls in Gaza after months of simmering conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza. A group of fighters from Hamas's military arm, the Al-Qassam brigades, entered Israel Saturday - an unprecedented breach of the security apparatus that controls Palestinian movement in and out of Israel - killing at least 250 Israelis and wounding over 1,400, according to the latest numbers from Haaretz. At least 198 Palestinians have been killed, the Gazan Health Ministry reports, both in retaliatory strikes and in gunfights. There have also been reports of Hamas fighters taking hostages back into Gaza, holding Israelis hostage in their homes, and of gunfights in southern Israeli towns. Hamas military leader Mohammad Deif claimed that the group had launched 5,000 rockets into Israel; the Israeli military put that number at 2,200 by late morning Saturday. Still, that number indicates the massive scale of this operation; in the whole of a 50-day war between Hamas and Israel in 2014, the group launched a total of 4,564 rockets and mortars into Israel. "Our enemy will pay a price the type of which it has never known," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said about the attacks. "We are in a war and we will win it." Under Netanyahu's leadership, Israel has become increasingly hostile to Palestinians and encouraged Israeli settlements in parts of the West Bank, another Palestinian enclave. Meanwhile, Israel's opposition leader, Yair Lapid, said that he was willing to set aside disagreements with Netanyahu to establish, together with him, a small, professional emergency government," according to the New York Times. The Israeli Defense Forces have already retaliated with airstrikes against Gaza, which has suffered from blockades by Israel and Egypt for years and has been described as an "open-air prison." Meanwhile, Iran and Hezbollah, the Iran-backed Shia militant group based in southern Lebanon, have praised the attacks. Saudi Arabia, which is in negotiations to normalize relations with Israel, issued a statement calling for de-escalation, specifically calling out Israel for its "continued occupation, the deprivation of the Palestinian people of their legitimate rights, and the repetition of systematic provocations against its sanctities. Hamas leadership is calling the operation "Al-Aqsa Flood" after the mosque in Jerusalem, which is Islam's third-holiest site. Palestinian worshippers have been repeatedly harassed and attacked by Israeli police and settlers at the site. The attacks came on the final day of Sukkot, a Jewish celebration of the harvest, as well as on the 50th anniversary of the start of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, in which Egypt and Syria attacked Israel, threatening the existence of the young nation. That, too, was a surprise offensive, and though Israel eventually won the war, victory in that conflict was far from assured. Israel's security lapse is shocking

Hamas managed to pull off a stunning assault on several fronts, not only shooting mortars and rockets into Israeli territory but also staging an invasion via air and sea. That infiltration, as many experts have noted, is particularly shocking given Israel's Mossad intelligence service and tight control under which Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank live. "The Israelis pride themselves on having world-class intelligence, with the Mossad, with Shin Bet, with Israeli military intelligence," Colin Clarke, director of research at the Soufan Group, a global intelligence and security consultancy, told Vox in an interview. "They do - from the most exquisite human sources to the most capable technical intelligence gathering capabilities [including] cyber and signals intelligence." That's coupled with the basic surveillance that Gazans and other Palestinians live under all the time, like checkpoints to enter and exit Palestinian territory. That culture of extreme surveillance made Saturday's unprecedented infiltration all the more shocking; the fact that Hamas was able to pull off an operation of this size and complexity, not to mention infiltrate Israel and, as has been reported, take hostages, would have been almost unthinkable before Saturday. Yet fighters infiltrated as many as 22 Israeli sites as far as 15 miles away from Gaza's border with Israel. Though there is speculation about Iranian and Hezbollah involvement in the operation, there are no concrete details about what that entails as of yet. "Iran has played a major role in helping Hamas with its rocket and missile programs, and mortar programs," Daniel Byman, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told Vox in an interview. "There's no question about that, which was a big part of the attack," he added.

(October 8, 2023)

1) There are lots of reports about Turkish made weapons
2) Notice China has 1.4 billion people now

"Turkey launches fresh strikes on Kurdish targets in Syria in retaliation for Ankara bombing Turkey's defence ministry said Friday it had a launched a new wave of air strikes against Kurdish targets in Syria in retaliation for a bombing attack in Ankara."

"Turkiye confirms 'drone loss' in Syria, says it did not disrupt ops"

"The world's second-largest economy, home to more than 1.4 billion people, is facing a host of problems - including slow growth, high youth unemployment and a property market in disarray."

(October 7, 2023)

This is me talking about Ukraine. 10-5-23

At Georgia Tech, two of my professors. They were old men. I didn't know what they were talking about. I heard one say to the other, "That's where I am with it."
Kind of if everyone knows the rules. Then it's fun for everyone.

Kind of crazy descriptions of Ukraine.
The EU and financial assistance.
The Congress and financial assistance.
Ukraine is firing drones at targets inside of Russia.
Germany isn't right now sending Taurus missiles to Ukraine.
Ukraine is making slow or no gains in the areas near the Sea of Azov.

Ukraine reports new advances in the south, holds back Russian forces in the east Ukrainian forces have made some progress in their push into the south, part of a grueling counteroffensive to retake areas seized from Russia in its 19-month invasion, Ukraine's military said. Officials also said Kyiv's forces are resisting Russian attempts to reverse gains Ukraine has made on the eastern front since the counteroffensive began in June. At the same time, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported some success for its troops on the eastern front. To the south, Ukraine has made progress as Kyiv continues to push for the Sea of Azov to divide Russian-occupied territory to the south and east, Reuters reports. "We have achieved partial success west of Robotyne," southern group spokesman Oleksandr Stupun told national television, noting that Ukrainian troops "continue to strengthen the positions they hold." "In some areas, we are advancing from 100 to 600 meters," adds Stupun. The advance south has been slower than the lightning-quick conquests a year ago in the northeast. Ukrainian troops have captured a number of villages and officials say they are preparing around Robotyne and other villages for further offensives. In its evening report, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said its forces had repelled Russian attacks near Robotyne and the nearby village of Verbove. The Russian Defense Ministry said Moscow forces had struck Ukrainian positions near Andriivka and a nearby village. It also said it shot down 31 drones fired from Kyiv overnight over three southern Russian regions, but did not report any casualties or damage. Yesterday, a Ukrainian security source said Kyiv's forces carried out a drone strike in Russia's western Belgorod region and hit a S-400 air defense system and its radar, Reuters reports.

Foreign Minister Gabriel presents Bulgaria's foreign policy priorities to EU ambassadors

MADRID, October 5. /TASS/. A senior Ukrainian official admitted in an interview with El Pais that the country's dialogue with the European Union on financial assistance or sanctions has always been difficult.

Russian forces hold advantageous positions near Rabotino - governor "We have major forces and means concentrated in one place, mainly artillery, which has been hitting the enemy located [there]," Yevgeny Balitsky added MOSCOW, October 5. /TASS/. Russian artillery has been delivering strikes on the enemy near Rabotino in the Zaporozhye Region, region's head, Yevgeny Balitsky, has told the media. "In principle, Rabotino is a gray zone. Our troops easily hold positions. Strikes are carried out on the enemy from the hills on the left-and right-hand side. We have favorable positions today," Balitsky said. He explained that the enemy was mostly in a lowland. "We have major forces and means concentrated in one place, mainly artillery, which has been hitting the enemy located [there]. We have favorable positions. We are satisfied with the position we have. We are on the hills. The enemy enters the lowland. Then the artillery does its job," Balitsky concluded.

Fierce fighting in the south of Ukraine; An unpleasant surprise? The war in Ukraine entered its 588th day. Russian forces on Wednesday shot down 31 Ukrainian drones over the Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk regions bordering Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry said. After the chairman of the US House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, was dismissed, analysts, as well as US President Joseph Biden, fear that the biggest victim of the chaos on Capitol Hill could be further aid to Ukraine. Is Germany turning its back on Ukraine? German government does not plan to deliver "Taurus" cruise missiles to Ukraine anytime soon, Bild reported, citing sources from the German and Ukrainian governments. Germany has not officially refused to send missiles to Ukraine but has made it clear internally that missiles will not be sent at the moment, according to the newspaper's interlocutors. Chancellor Olaf Scholz reportedly also thinks the Taurus delivery is unlikely, and German officials are concerned that the missiles could potentially hit the Kerch Bridge. Ukrainian authorities have been demanding for months that the missiles be sent to their army as soon as possible.

(October 5, 2023)

If Ukraine would stop firing at targets inside Russia, then they could turn off the missile defense systems.

This is about the border between Russia and Ukraine.
If Ukraine is firing at Russia, what are Russia's options?
I guess missile defense stuff.
You wish Ukraine would stop firing and then there could be less missile defense everything.

[Ukraine said Wednesday it struck a Russian anti-aircraft system in the border region of Belgorod overnight, as Kyiv's attacks on Russian-controlled territory intensify. Since Kyiv launched its counteroffensive in June, Russian regions bordering Ukraine have accused the Ukrainian army of almost daily drone strikes and shelling. An unnamed source in the Ukrainian Security Service source told AFP that its forces hit a "strategic air defense system near the Russian city of Belgorod." It said this was the second Triumf system Ukraine had hit in the past month, after striking one in Crimea in mid-September. There was no mention of the attack in official reports from Russia, which said its air defenses had destroyed over 30 Ukrainian drones. "Air defense systems on duty over the territory of the Belgorod, Bryansk and Kursk regions intercepted and destroyed 31 Ukrainian aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles," Russia's Defense Ministry said. The governor of Bryansk, Alexander Bogomaz, said his region had been targeted by a drone attack and cluster munitions, but that there were no casualties. "There is partial destruction of residential households and outbuildings," he said. Also overnight, the Russian Defense Ministry said its air force "stopped an attempt to penetrate the territory of Crimea by a landing group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine." The Ukrainians had been heading "in the direction of Cape Tarkhankut on a high-speed military boat and three jet skis," it said. Ukraine posted video footage appearing to show what it said were several boats sailing towards Crimea, and said it "inflicted fire" on Moscow's forces. Ukraine has targeted Crimea throughout Russia's offensive but attacks on military installations there have recently intensified as Kyiv vows to recapture the peninsula, which Moscow annexed in 2014. Last month, Ukraine also launched an unprecedented missile strike on the naval headquarters on the peninsula. Moscow said that the attack left one Russian serviceman missing, while Kyiv claimed that the strike killed 34 officers including the fleet commander, Viktor Sokolov. Moscow has denied the claim and has since shown footage of the commander attending meetings.]

Lots of excitement here in Washington, DC.
The contractors and the labor unions.
The coronavirus.
I know people who have lost their contractor job and others who have the coronavirus.
Some of the contractors have the coronavirus.
Also, I said this.
I'm in favor, while the virus numbers are up.
Can we cancel or postpone sports events.
People are really sick.
Stuff like the sports events or the Congress.
Can they work half days, etc.
In the sense that it's like dumb here because everyone is so sick and to work normally seems unwise.

It's come up with the White House about these Ukrainian drone strikes that hit targets in Russia.
I wish Kiev would surrender.
Central Asia and computer stuff.

The US House of Representatives on Tuesday voted to oust Republican Kevin McCarthy as Speaker, a never-before-seen historic vote that leaves the lower chamber of Congress in chaos, The Hill reported. The mutiny, led by Rep. Matt Gaetz, came days after McCarthy averted a government shutdown by putting a stopgap measure on the floor that garnered Democratic support - a move that infuriated hardline Republicans. In the final 216-210 vote, seven Republicans joined Gaetz to unseat McCarthy. The following Republicans voted to oust McCarthy- Andy Biggs, Ken Buck, Tim Burchett, Eli Crane, Matt Gaetz, Bob Good, Nancy Mace and Matt Rosendale. Every Democrat in the chamber also voted to boot McCarthy, refusing to help protect him from his unruly conference. McCarthy said he would give Democrats nothing if they were to vote to help him. As per CNN, the House now needs to elect a new Speaker, but there is no clear alternative who would have the support needed to win the gavel. McCarthy served as House Speaker for 269 days before being removed. His tenure began on January 7, 2023, and lasted until Tuesday (US local time)- the second-shortest for a speaker in the country's history.

Energy Sector Workers Block Key Roads around Stara Zagora for Sixth Day

14% coronavirus positivity rate in Bulgaria in past day, 2 Covid-related deaths

Biden wants to avoid direct conflict with Russia over Ukraine - US secretary of state Antony Blinken noted that this installation is one of the "guiding stars" of the American leader

WASHINGTON, October 4. /TASS/. Since the very outset of the Ukrainian crisis, US President Joe Biden has been trying to avoid a direct conflict with Russia, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said at Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy. "From day one, President Biden had two 'North Stars' in mind. One was to make sure that we are doing everything we possibly can to support Ukraine and to bring other countries along to the same thing. But the other is also to avoid being in direct conflict with Russia, because the potential where that conflict could go is not a place that anyone wants to be and not a place that's good for the security of the American people," Blinken said during the conversation, broadcast live by the Department of State's website. The top US diplomat reiterated that it was up to the Kiev government to decide on its combat operations, but, in his words, Washington has never encouraged strikes beyond Ukraine's borders. In his opinion, the best way to stop hostilities would be to strengthen Kiev's positions.

Kiev has up to eight weeks left for counteroffensive - White House John Kirby emphasized that Congressional approval is needed to continue US assistance to Ukraine WASHINGTON, October 4. /TASS/. The United States believes that, in accordance with the expected weather conditions, the Kiev government has between six and eight weeks left for its counter-offensive, US National Security Council Strategic Communications Coordinator John Kirby has told reporters at the White House. Answering to a reporter's question, Kirby underscored that Congressional approval is required for the US to continue its aid to Ukraine. And we want to make sure that <...> that there's no lapse, that we're able to continue this consistent process of providing them support, particularly as we get into the fall and this counteroffensive continues," Kirby said. "There is about six to eight more weeks of decent weather here - of good fighting weather, and we want to make sure that the Ukrainians can succeed." "Time is not our friend," Kirby went on, adding that both sides have six to eight more weeks of good weather here before it becomes really hard for them to fight. As the Russian Defense Ministry has said, the Ukrainian army has been making unsuccessful offensive attempts since June 4. On September 12, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Ukraine lost 71,500 troops, 543 tanks and almost 18,000 armored vehicles of different classes during this period. The Ukrainian counter-offensive has had no results, Putin said.

Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to develop cyber security

(October 4, 2023)

They do it because they prefer to live under German laws instead of Russian laws.

I want the Russians to march into Romania and kick in some doors or whatever. F@#$ em.

Linguistics of eastern Europe.
Maybe it's all one language, and there are different dialects. (Where I am)
Maybe there are dozens of distinct languages. (Serbians I meet)
It's something in the middle.

I speak Russian and I went to school in Saint Petersburg. I meet a lot of people from Serbia, Macedonia, and other countries in the Balkans. I'll ask them if they speak Russian and they'll say no.
Technically that cannot be right.
Because Serbian is something similar to Russian.
Technically the answer isn't no, like zero.
They speak maybe 1% Russian.

I think I don't like the laws maybe now in some of these countries in the Balkans. Maybe they don't want to live under Russian laws. Maybe it's corruption about labor stuff like Ireland and Scotland. Mongerism and weird money reasons for their laws.

The Germans are taking too much energy for their army.
The EU is going to stop giving Kiev weapons.
Ukraine is sending missiles to hit targets inside Russia.
The Kosovo police.

Representatives of the miners and energy workers will meet today with Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov - but the blockade of key roads will not stop, they announced to bTV.

Protests of Energy Workers, Miners Continue Blocking Key Roads in Stara Zagora Region for Fifth Day

Bulgargaz proposes natural gas prices to be 4.6% lower than in September

WASHINGTON, October 3. /TASS/. European Union countries no longer can give weapons to Ukraine from their stockpiles without endangering their own security, Politico reports, citing a European official. "We cannot keep on giving from our own stockpiles," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Vucevic: If Supreme Commander issues order to enter Kosovo,the order will be executed Defense Minister Milos Vucevic and Chief of the General Staff, General Milan Mojsilovic are holding a press conference at the House of the Serbian Armed Forces.

(October 3, 2023)

The Kosovars allow the Germans to use their airbases.
The Germans take too much energy for their army.
Notice this description of the Bulgarian border with Turkey.
Even the Pentagon is thinking that Kiev will surrender.
The UAF is hitting targets inside of Russia.
Another description of the Kosovo police.
The Kosovo police probably behave like the Gestapo.

NATO is increasing its presence in Kosovo

Key Roads in Stara Zagora Region Remain Blocked by Protesting Miners for Fourth Day

Border police deter increased migrant pressure On October 2, the EU ban on the admission of passenger cars with Russian registration enters into force in Bulgaria

MOSCOW, October 2. /TASS/. Russia could force the Kiev regime to capitulate by gradually dialing up the military pressure on Ukraine rather than engaging in active combat operations, said Scott Ritter, a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer and United Nations weapons inspector.

BELGOROD, October 2. /TASS/. The Ukrainian armed forces shelled the village of Kozinka in the Belgorod Region on Monday morning, hitting a residential house, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov reported on his Telegram channel.

A witness described the killing of a Serb in Banjska: "They shot at us incessantly" A protected witness described the bloodshed and brutal murder of Serb Bojan Mijailovic in Banjska, on Kosovo and Metohija.

(October 2, 2023)

Alex is an athlete.
Алекс спортсмен.

This is me talking about the Russian language and right wingers. 10-1-23

Tony 67

Ukrainian MOD
Ukrainian special forces operations

1) The SBU is investigating the UAF because they likely use illegal S-400 missile defense systems.
2) The Ukrainian special forces are reporting inaccurately about drone strikes.
3) It's not clear about UAF targets inside of Russia.
4) Maybe some of these claims made by both the UAF and the Ukrainian special forces desks aren't right.
5) The SBU and the Ukrainian MOD should consider the false reports, etc.

Slovakia votes in elections threatening Western unity on Ukraine Slovaks started voting on Saturday in a parliamentary election closely fought between former leftist Prime Minister Robert Fico, who has pledged to end military aid for neighbouring Ukraine, and pro-Western liberals. Final opinion polls showed the two parties in dead heat, with the winner expected to get the first chance to try to form a government to replace the caretaker administration running the country of 5.5 million since May. A government led by Fico would mean Slovakia joining Hungary as EU countries challenging the bloc's consensus on support for Ukraine, just as the European Union looks to keep unity in opposing Russia's invasion.

The head of electric carmaker Tesla Elon Musk thanked President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for his invitation to Türkiye's largest aerospace and technology festival Teknofest, as he congratulated all the teams competing in the festival on Friday. In a message he posted on Twitter (formerly known as X), Musk said he would be attending the festival in person next year. He also said he would discuss further opportunities for investment in Türkiye.

Why are some Germans turning towards the far-right?

China's Evergrande chairman put under police surveillance

1. Because a Russian plane was shot down.
2. Then the Ukrainians are in possession of illegal missile defense systems.

Russian air defences shoot down their own top fighter jet 29 September 2023 - 8:13pm Russian air defences have shot down one of the country's most advanced fighter jets in a friendly fire incident, according to reports. The Russian Su-35 was downed over Tokmak, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, on Thursday where Ukraine is mounting its counter-offensive. A Russian Telegram channel with close links to the country's air force appeared to confirm the incident on Friday when it paid tribute to the pilot, who did not survive. Footage showing a fireball falling out of the sky began circulating on Friday.

Security Service of Ukraine neutralized Russian Tor-M2 and S-300VM air defense systems

Ukrainian special forces land on Crimea to take down Russian missile launcher Defence ministry says Ukrainian flag raised in occupied territory after 'special operation' Ukrainian special forces, on the country's independence day, have landed in Crimea and claimed to have killed a number of Russian troops during a "special operation" in which they destroyed a missile launcher. The operation was announced by Andriy Yusov, a spokesman for the defence ministry, who said a Ukrainian flag was raised in the occupied territory. "Troops have landed at the peninsula as part of a special operation," Mr Yusov told Suspilne, a Ukrainian broadcaster, referring to Crimea. In a post on Telegram, Ukraine's defence ministry said:"The enemy suffered losses among personnel, [and] enemy equipment was destroyed." War Translated, the Ukrainian conflict monitor, said the operation involved an amphibious landing on the Tarkhankut peninsula of Crimea, where Ukrainian soldiers destroyed an S-400 air defence system and eliminated "several occupiers".

(September 29, 2023)

This is me talking about the S-400. 9-29-23

A million Ukrainian refugees live in Poland.
The EC is active in the Balkans.
Maybe the Germans take too much energy for their army.

1) The failed Ukrainian counteroffensive that began June 4, 2023
2) Ukrainian mobilized infantrymen with no army training
3) Continued attacks on the regions of Russia that border Ukraine

The EU guarantees the Stay of Ukrainian Refugees until March 2025 European Union interior ministers have given the green light to extend temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees in the EU for another year. The European Commission has proposed an extension until March 4, 2025 of the reception and social benefits commitments for Ukrainian citizens fleeing the war. The Temporary Protection Directive is now triggered until 4 March 2024. There are currently over four million Ukrainian refugees from the war living in the EU. Over 1 million of them settled in Poland. Temporary protection provides that they receive: residence permit; access to the labor market; housing; medical assistance; social assistance; access to education for children. The European Commission gives member states from the EU budget 100 euros a week for maintenance, which they distribute to registered Ukrainian citizens on their territory. The decision will enter into force after it is legally formalized and translated into the official languages of the EU, the Council of the EU announced. It is not officially known how many Ukrainian citizens benefit from temporary protection in Bulgaria, as the specially created government portal has not published such information since March. This week, the government decided to extend the assistance program until the end of the year.

PM: Territorial Just Transition Plans Must Be Approved Friday, Sent to European Commission Saturday

The workers at Maritsa East mines are protesting today. The road at the Passage of the Republic (Hainboaz) near Gurkovo is blocked. There is also a protest on the Trakia highway in the Stara Zagora region, on the roads to Haskovo and between Galabovo - Dimitrovgrad. The miners from Bobov Dol mine are conducting a motorcade along the Struma highway and the main road E-79 near Dupnitsa. An action has also been announced at the crossroads near the village of Dragichevo between Sofia and Pernik. Protesters are unhappy with plans to develop coal-mining areas, which foreclose the fate of the industry. The government plans to approve the plans at an emergency meeting on September 29 at 3 p.m.

Russia's defense lines turned out to be stronger than West expected - UK defense chief In his opinion, observers should not expect successes of the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the short-term perspective LONDON, September 29. /TASS/. Ukraine's counter-offensive proceeds slowly because Russia's defensive lines turned out to be stronger than the West expected, the chief of the UK defense staff, Admiral Tony Radakin, was quoted as saying by The Times. In his opinion, observers should not expect successes of the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the short-term perspective. Radakin believes that "a visceral war" is now being waged, and winning it would require both military and economic might. "It's the military that wins battles, but it's the economics and that sustainability that tends to win wars," he added. Radakin went on to say that Ukraine's operations are hampered by the lack of military training for the country's mobilized soldiers. He also explained the lack of progress by "the wide variety" of military vehicles and equipment in service with the Ukrainian troops, who now have to use both Soviet-made and Western weaponry. Moreover, he hinted that the Kiev government was probably too late in launching its counter-offensive. "When you look at the start of the counteroffensive, there were points where Ukraine wanted to assure itself of a bit more equipment, more ammunition, then it went into a bad period of weather and that impacted [it]. Then you've done some of the wargaming and made assessments about Russia and then in actuality some of those Russian defences have been stronger than first anticipated," the UK admiral said after visiting Kiev with the country's Defense Secretary Grant Shapps. Ukrainian forces have been making unsuccessful attempts at an offensive since June 4. Russian President Vladimir Putin said on September 12 that Ukraine had lost 71,500 servicemen and about 18,500 tanks and other armored vehicles by that time. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on September 26 that Ukraine's losses had exceeded 17,000 people over the past month alone, while the "counteroffensive" had failed to make any significant gains.

Ukraine shells Russia's Belgorod Region more tham 100 times over day There were no casualties, but windows, facades, roofs and fences of seven private houses and three administrative buildings were damaged, along with power lines TASS, September 29. The Ukrainian armed forces fired more than 100 different munitions at Russia's Belgorod Region over the past 24 hours, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said on his Telegram channel. "In the Shebekino district, three mortars and six tank shells were fired at the town of Shebekino. <...> Part of the shells hit the territory of one of the industrial facilities, there is minor damage in several production facilities. The power line was also damaged, it has now been restored. Twelve mortar shells were fired at the village of Novaya Tavolzhanka, six artillery shells at the village of Bezlyudovka, 11 at the village of Sereda and three at Murom," he wrote. According to Gladkov, five artillery shells were fired at the village of Nekhoteyevka, two at the village of Zhuravlevka, three at the village of Shchetinovka, and one drone was shot down over the villages of Dubovoye and Cheremoshnoye. IIn the Valuisky district, the village of Verigovka came under mortar fire three times, and a fixed-wing drone was shot down over the village of Karabanovo. There were no casualties or damage. "In the Volokonovsky district, six artillery shells were fired at Stary and four at Tishanka. As a result of the shelling, there was a fire of dry grass on the area of 2.5 hectares, the fire was extinguished. <...> In the Graivoronsky district, the outskirts of the village of Mokraya Orlovka were shelled eight times from mortars. There were no consequences. In the Krasnoyaruzhsky district, 40 artillery shells were fired at the village of Staroselye, three at the outskirts of the village of Zadorozhny, and four at the village of Grafovka," Gladkov wrote. The governor specified that in the Krasnoyaruzhsky district, near the village of Staroselye, the enemy attacked with a kamikaze drone. There were no casualties or damage. The village of Terebreno was also shelled 14 times. There were no casualties, but windows, facades, roofs and fences of seven private houses and three administrative buildings were damaged, along with power lines.

Ministry: Russian air defense systems destroyed 11 Ukrainian drones last night Russian air defense systems destroyed 11 Ukrainian drones over the Kursk and Kalushka regions last night, the Ministry of Defense of Russia announced. "On the night of September 29, an attempt by the Kyiv regime to carry out a terrorist attack with aircraft-type drones on objects on the territory of Russia was stopped. Air defense systems on duty destroyed 11 Ukrainian drones, one of them over the territory of the Kalushka region and 10 over the Kursk region," the Ministry announced on Telegram. Ukrainian armed forces regularly shell Russian border territories, carry out drone strikes and sabotage, reports RIA Novosti.

(September 29, 2023)

This is me talking about the Ukrainian army. 9-28-23

What does Washington, DC have to say to London today?

"Dom, if they are special forces guys they are not then the authorities." (Talking about the Ukrainian special operations forces that misreported the death of Viktor Sokolov.)

This is about the State Department.
I guess the PLA used computer warfare stuff against the DOS.
Sometimes people make fun of the bureau, for example.
Maybe they're not great at computers.
I wish the EU would stop expanding.
Notice these descriptions of the Ukrainian army.
I wish Tashkent didn't export so much.
A description of Kosovo.

[Chinese hackers who successfully attacked Microsoft's email platform earlier this year managed to steal tens of thousands of emails from US State Department accounts, a US Senate official told Reuters. The official, who attended a briefing by State Department IT experts, said they notified US congressmen of 60,000 stolen emails from ten different State Department accounts. Although the names of the victims were not released, all but one worked in the East Asia and Pacific area, the official said. The employee who is an associate in the team of sen. Eric Schmitt, wished to remain anonymous. In July, US officials disclosed that in the period since May, hackers linked to the Chinese state had infiltrated the email correspondence of accounts at about 25 agencies, including the US Department of Commerce and the State Department. The extent of the damage from the hacking attack remains unclear. US claims that China was behind the attack further strained already strained bilateral relations. Beijing has denied the accusations. The large-scale hacking attack also drew attention to the outsized role that Microsoft plays in providing IT services to the US government. That's why the State Department has begun to shift to diversifying providers and improving defenses, IT experts at the foreign policy department told the briefing.]

Greece Reconfirms Support for Bulgaria's Schengen Entry

New Bulgarian EU Commissioner Iliana Ivanova makes first official working visit

Ukrainian POW says deserters fear for safety of their families According to the captured Ukrainian serviceman, in rare cases it is possible to strike a deal with a unit commander DONETSK, September 28. /TASS/. Captured Ukrainian serviceman Yury Mikitinchuk, a gunner from the Ukrainian 79th separate air assault brigade, told TASS that the Ukrainian command is threatening harm against the families of troops who choose to desert. "The only chance of not ending up at the frontline is refusing to follow orders and going AWOL. But this carries the risk of retribution against families, children. I have already done this once, but had to return. I was afraid for my children," the POW said. In rare isolated cases, it is possible to strike a deal with a unit commander. According to Mikitinchuk, the average cost of avoiding participation in assault operations is 70,000 hryvnias (about $1,900), which is 70% of a month's wages.

Dozens of Ukrainian troops get killed near Maryinka in DPR daily, says POW A soldier of Ukraine's 79th airborne assault brigade said that the newly recruited soldiers lacked any training DONETSK, September 28. /TASS/. Ukrainian troops sustain dozens of casualties near Maryinka in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) on a daily basis, a soldier of Ukraine's 79th airborne assault brigade who has been taken captive told TASS. "These are just huge casualties," rifleman Nikolay Bognyuk said. "They send groups of people [over there], and people go and never get back. <...> Every day, dozens of people get killed there [near Maryinka]," the captive said. The overwhelming majority of Ukrainian troops who had been sent for an attack near Maryinka never returned from their mission, Bognyuk specified. He also noted that the newly recruited soldiers lacked any training. On September 26, Yan Gagin, advisor to DPR Head Denis Pushilin, told TASS that seven Ukrainian troops had been killed and another two had been captured after their unit had attempted to attack Russian positions near Maryinka.

Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan Governments Discuss Transport Cooperation

Russians: So-called Kosovo? No way... Russia does not see a possibility for long-term stabilization in Kosovo, due to the inciting policy of USA and EU, said Deputy MFA Minister, Alexander Grushko.

(September 28, 2023)

[Ukraine claimed that Sokolov was killed on 22 September 2023 when the Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Sevastopol, Crimea, was hit by Storm Shadow cruise missiles fired by Ukraine in Operation Crab Trap, which has been denied by the Russian government.

Ukraine’s military has said it is “clarifying” information received about the alleged assassination of Russian commander Viktor Sokolov, after Moscow released a video that appears to show him alive and well. Kyiv claimed on Monday it killed Sokolov, the commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, in an attack on the fleet’s headquarters in occupied Crimea last Friday. But the Russian Ministry of Defense published a video on Tuesday that appears to show Sokolov participating in a meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and other Russian military leaders. Ukraine’s new defense minister Rustem Umerov told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday that if Sokolov is dead, “it’s good news for everybody.” In an exclusive interview from Kyiv, he neither confirmed nor denied Sokolov had been killed in the strike. “He [Sokolov] is in our temporary occupied territories … he should not be there at all. So, if he’s dead, it’s good news for everybody that we are continuing to de-occupy our territory,” Umerov told Amanpour. In the Russian footage, a man resembling Sokolov appears to join the meeting via video conference. The nametape on his uniform reads Sokolov V. N. and his screen shows the Cyrillic letters “ЧФ,” the abbreviation for the Black Sea Fleet. CNN cannot confirm this is Sokolov, when the meeting took place or where his video appearance was filmed. “Since the Russians were urgently forced to publish a response with Sokolov allegedly alive, our units are clarifying the information,” Ukraine Special Operations Forces said on Telegram Tuesday. A member of Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office personnel inspects damage following a Russian military attack, amid the country's invasion of Ukraine, in Odesa, Ukraine, in this image released September 25, 2023. Ukraine says Russian ships still launching strikes after alleged death of commander as US Abrams tanks arrive “Available sources claim that the Black Sea Fleet Commander is among the dead. Many have not yet been identified due to the fragmentation of body fragments,” the statement added. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov earlier on Tuesday refused to comment on the Ukrainian claim that Sokolov had been killed. The Ukrainian Special Operations Forces had earlier said Friday’s attack – the latest in a string of bold strikes on the occupied peninsula of Crimea – killed 34 people, including Sokolov. Ukrainian Defense Intelligence spokesperson Andrii Yusov said Russia was using Crimea as a “logistics hub” and that “the ultimate goal, of course, is the de-occupation of Ukrainian Crimea.” Ukraine has increasingly been hitting strategic Russian targets in Crimea, the Black Sea region of southern Ukraine that has been occupied by Moscow since 2014. Before Friday’s attack, Ukrainians had already carried out a series of strikes on Crimea. They hit a Russian military airfield at Saky, degraded Russian air defenses on the northwest coast, and carried out a missile attack on the main dry-dock and ship-repair facility in Sevastopol, crippling an attack submarine and a landing ship. Russia appointed Sokolov as its new commander for its Crimea-based Black Sea fleet in August 2022, according to reports from state media outlet TASS at the time. Sokolov had been serving as the Naval Academy chief since 2020. He served as the Northern Fleet deputy commander from 2013 until 2020. The change of command came amid heavy losses and a string of explosions at Russian military facilities in Crimea.

The killing of an enemy admiral in a missile strike would be a coup for any military, but the celebration in Ukraine over the death of Russia’s Black Sea fleet commander may turn out to be short-lived. A day after announcing that the admiral was among 34 officers killed in a strike deep behind enemy lines, Ukrainian officials acknowledged on Tuesday that there might be some uncertainty. The Ukrainian military’s statement that it was now “clarifying” whether the admiral, Viktor Sokolov, had in fact been killed in an audacious strike last week in Russian-held Crimea came after Moscow released a video on Tuesday purporting to show the admiral attending a meeting earlier in the day.]

(September 27, 2023)

I wish the EU and the Schengen group would stop expanding.
The Ukrainians are putting a lot of pressure on the borders between Bulgaria and Romania and other borders.
The Bulgarians are reporting on Ukrainian requests for weapons systems.
I guess the Ukrainians want to come work for the Pentagon.
A report about the Russian naval commander.

Roberta Metsola on Bulgaria's Schengen membership: Expect a Positive Decision

Traffic is intense at some border crossings with Romania for trucks, the Border Police General Directorate reported on its website on Wednesday morning. The traffic is intense at the checkpoints Vidin, Durankulak, Kardam, Oryahovo and Nikopol for exiting trucks. Crossing through the joint border checkpoints Kainardzha/Lipnitsa and Krushari/Dobromir is possible between 8 am and 8 pm.

We have no intention of giving the entire S-300 missile complex to Ukraine, Bulgaria's Chief of Defense, Adm. Emil Eftimov said. The defective S-300 missiles that we are discussing to send to Ukraine are between 3 and 5% of the total quantity available in the country. The weapons that Bulgaria has provided to Kyiv so far do not affect the combat capability of the Bulgarian army. There is no direct threat to Bulgaria's security, and the actions of the army and NATO minimize the risks of the conflict in Ukraine, emphasized Eftimov. He recalled that in 2022, Bulgaria tried to modernize the S-300 complexes and the MiG-29 aircraft in Ukraine, but the war stopped the process. "We have no intention of giving the entire missile complex until we find a replacement capability - then a contract must be concluded, there must be a delivery, the staff must be trained - then we can think about this issue, but it will not be soon", specified Eftimov.

WASHINGTON, September 27. /TASS/. The US Department of Defense has confirmed its determination to strengthen Ukraine's military potential and develop partnership in the defense sector, a department spokesperson has told TASS. US Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment William LaPlante said on Tuesday that the United States was set to create joint production of certain types of military equipment on the territory of Ukraine. He gave no further details of the US plans.

Black Sea Fleet confidently fulfills assigned tasks - commander Sokolov Earlier, a number of Ukrainian media outlets and Telegram channels spread information that Sokolov and a number of high-ranking officers were allegedly killed in a September 22 missile attack on the Black Sea Fleet headquarters MOSCOW, September 27. /TASS/. The Black Sea Fleet is confidently and successfully fulfilling the tasks assigned to it by the command, Black Sea Fleet Commander Viktor Sokolov said during a Zvezda TV broadcast. "The Black Sea Fleet is confidently and successfully fulfilling the tasks assigned to it by the command. The surface forces, the submarine forces, the naval aviation, and the front line troops," Sokolov said. On September 26, Sokolov took part in a meeting of the board of the Russian Defense Ministry via videoconference. Earlier, a number of Ukrainian media outlets and Telegram channels spread information that Sokolov and a number of high-ranking officers were allegedly killed in a September 22 missile attack by the Kiev regime on the Black Sea Fleet headquarters.

Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan Strengthen Strategic Partnership

Border patrol of Serbia and Hungary assaulted: They fired from automatic weapons Viktor Orban pointed out that violence among migrants is on the rise and that the joint border patrol of Serbia and Hungary was attacked with automatic weapons. Orban emphasized on the social network "X" that it is time for everyone to face the truth that the Brussels agreement has failed in this matter. "Migrant violence is on the rise. Three nights ago, a joint border patrol of Hungary and Serbia came under fire from automatic weapons. With this, migrants have crossed the Rubicon. It's time to face the facts: the Brussels migration pact has failed," Orban wrote.

(September 27, 2023)

This is me talking about Viktor Sokolov. 9-27-23

Tony 65

Maybe the EC facilitates elections in Bulgaria.
The Germans might take too much energy for their army.
This might be describing a failed Ukrainian summer offensive.
I wish Tashkent didn't export so much.
Another description of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Central Election Commmission to Hold Breifing on Last Day for Candidate List Registration

The future of wind energy in Bulgaria to be discussed at a round table

[NEW YORK, September 26. /TASS/. Ukraine recognizes that the deliveries of US Abrams tanks are unlikely to 'significantly change' the situation on the battlefield, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing Ukrainian officials. According to the newspaper's sources, the Ukrainian counteroffensive has been going on for four months, and Kiev doubts that the new equipment will be able to turn the situation around. The newspaper said the US Department of Defense has repeatedly warned that no weapons will be able to change the course of hostilities due to the complexity of the conflict. The Wall Street Journal noted that the situation on the battlefield may also be complicated by the onset of the fall rainy season, which will make it more difficult for heavy armored vehicles to maneuver.]

[Russian forces entrench themselves near Orekhovo-Vasilevka, Berkhovka - DPR head According to Denis Pushilin, the actions of the Russian forces on this section of the line of engagement came as a surprise to the Ukrainian units MOSCOW, September 26. /TASS/. The Russian armed forces have improved their positions on the northern flank of Artyomovsk (Ukrainian name - Bakhmut) and entrenched themselves near the villages of Orekhovo-Vasilevka and Berkhovka, Head of Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Denis Pushilin said. "The next hot spot is Artyomovsk. On the northern flank, the Russian units have improved positions, now it is important to hold them. The enemy is trying to reverse the situation, <...> [but the Russian forces] have gained a foothold near the settlements of Orekhovo-Vasilevka and Berkhovka," he said during a Soloviev Live TV broadcast. According to Pushilin, the actions of the Russian forces on this section of the line of engagement came as a surprise to the Ukrainian units.]

Tashkent Air Pollution Hits 7x Limit

Alert, the attack is underway War in Ukraine - 579th day. Ukraine claims that the commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet Viktor Sokolov was killed in the attack on Sevastopol.

[June Offensive, also called July Offensive (New Style), Summer Offensive, Kerensky Offensive, or Galician Offensive, (June [July, New Style], 1917), unsuccessful military operation of World War I, planned by the Russian minister of war Aleksandr Kerensky. The operation not only demonstrated the degree to which the Russian army had disintegrated but also the extent of the Provisional Government's failure to interpret and respond adequately to popular revolutionary sentiment. Temporarily, it also had the effect of strengthening moderate and conservative elements in the country.]

This is me talking about the failed Ukrainian counteroffensive of the summer of 2023. 9-26-23

The whole time the Russians said other items were sent with the grain.
Also, maybe it's unethical to export it because of the production.
Maybe the Ukrainians need the grain.
Notice this mention of Sevastpol.

[Russia struck the Danube port of Izmail from the air Two people were injured after a Russian airstrike overnight on the key Ukrainian grain export port of Izmail, Reuters reported on Tuesday. Odesa Oblast Governor Oleh Kiper wrote on Telegram that a port building, storage facilities and more than 30 trucks and cars were damaged in the attack, which lasted more than two hours. Izmail is a key Danube port to which Ukraine shifted grain exports after Moscow unilaterally pulled out of the Black Sea Grain Corridor deal in July. Since then, the city has been subject to numerous air attacks, mainly targeting its port infrastructure. Ukraine's military said it shot down 26 of the 38 Iranian strike drones it said were fired by Russia overnight Tuesday. Separately on Tuesday, a Russian missile strike also damaged a local enterprise in the southern Ukrainian city of Kryvyi Rih, Mayor Oleksandr Vilkul said. Russia said it had repelled several attacks from Ukraine overnight, including against Sevastopol in Crimea, as well as in the Kursk and Belgorod regions bordering Ukraine. A drone attack by Ukraine against Russia's Kursk caused a power outage in about seven settlements in the region, its governor Roman Starovoit announced. Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said its air defense systems had destroyed a drone launched by Ukraine over Kursk at around 5: 30 a.m.]
(September 26, 2023)

Tony 64

Tony 63

Tony 62

This is me talking about Kosovo. 9-25-23

France to phase out coal by 2027

France will End its Military Presence in Niger and Bring Back its Ambassador

[Three Serbs have been killed after a policeman was shot dead in the northern village of Banjska in Kosovo. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced last night that Kosovo police had killed the three and seriously wounded two Serbs. The Serbian president has made it clear that his country will never recognize Kosovo's independence, no matter how much pressure is put on it. He added that KFOR representatives assisted the Kosovo police in the operation against the local Serbs. A monastery was attacked on Sunday morning with an armored car by an armed group of 30 people who clashed with law enforcement in Banjska, killing a Kosovo policeman. Last night, the Kosovo authorities announced that the situation had calmed down.]

Turkiye Stops 178 Illegal Migrants near Border with Bulgaria

Bulgaria and USA sign memorandum on countering foreign manipulation of information

[Serbia will never recognize Kosovo’s independence, President Vucic vows Serbian President said that "Kosovo and Metohija will never be granted independence, at least by Serbia" BELGRADE, September 24. /TASS/. Serbia will never recognize Kosovo’s independence, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday. "The recent developments have strengthened by conviction that we will never recognize Kosovo’s independence. No matter what you do, we will never recognize Kosovo’s independence. Serbia will never recognize Kosovo’s independence," he said. "Many Serbs died for Serbia’s freedom and for Kosovo and Metohija as part of Serbia, and one thing can be said confidently - Kosovo and Metohija will never be granted independence, at least by Serbia. I have no problem with that, whatever external actor may be doing," he stressed. Serbia’s Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija unilaterally proclaimed independence in February 2008 and is seeking to join a number of international organizations, including UNESCO and Interpol. However, more than 60 countries, including Russia, China, India, and five European Union member states are categorically against recognizing Kosovo’s independence.]

Russian soldiers repel attack by superior Ukrainian force in south Donetsk area The Russian servicemen were presented with awards for their courage and professionalism MOSCOW, September 25. /TASS/. A Russian force repelled an attack by a superior Ukrainian force near Uruzhainoye in the south Donetsk direction, the Russian Defense Ministry reported. "The unit of the 37th guards separate motorized rifle brigade led by deputy commander with callsign Bolshoy repelled an attack by a far superior Ukrainian assault team near Urozhainoye in the south Donetsk direction," the ministry said in a report. According to it, as few as five Russian soldiers, out of which two sustained wounds in that battle, confronted 12 Ukrainian storm troopers. The commander of the Russian unit with callsign Bolshoy took the bulk of the fight, constantly firing at the enemy, as two more Russian soldiers supported him by attacking the Ukrainians in the flanks from dugouts. The Russian servicemen were presented with awards for their courage and professionalism, the Russian defense agency concluded.

Russian Su-34 bombers take out Ukrainian drone control centers in Krasny Liman direction According to the ministry, Su-34 crews are on combat duty round the clock as they carry out air patrol and cover missions for Russian ground force battlegroups from the air MOSCOW, September 25. /TASS/. Russian Su-34 bomber crews attached to the Central Military District have destroyed Ukrainian drone control centers in the Krasny Liman direction, the Russian Defense Ministry told TASS. "Crews manning Su-34 multipurpose fighter bombers of the Central Military District delivered guided bomb strikes on command outposts and drone control centers, as well as Ukrainian armored combat vehicles, in the Krasny Liman direction in the course of the special military operation. To destroy the targets, the pilots used high-precision guided weapons, which destroyed enemy constructions and equipment from a large height," the Russian defense agency said. According to the ministry, Su-34 crews are on combat duty round the clock as they carry out air patrol and cover missions for Russian ground force battlegroups from the air. "Two aircraft performed a combat patrol flight to eliminate concentrations of enemy manpower as well as vehicles and tanks, hitting all targets <…>. Our aviation, both fighter jets and fighter bombers, is ready to confront F-16s," a unit commander who goes by the call sign Solist said. A maintenance unit head with the call sign Bars said that their unit always repairs aircraft promptly "so they can continue performing combat missions." The Russian Aerospace Forces are actively deploying the Su-34, a two-seater, all-weather frontline bomber, in the special op zone.

Russian forces wipe out two Ukrainian positions in Kherson Region in past day It is also reported that a temporary Ukrainian base was destroyed in the Kherson area, with six vehicles put out of service GENICHESK, September 25. /TASS/. Russia’s Battlegroup Dnepr wiped out two Ukrainian positions in the Kherson Region in the past day, a regional emergency official told reporters. "Over the past day, Battlegroup Dnepr’s forces destroyed an enemy boat near an island (with four militants of the Ukrainian armed forces killed), as well as a Ukrainian unit’s position (with three Ukrainian service members killed and another five suffering wounds)," he specified. In addition, a temporary Ukrainian base was destroyed in the Kherson area, with six vehicles put out of service. In addition, a 120 mm mortar and its crew were wiped out. Russian forces also destroyed a Ukrainian position in the Kakhovka area, killing six troops.

Uzbek Alphabet to change

Vučić: At least three Serbs were killed, two by snipers. We have footage of incidents President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, addressed the citizens this evening regarding today's events in Kosovo and Metohija. At the beginning of his address, president said that it is one of the most difficult days for Serbia since 2004 and 2008. He apologized for not being able to address the public earlier in the day because it was necessary to determine what was happening in Kosovo and Metohija and make appropriate decisions. "This is one of the most difficult days for our country. I apologize to the citizens for not addressing them on an earlier occasion. As you know, we have not had direct control since 1999 and we had to investigate what happened so that we could tell the people the truth and prepare the ground for making decisions''. Namely, I will only talk about what happened, and then I will give an assessment. Tonight, around 2.46 a.m., a group of Serbs set up two trucks as barricades in Banjska in the north of Kosovo, then the Kosovo police came and tried to remove those barricades, and that's where the conflict started. Policeman Afrim Bunjaku was killed in it and another person was wounded. At 8:57 a.m., the Jarinje and Brnjak administrative crossings were closed, the skirmish is still ongoing. At 10:15, the Albanians announce that 4 Serbian municipalities are the zone of the anti-terrorist operation. What actually happened, for people to know. Even though we talked about it many times, even though I warned both in Brussels and in New York that this could happen, few people listened," said Vučić. "Serbs, and not people from central Serbia, but within Kosovo and Metohija rebelled, not wanting to put up with Kurti's terror any longer. Since November 3, when Kurti replaced the commander of the North region from Berlin, Djurić, they used the so-called Kosovo police 62 times against Serbs, 22 exclamatory attacks and over 40 moves directed at Serbs," Vučić pointed out and said that he does not justify the killing of an Albanian policeman in any way. „I don’t want to justify the killing of an Albanian policeman, nor is it possible to justify it. That is absolutely reprehensible“, he said. According to the president, dozens of Serbs were completely surrounded for more than an hour and a brutal attack took place. "They gave Kurti carte blanche to deal with the terrorists. According to the information we have so far, two were seriously wounded, three were killed and there is a fear that a fourth person was also killed. We intercepted what the Albanian police were doing and we are waiting for the evidence to be translated," said Vučić and added that they did not want to help one person and that is why his life was in danger, for which they possess audio recordings. "What happened next? There is one incredible thing, in just one hour and twenty minutes, those several dozen Serbs were completely surrounded, logistically, a brutal attack was carried out on them. They gave Kurti carte blanche to deal with the terrorists. At this moment, three Serbs have died, two from sniper fire, from a long distance, when it was not necessary to eliminate them, and there is a fear that a fourth person has died," said Vučić. As he said, they used snipers and hit private houses around Banjska. "In fact, they came to the monastery because they had two wounded young men whom they wanted to help. The church had nothing to do with it. Then the spin revolution started. I guess fathomed by all those who bloodied their hands against Serbia in 1999. They called this armored vehicle - a Gendarmerie vehicle... This is what our people used from 1996 to 1998, and it has nothing to do with the army, and I am ashamed to speak about such lies", said the president. Albanian portals announced that Počuča and Pavle Bihali were killed Albanian portals announced that Pavle Bihali was killed in order to make a connection with Belgrade, the president said, adding that the Albanian media released a lot of information that are notorious lies, as well as the information that the monks are being held hostage. "I will show you how, boasting that they had killed terrorists, they showed a video from Nagorno-Karabakh. It was not important how they will present lies, but that the blame for the murder of an Albanian policeman should fall on Belgrade and that they would show that they have the right to harass citizens in the north of Kosovo. They especially attacked the Serbian Orthodox Church, according to the old mantra and the notorious lie that weapons were being transferred through the church. Kurti and everyone else lied about this. It goes without saying that any normal person will condemn the murder... I'm just asking them what they would do with Dragisa Galjak and what about the investigation into his attempted murder. Because they are not interested in that, because they surrounded the Serbs with such speed and showed how they are to blame for everything," says Vučić. The only one to blame for everything is clearly Albin Kurti and part of the international community that helps him, the president said. As he says, Kurti provoked all the time and he felt sorry that part of the Serbs, unfortunately, fell for it. "No one wants conflict and war except Kurti. He wants to drag us into war and that's the only thing he does all the time. When there was this kind of conflict in North Macedonia, the world stopped it, and today they said kill them all", Vučić pointed out and added that everything is a lesson for us to know who we are dealing with. "You could hear how Serbia did all that, and that speaks volumes about their intentions. From Michael Roth to Günther Fehlinger, calling on NATO to bomb Serbia," Vučić pointed out. "We have had a session of the National Security Council all day, we will make decisions carefully, prepare them in detail, and with those decisions come before our people in the days ahead, we call on the international community to form CSM and for the Serbs to assume the roles of policemen in the north, because that is the only way that Serbs will no longer be expelled and that there will be no more conflicts," said Vučić. "These are not the uniforms of the army or the police of Serbia" When asked by a journalist about the hypocritical behavior of the international Community, the president pointed out that hypocrisy is their middle name. "All the time they were looking for a reason for this. Pressure on Serbia to recognize Kosovo is the essence. Not to mention that they destroyed our army. My most important message is that we will never recognize an independent Kosovo. You can kill us all. Serbia will never recognize independent Kosovo! The freak creation you created by bombing... we are ready and we will always negotiate, but you can forget about the recognition of Kosovo," answered Vučić. To the question of the journalist N1, Vučić mentioned that there were insinuations that the Serbian army gave the uniforms and that Serbia is to blame for today's events. "These are not the uniforms of the army or police of Serbia. The uniforms are bought on the market and it is not a problem to get them," said Vučić. He said that it is not possible to enter peacefully without the permission of KFOR. He also added that he was "in touch" with Petković all day, and that the people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are in fear. "I don't think the problem is that people were locked up today, but that the Albanians were shooting at the surrounding houses. I didn't understand the meaning of all that," said Vučić and pointed out that the Albanians probably feared that there was someone in those houses who would resist them. KFOR is in charge of freedom of movement, they should have protected them and removed the barricades, the president reminded. "If I were to ask you what you would do in our place, you wouldn't know what to answer. We follow what's happening all the time. There were so many problems and troubles that we simply couldn't do it earlier. I can't go in front of the people with what I read in the newspaper, as others have been coming out all day with semi-information. Many Serbs died for the freedom of Serbia and for Kosovo in Serbia, but one thing is certain - Kosovo will never get their independence from Serbia. No matter how hard foreign factors try... We will make decisions in the coming days," Vucic points out. Commenting on Michael Roth, who could not even open his mouth and condemn the Albanian police when Serbian children were shot, the president points out that Roth himself is one of the main culprits for everything that is happening in Kosovo. The president also referred to the shameful name-calling by the opposition. "They didn't say a word. None of them worked to de-escalate because there was a "carte blanche" for killing Serbs after killing an Albanian, which has not been allowed anywhere until now. As for them, I am ashamed to even mention them. I guess they are starting from themselves. They worried so much about the Serbs and felt so sorry, so they only thought about how something would affect their results in the elections... For God's sake," the president concluded. When asked about the danger of the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, the president did not want to comment much and emphasized that this is unfortunately not an epilogue. "It's bad enough to be an epilogue, but I'm afraid it will get worse. I didn't accidentally say that we will make decisions in the days ahead. They lied all the time... A year and a half since Ukraine, lying about Serbia wanting to go to war. And they never said sorry. We know that the two victims are from Kosovska Mitrovica, our sincere condolences to the families and the family of the Albanian policeman. It's all Kurti's fault. If it wasn't for the Albanian police but the Serbian one, as it should be, none of this would have happened," he said. Let us remind you that the police of the so-called Kosovo announced this morning that around 2:30 a.m. last night there was a shooting near the village of Banjska in which two members of the Kosovo police were wounded, one of whom succumbed to his injuries. Also, the Diocese of Raška-Prizren issued a release stating that it strongly condemns the attack that took place this morning in the north of Kosovo, near the village of Banjska. It is a serious incident that can have major consequences, and that is why it is very important that everything be done to preserve peace and order, the Eparchy of Raška-Prizren emphasizes.

"Well, I don't work on the weekends." - the British army
"I always work all weekend every weekend." - the American army

I started work when I was 15. I'm 39. I guess that's 24 years of work. Every weekend, my whole life for the past 24 years I've worked all weekend. Because I have school or whatever and when I have time to work is the weekend.
I guess because school was the priority, work, when I would have time for that would be on the weekends.
Dom just doesn't work on the weekends.

Um. I guess like Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon, he has those special forces tattoos. I have like crazy medical history stuff because I have been in intensive inpatient mental health hospitals.
I notice about mental health stuff. Dom, for example. What do I think about his mental health efforts. I can't believe he doesn't Tweet on the weekends.
The British army and how they are or are not mentally healthy.

This is me talking about Sevastopol. 9-23-23

A description of Turkish-made satellites.
China's officer corps.
Right wingers in Germany.

[Turkish technology giant Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), in addition to its responsibility in the national communications satellite Turksat 6A, is set to carry out new domestic and foreign missions with various satellites. TAI Space Systems Deputy General Manager Selman Nas told Anadolu Agency (AA) that the company developed an operational satellite for another customer by utilizing competencies gained in the course of making communications satellite Turksat 6A.]

[Do China's recent military purges spell trouble for Xi Jinping? They were trusted and favoured by Xi Jinping. Now, they seem to be vanishing. In recent months, the disappearances of several high-ranking Chinese officials have sparked intense speculation over whether Mr Xi is embarking on a purge, particularly of those linked to the military. The latest person who appears to have fallen from grace is defence minister Li Shangfu, who has not been seen in public for some weeks now. While his absence was not seen as unusual at first, scrutiny intensified when a top US diplomat pointed it out. A Reuters report later said General Li, who used to oversee arms procurement for the People's Liberation Army (PLA), was being investigated over military equipment purchases.]

[The number of right-wing extremists in Germany has tripled in recent years according to a new study, while directors of concentration camps are warning of having to deal with Nazi threats and graffiti "almost daily". The biennial "Centre Study" by the Social Democratic Party's affiliated think-tank the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung has found that eight percent of adults, one in twelve, now have a right-wing extremist worldview, up from 2-3 percent a few years ago.]

(September 23, 2023)

In my mind the French are saying there had been a warning, and weirdly these guys ignored the warning. Be afraid, Avoir peur.
[The Russian-installed head of Sevastopol in annexed Crimea warned of a possible new Ukrainian missile attack on Saturday, a day after Kyiv hit Russia's Black Sea Fleet headquarters in the city. "Attention! Missile danger!" Sevastopol governor Mikhail Razvozhayev said on Telegram. "Close your windows properly and stay away from them," he said, asking commuters to get out of cars and public transport and seek shelter in a safe place. "Close your windows properly and stay away from them," he said, asking commuters to get out of cars and public transport and seek shelter in a safe place. But shortly afterwards he said the "danger is over". Kyiv struck the Russian naval headquarters on Friday, sparking a huge fire and leaving at least one Russian serviceman missing.]

[Live: 'Senior' Russian naval officers killed in HQ attack in Crimea, says Ukraine Ukraine on Saturday said dozens of people including "senior Russian navy commanders" died or were injured when it staged a missile attack on Moscow's Black Sea Fleet headquarters in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol the day before. Follow our live blog for all the latest developments on the war in Ukraine. All time 10:10am: Ukraine says 'senior' Russian naval officers killed in HQ attack Ukraine on Saturday said dozens including senior Russian navy commanders died or were injured when it staged a missile attack on Moscow's Black Sea Fleet headquarters in the Crimean port of Sevastopol a day earlier. Ukraine struck the headquarters on Friday, sparking a huge fire. "The details of the attack will be revealed as soon as possible and the result is dozens of dead and wounded occupants, including senior fleet commanders," the Ukrainian army said. It said the strike happened when "a meeting of the Russian navy's leadership" was going on. Kyiv's intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov claimed the attack killed "at least nine people" in comments to Voice of America, including generals. FRANCE 24 was not able to verify this information. Budanov declined to say if Western-made missiles were used in the attack and Russia has said that one of its servicemen was missing after the attack. Ukraine has vowed to take back Crimea, annexed by Moscow in 2014. 9:43am: 'Danger' of new Ukrainian attack in Sevastopol, says Russian-installed governor Ukraine carried out a missile strike Friday on the headquarters of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, a Russian official said. The Russian-installed governor of Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhayev, didn't offer any details, saying only that emergency services had been dispatched to the site of the strike and that there was no information about casualties. Ukraine did not immediately claim responsibility for the attack.
(September 23, 2023)

This is me talking about the Crimea. 9-22-23

A real baby did come out of there. Evgeni Malkin's son came out of there, you can see it because Anna wears these bodysuits in the photos. She's from the suburbs of Moscow. Maybe she's a Polish woman. And these Russian police guys are from the same suburb even.

I've been to the Red Light District in Amsterdam. They have themes.
Anna does, '..that's where the baby came out..'
That's something Russian guys are into.

Maybe this is an urban legend.
I have heard though...
The Russian FSB hires teams and the men kind of look like Anna Kasterova, Evgeni Malkin's wife. She is from the suburbs of Moscow. She is older than I am. She's really tall. She has long black hair. She wears bodysuits. I think you can see where the baby came out. They have one kid.
Supposedly, these FSB guys and Anna are kind of Poles, they just look Russian and they are from the suburbs of Moscow.

These are protesters who want NATO to leave Bulgaria.
Maybe the Germans are taking too much energy for their army.
The EC might facilitate elections in Bulgaria.
Taiwanese independence.
The different NATO planes everyone sent to Ukraine.
The Kosovo police.
Maybe the Kosovars allow the Germans to use their airbases.

[Bulgaria: "Vazrazhdane" Supporters fought with Police and Attacked the Barricades in front of the Monument to the Soviet Army The protesters then headed to the Ministry of Defense building, where they again shouted "Resignation" and demanded that the NATO bases leave Bulgaria, after which they proceeded, absolutely uncontrollably, to the Monument to the Soviet Army.]

Lukoil Neftochim Burgas Warns that Abandoning Russian Crude Oil Threatens Its Stability and Creates Market Risks

Parliament establishes Machine Vote Security Committee

HONG KONG /XIANGGANG/, September 22. /TASS/. Taiwan has reported the approach of 34 Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) aircraft and seven People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) warships in the region adjacent to the island, Taiwan's defense department said in a statement. According to it, "32 PLA aircraft and seven PLAN vessels around Taiwan were detected by 6 a.m. (1:00 a.m. Moscow time)."

[Mirage, F-16 jets unable to challenge Russian fighters - senior legislator Andrey Kartapolov also remarked that the US F-16 fighter was quite difficult in terms of repairs and maintenance MOSCOW, September 21. /TASS/. Foreign fighter jets Mirage 2000 and F-16 will not be able to challenge modern Russian fighters in air combat, while the US-made F-16 are also hard to maintain and repair, the head of the State Duma's defense committee, Andrey Kartapolov, said about the possible supplies of such equipment to Kiev. "Now it's the turn of the Mirage planes. As a platform, yes, it is capable of performing certain tasks. It has nine mounting points for weapons. But as an opponent of our modern fighters in aerial combat the Mirage has absolutely no chances. Take it from me. The F-16's results will be approximately the same," Kartapolov said on the TV channel Rossiya-24. He also remarked that the US F-16 fighter was quite difficult in terms of repairs and maintenance. "A pilot can be trained, especially the one who already has flying experience. The most important thing is to train technical personnel. The F-16 is a rather complex airplane and hard to maintain and repair. It can't be serviced with tools simple as a wrench," he said. According to the French portal Intelligence Online, Kiev and Paris are close to concluding an agreement on the transfer of Mirage 2000 fighters from the French Air Force to Ukraine. In particular, the issue on the agenda is the acquisition of an as yet undetermined number of used fighter jets Mirage 2000D, designed for air strikes against ground targets. In addition, in late August, Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Patrick Ryder announced that a course of training for Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 fighters would begin at a base in the state of Arizona in October. At the same time, US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans and Capabilities Mara Karlin essentially made it clear in early August that the F-16s would be handed over to Kiev only when the Ukrainian army was ready to use them.]

KFOR is deploying units to the north of Kosovo and Metohija KFOR mission announced that it will conduct the "Robust Ram" exercise in the northeast of Kosovo and Metohija, which will last from today until September 27. As stated, the aim of the exercise is to test operational readiness in relation to operations related to the freedom of movement of the local population. "The training is part of a wider framework of activities that are carried out in order to maintain the operational capabilities of key tactical and support units that are deployed within the KFOR mission," the announcement states. It is added that the units will be deployed to clear roadblocks near the "HARILAQ" training ground and the Novo Selo base, and at the same time reconnaissance and air assets of KFOR will be deployed. It is emphasized that KFOR conducts routine exercises in order to provide a timely response whenever necessary. KFOR notes that their mission operates in accordance with Resolution 1244 of the United Nations.

(September 22, 2023)

We're listening for the SBU, the Ukrainian Air Force, and the Ukrainian general staff. Also, kind of anything to do with Zelensky and the president's office. We're wanting to understand the Ukrainian army leadership and the intelligence community.
That's fun here in Washington, DC you met with the USSS. They work at the White House, for example. The United States Capitol Police work on Capitol Hill, etc.
I think the SSU and the SBU are the same thing.
Also, the border with Poland has a major city, Lviv.

This is me talking about the Ukrainian army. 9-21-23

Tony 61

The excitement, so to speak, seems to be about the winter months.
You wonder what will happen about Kiev this winter.
Poland and Bulgaria seem to want Kiev to surrender.
Notice this description of Tirana.
I wish the EU would stop expanding the Schengen agreement.
Taiwanese independence.
I wish Tashkent wouldn't export any energy to China.

[Poland will no longer give weapons to Ukraine Currently, Poland does not supply arms to Ukraine. This was stated by the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. His statement comes amid rising tensions over Ukrainian grain. "Ukraine is defending itself against Russia's brutal attack, and I understand this situation, but as I said, we will defend our country. We will no longer transfer weapons to Ukraine, because now we are arming Poland," he said in an interview with the Polsat TV channel. At the same time, he noted that Poland does not intend to hinder the work of the logistics center near Rzesz, through which military support is delivered to Ukraine. Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Poland has actively supported Kyiv. The country took in millions of Ukrainian refugees and provided a lot of military equipment and weapons. In total, since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Poland has sent more than 240 tanks and almost 100 armored vehicles to Ukraine. In addition, in July 2023, the media reported that Warsaw had secretly transferred about a dozen Mi-24 helicopters to Kyi. In May 2023, Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak announced the transfer of 10 MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. Earlier, Polish President Andrzej Duda said Warsaw would provide Kyiv with all available MiG-29s]

Equipment Donated to Hospitals in Two Bulgarian-Inhabited Villages in Albania

Bulgarian PM prepares for visit to Austria regarding Schengen

GENEVA, September 21. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky's peace plan has no chance of succeeding, Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis said, according to the Swiss Telegraphic Agency. Cassis believes that Zelensky's proposal for a peaceful resolution to the Ukrainian conflict is flawed because it lacks support from Russia. Unilateral peace plans have no chance of success unless they are implemented by force but Western countries don't want the conflict to turn into a war of an even greater scale, the top diplomat told reporters in New York.

HONGKONG, September 21. /TASS/. The Coast Guard of the Penghu Archipelago controlled by Taiwan has said it has detained a Chinese fishing boat.

Uzbekistan to reduce gas exports to China by 40%

[Is this the beginning of the end for Zelensky? Western support for Ukraine is beginning to weaken, the signing of peace with Russia will mark the end of Zelensky, says Bulgarian historian Alexander Sivilov. "Without the help of the West, Ukraine will end its participation in the war in the near future. But a much bigger problem will arise for Volodymyr Zelensky and his entourage. If he ends the war now, their lives are over, because they will be pursued by their own Nazis, they are now the most confident people fighting on the front against Russia," the historian said. Sivilov added that Ukrainian President is therefore doing everything possible to prolong the war. "At this session of the United Nations, we saw that the world's support for Zelensky is starting to decline rapidly. This was also noticeable based on the statements of the President of Colombia, who called for the immediate establishment of peace. This was also noticeable by the announcement of the Hungarian President, who did not speak specifically about the war, although there was also a call that it is better to end the war," the expert emphasized. According to him, she criticized the Ukrainian Government for not respecting the rights of ethnic minorities in Ukraine. The historian explained that the President of Hungary pointed out that 150 thousand Hungarians live in Ukraine and that this shows a worrying trend that has been talked about for a long time. "It is the idea that Ukraine ceases to exist and that countries like Poland and Hungary tear off parts of it where people live who, from their point of view, are their ethnic population," Sivilov pointed out. He emphasized that the beginning of the end has clearly started. "It sounds strange, but it seems that events are taking place in that direction. The expected incredible visit of Zelensky to the UN can turn into a serious fiasco," underlined Sivilov. In addition, he concluded, the UN itself is beginning to turn into a serious failure. Previously, Russia's permanent representative to the UN Vasiliy Nebenzya assessed that today's UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine was nothing more than a spectacle. The session of the 78th UN General Assembly, which brings together world leaders, prime ministers and heads of diplomacy from almost 200 countries, began in New York. A special high-level meeting of the UN Security Council is being held on September 20 and is dedicated to the armed conflict in Ukraine. The Russian delegation called the event a political performance in advance.]

(September 21, 2023)

"I didn't graduate from college at all. I work as a part time cook in Oregon. My dad married a woman from Hong Kong and now I have a sister, and additionally three brothers and sisters with this new wife." - Doug Galbraith.

A literal example is Welles and Galbraith.
I'm a Welles.
I know the Galbraith family tree.
The Galbraiths don't know the Welles family tree.
Yeah but Welles is a more famous name than Galbraith.

Scottish men do this.
If I say I am a member of this prestigious group.
He'll behave as though he is too.
"I'm a member of DC Phi Beta Kappa."
He'll say something as though he is also a member.
I guess that's how they make a living because they get jobs with high salaries.
People think they're geniuses and they're members of all these social clubs.

This is a fallacy:
Because it's the UN the German chancellor can visit New York City?

This is me talking about Olaf Scholz at the United Nations meeting. 9-20-23

William is not welcome in New York City. I want Kate to stop wearing her hat.
"No hats or British people in the bar!"

Maybe this means the Ukrainian general staff is thinking about surrendering if they need air defense systems so urgently.
The Bulgarian economy and the Ukrainian economy.
I wish the Schengen group would stop expanding.
A description of the Armenian police.
Maybe the Tajiks are Chinese communists.
I wish Tashkent didn't trade so much.
The German chancellor and him traveling to New York City.
I wish he wouldn't visit American cities.

[Stoltenberg at the UN: Ukraine urgently needs air defense systems "Ukraine urgently needs air defense systems, including ammunition, spare parts and support for the systems that the Ukrainian military already has", said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, quoted by Reuters. Stoltenberg said the war, now in its second year, was a "war of attrition" but not at a "stalemate" given the progress Ukraine had made in its counteroffensive to retake territory that began in June. occupied by Russian forces. "If we want an end to the war, if we want a just and lasting peace, military support for Ukraine is the right way," Stoltenberg said in New York, where he attended the annual session of the UN General Assembly. "Ukraine needs many and different types of support," he added. "The country has an urgent need for air defense, the NATO Secretary General pointed out. Not only new systems, but also ammunition, maintenance, spare parts. We see that every day in Ukraine air defense saves the lives of many people and we must support Ukraine's air defense systems", said Stoltenberg. Earlier yesterday, a senior US State Department official said strengthening Ukraine's air defense systems is key, including protecting critical infrastructure as winter approaches. Some military analysts say Ukraine may find it difficult to maintain momentum on the battlefield as cold and wet weather sets in. However, according to Stoltenberg, the fighting may continue in the fall and winter. "What we have to do is support the Ukrainians, and it's up to them what decisions they make on the ground," Stoltenberg said. The war of attrition is turning into a war of logistics, the NATO Secretary General stated.]

Socialists Propose to Parliament to Repeal Decision on Lifting Ukrainian Import Ban

Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Croatia adopt declaration on Schengen

[Armenian police unblock building of Russian embassy in Yerevan According to the video, police gave protestors some time to leave the area, and then started to detain those who refused to do so YEREVAN, September 20. /TASS/. Armenian police units dispersed a crowd that blocked the Russian Embassy in Yerevan in the early hours of Wednesday, detaining several protestors, according to footage aired by local news portals. According to the video, police gave protestors some time to leave the area, and then started to detain those who refused to do so.]

[MOSCOW, September 20. /TASS/. Russia urges Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to refrain from harsh statements and reckless steps regarding border settlement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.]

Uzbekistan's august exports down 5.6%

[Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic attended the reception organized by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Germany's membership in the UN. He invited Scholz to visit Serbia in order to discuss in detail all issues of importance for the improvement of cooperation between the two countries.]

(September 20, 2023)

About London.
William will fly across the ocean to eat dinner. It's as though he's in New York City to visit a new restaurant.

Anthropologists talk about this. Literally in Africa, if someone saw a man walking. How could he tell if he was an American or a British guy?

Sometimes it's how they walk. Maybe he can hear it in his speech. I think the British, their brains. It's as though they really aren't thinking about anything.
"What are you thinking about?"
A British guy really isn't thinking anything. His brain is still.

Tony 60

1) If it were up to Moscow, what would the map look like about Ukraine?
2) How much longer do the Ukrainian general staff guys have in them here?

A few things already today.
I'm thoughtful about what the Russians are actually thinking. Is it their real intention to reclaim the whole of Ukraine as a part of Russia? I don't on my own know their ideal outcome here. Maybe they only have in mind certain regions of modern Ukraine. That's a real unknown. If it were up to Moscow, what would the map look like? Would anything remain of Ukraine as an independent entity?
I am hearing from Dom about kind of an in earnest military effort coming from the Russians. It's not clear to me their short term or long term objectives.

But, I'm also hearing about the Ukrainian general staff. I'm here in Washington, DC. I just wonder how much longer those guys can hang in there. I'm from Texas. We're pretty tough. In my mind the Ukrainian general staff would be wimpier than Americans.

This is a legitimate American perspective:
The Russias spanned from San Francisco to New England and around the Far East to Finland. Prague and Warsaw are sometimes Russian cities. Helsinki is sometimes a Russian city. Ivan was the Tsar of the Russias.
Maybe, Ukraine should have never been an independent country. Here in Washington, DC, it is a litany of crazy stuff I read about the incompetence of the Ukrainian government. Ireland is filled with Ukrainian refugees. Ukrainian refugees are refusing to leave hotels in Bulgaria. In Sophia there are now Ukrainian television stations. Isn't Ukraine kind of a German-like enclave of Russia? And then reading about their government. They would struggle with public sector stuff. Their army would have a controversial budget. How closely do they work with the German army?

September 19, 2023

Tony 59

I wish the EU wasn't expanding into the Balkans.
Can they wait until this round of the coronavirus is over?
Energy in Europe and if it's used for the army.
Also, energy in the winter months.
Energy for in the army in Ukraine during the winter months.
Supplying weapons to Ukraine during the winter months.
That's amazing in Tashkent they're reporting on a new coronavirus strain.

North Macedonia's Foreign Minister: Confidence in EU's Expansion to Be Restored Through 'Integration before Membership' Concept

Miners in Bulgaria will protest to preserve coal mining

MOSCOW, September 19. /TASS/. Ukraine has outpaced expectations and already accumulated enough gas, 14.7 bln cubic meters, in its storage facilities to make it through the heating season, the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy said.

UNITED NATIONS, September 19. /TASS/. Many countries are aware that Western countries supplying weapons to the Kiev authorities is hindering peaceful resolution to the Ukrainian crisis, Russia's First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky said in an interview with TASS.

The Sanepid Committee has responded to reports about a new coronavirus strain that has been detected in ten countries and has now entered Uzbekistan. This new strain, known as Pyrola, has been reported on social media as spreading widely.

Shocking twist: Ukrainian missile caused market tragedy VIDEO The New York Times announced that the information they have indicates that Ukraine, not Russia, is to blame for the massacre at the market in Kostyantynivka.

The Russians tell everyone to work harder when there is flu going around. We're supposed to work as though there isn't flu going around.

Tanks and helicopters in the army.
In the Vietnam War, they tried to take American infantrymen to the battle line using helicopters. And so maybe thousands of soldiers at a time would go in these short trips. It was in the jungle and there were Vietnamese, Laotians, and Cambodians opposing them.

Anti-aircraft weapons are like flamethrowers.
What if William or Harry were flying British helicopters near there?
Like landmines.
They seem to be inherently fascist weapons.
To begin with the Ukrainians are using a lot of German air force stuff.
Surface to air missiles.
They would have fired those at American planes flying over France.
The Ukrainian Air Force here reminds of the German army in the 1940s.
Then here is the S-300.
Lots of controversial weapons being fired.

[Ukrainian Missile may have caused the Tragedy in Kostiantynivka in which 15 People Died The attack on the market in Kostiantynivka in the Donetsk region on September 6, one of the deadliest since the start of the war in Ukraine, was most likely the result of a Ukrainian air defense missile being mistakenly fired. That's according to a New York Times visual investigation published last night. At least 15 were killed and 30 injured when the market was hit, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky blamed Russia two hours after the incident. The media in Moscow immediately shifted the blame to Kyiv. "Evidence collected and analyzed by The New York Times, including missile fragments, satellite images, witness accounts and social media posts, strongly suggests that the catastrophic strike was the result of a Ukrainian air defense missile fired by a Buk system", the paper reported. Witnesses are said to have heard or seen Ukrainian forces firing an anti-aircraft missile from Druzhkivka, 18km from Kostiantynivka, at the time of the strike. Evidence collected in the market indicates that precisely from this direction, i.e. from the northwest, came the missile. This, according to the media, can also be seen in the footage from a security camera, available from the moment of the explosion - the direction is from the territory controlled by Ukraine, and not from the side controlled by Russia. At the beginning of the video, passers-by even look in the direction the rocket is coming from. Ukrainian authorities initially tried to prevent "New York Times" journalists from gaining access to the wreckage. In addition, Kyiv previously said it would not investigate the incident as it was "obvious" that it was a Russian missile strike. These were two surface-to-air missiles, the launch of which was also heard by "New York Times" reporters who were in Druzhkivka at the time. Specifically, "Buk" missiles - which are used by both Ukraine and Russia - the unusually loud noise described by the locals during the launch can be connected (from their reports and publications on "Telegram" a conclusion can be drawn about the launch of missiles in the time around hit, shortly after 2 p.m. local time). In addition, the S-300 missile, used according to Ukraine, has a different warhead than the one that exploded in the Kostiantynivka market. Experts who wished to remain anonymous connect the debris on the market with a 9M38 missile fired from "Buk". An explosives expert explains that the hole formed and the damage in the area of the site also points to a northwesterly direction. "Why the missile with a maximum range of 30 km may have landed in Kostiantynivka is unclear, but it is possible that it failed and crashed without reaching its intended target," the American newspaper continued. In that case, it most likely also landed with unspent fuel in the engine, which would have exploded or burned on impact, which could explain the burn marks on the rocket. The strike coincides with an exchange of blows between Moscow and Kyiv for Kostiantynivka; the city was shelled by Russian forces the previous evening. In a Telegram group, artillery fire was reported minutes before the tragic events at the market.]
(September 19, 2023)

This is about the drones and military items in Ukraine.
It seems like it's affecting countries in the Balkans.
The agricultural stuff.
Conceptually have the events in Ukraine directly affect the Bulgarian economy.
Drones everywhere.
The Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian officer corps.
More Ukrainian military action.

[A specialized team from the Navy neutralized at 11:00 a.m. today, September 18, the explosive found that night near Tyulenovo, reported the Ministry of Defense. After the received signal, the servicemen carried out a site inspection where it was determined that an 82mm high-explosive mortar was attached to the remains of the drone. It has been estimated that due to its severely damaged condition, moving and transporting the ammunition to a landfill or other suitable disposal site is impossible. It was decided to destroy the mortar high-explosive ammunition on the spot, with a controlled explosion in a secured area with a radius of 150 m. People living in the nearby buildings are warned to strictly observe the safety measures indicated to them.]

Protesting Farmers Block Major Road Junctions, Border Crossings

Bomb-carrying drone found near the village of Tyulenovo

MOSCOW, September 18. /TASS/. The Ukrainian cabinet of ministers has fired six deputy defense ministers and the agency's state secretary, Taras Melnichuk, representative of the government in the Ukrainian parliament, said.

MOSCOW, September 18. /TASS/. Russia's battlegroup Center repelled two Ukrainian attacks in the Krasny Liman area near the Torsky line of engagement, destroying up to 60 enemy servicemen, the battlegroup's spokesman Alexander Savchuk reported.

(September 18, 2023)

It's so we can learn. If in London they've been like Alex and Gino. They are like out there sick men. And then it's ignore the Russian diaspora in other major cities.

I'm having to sell here my own assessment.
The NHL and Tom Wilson and Evgeni Malkin.
They all agree that hockey players are supposed to have knee surgery.
And then after the knee surgery, even though these guys are foreigners.
They are supposed to be paid $5m and $7m annually to play.
Even though they're overweight and they drink beer.
I am trying to sell that knee surgery seems like it won't work.
It's probably illegal to go to foreign countries to get knee surgery.
It seems like a lot of money we're paying foreigners anyway to play in our league.

Evgeni Malkin is from the Ural mountains. His relatives played hockey in Russia. His wife is named Anna Kasterova. She is from Moscow.
Evgeni has a tattto and he had knee surgery.
I've never done it with a guy who had knee surgery. I think men who have knee surgery, kind of aren't supposed to anymore.
It's a deers and steers observation about Russian hockey players and women from Moscow.

What brought you to Washington, DC?
I was a Georgia Tech fellow at the Department of Commerce.
[Another question...]

In California wealthy women spend the day at the beach.
In Washington, DC they want women to be the supreme allied commander.
Because the men live in a swamp and they're disabled.

This is me talking about the defense posture. 9-17-23

Tony 58

These are descriptions of the Chinese officer corps, the Chinese economy, and the German economy. Looks like London and New York are pulling ahead in the race.

[China's Defense Minister Li Shangfu, who has been absent from public view for weeks, is currently being investigated by Chinese authorities, according to sources familiar with the matter. The investigation into Li relates to the procurement of military equipment, according to a regional security official and three people in direct contact with the Chinese military. Reuters was unable to obtain details on which equipment purchases were under scrutiny.]

[What anger over top influencer says about China today One of China's most popular influencers has come under fire for dismissing a young follower's complaint over high makeup prices as "nonsense". Livestreamer Li Jiaqi's retort - that those who couldn't afford the 79 yuan ($11) eyebrow pencil did not work "hard enough" - struck a raw nerve as China's youth struggle to find jobs in a sputtering post-pandemic economy. The 31-year-old has apologised but his remarks continue to fuel debate. "What stung people was not the 79 yuan price tag, but your attitude and opinions on us," reads a comment on Weibo, which has been liked thousands of times. "You don't know about the current economic climate. Many people are still working hard and struggling, just to keep their jobs," it read.]

[Are German cities really offering people free transport if they hand in their driving licence?]

(September 16, 2023)

This is me talking about the Chinese officer corps. 9-16-23

The world's hottest place is in California. That's how hot it is in Texas.
It's really funny to me about the hockey team and the cold weather jokes.

This seems to be about - Moscow and China, and - sanctions.
At Georgia Tech I did research on the Amur River dispute.
That's a hot topic.
It will always be a hot topic.
That's honest money.
The border between Russia and China is honest work.
1) Maybe it will assist the Russian army in the Far East if they work with Pyongyang.
2) Also, you wonder if the sanctions limit Russia' ability to defend itself in the Far East.

[Live: North Korea's Kim Jong Un inspects nuclear-capable bombers during Russia visit North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspected Russian nuclear-capable bombers and other warplanes in Russia's Far East on Saturday as he continued a trip that has sparked Western concerns about an arms alliance that could fuel Russian President Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine. Follow our live blog for all the latest developments on the war in Ukraine. All times are Paris time (GMT+2). 6:14am: North Korea's Kim Jong Un inspects Russian nuclear-capable bombers on a visit to Russia's Far East North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspected Russian nuclear-capable bombers and other warplanes in Russia's Far East on Saturday as he continued a trip that has sparked Western concerns about an arms alliance... ]

[Kim meets Russian defence minister, inspects missile and warship Moscow (AFP) - North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Vladivostok on Saturday where he met Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and inspected a hypersonic aircraft missile system before boarding a warship. Kim's first official visit abroad since the Covid-19 pandemic has fanned Western fears that Moscow and Pyongyang will defy sanctions and strike an arms deal. Moscow is believed to be interested in buying North Korean ammunition to continue fighting in Ukraine, while Pyongyang wants Russia's help to develop its missile programme.]
(September 16, 2023)

Anastasia is from Zurich. She is Russian. What does she think..
About Ukraine?
She has two kids and Alex Ovechkin is the father.

Анастасия из Цюриха. Она русская. Что она думает..
Об Украине?
У нее двое детей, отец - Алекс Овечкин.