Manchester Labor About Me

This website is about Manchester and Dublin. There are concerns about the labor unions and military academies in Germany's eastern provinces. East Germany traded in East German mark. There are likely radio signals sent between Lubeck and Manchester pertaining to organized labor. Lubeck is a German port near the Gulf of Danzig. Warsaw is inland. There seem to be labor leaders in Warsaw who manage trade through Irish ports.
Archive 1, Archive 2, Archive 3, Archive 4, Archive 5, Archive 6, Archive 7, Archive 8, Notes about the Virginians, Archive 9, Archive 10, Archive 11,
Archive 12, Archive 13, Archive 14, Archive 15, Archive 16, Archive 17, Archive 18, Archive 19, Archive 20, Archive 21, Archive 22

Manchester and Dublin

This is me talking about FM Lavrov. 1-25-24

1) Reports about China and the Uzbek economy
2) The Russians and Serbians in Chad. Notice the President of Chad is a four star general and he's visiting Moscow this week. I wonder about Belgrade and these military helicopters. That seems ominous about their defense budget.
3) The Kremlin has been turned down. The rotating UNSC chair told them they cannot have an emergency meeting. Also, Zelensky is requesting the same emergency meetings. Both of them seem to be requesting a lot of emergency meetings. Generally, the role of the UN, Astana, and Doha in foreign affairs.

Uzbekistan Appoints Ambassadors to Kuwait and Qatar

China Launches Express Cargo Route to Uzbekistan

MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/. Chadian Transitional President Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno described on Wednesday his official visit to Russia’s capital city of Moscow as a "historic" milestone in the two countries’ bilateral relationship, which was first established nearly 60 years ago in November 1964.

Hungarian security services bust radical group plotting armed takeover According to the statement, 11 members of the group known as 'Scythian Hungary,' were arrested in Budapest and other cities BUDAPEST, January 25. /TASS/. Security services of Hungary have raided an illegal group suspected of plotting an armed takeover, the country’s National Police Department said on its website. According to the statement, 11 members of the group known as 'Scythian Hungary,' were arrested in Budapest and other cities. They were in possession of weapons, forged ID documents and extremist printed materials. The operation, carried out in 10 populated areas of the country, involved 150 law enforcement officers. "The National Bureau of Investigation has opened a case into preparations for an armed takeover. Members of the organization were identified and arrested at dawn on Tuesday," police said. Searches revealed that the group’s members had assault rifles, pistols and ammunition. Law enforcers also found forged documents, including diplomatic passports and firearm possession licenses.

BELGRADE, January 24. /TASS/. Serbia plans to purchase two more Ka-32 firefighting helicopters from Russia, which will give the Balkan country the strongest fire extinguishing capabilities in southeastern Europe, President Aleksandar Vucic said.

France turns down Russian request to hold UNSC meeting on downed plane Wednesday — mission Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Russia requested an urgent UN Security Council meeting at 3:00 p.m. local time (8:00 p.m. GMT) on Wednesday UNITED NATIONS, January 24. /TASS/. France, which holds the rotating UN Security Council presidency this month, has turned down Russia’s request to hold a UN Security Council meeting on Wednesday to discuss the downing of a Russian military plane by the Ukrainian military, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said. Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Russia requested an urgent UN Security Council meeting at 3:00 p.m. local time (8:00 p.m. GMT) on Wednesday. "The French Presidency declined our request for an urgent Council meeting <…> today for 3 p.m.," he wrote on Telegram, adding that "in this endeavor, the French Presidency <…> abuses its presidential functions.". "In a clear attempt to shield their Kiev regime clients it [the French Presidency of the UN Security Council] agrees to schedule the meeting only for tomorrow [January 25] for 5 p.m. [New York time, 10 p.m. GMT]," the Russian diplomat added. "It’s deplorable that glorious in the old days French diplomacy has shrunk to miserable swindling." The Russian Defense Ministry announced on January 24, that the Ukrainian armed forces allegedly shot down a Russian Il-76 military transport plane over the Belgorod Region that was carrying captured Ukrainian troops selected to be included in the exchange. There were 74 people on board, including 65 Ukrainian military personnel, all of whom were killed. The Russian Defense Ministry called what happened a terrorist act and stressed that Kiev knew about the transportation of prisoners for the exchange, which was to take place at the Kolotilovka checkpoint, and purposely attacked the plane in order to accuse Moscow of destroying Ukrainian military personnel.

Kiev says will insist on international inquiry into Il-76 catastrophe Vladimir Zelensky said he had held emergency meetings with the top brass of the Ukrainian armed forces, the Main Intelligence Directorate and the Justice Ministry MOSCOW, January 25. /TASS/. The Kiev government will insist on an international investigation into the downing of the Il-76 plane, shot down by the Ukrainian military above Russia’s borderline region of Belgorod, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said in a video address posted on his Telegram channel. The president said he had held emergency meetings with the top brass of the Ukrainian armed forces, the Main Intelligence Directorate and the Justice Ministry. "We need to establish all clear facts, as many as possible, provided that the plane crashed on the Russian territory, beyond our zone of control," Zelensky said. "I instructed thte foreign minister of Ukraine to convey the information that we have to our partners. Our country will insist on an international investigation." Initially, Ukrainian media reported, citing sources in the country’s Defense Ministry, that the plane was transporting missiles for S-300 air defense systems and was downed by the Air Force of Ukraine. However, after the Russian Defense Ministry said that the plane was transporting 65 captured Ukrainian servicemen to the Belgorod Region for a subsequent swap with Ukraine, all media outlets removed all reports pointing at Kiev’s involvement. At the same time, France, which holds the rotating UN Security Council presidency this month, turned down Russia’s request to hold an urgent meeting on the issue on January 24. In an apparent attempt to give Ukraine more time for making up a plausible explanation, the event was scheduled for the evening of January 25. The Russian Defense Ministry announced on January 24, that the Ukrainian armed forces allegedly shot down a Russian Il-76 military transport plane over the Belgorod Region that was carrying captured Ukrainian troops selected to be included in the exchange. There were 74 people on board, including 65 Ukrainian military personnel, all of whom were killed. The Russian Defense Ministry called what happened a terrorist act and stressed that Kiev knew about the transportation of prisoners for the exchange, which was to take place at the Kolotilovka checkpoint, and purposely attacked the plane in order to accuse Moscow of destroying Ukrainian military personnel. It also said that the plane was shot down with an anti-aircraft missile system located near Liptsy in the Kharkov Region.

NEW YORK, January 25. /TASS/. Qatar has sent its proposed draft ceasefire deal to Israel and Palestine’s radical movement Hamas, Bloomberg reported citing sources familiar with the negotiations.

(January 25, 2024)

1) Two Russian diplomats. One of them has published papers on the Arab states, Evgeny A.Kudrov. The other is photographed talking to Assad, Alexander Lavrentiev. The first is complaining about the Pentagon and Syria. The second is complaining about the Royal Navy in the Gulf of Aden.
2) CENTCOM is saying the PLAN isn't assisting with the Houthi stuff.
3) The Treasury Department maybe caught a big fish accused of cyber crimes, Alexander Ermakov.

This is me talking about the Treasury Department. 1-24-24

Yes. Quiet. The navy. And China.
Да. Тихий. Военно-морской флот. И Китай.

Listen, we're not going to negotiate or whatever. We are here because we want to stop Chinese trade. Your bases in the Middle East assist the PLAN to sail toward North America.

Chargé d’affaires of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Yemen Evgeny A.Kudrov, Ph.D. Born in 1982. Graduated from the Institute of Asian and African Studies of the Lomonosov Moscow State University (2005), Ph.D. in Political Science. Has a monograph and a number of publications on issues of the Arab states. Fluent in English, Arabic and French. Joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2005. Gained broad experience of work at the Headquarters of the Ministry and Russian embassies in Sudan, Israel and the USA. Holds diplomatic rank of a first class counsellor. 2020 – 2021 гг. – Head of section at the Department of the Middle East and North Africa of the Ministry. In December 2021 by order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was appointed as Minister-counsellor, Chargé d’affaires of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Yemen.

US’, UK’ reckless undertaking to cost Yemen two years of development — envoy On January 12, US and British aircraft, ships and submarines for the first time attacked targets belonging to the Ansar Allah movement in a number of Yemeni cities, including Sana’a and Hodeidah MOSCOW, January 24. /TASS/. The US’ and the UK’s military actions in the Red Sea may cost Yemen two years of development, influencing negatively the situation in the region, Russia's Charge d'Affaires in Yemen Yevgeny Kudrov told TASS. "It is safe to say that the effect of the US-British reckless military undertaking in the Red Sea will be negative for the prospects of the Yemeni settlement," he said. "In the worst case, with large-scale escalation, we risk losing many, if not all developments reached over the past 1.5-2 years," the diplomat noted, adding that it is necessary "to do everything to avoid it." On January 12, US and British aircraft, ships and submarines for the first time attacked targets belonging to the Ansar Allah movement in a number of Yemeni cities, including Sana’a and Hodeidah. The strikes targeted the launch sites of rockets and unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as radar stations belonging to the Houthi rebels. In the early hours on Tuesday, the US and UK attacked Houthi facilities in several Yemeni provinces. According to a joint statement by Australia, Bahrain, Britain, Canada, the Netherlands and the US, the allied forces carried out eight strikes on Ansar Allah positions, their main target being the rebels' underground warehouses and facilities related to missile launches and air surveillance. The strikes were the first joint US-British operation since January 12. The US has independently attacked Yemeni rebel positions several times over the ten days since then.

Russian President’s Special Envoy on Syria Alexander Lavrentiev and Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Vershinin visit Damascus On September 14-15, Russian interministerial delegation with participation of representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry, headed by President’s Special Envoy on Syria Mr. Alexander Lavrentiev and Deputy Foreign Minister Mr. Sergey Vershinin visited Damascus. During the meeting with the President of the Syrian Arab Republic Mr. Bashar al-Assad issues of political settlement, including the completion of formation and launch of the Constitutional Committee was considered. Sides also discussed development of the situation on the ground, struggle against terrorism and providing humanitarian aid to those in need of it.

Moscow does not accept Israel’s attacks on Syrian territory — Russian envoy Alexander Lavrentyev stressed that Russia is "strongly against such a way of solving the issue as it only leads to escalation of violence" ASTANA, January 24. /TASS/. Russia is against Israel’s attacks on Syrian territory as it may involve the Arab side into the conflict in the Middle East, Russia's special presidential representative for the Syrian settlement Alexander Lavrentyev said. "We know that the number of airstrikes that Israel conducts, as it puts it, against the facilities of pro-Iranian groups on Syrian territory, has increased. We are strongly against such a way of solving the issue as it only leads to escalation of violence. We do not want Syria to be involved in the regional conflict, and we will do our best to prevent it," he told reporters. Al Hadath TV channel reported earlier that General Youssef Omid Zadeh, Al-Quds special forces intelligence commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran, had been killed in an Israeli airstrike on the Syrian capital. Several Iranian officers and an undisclosed number of Syrian servicemen were also killed in the strike.

US has no intention to withdraw troops from Syria — Russian envoy "The situation has become more complicated there, the US’ losses are serious," Alexander Lavrentyev added ASTANA, January 24. /TASS/. Moscow sees no intention of the US to withdraw its troops from Syria so far, Russia's special presidential representative for the Syrian settlement Alexander Lavrentyev said. "So far we see no strive or intention of the American side on withdrawal of its troops," he told reporters. "The situation has become more complicated there, the US’ losses are serious, though it remains at a fairly large number of its bases there," the envoy added. The Washington administration can still realize that keeping the US facilities in the Arab republic is not a priority for it as it will hardly bring value, he added.

US Seeks Chinese Assistance to Halt Houthi Ship Attacks The United States has reportedly reached out to China, urging them to use their influence with Tehran to put an end to the ship attacks carried out by Yemen's Iran-affiliated Houthi rebels. Despite repeated discussions on the matter, Washington has encountered limited cooperation from Beijing, as reported by the Financial Times, citing US officials. Sources reveal that White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Deputy National Security Adviser John Finner addressed the issue in a meeting last month with Liu Jianchao, the head of the Chinese Communist Party's International Relations Department. Additionally, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has raised concerns with his Chinese counterpart. However, there are no clear indications that China has exerted substantial pressure on Iran to restrain the Houthi rebels beyond their recent lukewarm stance. In a recent development, the US conducted strikes in Yemen, targeting and neutralizing two anti-ship missiles that were being prepared for launch towards the Red Sea. This move underscores the escalating tensions in the region. Notably, British and US forces joined efforts on Monday, launching attacks on Houthi positions in Yemen, including an underground warehouse.

NEW YORK, January 24. /TASS/. The US has conducted another strike on Yemen, having destroyed two Houthi anti-ship missiles, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) reported.

NEW YORK, January 24. /TASS/. The US Central Command (CENTCOM) has confirmed unilateral strikes by the American military on facilities used by the Kataib Hezbollah group in Iraq.

US, UK, Australia impose sanctions against Russian Alexander Ermakov — US Treasury The US Treasury noted that this trilateral cooperation is "the first such coordinated action" and underscores "the collective resolve to hold these criminals to account" WASHINGTON, January 23. /TASS/. The United States, together with the United Kingdom and Australia, imposed sanctions against Russian Alexander Ermakov, allegedly responsible for hacking the databases of the largest Australian health insurance company Medibank, the US Treasury Department announced. "Today, the Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), in coordination with Australia and the United Kingdom, designated Alexander Ermakov, a cyber actor who played a pivotal in the 2022 ransomware attack against Medibank Private Limited, an Australian healthcare insurer," the statement says. The US Treasury noted that this trilateral cooperation is "the first such coordinated action" and underscores "the collective resolve to hold these criminals to account." "All transactions by U.S. persons or within (or transiting) the United States that involve any property or interests in property of designated or blocked persons are prohibited unless authorized by a general or specific license issued by OFAC, or exempt," the statement says. On October 14, 2022, it became known about a cyber attack on Medibank’s servers known, but then the insurer hid information that hackers managed to steal the personal data of people insured by the company, as well as a significant part of confidential medical information. Later, those who took possession of the personal data of Medibank clients demanded a ransom, and the company had to confirm the fact of data theft, and also admit that as a result of the hacker attack, the damage from which is estimated at $20 million, 9.7 million clients were affected. The Australian Federal Police blamed hackers from Russia for the cyber attack and said they "know the names of those responsible for the hack."

(January 24, 2024)

This is me talking about the Uzbek economy. 1-23-24

1) Maybe Maduro has gone crazy. It's another strange report coming from Caracas.
2) Red flags about the Uzbek economy
3) Maybe the Germans will leave the EU

CARACAS, January 23. /TASS/. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has warned his Ecuadorian counterpart, Daniel Noboa, against seeking US assistance in stabilizing the situation in the unrest-riven country.

UNITED NATIONS, January 23. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir-Abdollahian hold negotiations in the UN headquarters. Before the meeting, the two ministers shook hands and Abdollahian asked Lavrov how he’s doing. "Everything is under control. We’ve got yet to find out, under whose control," the Russian minister joked in response. Earlier, Lavrov also met with Foreign Minister of Indonesia Retno Marsudi and Foreign Minister of Lebanon Abdallah Bou Habib on the UN sidelines. Lavrov is currently in New York to take part in the UN Security Council debates on the Middle East and the meeting on Ukraine. A number of bilateral meetings are expected as well.

Uzbekistan and China: millennia-long friendship and cooperation

Uzbekistan updates poverty line

Uzbekistan Achieves 74% Preschool Enrollment in 2023

Uzbekistan Dominates Women's Boxing Cup in Serbia with 11 Medals

7.1-Magnitude Earthquake Hits China-Kyrgyzstan Border

Disaster strikes: An epidemic spreads rapidly among children Epidemic diseases began to spread rapidly among the residents of Gaza, especially among children.

If Germany leaves EU, that's the end If threats of the leader of the German far-right party Alternative for Germany, Alice Weidel, about Germany leaving EU come true, the EU is dead, media write. Weidel stated that if her party, which is constantly growing in popularity, wins the elections, she will ask for a referendum on leaving the European Union.

US and UK Launch Eighth Round of Strikes Against Houthi Targets in Yemen In a joint effort, the United States and the United Kingdom executed a series of strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen, marking the eighth round of attacks within the past 10 days. The latest operation, carried out on Monday, targeted the rebels' infrastructure, hitting eight specific sites. This joint action received support from Canada, the Netherlands, Bahrain, and Australia. Reports suggest that the strikes were deemed successful, achieving their objectives of destroying missiles, weapons storage facilities, and drone systems. Notably, this recent operation follows a smaller strike on January 11, which was dwarfed by the first joint operation targeting over 30 Houthi sites. The strikes on Monday focused on a Houthi underground storage site and a location associated with Houthi missiles and air surveillance. The US deployed fighter jets from the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, along with surface vessels and a submarine, to carry out the operation. Approximately 25-30 precision-guided munitions, including Tomahawk cruise missiles, were employed. President Joe Biden discussed security in the Red Sea with UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during a Monday conversation. The joint statement released by the US and UK emphasized their commitment to de-escalating tensions and restoring stability in the Red Sea. The countries issued a warning to Houthi leadership, reaffirming their readiness to defend lives and ensure the free flow of commerce. In a notable development, the US struck an underground storage facility used by the Houthis for the first time. This site was identified to house more advanced conventional weaponry, including missiles and one-way attack drones. Operation Poseidon Archer, as the ongoing operation is named by the USS, indicates a potentially more organized and long-term approach to dissuading Houthi attacks on commercial vessels in the Red Sea. Since January 11, the US has executed a total of eight strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen. UK's Secretary of State for Defence, Grant Shapps, highlighted the threat posed by ongoing Houthi launches against commercial vessels, stressing their impact on sailors' lives and the global economy. The operation's focus remains on targeting Houthi weapons and supporting capabilities aimed at international shipping lanes. US officials have pointed to Iran's silent support for the attacks, accusing Tehran of supplying the Houthis with tactical intelligence and weapons to target ships in the Red Sea.

(January 23, 2024)

It used to be the Kremlin could ignore these complaints about cyberattacks. But, now with the Houthis and Yemen. It seems like Russians make a living as defense and energy people in Yemen and the United Arab Emirates. They probably also cyberattack American bases.

The small print leaving UK plc exposed to ‘nuclear level’ cyber attacks Businesses are scrambling to protect themselves against a rival superpower At a press conference in the heart of Silicon Valley, five men in suits posed for a photograph that shed unprecedented light on the world’s most powerful intelligence partnership. The men belonged to the Five Eyes espionage alliance, each representing intelligence services from Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the US. Until then, they had never appeared together in public. Their smiles to the camera contrasted against a dark warning shared by one group member, Britain’s head of MI5, Ken McCallum. The UK had seen a sharp rise in aggressive attempts by foreign states to steal the country’s high-tech secrets, he warned. The biggest threat of all: China. According to McCallum, more than 20,000 people in the UK have been approached by Chinese agents online as part of “epic scale” espionage efforts. One alleged Chinese spy created fake profiles on LinkedIn to contact thousands of British officials – offering cash, trips to China and paid speaking gigs as ways of extracting state secrets. Reports of China’s covert spy network in the UK will weigh on the minds of City bosses, as corporations fortify their offices with costly cyber defences to protect their data being stolen by ransomware gangs. While some UK companies are now spending millions of pounds spent on cyber insurance, many remain uncovered. Most vulnerable are Britain’s small and medium-sized businesses, according to Jamie MacColl, a cyber research fellow at defence think tank Royal United Services Institute. “A lot of organisations just don’t view it as an important risk, particularly smaller companies. They might think, you know, a cyber attack is something that happens to someone else, or it’s something that only happens to large corporations,” he says. The coverage gap can be partly blamed on insurance fees. A decade ago, cyber insurance was cheap and easy to buy. Insurance companies cut their prices to spark demand in a nascent market. “Naive insurers entered into the cyber insurance market with not a lot of cybersecurity expertise, wrote policies that had very high limits and no kind of security requirements to get a policy. They all got burnt when ransomware became an issue,” says MacColl. The rise of Russian-backed cyber hackers demanding multi-million pound ransoms from City firms left underwriters lumbered with mounting losses. Some insurers were forced to leave the cyber risk market entirely.
(January 22, 2024)

This is me talking about Ken McCallum. 1-22-24

This is me talking about FM Lavrov. 1-22-24

1) The Russian MFA is again complaining about the Pentagon in Syria.
2) And then a plane crashed near Kabul. You wonder about Russian and Uzbek soldiers. Maybe they were responsible for American and British causalities. The army was there for twenty years.
3) The Russian foreign minister is in New York City for work related travel.

US-led coalition’s aircraft violate Syrian airspace two times in past day Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria also said that a Syrian soldier was wounded as a result of sniper fire by terrorists on positions of government forces near the settlement of Nakhshebba in the Latakia governorate MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. The US-led coalition’s aircraft violated Syria’s airspace in the al-Tanf area two times during the past day, Vadim Kulit, deputy chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria (a division of the Russian defense ministry), said on Sunday. "Aircraft of the so-called international anti-terrorist coalition led by the United States continues to create dangerous situation that may cause air accident or incidents and escalate the situation in Syria’s airspace," he said. "A pair of the coalition’s Rafale fighter jets violated Syria’s airspace in the al-Tanf area, across which international air routes run, two times during the day." He also said that a Syrian soldier was wounded as a result of sniper fire by terrorists on positions of government forces near the settlement of Nakhshebba in the Latakia governorate.

Lavrov arrives in New York to participate in UN Security Council meetings According to a TASS correspondent, the minister's plane flew from Moscow to the United States via the northern route, bypassing unfriendly nations, in 12 hours 45 minutes

Tashkent Airport Operations Limited by Dense Fog

Uzbekistan-China Partnership Set to Elevate Air Travel

Six people aboard aircraft disappearing from radars in Afghanistan The Russian aviation agency is in touch with the aviation authorities of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Republic of Tajikistan, according to the report MOSCOW, January 21. /TASS/. Six people were aboard the aircraft that disappeared from radars in Afghanistan, according to preliminary data, the Russian Federal Agency for Air Transport reported via its Telegram channel. "According to preliminary data, six people were aboard the aircraft, including four crewmembers and two passengers. <…> The aircraft is owned by Athletic Group and an individual. The aircraft was performing a charter sanitary flight on route Gaya (India) - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) - Zhukovsky (Russia)," the report said. The Russian aviation agency is in touch with the aviation authorities of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Republic of Tajikistan, according to the report. The Falcon 10 aircraft (registration number RA-09011; serial number 128) was produced by the French company Dassault Aviation in 1978. "Late on Saturday, on January 20, flying in the airspace of Afghanistan (near Tajikistan’s border), the Falcon 10 aircraft that was registered in the state register of civil aircraft of the Russian Federation, stopped establishing communication and disappeared from radars," the agency said. The aircraft initially took off from the Thai U-Tapao airport, according to the report.

Senators Consider Anti-Corruption Efforts in Uzbekistan During the forty-ninth plenary session of the Senate, senators focused on the progress made in the fight against corruption in Uzbekistan. The Anti-Corruption Agency presented its second national report, highlighting the efforts undertaken in 2022. The director of the anti-corruption agency provided a detailed overview of the accomplishments in combating corruption. Notably, 13 measures related to the field and 24 regulatory legal documents aimed at reducing corruption factors within economic and social reforms were adopted. The introduction of the Openness Index became a key initiative, evaluating the effectiveness of state bodies and organizations in their anti-corruption endeavors. The "E-Anticorruption" project was launched to proactively address corruption risks in state entities. Measures were established to hold state authorities accountable for violating legislation on openness, reinforcing their responsibility in the fight against corruption and enhancing transparency to the public. Within the 2021-2022 State Program for Combating Corruption, a dedicated software was introduced to report corruption cases, along with the establishment of the "1253" short number "Call-center." These initiatives aim to streamline communication and enhance reporting mechanisms. Significant improvements in public services were achieved, reducing redundant procedures that could lead to corruption. The shift towards providing more public services electronically has contributed to enhancing efficiency and transparency.

Uzbekistan introduces penalties for illegal crypto activities Uzbekistan has introduced administrative liability for illegal acquisition of crypto-assets through amendments to several codes. The Code of Administrative Responsibility now includes penalties for specific cases. Unauthorized alteration of the international unique identification code of a mobile device, or the development, distribution, or use of programs for this purpose, leading to a fine ranging from 15 to 20 times BCA. Changing or copying the identification module of a subscriber's device without legal permission results in the confiscation of the offending tools and a fine of up to 20 times BCA. Engaging in illegal acquisition, transfer, or exchange of crypto-assets, as well as providing crypto-asset services without a license, may lead to administrative detention for up to 15 days. For those not subject to detention, a fine ranging from 20 to 30 times BCA will be imposed. Service providers dealing with anonymous crypto-assets face fines of 30 to 40 times BCA. Violating the established order in crypto-asset activities may result in officials receiving fines of 20 to 30 times BCA, administrative detention for up to 5 days, or confiscation of tools used in the offense. Engaging in anonymous crypto-asset mining leads to the confiscation of crypto-assets and tools, with fines for officials ranging from 30 to 40 times BCA.

MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. The Russian government approved a draft agreement on military cooperation between Russia and Laos. The document has been published on the official legal information website.

(January 22, 2024)

This is me talking about Phillips O'Brien. 1-21-24

Prof Phillips O'Brien Head of the School of International Relations Professor of Strategic Studies Phillips O'Brien was born in 1963 and brought up in Boston, Massachusetts. He is a graduate of Trinity College, Connecticut...

I've been talking about the Russian navy base at Latakia. They keep complaining about the Pentagon. I don't want the Russian MFA to systematically lower army morale.
Dominic Nicholls was in the British army and he's talking about a professor at St. Andrews. He is from Boston, but he went to Trinity College in Hartford. I think Cambridge shouldn't have let him in. And then he was hired by the University of Glasgow and now St. Andrews.
It speaks to the British and how they hire and what students are accepted into their universities.

This is me talking about the Royal Navy crash near Bahrain. 1-20-24

During the Obama White House there were reports about the Kurds in Syria. They would go around and disarm IEDs. It's strange to me about this report. The Persian Gulf and the Bahrain Harbor seem far from the route. Also, maybe the Royal Navy shouldn't have mine ships. It's like the Garda helicopter stuff. Strange navy stories. Another thought is how dangerous those waters are because Iran is right there. The naivete of the British admiralty.

Navy investigates collision between two British warships off Bahrain Footage appears to show HMS Chiddingfold reversing into HMS Bangor A collision between two Royal Navy warships in a Middle East harbour is under investigation. Footage posted on social media appeared to show HMS Chiddingfold reversing into HMS Bangor off the coast of Bahrain. No one was hurt but “some damage was sustained”, the navy said. The two mine hunters had been based in the Middle East to ensure the safe flow of commercial shipping. R Adm Edward Ahlgren said: “I am aware of a recent incident that took place between two mine hunters in Bahrain harbour. First of all I would like to stress that thankfully nobody was hurt in the collision, but some damage was sustained. “Why this happened is still to be established. We train our people to the highest standards and rigorously enforce machinery safety standards, but unfortunately incidents of this nature can still happen.” He said a full investigation was under way and that any changes in procedure that could prevent future incidents would be “rapidly implemented”. “In the meantime the UK will continue to play a key part in ensuring the safety of merchant shipping in the region,” he said.
(January 20, 2024)

This is me talking about the Russian MFA. 1-20-24

1) Notice this mention of electric cars and solar panels.
2) Which country will the Russian MFA side with, Islamabad or Tehran?
3) I am opposed to Taiwanese independence.

Norway lured by deep-sea mining for rare metals Norway has just authorised commercial deep-sea mining on its seabed, which is rich in rare and precious metals. This announcement has whetted the appetite of mining companies, which are developing robots and drones to collect the potato-sized rocks, located at a depth of 3,000 metres. Billions of euros are at stake in the exploitation of these so-called critical minerals, which are essential for building electric vehicle batteries and solar panels.

Pakistan moves to de-escalate crisis with Iran after deadly airstrikes Pakistan's political and military leaders on Friday moved to de-escalate tensions with Iran after this week's deadly airstrikes by Tehran and Islamabad that killed at least 11 people and marked a significant escalation in fraught relations between the neighbors. The decision was apparently reached at a meeting of Pakistan's National Security Committee, chaired by caretaker Prime Minister Anwaarul-Haq-Kakar on his return home after cutting short his trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Pakistan's powerful army chief Gen. Asim Munir attended the meeting. A statement after the meeting said the leadership discussed the situation following the Iranian airstrikes and praised the “professional, calibrated and proportionate response" by Pakistan's military. The committee stressed that existing communication channels between Pakistan and Iran “should be used to address each other’s security concerns in the larger interest of regional peace and stability,” according to the statement. Pakistan on Thursday launched airstrikes against alleged militant hideouts inside Iran, in the Sistan and Baluchestan province, killing at least nine people. The strikes followed Iran’s attack Tuesday on Pakistani soil that killed two children in the southwestern Baluchistan province. The unprecedented cross-border strikes threatened to imperil ties between Tehran and Islamabad — the two have long regarded each other with suspicion over militant attacks — and also raised the threat of violence spreading across the Middle East, already unsettled by Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza. In Iran, the state-run IRNA news agency reported on Pakistan's efforts to reduce the tensions and said Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian spoke to his Pakistani counterpart, Jalil Abbas Jilani. The two sides want to cooperate moving forward and return each other's ambassadors to Tehran and Islamabad, IRNA said. The diplomatic envoys were pulled home amid the escalation. Pakistan's military went on high alert on Tuesday, after Iranian airstrikes targeted an alleged hideout of Jaish al-Adl, the Sunni separatist group behind multiple attacks inside Iran. Pakistan's retaliatory strikes Thursday targeted alleged hideouts in Iran of Pakistani separatist groups called the Baluch Liberation Army and the Baluchistan Liberation Front. Iran said the airstrikes killed three women, four children and two men near the town of Saravan along the Pakistani border. The dramatic and sudden Pakistan-Iran escalation also came on the heels of Iranian airstrikes late Monday in Iraq and Syria. Those airstrikes were in response to a suicide bombing in Iran by militants from the Islamic State group in early January that killed over 90 people. Though Iran and nuclear-armed Pakistan have long regarded each other with suspicion over militant attacks, they had not launched such strikes in the past. Pakistan’s Baluchistan province, as well as Iran’s neighboring Sistan and Baluchestan province, have faced a low-level insurgency by Baluch nationalists for more than two decades. Separatists in southwestern Pakistan often launch attacks against Pakistani security forces and Chinese interests in the country, frequently sneaking across the border to hide in Iran.

There are also 600,000 or so indigenous peoples who trace their ancestry back thousands of years. And then there is a younger, ambivalent generation that is wary of questions about identity. They feel Taiwanese but see no need for Taiwan to declare independence. They want peace with China, they want to do business with it but they have no desire to ever be part of it.

(January 20, 2024)

This is me talking about the Russian navy base in Latakia. 1-19-24

Today the news is about Kremlin foreign policy with the Middle East. For example, in Tashkent there seems to be a wealth divide. In Europe there are Muslim enclaves in Kosovo and Bosnia. And then American and British bases and ships are being threatened.

1) Is there a threatening wealth gap in Tashkent?
2) Trade between the Kremlin, the Balkans, and the Middle East
3) The Russian navy base is near American bases that are being threatened

Uzbekistan's minimum wage earners struggle to afford basic meals

An intense police operation is unfolding at the properties of Vasil Bozhkov, Bulgarian politician and controversial businessman, according to reports from bTV. The Metropolitan Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the General Directorate of the National Police are jointly leading the operation, which is taking place at Bozhkov's office on “Moskovska” Street, the same location where the gambling magnate has been under house arrest since August. The reasons behind this sudden inspection remain undisclosed, but speculations suggest a potential connection with the murder of Aleksei Petrov. A substantial police presence has been reported in front of Bozhkov's office, signaling the urgency and significance of the ongoing investigation. While details are limited, sources from BNT have suggested that investigators are conducting swift and coordinated actions. Vasil Bozhkov, colloquially known as "The Skull," is recognized as one of Bulgaria's wealthiest individuals, with estimates placing his fortune between 1 and 3 billion Bulgarian levs. Bozhkov gained international notoriety, and the internal correspondence in the US State Department referred to him as "the most infamous gangster in Bulgaria." The inspection comes at a critical time as Bozhkov had recently returned to Bulgaria after a period of hiding in Dubai. Upon his return, he was promptly detained and subsequently placed under house arrest. He received several charges - for non-payment of gambling fees, with which his companies damaged the state with BGN 700 million. Hours later, he was also charged with incitement to 4 murders. There are 20 charges against him in total.

Gambling mogul Vasil Bozhkov is released under house arrest The Sofia Court of Appeals has released businessman Vasil Bozhkov under house arrest. He will be monitored with an electronic ankle bracelet. The gambling kingpin, who has been charged with 19 felonies, returned to Bulgaria after a three-year stay in Dubai on August 25 and was detained at the airport. Businessman Vassil Bozhkov detained at Sofia Airport After his arrest, Bozhkov was questioned at the prosecutor's office. He was due to testify in the investigation into allegations that he was blackmailed for 60 million leva (over 30 million euros) by former Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, former Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov and Borissov's media adviser Sevdalina Arnaudova. In the meantime, it has become clear that a prosecutor's decree has provided personal security for Bozhkov and his family.

Companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina show interest in Bulgarian agriculture and tourism Bulgaria's experience in the production of agricultural products and the boosting of tourism are of interest to companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the chairman of the Bosnian Foreign Trade Chamber, Vjekoslav Vuković, who was in Sofia this week, told BTA. "We would like to put an emphasis on agricultural production given the great experience that Bulgaria has, bilateral tourism is also of particular interest", he pointed out. According to him, Bosnia and Herzegovina has about 1.7 million hectares of arable land, but uses a "much smaller part" of it and has the opportunity to benefit from Bulgarian experience and technologies. Vjekoslav Vuković also said that the foreign trade exchange between the two countries was not at a satisfactory level and could be much greater. A Cooperation Council is to be established, which will meet at least once a year in Bosnia and Herzegovina or in Bulgaria.

NEW YORK, January 19. /TASS/. The United States confirms that Yemen’s Ansar Allah (Houthi) movement has delivered a missile strike on a US-owned tanker ship, Chem Ranger, in the Gulf of Aden, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said.

MOSCOW, January 19. /TASS/. Muhammad al-Bakhiti, a member of the Ansar Allah (Houthi) political bureau, assured that ships from Russia and China are not under threat while sailing in the Red Sea.

WASHINGTON, January 18. /TASS/. US bases in Iraq and Syria have been attacked around 140 times since October, 2023, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh has told reporters. She said that 57 of these attacks targeted US bases in Iraq and 83 - in Syria.

LONDON, January 19. /TASS/. An unidentified vessel came under attack around 85 nautical miles southeast of Yemeni city of Ash Shihr, the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations said on Thursday.

Islamic Resistance says its drones attacked CIA base in northern Syria Iran's Tasnim news agency reported that the military facility that came under attack is controlled by a CIA regional unit BEIRUT, January 18. /TASS/. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq said its kamikaze drones attacked the US base called Hemo in northeastern Syria. "Our fighters conducted this operation in support of the Palestinian people's resistance to the occupation forces that are carrying out massacres in the Gaza Strip, not sparing children, women and the elderly," the group said on Telegram. Iran's Tasnim news agency reported that the military facility that came under attack is controlled by a CIA regional unit. According to the report, the base previously employed 350 US instructors to train fighters from a special unit of the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces. However, in recent days, most of the US military were temporarily transferred to a neighboring base for security reasons. A spokesman for the Islamic Resistance in Iraq said the group’s Shiite fighters will continue to attack US sites in the region "until the end of Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon." Since the start of the military escalation in the Middle East in October 2023, there have been more than 180 attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria.

MOSCOW, January 18. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad at a meeting in Moscow discussed the situation in the Gaza Strip and called for an immediate ceasefire, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

UNITED NATIONS, January 18. /TASS/. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres could hold a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who will visit New York to attend UN Security Council meetings from January 22 to 24, said Stephane Dujarric, a spokesman for the secretary general.

NAIROBI, January 18. /TASS/. The security situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) is improving thanks to the country's army which is getting assistance from Russian instructors, Russian Ambassador to Bangui Alexander Bikantov said in an interview with TASS.

(January 19, 2024)

This is me talking about the 2015 Colectiv nightclub fire. 1-18-24

1) Reports about construction in Romania and Serbia. It seems like some of the city government people are corrupt. Why were there protests about building permits?
2) Kind of, other than Ukraine. Russian foreign policy with the far east, South Asia, and Africa.

The Colectiv nightclub fire was a fire in Bucharest, Romania, on 30 October 2015, which killed 64 people (26 on site, 38 in hospitals) and injured 146. Dubbed in the Romanian press the #Colectiv Revolution, the protests were held to demand the resignations of Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Minister Gabriel Oprea, and Cristian Popescu Piedone, the Mayor of Sector 4, who was criticized for giving an operating license to the club without a permit from the fire department.

The largest construction sites in Serbia In Serbia, 3,357 construction permits were issued in November 2023. Which represents an increase of 20.7 percent compared to the same month in 2022, the Republic Statistical Office announced today. Statistics show that out of the total number of permits issued in November, 84.2 percent refer to buildings, and 15.8 percent to other structures. If we take only buildings into account, data show that 87.1 percent of permits were issued for residential and 12.9 percent for non-residential buildings, while for other buildings, the largest part refers to pipelines, communication, and electrical lines, 64.7 percent. According to the permits issued in November 2023, the construction of 3,783 apartments was reported, with an average area of 74.4 square meters. Out of the total number of apartments in new residential buildings, 8.9 percent of apartments will be built in buildings with one apartment, with an average area of 139 square meters, and 89.9 percent of apartments will be built in buildings with three apartments or more apartments, and their average area it will be significantly smaller and will amount to 67.2 square meters. The projected value of the new construction works in November 2023 is 86.5 percent of the total projected value of the works. Observed by region, the greatest construction activity is expected in the Belgrade region, 40 percent of the predicted value of new construction, followed by the Braničevo region (19.7 percent), Južnobačka region (8.1 percent), Raška region (4.7 percent) and Zapadnobačka area (three percent), while the shares of other areas range from 0.2 to 2.9 percent.

Turkiye Anticipates First Astronaut's Journey to ISS

This move comes in response to recent Houthi assaults on ships navigating the Red Sea, prompting the US to launch targeted strikes on Houthi positions within Yemen. White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan emphasized the importance of this designation as a tool to hinder terrorist funding to the Houthis, impose tighter restrictions on their access to financial markets, and hold them accountable for their actions. The statement issued by Sullivan stated, "If the Houthis cease their attacks in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, the United States will immediately reevaluate this designation."

Tensions Rise: Pakistan Launches Strikes Into Iran

Iran’s Foreign Ministry summons Pakistan’s charge d’affaires over air strikes An Iranian security official told Press TV that Tehran had demanded clarifications from Islamabad over the Pakistani Air Force's missile strikes on targets in Iran DUBAI, January 18. /TASS/. The Iranian Foreign Ministry has summoned Pakistan's charge d'affaires in Tehran, the Iranian agency Young Journalists Club reports. The diplomat was summoned to provide explanations about the recent strike of the Pakistan Armed Forces on targets in the Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan. Iran's foreign ministry has not offered an official comment. An Iranian security official told Press TV that Tehran had demanded clarifications from Islamabad over the Pakistani Air Force's missile strikes on targets in Iran. Earlier, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry said the military had carried out an anti-terrorist operation, including strikes on terrorist hideouts in Sistan and Baluchestan provinces. According to the regional authorities, the Pakistani strike killed three women and four children, all of them foreigners. On January 16, Iran's Tasnim news agency reported that the Iranian Armed Forces struck two headquarters of the terrorist group Jaish al-Zulm on Pakistani territory. Drones and missiles were used. Pakistan's Foreign Ministry condemned the strike, calling it a violation of the country's air borders that could have serious consequences. The ministry said two children were killed in the strike.

Pakistani air force enters Iranian airspace for strikes — news agency The source did not specify how many aircraft were involved in the operation LONDON, January 18. /TASS/. The Pakistani Air Force has entered the airspace of Iran while carrying out missile strikes on targets at night, Reuters reported, citing a Pakistani intelligence source. According to the source, the planes of the Pakistani Air Force entered the Iranian airspace and returned after hitting terrorist hideouts. The news agency did not specify how many aircraft were involved in the operation. "Our forces have conducted strikes to target Baloch militants inside Iran," the intelligence source told Reuters. According to him, the Pakistani military had attacked terrorists linked to the Balochistan Liberation Front. Earlier, the IRNA news agency reported that explosions were heard near Iran’s district of Seravan district of the Sistan and Baluchistan province on the border with Pakistan. The AFP news agency reported, citing an unnamed Pakistani intelligence official, that Islamabad had launched missile strikes on camps of "anti-Pakistan armed groups" on Iranian territory. Pakistan's Foreign Ministry later confirmed that the Pakistani military had conducted an anti-terrorist operation that included strikes on terrorist hideouts in Iran's Sistan and Baluchistan province. According to regional authorities, the Pakistani strike killed three women and four children, all foreigners. On January 16, Iran's Tasnim news agency reported that the country's armed forces had attacked two headquarters of the Jaish al-Adl terrorist group on Pakistani territory with drones and missiles. Pakistan's Foreign Ministry condemned the strike, calling it a violation of the country's air borders that could have serious consequences. The ministry said that two children were killed in the strike.

NAIROBI, January 17. /TASS/. Representatives of Russian Human Rights Ombudsperson Tatyana Moskalkova have held a meeting with Kenyan Ombudsman Florence Kajuju, a TASS correspondent reports.

MOSCOW, January 17. /TASS/. Relations between Russia and Australia are at their lowest point due to Canberra's joining the anti-Russian Western campaign, and Moscow hopes the Australian authorities will reconsider their actions, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

(January 18, 2024)

Cairo 47

1) As the navy is secretive, they stop reading reports relevant to their missions.
2) For example, the reports about nerve gas near Tel Aviv and night raids in Ukraine.

This is me talking about the navy. 1-17-24

1) It's possible these sailors didn't have much education and they weren't great at swimming.
2) Notice the ship is sometimes used as a helipad.
3) If it's a policing mission, maybe they should go during the daytime. It happens to the bureau when they do no nock nighttime search warrants. Someone will be in their apartment waiting for them.

Two US Navy SEALs lost at sea on a mission targeting Iranian ‘lethal aid’ heading to Yemen The Pentagon has said on Tuesday that Two US Navy SEALs are lost at sea whilst they were on a missile to target Iranian “advanced lethal aid” being transported to the Houthis militants in Yemen. The Navy SEALs were reported missing in the day after their mission started on 11 January off the coast of Somalia, the Pentagon said that as of Tuesday morning the pair are still lost. During a night-time mission a small sailing boat was seized with Iranian weapons onboard heading to Yemen, 14 crew members were taking into custody by the US Navy. The Pentagon said the weapons shipment included, “propulsion, guidance, and warheads for Houthi medium range ballistic missiles (MRBMs) and anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs), as well as air defense associated components.” The Pentagon said that part of their “campaign of attacks against international merchant shipping,” is to track down any weaponry heading to the Iranian backed Houthis militants who are based in Yemen. Over the weekend US officials told the Associated Press the two Navy SEALs were on a interdiction mission, they were both climbing on to a vessel and a wave knocked one of them off, the second jumped in the sea following their protocol. “We are conducting an exhaustive search for our missing teammates,” said General Michael Erik Kurilla, US CENTCOM Commander. General Kurilla said the Iranian weapons being sent to Yemen is “yet another example of how Iran actively sows instability throughout the region in direct violation of UN Security Resolution 2216 and International law.” Also on Tuesday the Royal Navy agency UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) reported that another cargo vessel has been hit by a missile in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen. The Greek owned bulk carrier MT Zografia with 24 crew members on board was sailing from Vietnam to Israel was hit by a missile off the Yemen coast travelling thought the Red Sea. British maritime security firm Ambrey said on Tuesday, “A Malta-flagged, Greek-owned bulk carrier was reportedly targeted and impacted with a missile while transiting the southern Red Sea northbound.” The UKTMO said they had received a report of an “incident” around 100 nautical miles northwest of the Yemeni port of Saleef. On Monday the Houthis militants fired a missile at a US owned cargo vessel in the Gulf of Aden and on Sunday a US fighter jet shot down a cruise missile heading towards a US destroyer. US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in an update of the attack on Monday, “On January 15 at approximately 4pm (Sanaa time), Iranian-backed Houthi militants fired an anti-ship ballistic missile from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and struck the M/V Gibraltar Eagle, a Marshall Islands-flagged, US-owned and operated container ship. “The ship has reported no injuries or significant damage and is continuing its journey.”

2 missing Navy SEALs on mission that seized Iranian missile parts headed for Houthis: US They were meant to resupply Houthi attacks in the Red Sea, the U.S. said. The two U.S. Navy SEALs missing in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia were on a mission to board a dhow that led to the seizure of Iranian-made ballistic and cruise missile components headed to Houthi militants in Yemen, according to U.S. Central Command. The risky nighttime mission last Thursday to board the dhow in rough waters continued even after one of the SEALs fell into the water and the second SEAL, following protocol, jumped into the water to rescue his teammate. Search and rescue operations for the two missing SEALs are continuing in the Gulf of Aden with U.S. Navy aircraft and ships participating in the search. For years the U.S. Navy has intercepted dhows, the name for small fishing or cargo vessels used in the region, believed to be carrying Iranian-made weapons to the Houthis. During these missions, boarding teams typically pull aside the dhows to undertake a "flag verification" mission if the dhow is unflagged or has replaced its flag to mask their smuggling mission. This latest seizure was the first since the Houthis began to carry out the more than 30 drone and missile attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea, most of which have been repelled by U.S., French, and British warships. On Thursday, Jan. 11 "Navy forces conducted a night-time seizure of a dhow conducting illegal transport of advanced lethal aid from Iran to resupply Houthi forces in Yemen as part of the Houthis’ ongoing campaign of attacks against international merchant shipping," said a CENTCOM statement. The SEALs were operating from the expeditionary sea base USS Lewis B Puller (ESB 3), a converted freighter topped with landing decks for helicopters and capable of releasing small watercraft used by SEALs when they approached the dhow. With helicopters and drones flying overhead they "executed a complex boarding of the dhow near the coast of Somalia in international waters of the Arabian Sea seizing Iranian-made ballistic missile and cruise missiles components." They included components for propulsion, guidance, and warheads for Houthi medium range ballistic missiles and anti-ship cruise missiles, as well as air defense associated components. "Initial analysis indicates these same weapons have been employed by the Houthis to threaten and attack innocent mariners on international merchant ships transiting in the Red Sea," said CENTCOM. The seizure marked the first time since November, 2019 that the U.S. Navy has seized Iranian-made ballistic missile and cruise missile components headed for the Houthis. Nighttime ship boardings by boat, carried out in pitch black, are some of the most difficult missions that a SEAL can undertake and require constant training according to a retired SEAL commander "You have the the risk of of your boat capsizing in close proximity to larger vessels, you have to establish a solid ladder point, you have to climb a ladder at night over the open ocean between two ships, they're smashing into each other, and then get on board," said Eric Oehlerich, an ABC News contributor. "And then your problem starts with what you're going to do it with whomever is on board that boat," he added. Oehlerich said the risk to SEALs undertaking these missions in the Gulf of Aden and the Somali Basin increases during this time of year when ocean waves are especially high. "In the wintertime, the sea state is typically eight to 12 feet," said Oehlerich. "The horizon is flat, so 8-12 feet is eight feet above the flat horizon, and then eight feet, it's like a 16 foot wave." The 14 mariners aboard the dhow were taken off the vessel and are in U.S. custody though their future status remains to be determined. After they were taken off the dhow, the vessel was deemed unsafe and sunk by U.S. naval forces. “It is clear that Iran continues shipment of advanced lethal aid to the Houthis. This is yet another example of how Iran actively sows instability throughout the region in direct violation of U.N. Security Resolution 2216 and international law,” said CENTCOM commander Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla, "We will continue to work with regional and international partners to expose and interdict these efforts, and ultimately to reestablish freedom of navigation," he added.

This is me talking about the two Navy SEALs who are missing. 1-17-24

A man charged with murdering his best friend in Cardiff is the heir to a £230 million pie company fortune. Dylan Thomas, 23, is accused of fatally stabbing William Bush, who was found dead in a car park next to Llandaff Cathedral on Christmas Eve. Thomas is the grandson of Sir Stanley Thomas, a Welsh business tycoon whose empire included Peter’s Pies, described as one of the country’s “most iconic products”. He appeared at Cardiff magistrates’ court on Dec 28 and is expected in the city’s Crown Court on Feb 2. Thomas, a computer programmer, is reported to have been best friends with Mr Bush, 23, with the men both attending the same private school in Cardiff.

This is me talking about Dylan Thomas. 1-16-24

1) Does the Kremlin support Caracas and Maduro in the territorial dispute with Guyana?
a. It seems like it's because of energy trading. Maybe Russians want to make a living as oilmen in South America.
2) How about increased trade between Tashkent and Xinjiang Province?
a. I would like trade to slow down between Central Asia and China.
3) Can the Kremlin choose a side in Syria and Iraq?
a. I am opposed to IRGC operations generally.
4) Israeli nationals studying in the Ivy League?
a. The Congress complains about foreigners studying in American schools.

This is me talking about Russian foreign policy. 1-16-24

1) CARACAS, January 16. /TASS/. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro again asserted his country’s rights to the Guyana Essequibo region, the subject of a territorial dispute with neighboring Guyana.

2) Uzbekistan and China agree to cooperate on railway transportation

Copper processing to rise by 140,000 tons in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan supports "One China" principle in response to Taiwan election results

3) Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Unleashes Devastating Attack Near US Consulate in Erbil In a shocking turn of events, a series of explosions rattled the vicinity of the US Consulate in Erbil, Iraq, leaving a trail of destruction and claiming four lives, as reported by ABC News, citing Iraqi security sources. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) swiftly claimed responsibility for the attacks, declaring their intent to target what they referred to as the "headquarters of spies" and "anti-Iranian terrorist gatherings in parts of the region." The IRGC asserted the use of ballistic missiles in this brazen assault. The bombings orchestrated by the IRGC resulted in four casualties, as confirmed by Iraqi security sources. However, there is a notable relief that no coalition forces or Americans were reported among the fatalities in this devastating incident. In a bid to counter the threat, coalition forces reportedly successfully intercepted and downed three drones near Erbil airport, preventing further potential damage. The situation has led to a temporary halt in air traffic in Erbil, intensifying the turmoil in the region, according to ABC News, citing Iraqi security sources. Describing the attack as particularly violent, the Iraqi security source disclosed that a total of eight locations were targeted in proximity to the US Consulate, indicating a coordinated and widespread offensive by the IRGC. As the region grapples with the aftermath of this audacious assault, questions loom over the potential implications for diplomatic relations and regional stability. The international community is closely monitoring the situation, awaiting further developments.

4) Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has officially declared the conclusion of the "intense phase" of the ongoing conflict with Hamas in northern Gaza. The declaration includes a promise to bring an end to the ground offensive in the south, particularly targeting the largest city, Khan Younis.

This is me talking about North Korea. 1-15-24

1) Moscow might assist Pyongyang with its missile program. It's probably bad defense contracts. But they have probably been doing that for a long time.
2) Also, Moscow might in some way be responsible for these Yemeni and Turkish missile reports.
3) Belgrade might be guilty of profiteering. Because of the auto industry and trade with the far east.

Solid-Fuel IRBM Test: North Korea's Latest Move Sparks Security Concerns in the Region North Korea declared a successful test of a solid-fuel intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) with a hypersonic warhead, intensifying concerns about regional stability. The secretive regime's latest launch, the first since December, showcased advancements in multi-stage high-thrust solid-fuel engines. While North Korea assured it posed no threat to neighboring countries, South Korea's military detected the missile's flight over 1,000 kilometers before splashing into the sea. In a statement, the Missile General Bureau described the test as part of routine activities for developing potent weapon systems. The move comes after South Korea's Defence Minister Shin Won-sik hinted at a potential IRBM test this month, raising worries about the missile's capability to target US military bases in Japan and Guam. As North Korea flexes its military might, regional tensions escalate, prompting concerns about the unpredictable path ahead.

Top North Korean diplomat arrives with delegation in Moscow — KCNA At the airport, the delegation was met by Russian Foreign Ministry officials, the North Korean ambassador to Russia and other North Korean diplomats SEOUL, January 15. /TASS/. A government delegation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) led by Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui arrived in Moscow on January 14, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said. At the airport, the delegation was met by Russian Foreign Ministry officials, the North Korean ambassador to Russia and other North Korean diplomats. According to earlier reports, Choe will be visiting Russia on January 15-17 at the invitation of her Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. Russia’s top diplomat visited Pyongyang in October 2023. The visit was timed to mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and North Korea. Lavrov was received by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

Missile launched from Yemen shot down by US over Red Sea There were no injuries or damage reported NEW YORK, January 15. /TASS/. An anti-ship ballistic missile launched from Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen toward a US destroyer has been shot down, CENTCOM, the US Defense Department’s Central Command, said. "On Jan. 14 at approximately 4:45 p.m. (Sanaa time), an anti-ship cruise missile was fired from Iranian-backed Houthi militant areas of Yemen toward USS Laboon (DDG 58), which was operating in the Southern Red Sea. The missile was shot down in vicinity of the coast of Hudaydah by US fighter aircraft. There were no injuries or damage reported," it said in a statement on the X social media platform (formerly Twitter). After the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Gaza Strip, the Houthis warned that they would launch strikes on Israeli territory while barring ships associated with the Jewish state from passing through the waters of the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait until Tel Aviv ceased its military operation against Palestinian radical group Hamas in the embattled enclave.

BEIRUT, January 15. /TASS/. Unmanned aerial vehicles from Turkey’s air force have delivered strikes near the city of Qamishli in Al-Hasakah Governorate in northeastern Syria, killing three Syrian servicemen, Al Hadath reported. Russia has every right to maintain dialogue with North Korea - diplomat It has the right to do what it thinks appropriate, bearing in mind the fact that it always declares respect to international law, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova says

Tesla downtimes the production American electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla announced today that it will suspend production at its factory near Berlin, Germany. Due to attacks in the Red Sea disrupting supply chains, Tesla will suspend production from January 29 to February 11.

(January 15, 2024)

In New York City maybe people can vanish into the anonymity of the big city. Here in Washington, DC it might be more obvious what people are doing. Also, the picture phone. Kind of times are changing.

This is me talking about Washington, DC. 1-14-24

1) It's a funny joke about the British and how they analyze graffiti. "That's not what that means."
2) The British themselves are vulnerable to army audits about drinking and family values.

This is me talking about the British army. 1-14-24

1) The Turks are holding security meetings. Also, I don't like they're summoning the British diplomat
2) Maybe it's Ankara and the Kremlin that give the Yemenis these drones and cruise missiles
3) A report about Mogadishu

This is me talking about the UNSC. 1-13-24

Erdoğan to hold security meeting amid ongoing tensions

FM Fidan discusses Red Sea tensions with British counterpart

Mohamud was driving a Somali consulate car on Nov. 30 when he hit a motorcycle courier. The courier, Yunus Emre Göçer, died about one week after he was seriously injured in the incident. Mohamud left the country on Dec. 2 after a police interrogation. The incident sparked public outcry, and authorities later announced that the police officers first interrogating him were investigated for possible negligence in letting him go. Türkiye then issued an arrest warrant for Mohamud after Göçer’s death.

Both MIT and the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) regularly conduct cross-border operations in Iraq and Syria. PKK’s leadership hides out in Iraq’s mountainous north while the group enjoys U.S. support in northeastern Syria where it claims to fight against Daesh. MIT has been quiet about its counterterrorism activities in the past but Türkiye’s top intelligence body is more open in publicizing its operations nowadays. This is largely due to the heightened success in the past two decades to find and eliminate terrorists, whether in Türkiye or abroad. Through publicizing, MIT also apparently hopes that the terrorist group would be daunted in its vicious campaign of violence for more than four decades that killed thousands. Flanked by armed drones, MIT agents carried out 181 operations in 2022 and eliminated 201 terrorists. They also managed to destroy 45 energy facilities and parts of infrastructure the terrorist group built or operated, along with locations used to store weapons and munitions by the PKK. Among the 38 terrorists eliminated by MIT were high-profile names.

Houthi rebels vowing to retaliate for US-UK strikes possess significant military arsenal Yemen's Houthi rebels, who vowed to retaliate against US and British strikes early Friday against key military sites, have built up a significant arsenal, including cruise missiles and drones. Since the Israel-Hamas war broke out on October 7, the Iran-backed Houthis have carried out a spate of attacks in the Red Sea, claiming to be targeting ships with Israeli links in solidarity with the Palestinians. After repeatedly warning there would be consequences if the attacks continued, US and British forces struck 60 targets at 16 Houthi locations early Friday in what they said was a bid to prevent further disruption to the vital shipping lane. The Houthis have been steadily developing their military capabilities since 2014, when they seized the Yemeni capital Sanaa. Their arsenal of weapons made with Iranian equipment or components includes ballistic and cruise missiles as well as drones, according to defence experts. Ballistic missiles That includes ballistic missiles the Houthis call Typhoon – a rebranded version of the Iranian Qadr missile with a range of 1,600 to 1,900 kilometres (995 to 1,180 miles), according to Fabian Hinz of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. "It is very inaccurate, at least in the version they've shown us, but it should be able to reach Israel," Hinz told AFP. Iran carried out tests of its Qadr missiles in 2016, hitting targets about 1,400 kilometres (870 miles) away. Mohammed Albasha, senior Middle East analyst for the US-based Navanti Group, said the Houthis unveiled their Typhoon missile arsenal only weeks before the unprecedented October 7 attack by Palestinian militant group Hamas on Israel. The rebels, who control much of north Yemen, also have Iran's Quds cruise missile, according to Hinz. There are different versions of the Quds, some of which have a range of about 1,650 kilometres - enough to reach Israel, he said. In 2022, the Houthis said they used Quds 2 cruise missiles to hit oil facilities in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The powered, guided missiles traversed more than 1,126 kilometres from northern Yemen. The Houthis also used the Quds 2 missile in 2020 to strike facilities in Saudi Arabia. Drones Saudi Arabia and the United States have repeatedly accused Iran of supplying the Houthis with drones, missiles and other weapons, a charge Tehran denies. The Houthis say they manufacture their drones domestically, although analysts say they contain smuggled Iranian components. Their arsenal also includes the Iranian Shahed-136 drones that Russia is using in its war on Ukraine, according to Hinz. They have a range of about 2,000 kilometres, Hinz said. Another drone model, the Samad-3, is also available to them, according to Hinz. "We don't know the exact range, but it should be about 1,600 kilometres," he said. The Houthis have used the Samad-3 drones in attacks on the UAE and Saudi Arabia. The Samad-3 can be fitted with 18 kilogrammes (40 pounds) of explosives, according to rebel media sources and analysts. The Houthis' drones use GPS guidance and "fly autonomously along pre-programmed waypoints" towards their targets, experts from the Center for Strategic and International Studies wrote in a 2020 report.

US strikes Yemen again after Houthi rebels threaten ships in Red Sea The United States carried out a fresh strike Saturday on a Huthi rebel target in Yemen, US Central Command said, after the Iran-backed militants warned of further attacks on ships in the Red Sea. The strike on a Huthi radar site comes a day after scores of attacks across the country heightened fears that Israel's war with Palestinian militant group Hamas could engulf the wider region. The Iran-backed militants' official media earlier said the Al-Dailami airbase in Yemen's rebel-held capital of Sanaa had been struck. The Huthis, who have carried out weeks of attacks on Israel-linked shipping in protest of the Israel-Hamas war, warned that US and British interests were "legitimate targets" after the first volley of strikes. Britain, the United States and eight allies said strikes carried out on Friday had aimed to "de-escalate tensions", but the Huthis vowed to continue their attacks. "All American-British interests have become legitimate targets" following the strikes, the rebels' Supreme Political Council said. Hussein al-Ezzi, the rebels' deputy foreign minister, said the United States and Britain would "have to prepare to pay a heavy price". The rebels have controlled much of Yemen since a civil war erupted in 2014 and are part of an Iran-backed "axis of resistance" against Israel and its allies. Violence involving Iran-aligned groups in Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and Syria has surged since the war in Gaza began in early October. UN chief Antonio Guterres called on all sides "not to escalate" in the interest of regional peace and stability, his spokesman Stephane Dujarric said. The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on the strikes Friday, days after adopting a resolution demanding the Huthis immediately stop their attacks on ships. At the meeting, US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield warned that no ship was safe from the threat posed by Houthi rebels to shipping in the Red Sea. Russian ambassador Vassili Nebenzia denounced the "blatant armed aggression" against the entire population of the country. Red Sea attacks The Huthis have intensified attacks on what they deem Israeli-linked shipping in the Red Sea -- through which 12 percent of global maritime trade normally passes -- since Hamas's unprecedented attack on Israel triggered the Gaza war on October 7. The United States and Britain launched strikes on Friday that targeted nearly 30 locations using more than 150 munitions, US General Douglas Sims said, updating earlier figures, and President Joe Biden said he did not believe there were civilian casualties. Biden called the strikes a successful "defensive action" after the "unprecedented" Red Sea attacks and said he would act again if the Huthis continued their "outrageous behaviour". British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the Huthis' breach of international law warranted the "strong signal", with his government publishing its legal position justifying the strikes as lawful and "proportionate". But Nasser Kanani, spokesman for Iran's foreign ministry, said the Western strikes would fuel "insecurity and instability in the region" while "diverting" attention from Gaza. The Huthis fired "at least one" anti-ship ballistic missile in retaliation on Friday that caused no damage, according to Sims. The United States said it did not seek conflict with Iran, with National Security Council spokesman John Kirby telling MSNBC there was "no reason" for an escalation. Middle Eastern leaders voiced concern at the violence, with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan describing the strikes on Yemen as disproportionate and saying: "It is as if they aspire to turn the Red Sea into a bloodbath." Saudi Arabia said it "is following with great concern the military operations" and called for "self-restraint and avoiding escalation". The kingdom is trying to extricate itself from a nine-year war with the Huthis, though fighting has largely been on hold since a truce in early 2022. Hamas said it would hold Britain and the United States "responsible for the repercussions on regional security". Economic cost Oil prices rose four percent on fears of an escalation before falling back. Major shipping firms have rerouted cargo around the tip of Africa, hitting trade flows at a time when supply strains are putting upward pressure on inflation worldwide. Since mid-November, the volume of shipping containers transiting through the Red Sea has dropped by 70 percent, according to maritime experts. Denmark's Torm on Friday became the latest tanker firm to halt transit through the southern Red Sea. Dryad Global, a maritime security risk group, advised its clients to suspend Red Sea operations for 72 hours, citing the threat of Huthi retaliation. 'Death to America' Hundreds of thousands of people, some carrying Kalashnikov assault rifles, gathered in Yemen's capital Sanaa on Friday to protest, many waving Yemeni and Palestinian flags and holding portraits of Huthi leader Abdulmalik al-Huthi, an AFP journalist reported. "Death to America, death to Israel," they chanted. In Tehran, hundreds rallied against the United States, Britain and Israel, burning the three countries' flags outside the UK embassy while voicing support for Gazans and Yemenis, an AFP reporter saw. In Gaza, Palestinians lauded Huthi support and condemned Britain and the United States. "No one is standing with us but Yemen," said Fouad al-Ghalaini, one of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians left homeless by Israel's bombardment of Gaza City.

(January 13, 2024)

This is me talking about Yemen. 1-12-24

1) Reports about North Korean weapons exports
2) The Ukrainian army and the White House
3) I think the Russians too often utilize the UNSC. The building is in New York City. Can they kind of take it easy on the city?
4) I'm thoughtful about when we can use our navy without working with the French.

Mariya Gabriel and 46 Foreign Ministers Condemn North Korea's Missile Export to Russia

WASHINGTON, January 12. /TASS/. The United States is imposing sanctions on three Russian legal entities and one individual over the alleged transfer of North Korean missiles to Russia, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement. The Department of State alleged that these companies were "complicit in the transfer to Russia and testing of DPRK-origin ballistic missiles."

WASHINGTON, January 12. /TASS/. The United States has halted its deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine due to the lack of budget funds for such programs, Coordinator for Strategic Communications of the White House’s National Security Council John Kirby has said.

UNITED NATIONS, January 12. /TASS/. Russia requested the UN Security Council to convene on Friday, January 12, in connection with massed air strikes, delivered by the United States and the United Kingdom on the territory of Yemen, the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN said on its Telegram channel. "Russia has requested an urgent UN Security Council meeting on January 12 in connection with US and UK strikes on Yemen," the mission said. The mission told TASS that the meeting was scheduled for 10:00 a.m. local time (3:00 p.m. GMT).

Houthis to continue attacking ships in Red Sea despite US, UK strikes on Yemen The armed forces of the United States and the United Kingdom delivered strikes on positions held by the Houthi rebel movement in Yemen in the early hours of Friday DUBAI, January 12. /TASS/. Yemen's Ansar Allah (Houthi) rebel movement will continue to attack Israeli civilian ships in the Red Sea despite the US and UK strikes on facilities in the Houthi-controlled area, Mohammed Abdul Salam, the movement's spokesman, said. "We confirm that there is no justification for the [US and UK] aggression against Yemen, as international navigation in the Red and Arabian Seas was not threatened. We have attacked and will continue to attack Israeli ships heading to ports in occupied Palestine," the spokesman wrote on his X (formerly Twitter) page. The armed forces of the United States and the United Kingdom delivered strikes on positions held by the Houthi rebel movement in Yemen in the early hours of Friday. US President Joe Biden said the strike on Yemen was ordered in response to "unprecedented Houthi attacks" in the Red Sea and that the strikes targeting Houthi munitions depots, launching systems, production facilities, and air defense radar systems were delivered "in self-defense." After the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Gaza Strip, the Houthis warned that they would launch strikes on Israeli territory and would not allow ships associated with it to pass through the waters of the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait until the operation in the Palestinian enclave stopped. According to estimates by US Central Command, the Houthis have attacked more than 20 vessels and civilian ships in the Red Sea since mid-November.

Strikes on Houthi positions - In the early hours of Friday, the Al Hadath television reported that forces of the United States and the United Kingdom had delivered strikes on positions held by the Ansar Allah movement near the western Yemeni port city of Hudaida - Explosions were heard in the Yemeni cities of Sana’a, Sa’dah, Hudaydah, Taizz and Dhamar, Al Hadath said. - In turn, Sky News Arabia reported that Sana’a International Airport was heavily bombed. - The UK and US military fired Tomahawk land-attack subsonic cruise missiles from their ships in the Red Sea at targets in Yemen, the NBC News television reported citing US officials. - Al Hadath said that strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen were being delivered by planes, ships and submarines. - Shortly after, Al Jazeera quoted a US official as saying that the US and the UK have achieved their goals and wrapped up their operation. US and UK forces targeted radars, missile launch sites and coastal observation posts, the official said. - Friday’s strike targeted more than 10 facilities in Yemen used by Ansar Allah, CNN said citing own sources.

According to the report, the choice of targets was justified by the need to weaken Houthi capabilities for attacking ships in the Red Sea. Targets included radars, warehouses with drones, ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as launch sites.

NEW YORK, January 12. /TASS/. The number of attacks on ships sailing in the Red Sea, committed by Yemen’s Ansar Allah (Houthi) rebels since November 19, 2023, has reached 27, the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) said.

UK premier describes strikes on Yemen as limited and proportionate "The Royal Air Force has carried out targeted strikes against military facilities used by Houthi rebels in Yemen," Rishi Sunak said LONDON, January 12. /TASS/. Air strikes, delivered by the United States and the United Kingdom on facilities of the Ansar Allah (Houthi) movement in Yemen on Friday, were a "limited, necessary and proportionate action in self-defense," UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said in a statement. "The Royal Air Force has carried out targeted strikes against military facilities used by Houthi rebels in Yemen," he said, adding that the military operation was carried out in response to Houthi actions. "In recent months, the Houthi militia have carried out a series of dangerous and destabilizing attacks against commercial shipping in the Red Sea, threatening UK and other international ships, causing major disruption to a vital trade route and driving up commodity prices," the premier continued. "Their reckless actions are risking lives at sea and exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in Yemen." "This cannot stand. The United Kingdom will always stand up for freedom of navigation and the free flow of trade. We have therefore taken limited, necessary and proportionate action in self-defense, alongside the United States with non-operational support from the Netherlands, Canada and Bahrain against targets tied to these attacks, to degrade Houthi military capabilities and protect global shipping," Sunak added. He went on to say that UK warships will continue "to patrol the Red Sea as part of the multinational Operation Prosperity Guardian to deter further Houthi aggression, and we urge them to cease their attacks and take steps to de-escalate." US and UK forces carried out a military operation against Yemen’s rebel movement Ansar Allah in the early hours of Friday, January 12. Outskirts of the western port city of Al Hudaydah, and other targets in the provinces of Sana’a, Al Hudaydah, Saadah and Dhamar came under heavy fire. UK warplanes attack two Houthi facilities In turn, the UK Ministry of Defense said "four RAF Typhoon FGR4s, supported by a Voyager air refueling tanker therefore used Paveway IV guided bombs to conduct precision strikes on two of these Houthi facilities." "One was a site at Bani in north-western Yemen used to launch reconnaissance and attack drones. A number of buildings involved in drone operations were targeted by our aircraft," the ministry said in a statement. "The other location struck by our aircraft was the airfield at Abbs. Intelligence has shown that it has been used to launch both cruise missiles and drones over the Red Sea. Several key targets at the airfield were identified and prosecuted by our aircraft." "In planning the strikes, particular care was taken to minimise any risks to civilians, and any such risks were mitigated further by the decision to conduct the strikes during the night. The detailed results of the strikes are being assessed, but early indications are that the Houthis’ ability to threaten merchant shipping has taken a blow, and our commitment to protecting the sea-lanes, through which some 15% of the world’s shipping passes and which is vital to the global economy, has been amply demonstrated," the statement says. After the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Gaza Strip, the Houthis claimed that they would launch strikes on Israeli territory and would not allow ships associated with it to pass through the waters of the Red Sea and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait until the operation in the Palestinian enclave stopped. According to CENTCOM, over 20 commercial carriers and ships have been attacked in these waters since mid-November. In response, the US government declared it was launching operation Prosperity Guardian to ensure the safety of navigation and protect ships in the Red Sea.

(January 12, 2024)

This is me talking about Dmitri Peskov. 1-11-24

The Kremlin has a documented instance of responding with 'No Comment'. That happens here in DC and we wonder if the police are in there not doing anything.
A report about the Serbian border. That seems to indicate bad Serbian defense contracts.
Energy politics in the Balkans.
Maybe there are Russian defense guys in Yemen and then they started to fire at the Royal Navy.
Several reports about trade between Europe and the Far East.

1) The United States, alongside allied nations including Bulgaria, has issued a resounding condemnation of arms transfers between North Korea and Russia. This statement, undersigned by major European Union countries excluding Hungary and Slovakia, castigates the acquisition of North Korean ballistic missiles by Russia, allegedly utilized against Ukraine on December 30 and January 2. Despite Moscow and Pyongyang refuting claims of arms deals, discussions on cooperation occurred during North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's visit to Russia last year, complemented by repeated visits from Russian representatives since Ukraine's conflict onset. Notably, North Korea has faced a UN arms embargo since its inaugural nuclear bomb test in 2006. Backed by Russian support, UN Security Council resolutions prohibit arms or military equipment trade with North Korea. Declassified intelligence cited by the White House attributes Russia's utilization of short-range ballistic missiles, supplied by North Korea, in multiple attacks on Ukraine, eliciting deep concerns among the signatories. The joint statement, co-signed by the US, European nations, Britain, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand, vehemently denounces North Korea's missile exports, coupled with Russia's use of these arms against Ukraine. Washington intends to address this issue at the UN Security Council; however, the presence of veto powers held by Russia and China poses challenges to potential resolutions. In response to these allegations, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov opted for a terse "No comment" when queried by reporters. Notably, a recent large-scale assault on Kharkiv resulted in civilian casualties, further intensifying concerns about regional security implications. The global outcry against North Korea-Russia arms transfers reflects escalating tensions and raises grave concerns about the broader impact on regional and global stability.

2) The Main Directorate of the Border Police has temporarily suspended three border officers assigned to the Strezimirovtsi border crossing on the day of 49-year-old Kiril Rusev's murder. The officers faced suspension after two defendants in the murder case, Alexander Kinov and Petar Alexnadrov, attempted to manipulate the situation by crossing the Serbian border using Rusev's identity card.

3) Bulgaria is trying to renegotiate the unfavourable conditions of the 13-year gas agreement with Turkey’s Botas, PM Denkov says

4) UNITED NATIONS, January 11. /TASS/. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted the US draft resolution condemning the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea.
UNITED NATIONS, January 11. /TASS/. Russia is concerned that the US-authored resolution on the Red Sea that was adopted by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) may trigger military action in the region, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya told reporters on Wednesday.

5) BEIJING, January 11. /TASS/. The comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Russia has been running on high gear in the past year, Xinhua quoted Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi as saying.

MOSCOW, January 10. /TASS/. Moldova’s plans to help train Ukrainian troops in Moldovan territory are unacceptable as they blur the country’s neutral status, the Russian foreign ministry told Moldovan Ambassador to Russian Lilian Darii.

UNITED NATIONS, January 10. /TASS/. The United States is propagating misinformation about Russia’s alleged use of North Korean missiles without even bothering to warn its counterparts, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said at a UN Security Council meeting.

Uzbek-Japanese business forum boosts partnership with 14 key agreements

Uzbekistan and Austria Strengthen Ties in Electrical Engineering Collaboration

This is the highest pension in Serbia Serbian Law on PDI (Pension and Disability Insurance) defines both the lowest and highest possible pension. According to the last available statistical report of the Serbian PDI Fund, the highest pension in Serbia is exactly RSD 200,475. Practically, and as per the Law on PDI, no retired person in Serbia can register more than 45 years of service or a personal coefficient higher than 3.8. Thus, therefore, the pension is "fixed" at this amount.

(January 11, 2024)

"James Morrison found his wife Gill Catchpole hanged at their home, inquest hears"

James Morrison is an English musician. His wife was found in their home last Friday hanged to death.
The British.
They got married. He got her pregnant twice. She gave birth twice. And then she had a kidney transplant. And now she's dead from hanging. And he has two daughters.
It's as though you can't marry a British guy.

"We're supposed to be reading about Madagascar!"

The British defense sector. The men want to go to the Maldives, Micronesia, Kuala Lumpur, and Jakarta. I once took the train from Los Angeles to San Jose. There was a tour guide on the train. And he would point to something. I would think to myself that nothing ever happened here.
It's as though the British visit places, that kind of aren't historical or something.
I've been to the Hermitage and the Sun King's palace, for example. I wanted to see the tsar's house and Louis' house. My British counterpart wants to walk on the beaches of Madagascar.

These are two reports about South America. I guess EU trade with that region. And Chinese trade.

Armed Intruders Storm Live TV Station Amid Ecuador's State of Emergency CNN reported a dramatic interruption during a live broadcast at a Guayaquil-based TV network, where hooded and armed individuals forcibly entered the studio, compelling staff onto the floor amidst alarming sounds of gunshots and shouting. The incident occurred at the state-owned TC Television, causing a viral stir on social media as the live stream signal remains offline. Ecuador, under a state of emergency, faced escalating violence after President Daniel Noboa declared the measure in response to the escape of notorious gang leader Adolfo "Fito" Macias from a Guayaquil prison. Subsequent to this declaration, the country witnessed multiple kidnappings of police agents across different cities.

Mr. Milei, where is the money? Javier Milei, who promised a drastic turnaround of Argentina and the restoration of the country's reputation, found himself facing the first test. President Milei is facing a deadline to pay $16 billion to former shareholders of the nationalized energy company YPF. Last year, a court in New York ruled that Argentina owes a record sum to two former investors who sued the state after the then-Peronist government refused to buy back the shares at the agreed price when it expropriated YPF in 2012. Their dispute was financed by Burford Capital in exchange for a percentage of the award, writes the Financial Times, reports weekly Poslovni dnevnik.

(January 10, 2024)

Cairo 46

This is me talking about Gabriel Attal. 1-10-24

This first one is an excerpt from Romanian literature. Maybe he didn't have a job and then he's told his doctor he has bad eyesight. French culture in eastern Europe.
Maybe Attal is a right winger.
I've been to the Sun King's house in Versailles. Notice it's about as old as Harvard University.

12 February 1935 10pm The radio is tuned to Prague. I have been listening to a concerto by J.S. Bach..I went to see an eye specialist.

France's Youngest Prime Minister Gabriel Attal Takes the Helm French President Emmanuel Macron has appointed Gabriel Attal, aged just 34, as the nation's youngest prime minister in modern history, reports the BBC. Attal steps into this role following the resignation of Elisabeth Borne after her 20-month tenure. Borne faced challenges due to the persistent lack of a parliamentary majority during her time in office.

Louis XIII built a simple hunting lodge on the site of the Palace of Versailles in 1623. With his death came Louis XIV who expanded the château into the beginnings of a palace that went through several changes and phases from 1661 to 1715. It was a favorite residence for both kings, and in 1682, Louis XIV moved the seat of his court and government to Versailles, making the palace the de facto capital of France.

If the job was only translating Chinese, would the Kremlin hire a local with a degree in Chinese studies or would they hire a man from Beijing?

This is me talking about Russian defense issues. 1-9-24

Cairo 45

This is me talking about Venezuela. 1-9-24

1) This is an example of bad Kremlin foreign policy, and notice the Treasury department has seized Russian assets.
2) Maybe the Kremlin is slow to do the reading about Astana, Bishkek, and Tashkent.

Venezuela’s Maduro asserts Caracas’ historical rights to disputed Guyana Essequibo Nicolas Maduro maintained that his nation "can protect what belongs to us" CARACAS, January 9. /TASS/. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro reaffirmed Venezuela’s historical territorial rights to Guyana Essequibo, the disputed border region controlled by neighboring Guyana, as he approved a plan for the South American country’s parliament to pass a law in the second reading for establishing Venezuela’s 24th state in the territory. "The December 3 referendum, in the holding of which the National Assembly played a key role, triggered a powerful force of consent to defend [Venezuela’s] historical rights to Guyana Essequibo," Maduro told a meeting with the leaders of Venezuela’s political factions on Monday, which was broadcast by Venezuelan television. Maduro maintained that his nation "can protect what belongs to us" as he described Venezuela as "a fighting people who made history in [Latin] America." He also criticized the government of Guyana, which he said is acting as a government of the "former British Guiana, or today’s British colony under gringo administration," using a derogatory Spanish term used by some Latin Americans to describe people from the United States. "I am very happy as I celebrate and applaud Venezuela’s National Assembly, which has expanded its legislative agenda to include a final vote on the Guyana Essequibo law," Maduro said. On December 6, 2023, Venezuela’s parliament passed a bill in the first reading for formally establishing the State of Guyana Essequibo as Venezuela’s 24th state. The dispute between Caracas and Georgetown over ownership of the 159,500 square kilometer territory west of the Essequibo River has been ongoing for over a century. The territorial dispute has been further aggravated by the discovery in 2015 of oil fields containing at least 10 bln barrels of oil and the granting by Guyana of a concession to oil major ExxonMobil for petroleum production on Guyana’s continental shelf, the boundaries of which have not been demarcated.

G7 considers sending frozen Russian assets to Kiev as aid — US Treasury Secretary According to the Janet Yellen, "no decision has been made" on the possible confiscation and use of Russian assets to help Ukraine WASHINGTON, January 9. /TASS/. The G7 countries are considering options for possible confiscation and transfer of frozen Russian assets worth $300 billion to Ukraine as aid, but no decision has been made yet, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told reporters. According to the official, "no decision has been made" on the possible confiscation and use of Russian assets to help Ukraine. The minister explained that the G7 would have to agree on a legal basis to move forward on the issue. She added that the potential impact of such a move on the dollar is worrisome. According to Yellen, the G7 needs to address the fears that will arise after a possible confiscation that it is not safe to hold assets in the US and Europe. At the end of December 2023, Reuters reported that during a meeting in February 2024, G7 leaders will discuss a theory developed by the US on a legal justification for the possible confiscation of $ 300 billion in frozen Russian assets. According to the news agency, US representatives do not expect G7 members to announce a decision to confiscate Russian assets at the group's February meeting, but they hope G7 leaders will "agree to make a stronger statement" on the issue. The confiscation will require changes in the laws of a number of countries, including the US and the UK. The Financial Times reported earlier that the US has suggested that G7 countries explore possible ways to confiscate frozen Russian assets. The newspaper said that in December 2023, G7 finance ministers and their deputies discussed how to develop a confiscation mechanism and how to avoid the risks involved. Germany, Italy and France said that the legality of confiscating Russian assets should be carefully examined before decisions are made, the newspaper said. Last year, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that violations of property rights - whether private, state or corporate - were absolutely unacceptable. He promised that Russia would defend its interests as much as possible.

Housing Construction Soars 1.5 times in 2023

Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan establish joint working group to remove trade barriers

Kyrgyz border guards stop smuggling of horses to Uzbekistan

(January 9, 2024)

1) Maybe it's illegal for the Germans to send weapons to Kiev, if the Ukrainians own these homes in Hamburg.
2) I have questions about the supply chain of these gold sales in Tashkent. I guess the gold mines are in Uzbekistan. I wonder why Tashkent wanted to increase its gold sales?

Kiev Mayor reports $6 mln Hamburg mansion in his declaration According to the publication Strana, Klichko received the house on December 20 of the last year as the debt repayment from US-registered Maximum I LLC MOSCOW, January 8. /TASS/. Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klichko reported a mansion worth more than 227.6 mln hryvnia (almost $6 mln) situated in Hamburg in his declaration, the Strana news outlet reported, citing the return of the head of the Ukrainian capital. According to the news outlet, Klichko received the house on December 20 of the last year as the debt repayment from US-registered Maximum I LLC, which was held by his brother Vladimir but became the possession of the Kiev Mayor in May 2023. The mansion area is 750 square meters.

Germany has sent a new package of military aid to Ukraine, which includes anti-aircraft missiles, artillery ammunition, infantry fighting vehicles, radars, trucks and other equipment, the German government announced. According to a list of military equipment published on the website of the German government, Germany has, among other things, supplied Ukraine with Leopard 2 A6 tank ammunition, the Skynex air defense system with ammunition, IRIS-T SLM air defense missiles and almost 10,000 additional 155 mm artillery shells.

Uzbekistan becomes top seller of gold in November According to the World Gold Council organization, in November 2023, Uzbekistan became the world's top seller of gold. According to reports, the Central Bank of Uzbekistan sold 11 tons of precious metal. Next on the list is Kazakhstan, which sold 3 tons of gold. The main buyer of gold in November was Turkiye - 25 tons. The list also includes Poland (19 tons), China (12 tons), Czech Republic (3 tons) and Kyrgyzstan (1 ton).

(January 8, 2024)

This is me talking about the economy in Tashkent. 1-8-24

Cairo 44

1) Do the Scottish guards not fire their weapons because they study human rights in school?
2) The Scottish guards have eccentric interests and so they focus on maybe rural areas in their assessments.

This is me talking about Ukraine. 1-7-24

Cairo 43

1) This is a story of the Americans. New Yorkers and people from Phili and Boston, sometimes they move out west. For us out west, they come from the Atlantic Ocean. And past that is England and farther than that.
2) In Texas sometimes the land is so hard to live on. Somehow the people in Judea wouldn't have known when these guys left, only when they arrived. It means in real terms things are probably better than they seem.

Matthew 2:1
In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem

This is me talking about the Epiphany. 1-6-24

A description of the Turkish police.

A court arrested 15 out of 34 suspects who were detained as part of an investigation into Israeli intelligence agency Mossad's activities in Türkiye, sources said Friday. The suspects, who were captured during simultaneous operations in eight provinces and whose statements were taken by the police over the last four days, were presented in court after a health check, said the sources on condition of anonymity due to media-related restrictions. The arrests took place after an investigation by the Istanbul Prosecutor's Office's Terrorism and Organized Crimes Investigation Bureau, focusing on international espionage. Of the suspects, 26 were referred to the on-duty magistrate's office with a request to be arrested for "political or military espionage." The judge's office granted the request for 15 suspects and took the rest in judicial custody. Eight suspects, sources said, were also handed over to the provincial immigration department for deportation. Turkish authorities, including intelligence, police, and counterterrorism units, had detained the suspects alleged to have been involved in activities such as reconnaissance, surveillance, assault, and abduction on behalf of Mossad earlier this week. Simultaneous raids across 57 addresses in eight provinces had resulted in their capture. During the searches, a large amount of foreign exchange, unlicensed guns, and digital materials were also confiscated.​​​​​​​
(January 6, 2024)

Cairo 42

Notice last time it was in the summer, and the North Koreans drove all of the way to Pusan, South Korea.

"After five years of simmering tensions on the Korean peninsula, the Korean War began on June 25, 1950, when the Northern Korean People's Army invaded South Korea in a coordinated general attack at several strategic points along the 38th parallel, the line dividing communist North Korea from the non-communist Republic of Korea in the south. […] The first several months of the war were characterized by armies advancing and retreating up and down the Korean peninsula. The initial North Korean attack drove United Nations Command forces to a narrow perimeter around the port of Pusan in the southern tip of the peninsula."

[S. Korea issues evacuation orders for two of its islands as N. Korea fires more than 200 shells North Korea fired more than 200 artillery shells near two South Korean islands on Friday, prompting evacuation orders for their residents, Seoul's defence ministry and local officials said. The live firing follows repeated warnings from Kim Jong Un's regime in Pyongyang that it is prepared for war against South Korea and its US ally. "The North Korean military conducted over 200 rounds of firing today from around 09:00 to 11:00 (1200 to 0200 GMT) in the areas of Jangsan-got in the northern part of Baengnyeong Island and the northern areas... of Yeonpyeong Island," a defence ministry official said at a briefing. Yeonpyeong local officials told AFP that civilians had been told to evacuate, describing the order as a "preventative measure". South Korea's Yeonpyeong Island is situated in the Yellow Sea. It is located approximately 80 kilometres west of Incheon and 12 kilometres south of the coastline of Hwanghae Province, North Korea. Authorities on Baengnyeong Island also reported an evacuation order there. "We are making the evacuation announcements at the moment," a local district official at the Baengnyeong Island told AFP, adding that he had been told the South Korean military would conduct a naval drill shortly. Pyongyang fired a barrage of 170 artillery shells onto Yeonpyeong island in November 2010, killing four people including two civilians in the first North Korean attack on a civilian area since the 1950-53 Korean War. Relations between the two Koreas are at one of their lowest points in decades, after Kim enshrined the country's status as a nuclear power into the constitution while test-firing several advanced ICBMs. At Pyongyang's key year-end policy meetings, Kim warned of a nuclear attack on the South and called for a build-up of the country's military arsenal ahead of armed conflict that he warned could "break out any time". Kim accused the United States of posing "various forms of military threat" and ordered his armed forces to maintain the "overwhelming war response capability", according to KCNA's account of the meeting that ended on Saturday. The meeting concluded that it is a "fait accompli that a war may break out on the Korean peninsula any time due to the enemies' reckless moves for invading the DPRK", KCNA said, using the acronym of the North's official name. In an effort to deter Pyongyang, Washington deployed a nuclear-powered submarine in the South Korean port city of Busan this month and flew its long-range bombers in drills with Seoul and Tokyo. The North has described the deployment of Washington's strategic weapons, such as B-52 bombers, in joint drills on the Korean peninsula as "intentional nuclear war provocative moves". The military "should rapidly respond to any possible nuclear crisis and put continuous spurs to the preparations for a great event to suppress the whole territory of South Korea by mobilizing all physical means and forces including nuclear forces in contingency", Kim said. In 2023, the North successfully launched a reconnaissance satellite, after receiving what Seoul claimed was help from Russia in exchange for arms transfers for Ukraine.]

This is me talking about North Korea. 1-6-24

Courtney's dad was a businessman in Fort Worth. When I knew her, her dad bought her and her husband a house in central Austin.
Patrick's dad was a businessman in New Haven. They lived in Brazil for four years.
Bob is a solar energy expert. He married a woman from Taiwan.

These are Americans, who have been here forever. And I guess Chinese businesses allowed for them to travel. Courtney spoke Spanish.

1) The Bulgarian news is reporting on a British person who died on a flight from Turkey to England. You wonder about the British army. They seem to drink a lot and vacation a lot.
2) I wonder if the Uzbeks have kids, and the kids work in these coal mines. If fertility rates go up, there will be more demand for coal and construction projects.

A midday emergency landing at Sofia Airport has been reported today, reportedly due to the tragic death of a British citizen aboard the aircraft. The incident occurred on a Pegasus Airlines flight from Izmir, Turkey, destined for London Stansted Airport.

Uzbekistan increases coal mining In November 2023, the large enterprises in Uzbekistan mined a total of 614.3 thousand tons of coal. The country boasts 44 significant coal mines, including prominent ones such as Angren, Shargun, and Boysun. Recently, construction activities commenced for a new coal mine located in the upper region of the Topalang reservoir, situated in the Surkhandarya region. The Topalang coal mine basin occupies an elevation of 1,450 meters above sea level. As of September 2023, approximately 35,000 tons of coal reserves have been extracted from the mine and prepared for distribution to consumers.

This is me talking about the British army. 1-5-24

It's called 'humanism'. The British get so, they think all human beings are this and this. Then it's weird about the army. What about the Somme and the trenches? Like, for example, 'the Protestant work ethic' by Max Weber.

A report about Warsaw and long range missiles
Trade with Ukraine and food stuffs
Ukrainian aid from the Congress
Reports about the Bulgarian and Serbian parliaments
The Italian economy
Iranian bases in Syria and Iraq
A cargo ship from Liberia off the Somali coast
The borders between Bulgaria and Turkey and Romania

MOSCOW, January 3. /TASS/. Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski’s statements about the necessity of sending long-range missiles to Ukraine are targeted against his own country, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

Bulgaria Urges Tighter Controls on Sunflower Exports in Talks with Ukraine

Day 680 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Kyiv Says It Has No Alternative To US Support

Bulgaria's Border Police Chief: We Have Not Heard 'No' For Land Borders In Schengen

Socialist Leader Blames Cabinet for Disinformation, Fake News

BSP: There is commitment for accepting unlimited number of migrants in exchange for partial Schengen

There are almost 90,000 Bulgarians working in Italy, employment scams are still current

WASHINGTON, January 5. /TASS/. The US Department of Defense will not be able to supply Ukraine with weapons from its warehouses until Congress approves the allocation of supplemental funds, Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder told a briefing.

BEIRUT, January 5. /TASS/. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq Shiite movement said on Thursday it had hit two US military bases in Syria. According to a statement posted on its Telegram channel, the attacks targeted a base located near the al-Omar oil field in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor governorate and a US military facility near the Rukban refugee camp near the Syrian border city of al-Tanf.

MOSCOW, January 5. /TASS/. The Ukrainian armed forces’ commander-in-chief, Valery Zaluzhny, has suggested at a meeting in the Verkhovna Rada (parliament), which considered a bill on new military call-up requirements, that lawmakers should arrive at the front unless the army is replenished, the Ukrainian newspaper New Voice reported.

CAIRO, January 4. /TASS/. One of the commanders of the pro-Iran Shi’ite group Hezbollah al-Nujaba and his associate were killed in a drone attack in Iraq’s capital, the Shafaq News online newspaper reported citing a security source.

NEW DELHI, January 5. /TASS/. The MV Lila Norfolk cargo vessel sailing under Liberia’s flag with an Indian crew onboard has been captured near Somalia’s coast, India’s ANI news agency reported.

Bulgaria's Defence Minister, Todor Tagarev, dismissed speculations about dispatching a warship to the Red Sea, asserting that Parliament's approval is imperative for any military mission. Speaking in Blagoevgrad, Tagarev emphasized Bulgaria's involvement in addressing the safety of navigation in the Black Sea due to the risks posed by the Ukraine conflict. Collaborating with Romania and Turkey, efforts are focused on clearing mines in the Black Sea, safeguarding shipping routes. Tagarev highlighted the rescue mission for kidnapped Bulgarian sailors but underlined the necessity of parliamentary endorsement before any military deployment, emphasizing staff officers' engagement rather than direct troop involvement. In response to US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's recent remarks about joint patrols in the southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, Tagarev stressed Bulgaria's focus on maritime safety while reiterating the need for parliamentary consent for military initiatives. The Defence Minister's comments come amidst heightened concerns regarding the safety of commercial shipping due to attacks by Yemen's Houthi rebels.

Serbia Proposes Reinstating Compulsory Military Service for National Defense The General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces has recommended the re-establishment of a four-month mandatory military service, as reported by the Serbian channel N1. The Serbian Ministry of Defense underscores that this move aims to fortify the nation's defense capabilities by invigorating the reserve force through active training and reinforcement. The proposal, driven by a comprehensive assessment of the country's security landscape and contemporary challenges faced by Serbia as a militarily neutral state, aims to overhaul the recruitment approach of the Serbian Armed Forces. This strategic shift is intended to bolster overall recruitment potential and prepare a larger cadre of citizens for national defense. Defense Minister Milos Vucevic emphasized the necessity of replenishing the reserve force after a prolonged 13-year hiatus in conscription. He stressed the imperative of a prepared and robust cohort to safeguard the country. Vucevic highlighted that this is not unique to Serbia, citing the activation of compulsory military service in several European countries amidst prevailing security risks.

(January 5, 2024)

Is this a winning hand, about Moscow chairing this group?

MOSCOW, January 1. /TASS/. Five new members (Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia) formally become full-fledged members of the BRICS group, and commence joint work in that capacity, on January 1 under the chairmanship of Russia, which takes over from outgoing chair South Africa.

This is a crazy description of President Vucic's foreign policy. It seems like both Rome and Beirut think they're out of line.

NATO has a message for Serbia: The decision is up to you The head of NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade, Italian Brigadier General Giampiero Romano, said that NATO respects Serbia's policy of military neutrality He added that it is up to official Belgrade to decide in which direction and in what way it wants to develop partnership with that association. "NATO fully respects Serbia's policy of military neutrality, as well as its decision to remain at the level of a partner. The fact that Serbia does not want to join NATO has not prevented us from achieving excellent results so far... It depends on Serbia which path it wants to choose, according to how he sees his future. Whatever decision Serbia makes, of course, NATO will respect it. I believe that mutual respect is the starting point of every relationship," said Romano in an interview for Demostat. Romano said that he is aware that NATO is still a controversial topic in Serbia due to the bombing in 1999 and reminded that the Secretary General of NATO recently expressed his condolences to all those who lost loved ones on both sides. "We must not forget the past, but we can work together and move forward. This is what NATO and Serbia are doing through this partnership, we are moving towards a better future. I repeat, I believe that we must not forget the past, but we can move forward, as happened in Italy, for example, after World War II. We suffered many losses then, not only in lives, but in terms of monuments, culture, infrastructure and so on. But then we decided to look to the future, to move forward, and now we are where we are. I hope that Serbia will be even more successful than Italy in the future," said Romano. He said that Serbia is an important and valued partner of NATO, that this cooperation is mutually beneficial and that the citizens of Serbia "are not fully aware" of how much is being done and achieved through that partnership. "From the very beginning, we are trying to create a partnership that is tailored to best suit the needs and wishes of Serbia, with full respect for Serbia's proclaimed policy of military neutrality. As I have already said, Serbia cooperates with the Atlantic Alliance on several different levels, in the political, military and the scientific domain. We have well-established communication, among other things, at the highest political level, where there is regular contact between the President of Serbia and the Secretary General of NATO," said Romano. When it comes to military cooperation, he mentioned Serbia's participation in peacekeeping missions under the auspices of the UN or the EU and cited as an example the fact that Serbian soldiers, among other things, work together with Italian soldiers in Lebanon. "So, as you can see, Serbia and NATO are closer than it seems at first glance," he said.

This is me talking about BRICS expansionism. 1-4-24

The Kremlin gets so all Russians living abroad aren't criminals. These are two examples of Russians who are criminals and they live in other countries.

Bulgarian-Russian Dual Citizen Detained in Sofia Stabbing Incident Sofia's police department made a significant arrest, detaining an 18-year-old individual with dual Bulgarian and Russian citizenship for attempted murder, according to the Interior Ministry's announcement on Wednesday. The man, taken into custody for 72 hours, faces charges by the prosecuting magistracy. The arrest follows an alert triggered by a stabbing incident at the Serdika metro station in Sofia on December 21. The victim, a resident of Novi Pazar in northwestern Bulgaria, sustained multiple stab wounds and remains hospitalized in critical condition. A search at the suspect's residence uncovered two knives, an air pistol, a laptop, a mobile phone, and other items relevant to the committed crime.

Kazakhstan confirms extradition of hacker Kislitsyn to Russia According to the Russian investigation, in October 2022 Kislitsyn and his accomplices unlawfully gained access to the data of a certain company’s server ASTANA, January 3. /TASS/. The General Prosecutor's Office of Kazakhstan has confirmed reports that the country extradited Russian national Nikita Kislitsyn to Russia, where he is accused of hacking and extortion. "On December 21, 2023, Kislitsyn was transferred to representatives of Russian law enforcement agencies in accordance with the established procedure," an office representative told TASS. Extradition of Kislitsyn, a cybersecurity expert at a company called F.A.C.C.T. (formerly known as Group-IB), was sought by both Russia and the US. Russian prosecutors said on December 21 that Kazakhstan would send the man to Russia. According to the Russian investigation, in October 2022 Kislitsyn and his accomplices unlawfully gained access to the data of a certain company’s server. After the hackers copied the information, they extorted money from the data owner, demanding that the latter pay 550,000 rubles ($5,972 at current exchange rates) in cryptocurrency to prevent the data from being leaked to public sources. Kazakh authorities detained Kislitsyn at Almaty Airport on June 22 under a US-initiated Interpol warrant.

Maybe Russians and Serbians are deployed to Yemen.

Defence Minister Tagarev to Congratulate Servicemen from Contingent in Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Minister of Defence Todor Tagarev will congratulate the servicemen who took part in the operational reserve force of the NATO stabilization force in Kosovo (KFOR) and in the European Union military operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina "Althea". This will take place at a ceremony to welcome the contingent on Thursday in Blagoevgrad, the Ministry of Defence said. The contingent consists of over 100 servicemen from the military formations of the Land Forces, mainly from the Third Brigade Command - Blagoevgrad. During their participation in the operational reserve of the NATO stabilization force in Kosovo (KFOR), the Bulgarian servicemen performed tasks to support the efforts to restore and maintain security in Kosovo - patrolling, guarding administrative buildings and supporting the rapid reaction force.

Houthis attack CMA CGM’s commercial ship Tage - spokesman Yahya Saree said that the Houthis attacked the vessel as its crew "refused to respond to warnings from Yemen’s Navy" DUBAI, January 3. /TASS/. Houthis from Yemen’s rebel Ansar Allah movement have attacked the French company CMA CGM’s Tage container ship, which was sailing towards "occupied Palestine", Yahya Saree, the movement’s military spokesman, said. "The Yemeni Navy carried out a targeted operation against CMA CGM’s Tage ship sailing to a port in occupied Palestine," the Ansar Allah spokesman told the Houthi-controlled Al Masirah television channel. Saree said that the Houthis attacked the vessel as its crew "refused to respond to warnings from Yemen’s Navy." In addition, he emphasized that the movement would go on conducting strikes on the ships heading to Israel.

Russia urges Houthi movement not to create threats to commercial vessels in Red Sea "We categorically condemn attacks against civilian vessels, jeopardizing not merely freedom and safety of navigation but also lives and health of seamen," Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said UNITED NATIONS, January 4. /TASS/. Russia urges leaders of the Yemen’s Ansar Allah movement to stop any actions that may pose a threat to commercial ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said. "We categorically condemn attacks against civilian vessels, jeopardizing not merely freedom and safety of navigation but also lives and health of seamen. Furthermore, they creare additional risks and increase the instability level in the region that is already on fire," the Russian envoy to the UN said. "We urge leaders of the Ansar Allah movement to stop any actions that can create threat to commercial ships and their crews in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, exercise restraint and demonstrate responsible behavior," the diplomat added.

Situation in Red Sea is direct projection of developments in Gaza — Russian envoy to UN Russia is seriously concerned about the situation in the Red Sea, Vasily Nebenzya said UNITED NATIONS, January 4. /TASS/. Russia is seriously concerned of the situation in the Red Sea and is confident that developments there are the direct projection of violence in the Gaza Strip, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said. "I think that hardly anyone of our counterparts will deny the fact that developments in the Red Sea are the direct projection of violence in Gaza, where the cruel operation of Israel continues already for three months," the Russian diplomat said at the meeting of the UN Security Council. Russia has serious concerns regarding "the state of affairs in the Red Sea area," Nebenzya stressed. "Trade routes passing through it are a critical artery for international commerce," he noted.

I think I've been reading about the HMS Trent near Guyana. And the Serbians and Russians maybe are siding with Caracas. Belgrade and Moscow get so, if it's people from their country. It's not criminal what they do. So long as they have tattoos and do drugs, they're not criminals. Because they start thinking Serbians and Russians get tattoos and do drugs.
Notice this report about a Russian woman in Argentina charged with fraud. She's, at least, a criminal. If the Russians in Caracas aren't criminals.

"And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house."
"The Monroe Doctrine is a United States foreign policy position that opposes European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere."

BUENOS AIRES, January 3. /TASS/. Police in Argentina have detained a Russian woman wanted in her home country on fraud charges, the daily La Nacion reports. The case of the detainee, identified as Lyudmila Avdyukhina, now goes to court, which is to make a decision on her extradition. Avdyukhina arrived in Argentina in January 2023. She was detained on Tuesday near the house where she lived. According to the daily, the detainee frequently changed her place of residence. In Russia, the woman ran a real estate agency in Barnaul. According to La Nacion, she is accused of defrauding her clients of more than 100 million rubles (roughly $1 million).

This is me talking about President Vucic. 1-3-24

President Vucic maybe moved to the right, so Serbia can trade with the CCP. Are any of these eastern bloc types too far to the right?

President Backs Declaration of Counterparts of Hungary and Serbia in Support of Family-Friendly Policies The Presidents of Bulgaria, Hungary and Serbia, Rumen Radev, Katalin Novák and Aleksandar Vučić, put out a declaration in support of the family and family-friendly policies, said the Bulgarian President's press secretariat Tuesday. It says that families are the foundation of our society and that the family is also the best environment for raising children. The declaration was initiated by the Hungarian President and sums up talks during the summit on demographic issues in Budapest in September 2023. The declaration reads: "We are convinced that families are the foundation of our society, the source of our values, and the strength of our nations. The family provides support, guidance and love and shapes our character and identity. The family is also the best environment for raising children, who define the paths of our nations and shape the future of our globe. Strong families guarantee the culture of responsibility which contribute to sustainability and diminish the threats of climate change. "We believe that families deserve protection, assistance and recognition from states and societies. Therefore, we strongly support policies that promote the well-being of families, and strengthen family cohesion, provide a supportive environment to family foundation, enable women to strive both as mothers and professionals, uplift those in need, and provide a secure future for children. "We encourage our citizens, in this New Year to continue to nurture the family as the most important institution in our societies, and reach out to those in need. Let’s make a difference for our families, and thus for our countries."

Saudi Arabia Joins BRICS: A Win For The Global South Saudi Arabia has formally entered the BRICS group, as announced by the kingdom's state television. In August 2023, Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister mentioned the kingdom's intention to review the specifics before the scheduled January 1 accession and make a suitable decision. Emphasizing the importance of the BRICS group, Prince Faisal bin Farhan described it as a valuable avenue to enhance economic cooperation. Originally consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, the BRICS is anticipated to double in size with Saudi Arabia's inclusion, along with the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia as new members. This addition of Saudi Arabia comes amid geopolitical tensions between the US and China, and China's increasing influence in Saudi Arabia. Despite maintaining a strong relationship with the US, Saudi Arabia is steering toward its own path, concerned about perceived shifts in Washington's commitment to Gulf security. China, a significant oil buyer from Saudi Arabia, has advocated for BRICS expansion, envisioning it as a counterbalance to Western dominance. This expansion aligns with the group's objective to represent the interests of the Global South. However, Argentina signaled its reluctance in November to accept an invitation to join.

ASTANA, January 3. /TASS/. Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has denied rumored plans for a constitutional referendum and for running again in the presidential election in 2026.

ASTANA, January 3. /TASS/. The authorities of Kazakhstan are determined to continue a constructive and balanced foreign policy taking into account national interests, President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said in an interview published in the newspaper Egemen Kazakhstan (Sovereign Kazakhstan).

(January 3, 2024)

Chris went to St. Andrews. His dad was a wealthy man. I asked him about the men's team. Meaning, the English men's national soccer team. And, in silence, Chris gestured that he didn't want to talk about it.

In the EPL. The manager doesn't do much of the coaching. But he's hired really smart assistant coaches. The manager will talk to the coaches. But, he'll watch the players and he'll know what the players are doing. He'll sometimes talk to the players.
His genius are the assistant coaches he hires.

This is me talking about the two ex-Royal Navy minehunters destined for Ukraine that were denied access by Turkey. 1-2-24

This is now happening in three places, the South China Sea, the Black Sea, and the Caribbean Sea. It seems like fascist maritime laws they're wanting to enforce.
Also, Belgrade has been siding with Caracas and against the Royal Navy. I make jokes about Belgrade and the Turks.

Two ex-Royal Navy minehunters destined for Ukraine denied access by Turkey Turkey has denied two ex-Royal Navy minehunter ships permission to enter its waters en route to the Black Sea where the ships are destined to be used by Ukraine. The Sandown-class vessels were denied access because Turkey decided their presence would violate an international pact concerning wartime passage of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits. Last month, the Government confirmed its intention to send two retired Royal Navy minehunters to the Ukrainian navy to help conduct sea operations in the war against Russia. The UK, along with Norway, had signed a deal with Ukraine to deliver long-term support, including training, equipment and infrastructure to bolster security in the Black Sea. The reason behind Turkey's refusal is due to the triggering of the 1936 Montreux Convention which came into effect after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022. The convention blocks all passage of military ships for either party engaged in conflict. However, exemptions are made for ships returning to their home bases.
(January 2, 2024)

UVA and UT-Austin.
Many years ago there was a day, and somehow I didn't have any money and I had to give up my Iphone. And I was heartbroken. Today I have the Iphone 15 and the Apple Watch Ultra 2. I also have excellent credit and I don't need any dental work. I think I use my phone to schedule dentist appointments and pay my bills.
Ira went to UVA and he is a computer engineer. He has an old phone. And he changes jobs a lot.
As they want, they can be slow to...this and that.
But, I think you need a phone to schedule dentist appointments, etc. At some point it's dumb to sit there needing dental work.

It's some kind of crazy about modern Russia. I guess the wealth of Moscow. The army starts acting like everywhere they go is the Ritz.
That's an American expression. "This isn't the Ritz."
Supposedly Russian military officers and Russian intelligence officers. It's the opposite. They now behave as though they have just come from the Ritz.

This is me talking about Zelensky and the UNSC. 1-2-24

Notice the reports about energy prices and refugees in Bulgaria. And then all of these long distance trade and military reports. Norway wants to make a living in arms sales, for example. Is the Norwegian army allowed to take all of the energy? The BRICS group seems not sustainable because, for example, can China leave Brazil alone? Can India leave Russia alone? Also, I wish Zelensky would leave the White House alone. Can he leave the UNSC alone?
Kind of an appeal for localized trade.

Bulgarian Customs Investigates Lukoil Neftohim Amid Russia Restrictions The National Customs Agency has launched a comprehensive inspection targeting Lukoil Neftohim Burgas, the Rosenets oil port, and over 50 tax warehouses across Bulgaria that are under restrictive measures due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as confirmed by the agency. This intensive scrutiny involves meticulous documentation and assessment of available volumes of crude oil imported from Russia, along with the petroleum products derived from it, in line with the derogation granted by the EU amidst the ban on Russian imports. Notably, the ban on Burgas Refinery exporting products manufactured from Russian oil goes into effect immediately. Furthermore, starting from March 1, the prohibition will extend to the processing of oil originating from Russia. This comprehensive inspection signifies a proactive stance by the National Customs Agency to ensure compliance with the evolving regulatory landscape amid geopolitical tensions, specifically pertaining to Russia's conflict with Ukraine.

Russia attacked Odesa and Lviv on New Year's Eve, Kyiv hit Donetsk One person was killed and eight were injured on New Year's Eve in Odesa in a Russian drone attack, BTA reported on Monday. The attack, which came from the sea, caused fires in two multi-story residential buildings at 1 a.m. The Ukrainian military, quoted by Reuters, said the attack targeted port infrastructure and that a fire broke out in one of the port terminals. "The enemy's clear priority remains the port infrastructure of Odesa. A large number of drones were directed from the sea to the coastal zone," Ukraine's Southern Military Command said. According to preliminary information from the Odesa channels on "Telegram", 5 civilian objects were hit. In total, 90 Russian drones were launched during the night, 87 of which the Ukrainian army managed to shoot down. There was also an air strike against the western Ukrainian city of Lviv. "Reuters," writes that the Ukrainian air defense repels the attacks, citing the head of the Lviv regional military administration Maxim Kozytsky. According to the mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyi, explosions broke out around the city, and fires broke out at the places of the incidents. No further details are given. Moscow reports that the Ukrainian army has shelled the city of Donetsk, which it occupies in eastern Ukraine. According to Russian-appointed local authorities, four people were killed and 13 injured. On December 29, Russia launched almost 160 drones and missiles at Ukrainian cities in the most massive air attack since the start of the war. 31 people died and over 130 were injured. The airstrikes continued in the following days. Kyiv launched an airstrike on the Russian border town of Belgorod on December 30, killing 10 civilians and injuring 40.

Natural Gas Price Decreases in Bulgaria by Nearly 57% Y/Y

Interior Minister: Bulgaria does not accept additional conditions related to refugees from Syria and Afghanistan Kalin Stoyanov: Bulgaria will not and cannot accept persons for whom it is not responsible

Norway permits its defense industry to directly sell weapons to Ukraine — government "Support for Ukraine is important for Norwegian and European security," Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide said STOCKHOLM, January 2. /TASS/. Norway has decided to permit its defense companies to directly sell weapons and defense products to Ukraine from January 1, according to a statement published on the government website on Monday. "Support for Ukraine is important for Norwegian and European security. <…> The Government has therefore decided to permit direct sales of weapons and defense-related products from Norwegian defense industry to Ukraine,’ says Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide, as quoted in the statement. Norway's military support has been organized according to four main arrangements: donations from own stocks, donations procured through international cooperation and fund mechanisms, donations procured directly from the defense industry, training of Ukrainian personnel, the statement says. The policy change means that Norwegian companies can apply to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for an export license for direct sales of weapons and defense-related products to Ukraine. All applications will be thoroughly assessed. The control will continue to take place within a strict and responsible framework, in line with the Norwegian export control regulations, according to the statement.

Maduro hopes Venezuela will join BRICS in 2024 He stressed that "BRICS is the future of humanity," pointing at the economic potential of the group and the capabilities of the New BRICS Development Bank CARACAS, January 2. /TASS/. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro expressed hope for his country to join BRICS as a full member at the next summit in 2024. "At the summit in South Africa, Venezuela was accepted as a partner. And I hope that at the next summit in Russia <...> Venezuela will join BRICS+ as a permanent member," Maduro said in a traditional interview on January 1 with the newspaper Le Monde diplomatique. He stressed that "BRICS is the future of humanity," pointing at the economic potential of the group and the capabilities of the New BRICS Development Bank. "We are betting on BRICS as part of a new world, a new balance, as part of the Bolivarian geopolitical concept, a world of balance, a world of equals," Maduro concluded. BRICS was formed in 2006 and initially included Brazil, Russia, India and China. South Africa joined the intergovernmental organization in 2011. In August 2023, six new members were invited to join the association, including Argentina, but at the end of December it refused to join the group. Five new members (Egypt, Iran, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia) began full-fledged work in BRICS on January 1 under the chairmanship of Russia.

Maduro calls Argentina's decision to refuse BRICS membership ‘stupidity’ He added that such a decision "takes Argentina back to the 19th century" CARACAS, January 2. /TASS/. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro criticized the decision of his Argentine counterpart Javier Milei to refuse the country's accession to BRICS. "By excluding Argentina from BRICS, he [Javier Milei] is acting against the Argentines. This is one of the most clumsy and stupid things that Miley has done against Argentina," Maduro said in a traditional interview with Le Monde diplomatique newspaper on January 1. He added that such a decision "takes Argentina back to the 19th century." Earlier, Nicolas Maduro had already harshly criticized the neoliberal political program and plans of the newly elected President of Argentina. "The presidential elections in Argentina were won by far-right neo-fascism - the far right with a colonial project for Argentina, who intend to lead the neo-colonial project throughout Latin America and the Caribbean," Maduro said on the Venezolana de Television channel on November 21. BRICS was formed in 2006 and initially included Brazil, Russia, India and China. South Africa joined the intergovernmental organization in 2011. Five new members (Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia) formally became full-fledged members of the BRICS group, and commence joint work in that capacity, on January 1. Argentina was slated to become the sixth new member of the intergovernmental association, but on December 29 new Argentinian President Javier Milei officially notified the BRICS members that his country will decline the group’s invitation to join issued after its August 2023 summit in Johannesburg. In his letter, Milei said that he did not consider his country’s participation in the BRICS group to be appropriate at this time.

"It is important that the world reacts to this latest act of terror. Many leaders have already today expressed their support for Ukraine and Ukrainians, and I am grateful to all of them," said Zelensky in tonight's video address. Today, Ukraine called for an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council, reports Ukrinform. Zelensky added that he would continue to strengthen Ukraine's air defenses and promised to continue working to "return the war" to Russia, so the question arises whether this could mean that the Ukrainian president has announced revenge for Russia's latest violent attack. At least 31 people were killed in the attacks, and more than 160 were injured, while civil infrastructure was damaged, according to Ukrinform. More than 100 private houses were destroyed or damaged, 45 high-rise buildings, a school, two churches, hospitals, a maternity hospital, many commercial and warehouse facilities, said Zelensky. He expressed his condolences to the families of the victims.

(January 2, 2024)

Here in Washington, DC. It's a wealthy couple. They used to go eat sushi in Georgetown and the wife would occasionally send the item back because she's an expert in sushi.
I used to be a waitress. It would be because I like don't have much money and somehow I couldn't eat it or something I would ask for a refund. As a rule, I'll eat what I'm given. It would have to be pretty bad for me to not just eat what I'm given.

Weird reports about Russian men and how their wives work a lot. The Russian brain and what they think about women in the workplace seems off.

The economy is really bad here in Washington, DC. Defense contracts and other contracts are ending. The newspaper is reporting on people being evicted. There are three flus going around.
There is a suggestion about London and Moscow and their intelligence communities. They don't want to be affected by the economy. The women human intelligence people. The men don't want to hear about the problems the women have at their jobs.
The British want to talk about the Chinese.
The Russians want to network with Tashkent and Astana.

Cairo 41

It was as though they guaranteed a win.
There exists in Texas. Dom Nicholls actually wasn't around back then. Maybe it matters in Texas and it doesn't matter other places, or something.
When I was little. Michael Owen was on television. And the television said that England would win the World Cup that year. And we watched it. And then England lost like every other year.

Ora went to Brown. I know that because I read that on FB. I've known her for a while. She once told me she went to Brown and I thought to myself that I already knew that. Her boyfriend didn't go to Brown. He went to UMBC. I won't tell you what that stands for. I think they should break up.
"Ora, I know you went to Brown."

A report about Prague.

DUBAI, December 31. /TASS/. Houthis from the Yemeni rebel movement Ansar Allah claimed responsibility for the attack on the Hangzhou container ship, owned by the Danish company Maersk.

UNITED NATIONS, December 31. /TASS/. Russia's first deputy envoy to the UN Dmitry Polyansky has said the Czech Republic’s refusal to participate in the UN Security Council meeting about the recent Ukrainian shelling of Belgorod amounted to cowardice.

MOSCOW, December 31. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has blasted the Czech Foreign Ministry for a statement about the UN Security Council meeting on the Ukrainian shelling of the Russian city of Belgorod.

This is me talking about LNG exports to Tashkent. 1-1-24

1) LNG export projects and new projects, some kind of dread about any of those
2) Some of the pipelines go to China
3) Others go to Central Asia
4) Is Alexei Miller a 'CEO' and does Gazprom set 'prices'?
5) Tashkent has an increasing demand for energy
6) Tashkent, Bishkek, and Astana group together and set energy demands and then they share pipelines

Sanctions Are Crushing Russia's Ambitious LNG Export Projects Russia may have to put its plans to significantly boost its eastbound pipeline gas exports and its LNG exports to the global markets on ice amid growing challenges. Russia has relied on the Chinese market for higher pipeline gas exports since Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the slashed volumes of gas supplies to Europe. But talks on a second pipeline to China appear to have stalled, while the Western sanctions on Moscow were intensified to include a flagship new LNG export project in the Arctic that was supposed to come online this year. Currently, Gazprom supplies natural gas to China via the Power of Siberia pipeline. Deliveries in 2022 stood at 15 billion cubic meters, while total flows for this year were expected to rise to 22 billion cubic meters. Supplies to China in 2023 are now expected at 23.2 billion cubic meters, exceeding earlier plans, Alexey Miller, chief executive of Russia’s gas giant Gazprom told Putin this week. Deliveries in 2025 are expected to jump to around 38 billion cubic meters, Miller told Putin during a meeting on Thursday. Despite boasting increased deliveries to China, Russian gas exports have been shrinking since the war in Ukraine began, and it would take years for Russia to offset the previously exported pipeline volumes to Europe with higher supplies to other markets. The Power of Siberia was one of the biggest projects recently completed by Gazprom and the first conduit for Russian gas to China. Now, there’s talk about the Power of Siberia 2, but negotiations between Russia and China haven’t progressed much. An agreement on the Power of Siberia 2 has not been reached yet due to some sticking points, including the prices at which Gazprom will deliver the gas. The Power of Siberia 2 pipeline was designed to ship gas from Russia’s Western Siberia Altai region to northeast China via Mongolia. Before the war in Ukraine, Russia supplied around one-third of all the gas to Europe. China has become a first-priority destination for the Russian state gas major Gazprom after the breakup with Europe. Earlier this year, Gazprom’s Miller said that Russia could soon supply China with volumes of gas comparable with the volumes Moscow sent to Western Europe before the invasion of Ukraine. Analysts doubt that Russia could boost volumes to China to such levels for at least another seven years. With the lack of new pipelines to the east, Russia has been betting on increased LNG sales, which Europe imports in large quantities. The EU has been the single biggest buyer of Russian LNG since the Western sanctions on Russian oil came into effect at the end of last year, per data from the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA).

Gazprom Expands Gas Deliveries to Central Asia with Fifteen-Year Contracts Russia’s energy giant, Gazprom, is poised to increase gas deliveries to Central Asian nations as the company aims to sign fifteen-year contracts with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan by mid-2024. The announcement came from Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, during the company’s final pre-New Year conference. Miller revealed that mid-term fifteen-year contracts, negotiated with partners in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, are scheduled to be formalized at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in the middle of the next year. Stable and reliable gas supplies under these contracts are expected to commence on November 1, 2025. Currently, Gazprom is already exceeding its daily contract commitments for gas supplies to Uzbekistan. “We have also commenced the second stage of increasing gas transport capacities in the Central Asia – Center (CAC) corridor with a very tight deadline,” Miller said. “The task is set again for an extremely short period - we are to start supplying much higher volumes by November 1, 2025.” The Central Asia-Center gas transport system, comprising four separate lines traversing Kazakhstan and extending into Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan, has undergone crucial modifications. Gazprom successfully reversed the operation of the system during three months, ensuring more reliable gas supplies to Central Asian countries, according to Miller. Gazprom has recently initiated gas supplies via Kazakhstan to Uzbekistan under a short-term contract, delivering approximately 2.8 billion cubic meters of gas annually to the largest Central Asian nation by population in the former Soviet region. This move comes as Gazprom, facing challenges in the European market due to halted flows via the Nord Stream and Yamal-Europe pipelines, strategically turns to Central Asian markets. The company, with reported spare production capacity of 100 billion cubic meters of gas per year, aims to strengthen its position in the region. Additionally, Gazprom is actively exploring the feasibility of delivering Russian gas to the eastern and northeastern regions of Kazakhstan. Miller earlier stated that a key feasibility study is expected to be completed within a month, shedding light on the technical viability and economic efficiency of the project. Astana has shown interest in a potential long-term deal with Gazprom to supply Russian gas to these remote regions. The oil and gas industries are the main pillars for Moscow and Astana, as both Russia and Kazakhstan are flush with hydrocarbons. The two post-Soviet countries have maintained strong partnerships in the energy sector through already existing close economic, technological, and transportation initiatives. The use of gas as a cleaner type of fuel is among the most important directions set by Kazakhstan in protecting the environment, the process of transitioning to carbon neutrality, and achieving a zero balance of emissions. To increase the investment attractiveness of the gas industry in Kazakhstan, a number of systemic measures are being taken, and new market approaches to gas pricing have been identified.

(Jan 1, 2024)

1) Cell phones in Ukraine. A long time ago I saw a DoS employee talk at the AEI and he wanted to cellphoneify the developing world. You wonder then about counterterrorism operations in those same countries.
2) I wonder about Ukrainian military commanders and women in the army there.

This is me talking about Dominic Nicholls. 12-31-23

I'm wanting Oxford to maintain standards. They need to report on Cambridge or the University of London. Tony Diver wants to box in the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse weight class.
This comes up because the DoS sometimes wants to recruit from UC-Irvine.
The city needs to maintain standards about college and salaries.

This is me talking about Tony Diver. 12-30-23

This is me talking about Alexi Miller. 12-30-23

This is an Alexei Miller gaffe. It's a false sense of his job. It's not Russia's job to provide energy to Tashkent and Bishkek.
Crazy jobs here in Washington, DC. You hear what people do and you wish that wasn't a job.

[AKIPRESS.COM - Gazprom is going to scale up gas deliveries to Central Asian nations by November 1, 2025 and make fifteen-year contracts with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan by mid-2024, CEO Alexey Miller said, Tass reports. Gazprom is currently providing for gas supplies to Uzbekistan twice above daily contract commitments of the company, Miller noted. &quot;We also started implementing the second stage of increasing gas transport capacities in the Middle Asia - Center corridor with a very tight deadline. The task is set again for an extremely short period - we are to start supplying much higher volumes by November 1, 2025. Mid-term fifteen-year contracts we negotiated with our partners in Kyrgyzstan, in Kazakhstan, and in Uzbekistan will be made in the middle of the next year at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. Stable and reliable gas supplies under these contracts to Central Asian Republics will begin on November 1, 2025,&quot; the chief executive said. Gazprom transferred the Middle Asia - Center gas transport system to operate in the reverse mode during three-odd months, making it possible to provide Central Asian countries with more reliable gas supplies, he added.]
(December 30, 2023)

Notice a description of the UAF and the PAF.
The Chinese rocket force and the Chinese military's Southern Theatre Command. I guess that deputy commander is now the Chinese defense chief, Dong Jun.

Meanwhile, in Poland, authorities said that what apparently was a Russian missile entered the country’s airspace Friday morning from the direction of Ukraine and then vanished off radars. In the attack on Ukraine, the air force intercepted most of the ballistic and cruise missiles and the Shahed-type drones overnight, said Ukraine’s military chief, Valerii Zaluzhnyi.

China expels nine army officials from parliament in latest reshuffle China has expelled nine military officials from its parliament, including four generals of the army’s strategic missile unit, in a sweeping reshuffle following the appointment of a new defence minister. The decision, announced late on Friday by the state news agency Xinhua, came after a meeting of the Central Committee of the ruling Communist Party. No explanation was given for the officials’ removal. Their removal is one of a series of high-level restructuring moves in the military establishment since defence minister Li Shangfu was abruptly sacked in October following months of speculation about his whereabouts. Appointed in March, Li disappeared from public view in August before being formally dismissed in October. On Friday Beijing appointed Dong Jun as the new defence minister, ending a months-long vacancy in the strategic post. Recent months have also seen an overhaul in the leadership of China’s secretive Rocket Force, the army unit that oversees Beijing’s nuclear arsenal, following media reports of a corruption probe involving its former chief. The nine officials fired on Friday from the National People’s Congress sat in parliament as non-elected representatives. Their dismissal “suggests that those officers are being probed and confirms some of the rumors circulating on the topic” says US-based SinoInsider, a firm specialising in Chinese politics.

China appoints Dong Jun as new defence minister China has named Dong Jun as its new defence minister, two months after his predecessor was officially sacked. Mr Dong, a former navy commander, takes over from Li Shangfu - who was last seen in public in August. Mr Dong's appointment was announced by China's top legislators at a Standing Committee meeting of the National People's Congress in Beijing on Friday. The move follows a slew of dismissals of top military officials from the country's top posts earlier this year. As well as Mr Li, it included the removal of Qin Gang as foreign minister in July. No reasons were given for Mr Li or Mr Qin's dismissals. Both had been in their posts for only seven months respectively. Further sackings took place this week too, with nine senior military officials removed from the Standing Committee on Friday, Reuters reported, citing state media outlet Xinhua. Three executives at state-owned missile defence firms were also removed from Beijing's top political advisory body earlier this week, according to state media. Some analysts say this could indicate that a possible wider purge has taken place, targeting senior military leaders. Mr Dong, 62, was made commander of the navy in August 2021. His previous roles included serving as deputy commander of the Chinese military's Southern Theatre Command. Its area of operations includes the South China Sea - a disputed area, over large parts of which China claims sovereignty. Mr Dong's appointment comes after military personnel from China and the US held their first high-level talks by phone in more than a year last week. Relations between the two nations soured in 2022 after the then US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan. Taiwan is self-ruled, but China sees it as a breakaway province that will eventually unite with it. In recent months, there has been a rapprochement between China and the US, with Chinese President Xi Jinping meeting his counterpart Joe Biden in California in November and agreeing to resume military communications. The two had not spoken for more than a year.

(December 30, 2023)

This is me talking about Essequibo. 12-29-23

1) The Hague is supposedly working on a ruling on this.
2) "The Brazilian government is following the latest developments.." I think that's illegal because Brasilia cannot spend a lot of money on weird foreign surveillance operations.
3) Caracas held a referendum on Dec 3. I think a referendum, like bureau, is a German system of government.
4) The HMS Trent just arrived this morning in Guyana, Friday Dec 29.
5) There is a scandal and a businessman named Alex Saab was supposedly tortured.

BRASILIA, Brazil (AFP) — Brazil on Friday called for "restraint" as tensions flared in a territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana, with Caracas launching a major military exercise near the contested, oil-rich Essequibo region. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Thursday ordered thousands of troops to join the "defensive" exercise near the Guyana border, in response to Britain sending a warship to the area. "The Brazilian government is following the latest developments in the dispute surrounding the Essequibo region with concern," said a statement from the foreign ministry. "The Brazilian government believes military demonstrations of support to either party should be avoided so that the ongoing dialogue process can produce results." Britain said Sunday it would divert the patrol vessel HMS Trent to Guyana, a former British colony, "as part of a series of engagements in the region during her Atlantic patrol task deployment." A Guyana foreign ministry source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP the ship was due to arrive Friday and would be in its territory for "less than a week" for open sea defense exercises. The ship will not dock in Georgetown. Maduro claims that Essequibo — which makes up about two-thirds of Guyana's territory — is actually Venezuelan land, a decades-old contention that has flared since massive oil deposits were found in its waters. The dispute is being heard at the International Court of Justice in the Hague, though Venezuela claims it doesn't recognize the court's authority. Maduro's government held a controversial referendum on Dec. 3 in which 95 percent of voters, according to officials, supported declaring Venezuela the rightful owner of Essequibo. He has since started legal maneuvers to create a Venezuelan province in Essequibo and ordered the state oil company to issue licenses for extracting crude in the region. The rising tensions have raised fears in the region of a potential conflict over the remote area of 160,000 square kilometers (62,000 square miles). Guyana, a former British and Dutch colony, insists the Essequibo frontiers were determined by an arbitration panel in 1899. But Venezuela claims the Essequibo River to the region's east forms a natural border recognized as far back as 1777. Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has emerged as a peace broker of sorts, determined to prevent the current war of words over the disputed Essequibo region from escalating into something deadlier. "If there's one thing we don't want, it's a war in South America," he said earlier this month. The Brazilian statement called for both parties to respect an agreement reached after Maduro and Guyana President Irfaan Ali met in the Caribbean, where they vowed not to resort to force to settle the dispute.

Maduro Ally Alex Saab Says He Was Tortured In Detention Businessman and Venezuelan powerbroker Alex Saab has claimed he was tortured while he was detained in Cape Verde before his extradition to the United States. Saab, a confidant of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, was arrested during a 2020 refueling stopover on the West African island nation due to an Interpol notice over accusations he had served as a money launderer for the socialist leader. He was extradited to the United States the following year and released last week as part of a prisoner swap. "The second night (in Cape Verde) the beatings began. Almost my whole body was left bruised. They cut up my arms... they poured alcohol and water on me, they put the lamp on my face," Saab said in a podcast that was produced with Maduro and released on Thursday.

Brazil shows concern as Venezuela slams UK warship sent to Guyana BRASILIA, Dec 29 (Reuters) - Brazil expressed concern on Friday after Venezuela complained about the deployment of a British warship off the Guyana coast, raising tensions in a border dispute over the oil-rich Esequibo region of the former British colony. "The Brazilian government believes that military demonstrations of support for any party must be avoided, so that the ongoing dialogue process can produce results," the Brazilian foreign ministry said in a statement. It urged all parties to "contain themselves" and resume talks. Britain has dispatched the Royal Navy patrol vessel HMS Trent to Guyana, where it was due to arrive on Friday morning. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Thursday slammed the warship's deployment and said it breached the "spirit" of an agreement reached between Venezuelan and Guyanese authorities. Neighbors Venezuela and Guyana agreed earlier this month to avoid using force or increasing tensions in their long-running dispute border dispute over the Esequibo territory. The 160,000-square-km (62,000-square-mile) region is generally recognized as part of Guyana, but in recent years Venezuela has revived its claim to the territory and to offshore areas after major oil and gas discoveries. Western diplomats have urged the government of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has maintained friendly relations with Maduro, to ease tensions in the Guyana border dispute. Brazil said on Friday the "Argyle Declaration for Dialogue and Peace" signed by Guyana and Venezuela on Dec. 14 was "a milestone in efforts to peacefully address the issue." "The two countries also agreed to cooperate to avoid incidents on the ground and unilateral measures that could lead to an escalation of the situation," Brazil's statement said. The UK defense ministry said this month that HMS Trent would visit Guyana as part of a series of engagements in the region, without referring to Venezuela or the border dispute.

(December 29, 2023)

Cairo 40

Cairo 39

I wonder about fascism in Abu Dhabi because they're telling women to work more.

An urgent meeting requested United Arab Emirates requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation in the West Bank, said spokeswoman of the UAE mission, Shahad Matar
Gender Equality. The UAE is a top contributing country to UN Women, with representation on the Executive Board since 2013. In 2017, we opened the first regional office for UN Women in Abu Dhabi. We are a regional leader in advancing the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, co-sponsoring UN Security Council Resolution 2493 urging Member States to intensify efforts to promote participation of women in peace processes ahead of 20th anniversary of Resolution 1325. Read more about our gender equality work.

This is me talking about Nicolas Maduro. 12-28-23

I guess regional and group security stuff down there.

[Russia expects Argentina to refrain from sending military equipment to Ukraine, envoy says "Argentina has always maintained the principled position that it will not deliver weapons and military equipment to conflict zones, particularly Ukraine," Dmitry Feoktistov said BUENOS AIRES, December 29. /TASS/. Moscow expects that Buenos Aires will refrain from sending military equipment to Kiev following the coming to power of President Javier Milei, Russian Ambassador to Argentina Dmitry Feoktistov said. "Argentina has always maintained the principled position that it will not deliver weapons and military equipment to conflict zones, particularly Ukraine," he told reporters. According to the envoy, a message has been sent to Argentina's new government about "the importance of pursuing the same policy in the future." The Noticias Urbanas news portal reported in mid-December that Argentina’s new government planned to hand two Mi-171E helicopters purchased from Russia over to Ukraine. The helicopters were earlier involved in Argentina's Antarctic missions, the envoy noted. "They are now non-operational and require major repairs, but it doesn’t change the fact that we strongly object to their handover to Russia’s opponents," he added. US Southern Command Commander General Laura Richardson said in January 2023 that the US was working with the Latin American countries that had Russian-made equipment "to either donate it or switch it out for United States equipment." Then Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez stated that neither his country nor other Latin American nations planned to send weapons to Ukraine or other conflict zones.]

I don't like that Caracas is telling the Royal Navy what to do.

[CARACAS, December 28. /TASS/. Venezuela decisively condemns the arrival of a British patrol ship to Guyana, which poses a direct threat to the peace in the region, and demands to stop foreign interference in the territorial dispute over the Guyana Essequiba region, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry said in a statement, published on Foreign Minister Yvan Gil’s X page. "Venezuela urges the Guyanese authorities to take immediate action for the withdrawal of the HMS Trent vessel, and to refrain from continuing to involve military powers in the territorial controversy," the Foreign Ministry says.]

Bolivarian sounds like socialist. I think he's declaring the Venezuelan economy not a market economy.
I'm not sure Caracas has a right to this stuff. Not every country can hold military drills constantly.

[Venezuelan president orders drills in response to British warship’s arrival in Guyana "This is a threat from the United Kingdom to the noble and peaceful but sturdy people of Venezuela," Maduro said in his televised New Year’s address to the National Bolivarian Armed Forces CARACAS, December 29. /TASS/. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has strongly condemned the arrival of the British Royal Navy patrol vessel HMS Trent in Guyana, ordering drills off his country’s Atlantic coast. "This is a threat from the United Kingdom to the noble and peaceful but sturdy people of Venezuela," Maduro said in his televised New Year’s address to the National Bolivarian Armed Forces. According to the president, Venezuela respects an agreement with Guyana on resolving their territorial dispute "but it cannot sit idly by in the face of a threat, no matter where it comes from, and will respond proportionally." Maduro handed down instructions "to begin defense activities by the armed forces" in response "to the United Kingdom's act of provocation" against Venezuela, launching drills off the country’s Atlantic coast. "Venezuela has the right to self-defense, tranquility and peace. We don’t accept acts of provocations and threats from anyone," Maduro stressed. The BBC reported earlier, citing a British Defense Ministry official, that the UK would send a warship to Guyana in a show of diplomatic and military support for the former British colony. Guyana, which used to be called British Guiana, was a British colony for 135 years until its declaration of independence in 1966. On December 14, Venezuela and Guyana made commitments to reject the use of force in resolving the territorial dispute, keep Latin America an area of peace and prevent tensions from rising in the contested Essequibo region. Guyana and Venezuela have been at odds over a 159,000-square-kilometer territory west of the Essequibo River for over 100 years. Tensions flared up after oil fields containing at least ten bln barrels of oil had been discovered in 2015 and Guyana provided the ExxonMobil company with a concession to explore oil in the offshore areas that had not been delimited.]

This is me talking about Fulgencio Batista. 12-28-23

1) Are the Netanyahu and Emirati governments similar to the Batista regime in the sense that they are casino lands and ports for trade with the east? Maybe Beirut has been trying to shut that down since 2006. A report about Liberia. Aren't some of these Israeli businessmen ships based in Liberia? Also, if these are small countries, maybe it's illegal even if half of their revenue comes from casinos and foreign trade.
2) A statement from FM Lavrov about the Caucasus region. I wonder if he reads much, maybe he's just issuing a nonsensical statement.
3) A report about electricity criminals in Tashkent.

Fuel tanker exploded: 40 people died VIDEO At least 40 people died in the explosion of a fuel tanker in Liberia, the authorities of that country announced.

TEL AVIV, December 27. /TASS/. The IDF approved plans for "various unforeseen circumstances" and has its forces at "very high readiness" near the Lebanese border, IDF General Staff Chief General Herzi Halevi said.

Israel: We Are Preparing For War With Lebanon - If Necessary The Israeli army is increasingly preparing for a decisive expansion of combat operations against the Shiite movement "Hezbollah" in Lebanon, DPA reported. "Today we approved a set of plans for the future, we must be ready for an offensive if necessary," Israeli Chief of General Staff Herzi Halevi said yesterday during a visit to the military command in the northern Israeli city of Safed. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) "and in particular their Northern Command have been put on very high alert," he added. The Israeli army has been fighting incessantly with Hezbollah forces in southern Lebanon since militants from the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas attacked southern Israel's border areas from Gaza on October 7. Yesterday, units of the Lebanese Shiite movement fired rockets at the Israeli border town of Kiryat Shmona; According to Israeli police, material damage was done to several buildings. No one was injured. At the beginning of the war in Gaza, for security reasons, the authorities moved tens of thousands of residents of the northern region to the interior of Israel. Yesterday, three people, including a Hezbollah fighter, were killed in Israeli attacks against positions of the Shiite movement in southern Lebanon, the Lebanese news agency NNA reported. The fighting in this theater of war, which broke out in early October, represents the sharpest armed confrontation since the Second Lebanon War in 2006, DPA noted. But according to observers, they still continue to be conducted within the boundaries of certain unspoken rules. Both sides have so far avoided a more serious escalation of tensions. The Iranian-backed Hezbollah movement virtually controls the government in Lebanon and has a missile arsenal that poses a threat to Israel. In turn, the Jewish state is capable of inflicting enormous damage on Lebanon militarily.

The Bulgarian Agrarian Chamber insists on meeting with Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov today, as well as with the Minister of Finance and Minister of Agriculture, in order to discuss with them the lack of a state policy to support agricultural production.

MOSCOW, December 28. /TASS/. The Russian military base is located in Armenia in accordance with a bilateral agreement, so it is harmful to speculate about the expediency of its presence, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told TASS in an exclusive interview on the results of 2023.

MOSCOW, December 28. /TASS/. Russia expects Armenia to realize the risk of losing its sovereignty in terms of national defense and security through deepening dialogue with the North Atlantic Alliance, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told TASS in an exclusive interview.

Illegal electricity connections were discovered in two regions of Uzbekistan. I.R., the head of "D.Q." LLC in the MFY area, was found to have connected the building supplying drinking water to residents' households to the public electricity network for commercial purposes without proper documentation. This unauthorized use of electricity amounted to 209.9 million soums. Similarly, during a pre-investigation conducted by the Toshlok district department, it was revealed that M.F., the head of the farm "A.E.," had illegally utilized electricity worth 193.4 million soums. The farm had connected water pumps in the field to the public electricity network without the necessary documentation. In response to these incidents, criminal cases have been initiated under Article 169 of the Criminal Code, addressing theft, and investigations are currently underway.

"Gazprom" has increased gas supply to Uzbekistan to its maximum capacity, as stated by Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Due to the cold weather in Uzbekistan in December, the request to double the gas supply beyond the daily contractual obligations was made by Uzbekistan. Currently, Gazprom is delivering the maximum technically feasible volume of gas through the "Central Asia-Center" gas pipeline to meet this demand. Miller assured that "Gazprom" is fully meeting the requests for gas supplies to Uzbekistan. In June 2023, Uzbekistan entered into a two-year gas purchase contract with Gazprom, involving a daily supply of 9 million cubic meters and an annual volume of nearly 2.8 billion cubic meters. This contract's deliveries commenced on October 7, 2023. Furthermore, Miller mentioned that the gas cooperation horizon between Russia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan spans 15 years, and discussions for a long-term cooperation agreement may take place in mid-2024.

(December 28, 2023)

This is me talking about Alexei Miller. 12-27-23

1) Remember Mossad insisted they were in charge of surveillance at the border. Notice this description of the tunnels underneath Gaza. Havana is commenting. Now the Houthis are firing missiles at the Negev Desert.
2) Alexei Miller has announced an increase in natural gas exports to China. That seems corrupt. And then these strange diplomatic initiatives with Central Asia and the Caucasus region.

The network of tunnels served as a command center for the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement. According to the IDF, the October 7 attacks on Israel were also coordinated from the tunnel network. According to the Israel Defense Forces, the tunnel system consisted of two levels - one at a depth of about 10 meters and another several tens of meters below the ground.

HAVANA, December 27. /TASS/. Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel said that Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip were "a humiliation for all humanity," describing the country's actions as terrorist.

DUBAI, December 27. /TASS/. Yemeni Houthi rebels launched anti-ship missiles at the United cargo ship, the movement’s spokesman Yahya Saria said.

GENEVA, December 27. /TASS/. The crew of the MSC United VIII container ship, attacked by Houthi rebles from Yemen’s Ansar Allah movement in the Red Sea on Tuesday, is now safe; no casualties were reported, the ship’s owner Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) said on its website on Wednesday.

DUBAI, December 26. /TASS/. Houthis from the Yemeni rebel group Ansar Allah have carried out a drone attack on military sites in the Israeli southernmost city of Eilat, said Yahya Saria, a spokesman for the group.


Azerbaijan Open to Potential Acquisition of Lukoil Neftohim Burgas

ST. PETERSBURG, December 27. /TASS/. Russian gas giant Gazprom will increase its natural gas deliveries to China by 1.5 times this year, the company’s CEO Alexey Miller told Russian President Vladimir Putin.

ASHGABAT, December 27. /TASS/. The friendly cooperation between Turkmenistan and Russia will continue to strengthen on a mutually advantageous basis in the long term, the former Soviet republic’s official newspaper, Neitralny Turkmenistan, quoted Russian Ambassador to Ashgabat Ivan Volynkin as saying.

ST. PETERSBURG, December 26. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed cooperation in the gas sphere with Presidents of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with Izvestiya television.

(December 27, 2023)

This is me talking about Dmitry Peskov. 12-26-23

Maybe it isn't Russian values to trade a lot with Cairo or Burkina Faso. The Russian defense budget. Notice these reports about drug and alcohol use. The Ukrainian defense budget. You wish the Russian defense people and the Ukrainian defense people were drug tested, etc. Are these employees at the Russian embassies in Africa drug tested? Kind of lots of money and defense people living in foreign countries.

MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/. Current developments unfolding on the streets of Belgrade are strictly the internal affair of Serbia, and Russia never interferes in such matters, Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday.

MOSCOW, December 26. /TASS/. The Russian embassy in Burkina Faso's capital Ouagadougou will start its work on December 28, a Russian diplomat working in Ivory Coast told TASS.

ST. PETERSBURG, December 25. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown interest in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and Egypt negotiating a preferential agreement as soon as possible. According to him, this document is nearing completion, and negotiations with other countries are underway.

Uzbekistan Cracks Down on Counterfeit Alcohol and Tobacco Sales

Police Catch 41 Drunk, 9 Drugged Drivers The focus of the operation was to prevent driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, as well as driving without a driver's license.

Activist sees Ukraine retreating unless Kiev produces drones domestically According to the activist, it’s exactly drones that are a "game-changer" on the battlefield, and the Ukrainian leadership was not ready for that technologically MOSCOW, December 26. /TASS/. Ukraine’s armed forces will have to retreat unless the authorities find a way to establish the production of combat drones in the country, said Maria Berlinskaya, who heads the Ukrainian Center for Aerial Reconnaissance. "Now, the bulk of our equipment gets destroyed by Russian attack drones <...>. Unless we start looking a few steps ahead, we will have to retreat, that’s for sure," she told a YouTube broadcast of an interview with the Ukrainska Pravda online media outlet. According to the activist, it’s exactly drones that are a "game-changer" on the battlefield, however, the Ukrainian leadership was not ready for that technologically, while Russia is launching the production proactively. On December 19, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky announced plans at a news conference to produce 1 mln of drones in the country in 2024. Berlinskaya said he meant "the simplest FPV drones."

Ukraine doesn’t have enough funds to call up 500,000 people — lawmaker Zheleznyak said the country’s budget has earmarked less money for military spending in 2024, compared with the current year, and most Western partners have never authorized spending their aid on military needs MOSCOW, December 25. /TASS/. Ukraine's budget does not have enough funds to carry out a military mobilization of 500,000 people under a plan announced by President Vladimir Zelensky, said Ukrainian lawmaker Yaroslav Zheleznyak. "The president made a mistake. It will require not half a billion hryvnias, but more," he said in a video that the Ukrainska Pravda news organization posted to YouTube. "We don't have this money." Zheleznyak said the country’s budget has earmarked less money for military spending in 2024, compared with the current year, and most Western partners have never authorized spending their aid on military needs. On December 19, Zelensky said that the military had asked for 500,000 more people to be drafted into the armed forces, which would cost an additional 500 billion hryvnias (about $13.4 billion).

US Military Strikes Kataib Hezbollah Bases in Iraq in Response to Attacks The US Central Command confirmed that American military forces carried out airstrikes targeting multiple facilities utilized by Kataib Hezbollah and its affiliated groups in Iraq. This action follows a series of attacks on coalition forces in Iraq and Syria. Conducted at 8:45 pm on Monday, the strikes were in direct response to various assaults against coalition forces. Earlier in the day, Kataib Hezbollah, supported by Iran, targeted coalition forces in Erbil, resulting in injuries. Initial assessments from the airstrikes suggest destruction of the targeted facilities and a potential impact on several Kataib Hezbollah militants, with no reported civilian casualties. General Michael Erik Kurilla, Commander of the US Central Command, highlighted the intention behind the strikes—to hold accountable those responsible for attacking coalition forces and limit their capability to launch further assaults. The US military, emphasizing the protection of its forces, stated that these strikes are a measure to deter future attacks. Further assessments are ongoing to determine the effectiveness of the airstrikes.

(December 26, 2023)

This seems to be very short sighted and even illiterate foreign policy coming from Moscow.
This is from the Iranian news. Notice how critical they are of Moscow. In Washington, the Russian hockey players have tattoos. They get knee surgery. You wonder if their kids are in school. They make high salaries. They're fined for misconduct. They confess to cocaine use. They go on expensive vacations. They don't seem physically fit. I can only project onto the Arab region and what the Russian defense contractors there are like.

[Iranian Lawmaker Urges Review Of Ties With Russia Reactions in Tehran to Moscow's support for Arab claims over three Iranian islands continue, with a lawmaker suggesting that Russia prefers Iran to remain isolated in the world. Referring to the islands of Greater and Lesser Tunbs and Abu Musa in the Persian Gulf, MP Ahmad Avaei, a member of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee, said President Ebrahim Raisi's reaction to Russia is weak. “It is surprising that Iran does not exhibit a strong reaction to Russia's actions," he said. Avaei demanded a serious review of Iran's foreign policy and a more thorough examination of the possible damages inflicted by such political maneuvers by Russia. Meanwhile, former Foreign Minister Javad Zarif stated during a gathering that it is natural for Russia to act according to its own interests. "If we offered excessive concessions to Russia with the wrong mindset, we should not expect similar behavior from Moscow," he said. In spite of Iran and Russian getting ever closer since the Ukraine war, Avaei said Iran could not expect loyalty from Russia, which has historically been a fair-weather ally, from the Iran-Iraq war when it sided with Iraq to the latest dispute. “The Russians have always been the way they are, and one should not think that they have changed," he said. "They feel that this move contributes to their income, given Russia's strong interest in petrodollars, surpassing even their interest in dealings with Iran." The issue is a recurring controversy in Iran as Russia endorses the UAE’s claim whenever there is a joint summit between the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Russian Federation within a framework called the Russian-Arab Cooperation. Like all previous meetings, Moscow and the GCC issued a joint declaration in Morocco last week, reaffirming support for the United Arab Emirates which claims sovereignty over the islands. The declaration has dozens of articles, most of which are merely repeated from one event to the other, calling for "bilateral negotiations or the International Court of Justice, in accordance with the rules of international law and the United Nations Charter, to resolve this issue in accordance with international legitimacy". Iranian media, opposition activists and ordinary Iranians usually view the regime’s reactions as not strong enough. On Friday, Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian held a phone call with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, who reportedly reassured Iran that "The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Islamic Republic of Iran has always been respected by Russia and Moscow's official policy in this regard should never be doubted." The three Persian Gulf islands have historically been part of Iran, proof of which can be corroborated by historical and geographical documents. However, the United Arab Emirates has repeatedly laid claim to the islands, describing the situation as “the continued occupation by the Islamic Republic of Iran.” The three islands fell under British control in 1921 but on November 30, 1971, a day after British forces left the region and just two days before the UAE was to become an official federation, Mohammad Reza Shah sent the Iranian navy to secure all three. Iranian forces remain on the islands, with only Abu Musa having a civilian population which is less than two thousand. During the past few years, each time Russia declares its alignment with the Arab states, the domestic political scene in Iran is abuzz with comments about how Moscow exploits its ties with Tehran. Avaei also pointed to Iran's economic interests in relation to Russia and said that the relationship with Moscow not only does not have economic benefits for Tehran but also harms Iran because Russia sells goods at a higher price to Iran." The lawmaker also referred to Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, saying that Russia is not aiming for the resolution of issues or the enhancement of Iran's global relations. “Russians prefer an isolated Iran that only has ties with them,” Avaei underlined.]
(December 25, 2023)

This is me talking about Tartarstan. 12-25-23

1) Moscow is wanting to build a Tartarstan. Some of the Duma seems into Turkish architecture and Uzbek police training. The countries in Central Asia are Muslim. And so we're noticing a weird combination of the veil and then driving in cars and flying to Cuba to go on vacation. It's modern Red Russia. They're into Islam and commercial flights and automobiles. Serbia might send them the cars, ignoring the women are wearing the veil.
2) A description of the Israeli business sector.

Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan to Jointly Produce 12 Car Models

Havana receives first flight from Moscow after three-year pause From now on, the Russian airline will operate regular flights to Cuba twice per week HAVANA, December 25. /TASS/. A Russian flight landed at Jose Marti International Airport in Havana on Sunday afternoon, according to a TASS reporter. The Rossiya airline, a subsidiary of Aeroflot Group, operated the direct flight between the two capitals for the first time since 2020 when Russia and Cuba halted air service amid the coronavirus pandemic. The flight brought more than 300 passengers to the Cuban capital. From now on, the Russian airline will operate regular flights to Cuba twice per week. Russia to Cuba has been one of Aeroflot’s oldest air routes since the inaugural flight on July 10, 1962. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko estimated earlier that Russian passenger flow to Cuba may exceed the pre-pandemic levels and top 150,000 tourists.

On Sunday, supporters of the opposition coalition "Serbia against Violence", who started a series of rallies near the Republican Election Commission building in the center of Belgrade on the evening of December 18, tried to storm the city administration building. Tens of police and ambulances, as well as Serbian Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic arrived on the scene. The police dispersed demonstrators.

The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOKAR) opened an office in Sofia at the end of April. SOKAR's office is the headquarters not only for Bulgaria, but for the whole region, the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Bulgaria H.E. Huseyn Huseynov said for Euronews Bulgaria.

US: Iranian Drone Attacked Japanese Tanker In The Indian Ocean A Japanese tanker loaded with chemicals was hit by a drone off India "fired by Iran", the Pentagon said in a sign of increasing risk to commercial traffic outside the Red Sea, AFP reported. It is the first time the Pentagon has openly accused Iran of directly striking ships since Israel's war against the Tehran-backed radical Hamas movement began on October 7. The attack comes amid drone and missile attacks by Yemen's Houthi rebels, also backed by Iran, in a key shipping area in the Red Sea. The Houthis say they are attacking in solidarity with Hamas and the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Saturday's attack in the Indian Ocean took place around 10 a.m. local time and did not cause casualties on board the ship, a fire broke out that was extinguished, the Pentagon said. The US military "remains in communication with the ship, which is proceeding to its destination in India". The drone strike took place about 200 nautical miles (370 km) off the Indian coast. The Pentagon announced that the Chem Pluto tanker, sailing under the Liberian flag and managed by a Dutch company, is owned by a Japanese company. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Dutch company is linked to an Israeli businessman. Separately, a US warship shot down four drones fired from Houthi-held areas in Yemen on Saturday, the Pentagon's Central Command said. There were no injuries or damage.

(December 25, 2023)

I am opposed to Venezuela claiming parts of Guyana. Again, I think the Royal Navy is in the right. For example the Monroe Doctrine. This hemisphere can govern itself. It seems like a long reach for the Kremlin. I want the Kremlin to stop any diplomatic efforts at all with Caracas.

"A Royal Navy warship will be sent to Guyana in a show of British support for the Commonwealth nation. The South American nation is in a dispute…"

MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin and President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro discussed development of cooperation between the countries in energy, trade and cultural spheres in a telephone conversation, the Kremlin’s press service said. Putin, Maduro discuss situation around Essequibo region The Russian leader spoke in favor of resolution of the Venezuelan-Guyanese territorial dispute via political and diplomatic means, the Kremlin press office pointed out MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro told Russian President Vladimir Putin about the negotiations with Guyana about the situation around the contested Essequibo region, the Kremlin press office said, adding that Putin advocated a diplomatic resolution of this issue. "Nicolas Maduro informed [Putin] about the talks with the President of Guyana on the situation around the Essequibo region. Vladimir Putin spoke in favor of resolution of the Venezuelan-Guyanese territorial dispute via political and diplomatic means," the press office said. Following the December 14 negotiations in Kingstown, Venezuela and Guyana vowed to reject any use of force in the settlement of the territorial dispute and reaffirmed their obligations to keep Latin America an area of peace, to prevent an escalation in the contested Essequibo region, and to resolve the years-long territorial dispute in accordance with international law. The sides agreed to continue the negotiations at the highest level in three months in Brazil. The territorial dispute between Venezuela and Guyana has been going on for over 100 years. The conflict escalated after oil deposit of at least 10 billion barrels of oil was discovered in the region, know and Guyana granted ExxonMobil a concession on oil extraction at the shelf that does not have its border delimited. On December 6, the Venezuelan parliament passed a bill on protection of Guyana-Essequiba as a part of Venezuela based on the outcome of a consultative referendum. The new law provides for establishment of the 24th Venezuelan state of Guyana-Essequibo on the disputed territory.

David Cameron
Ken McCallum
Aleksandar Vucic
These three seem to be philosophically in favor of trade with the CCP.

This is me talking about trade with China. 12-24-23

Here are direct quotes from the Pentagon and David Cameron. I think, for example, malign isn't a word. I wish David Cameron would have spoken more formally. Proxies might not be a word. Maybe nothing can be incredibly clear. I think the Pentagon statement at least is formal English.

“These attacks represent the 14th and 15th attacks on commercial shipping by Houthi militants since October 17,” CENTCOM said in a post on X.

UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron says escalating attacks by Iran-backed groups cannot be tolerated. The United States has announced that it shot down four drones launched by Yemen’s Houthis, as the United Kingdom’s top diplomat branded the rebel group’s ally Iran a “malign influence”. “You’ve got the Houthis, you’ve got Hezbollah, you’ve got the Iranian-backed militias in Iraq that have actually been attacking British and American bases, troops. And, of course, Hamas,” the former UK prime minister said. “So you’ve got all of these proxies, and I think it’s incredibly important that, first of all, Iran receives an incredibly clear message that this escalation will not be tolerated.” Cameron’s remarks follow claims by the US White House that Iran has been “deeply involved” in attacks by Houthi rebels on commercial ships in the Red Sea.

Yemen is terra incognita, unknown land.

How French that part of the world gets. Muhammad was from Mecca. Maybe Washington and London really lose track of what's going on in the Arabian Peninsula.

USN and Royal Navy ships have responded to the security crisis in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The Houthis are shooting drones at our ships.

It's been suggested that Russian soldiers are stationed in Sanaa. Maybe they are kind of ignoring all of this is going on. It's not clear what they're doing in Yemen or how long they've been there.

Cairo 38

This is me talking about Algeria. 12-23-23

China has an internal security budget.
That's often bigger than their defense budget.
The war college audits the defense budget.
Maybe even I'm in charge of auditing the PLA internal security budget.
Because how could the war college in Newport know about police budgets?

Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates.
Sanaa, Muscat, Riyadh, Doha, Manama, and Abu Dhabi.
I guess Russian soldiers are in those countries.
It seems like bad defense contracts.
Probably all of them should go back to Russia.
Crazy stories about wives and then they'll have kids at the base.

The IDF I guess has bases in foreign countries.
Maybe that's ending now.
Remember the Turks told them to stay out of Ankara.

Welcome to San Diego.

I've seen a David Guetta song that was recorded in Dubai. And then I saw a photo of Anastasia Ovechkin in Dubai.
It's as though the Russians get into being on the tip of the monster inuendo of Asia.
That's some kind of Los Angeles joke. If it's the monster inuendo of these Russian guys in Dubai nightlife.

Cairo 37

This is me talking about Russian paramilitary groups in Niger. 12-23-23

1) The police in China and their burden. How can China police so many people?
2) Maybe there are Russian paramilitary groups in other countries. Notice this description of Russian paramilitary groups in Niger.
- Notice a mention of Assad. Maybe there are Russian paramilitary groups in Syria.
- A description of the Turkish economy.

Both men co-founded the New Citizens' Movement, which campaigns for civil rights and government transparency. They are among the most high-profile dissidents to fall foul of the Chinese authorities.

The Iran-backed Houthis have repeatedly targeted vessels in the vital shipping lane with strikes they say are in support of Palestinians in Gaza, where Israel is battling militant group Hamas.

The Nigerien army said last week their departure would be complete by Friday. Perilous desert routes Most French troops in Niger are at an air base in the capital Niamey. Smaller groups have been deployed alongside Nigerien soldiers to the border with Mali and Burkina Faso, where jihadist groups linked to the Islamic State group and al Qaeda are believed to operate. The withdrawal is a complex operation, with road convoys having to drive up to 1,700 kilometres (1,000 miles) on sometimes perilous desert routes to the French centre for Sahel operations in neighbouring Chad. The first French road convoy of troops withdrawing from Niger arrived in neighbouring Chad's capital N'Djamena in October, after 10 days on the road. From Chad, French troops can leave by air with their most sensitive equipment, although most of the rest has to be moved by land and sea. According to a source close to the matter, some of the French containers carrying equipment will be driven from Chad on to the port of Douala in Cameroon, before they can be ferried back to France by sea. US, German troops France's former ally in Niger, overthrown president Mohamed Bazoum, remains under house arrest. A US official said in October that Washington was keeping about 1,000 military personnel in Niger but was no longer actively training or assisting Niger forces. The United States said earlier this month it was ready to resume cooperation with Niger on the condition its military regime committed to a rapid transition to civilian rule. Niger's rulers want up to three years for a transition back to a civilian government. Military leaders in Niamey early this month said they were ending two European Union security and defence missions in the country. German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius visited Niger earlier this week to discuss the fate of around 120 German troops based in the country. Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger in September banded together in a joint defence pact to fight jihadists. France's withdrawal from Mali last year left a bitter aftertaste, after the bases it once occupied in Menaka, Gossi and Timbuktu were rapidly taken over by the Wagner Russian paramilitary group.

'This bombing is a way for Assad’s soldiers to retaliate against civilians' Our team spoke to an expert in the Syrian conflict, who uses the handle QalaatM on X but otherwise remains anonymous. He says that this bombing campaign is a response to a raid by rebel troops on the town of Latakia.

Turkish capital markets to experience high performance in 2024
High-level summit delves into Türkiye's financial industry, govt economic road map
Türkiye's inflation to drop to single digits in 2026: Şimşek
Turkish, Russian FMs discuss Armenia-Azerbaijan peace deal

(December 23, 2023)

American linguists. In the 1930s and the 1940s there was the Navajo code. Different parts of the country had different Native American tribes. For example, in South America maybe the Incas were here and here.
In America, different states would have had different tribes. I make jokes that some of the tribes were smarter or whatever than others. Wouldn't there be smarter and dumber tribes? Because the weird ones maybe lived in the swamp, etc.
Texas had the Comanche Indians. They were horsemen. I think where I come from is the smartest of the tribes. And sometimes I think that the Comanches would think these other tribes would be weirdos. OK. There are French territories in the United States. Parts of Canada are officially French-speaking. They are known as French Canadians. A person can be a French Canadian. Talking about how American linguists are really good at their jobs.

Cairo 36

This is me talking about cyber crimes in Tashkent. 12-22-23

1) You wonder about Russian or American hegemony in the Middle East. Thank goodness for American military operations in the Middle East. Also, Russian military operations. Some of these anecdotes you wonder if the Russians were in the Houthi or IRGC base and then the fighters came out and fired at American soldiers.
2) How networked is the Serbian army with the rival West Bank political option Fatah?
3) Can Belgrade and Moscow turn their attention toward these cybercrimes in Tashkent?

Exchange of fire between US, Syrian troops in Euphrates zone subsides — Al Mayadeen No casualties have been reported at this point by any of the sides BEIRUT, November 9. /TASS/. An exchange of fire between Syrian troops and US forces based on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River has started to subside, the Al Mayadeen television said on Thursday. According to the report, the clash broke out at 03:28 a.m. Moscow time [12:20 a.m. GMT], following the US air force’s attack on eastern districts of Deir ez-Zor. The sides used large-caliber machine guns, mortars and artillery cannons. No casualties have been reported at this point by any of the sides. Syrian troops and militia units opened fire at US positions on the eastern bank of the Euphrates River in response to an air strike on a facility, allegedly used by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated Shia groups. AFP reported that at least ten people were killed as a result. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a statement earlier in the day that the strike was conducted by two F-15 fighter jets of the United States and targeted a weapons storage facility. Shortly after, at least 15 rockets were fired at a US military base near the Al-Omar oil field in eastern Syria and six - at a US base, located near the Conoco gas field in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor province. The Islamic Front for the Iraqi Resistance Shia movement claimed responsibility for both attacks.

Two U.S. embassy officers involved in Yemen firefight, left Sanaa Reuters May 10, 2014 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two U.S. embassy officers shot and killed two armed people after an attempted abduction in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa in April, the State Department said on Saturday. "We can confirm that, last month, two U.S. embassy officers in Yemen fired their weapons after being confronted by armed individuals in an attempted kidnapping at a small commercial business in Sanaa," State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said in a statement.

Secret negotiations began; They are led by "the walking dead" The political leaders of the militant organization Hamas are holding secret talks with the rival West Bank political option Fatah. Yahya Sinwar, the head of the military wing of Hamas in Gaza, believes that the war is not yet lost and that it is too early for a compromise. And on the Israeli side, there are those who share Sinwar's position. But according to them, it is Hamas that is in a weaker position. Badran denies a split within the movement. But he is asking for a complete ceasefire, not a truce. After that, the remaining Israeli hostages would be exchanged for all the Palestinians in Israeli prisons.

Uzbekistan faces 5,500 cybercrimes in 2023 A meeting was held to discuss ways to improve Uzbekistan’s technology systems. It was revealed that over 5,500 cybercrimes were registered in Uzbekistan A meeting was held to discuss ways to improve Uzbekistan’s technology systems. It was revealed that over 5,500 cybercrimes were registered in Uzbekistan. Of these, around 70% were related to fraud and theft, mostly involving bank cards. Currently, Uzbekistan has about 50 different payment systems. However, not all of them meet the necessary requirements to protect against cyber threats. To address this issue, government ministries and agencies have been given the responsibility to create and enforce strong cybersecurity rules for all electronic payment systems. They will closely monitor the implementation of these rules to ensure everyone's safety. During the meeting the goal was set to increase the amount of IT services to 20 trillion soums, boost exports to 800 million dollars, introduce 130 new information systems into networks, and fully digitize 750 government services.

(December 22, 2023)

US uses anti-terrorist rhetoric to occupy Syria — Russia’s UN mission Dmitry Polyansky stressed that Russia strongly condemns what is happening and regards the ongoing strikes on the territory of Syria as a flagrant violation of Syrian sovereignty and basic provisions of international law UNITED NATIONS, December 21. /TASS/. The United States uses self-defense rhetoric and ostensible fight against terrorism for the illegal occupation of part of Syria precisely the way Israel acts in relation to Palestine, Dmitry Polyansky, Russia's first deputy permanent representative to the UN, has said. "It is noteworthy that in the context of the situation in the Gaza Strip our US colleagues actively use the rhetoric of self-defense and struggle against the threat of terrorism, groundlessly asserting such a right not only for Israel - the occupying power in Palestine, and also for Washington and its allies illegally occupying parts of Syrian territory under the pretext of allegedly countering the Islamic State (banned in Russia - TASS) and Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia - TASS)," Polyansky noted at a meeting of the UN Security Council. "We strongly condemn what is happening and regard the ongoing strikes on the territory of Syria as a flagrant violation of Syrian sovereignty and basic provisions of international law, including international humanitarian law," Polyansky added.

President Radev to Pay Two-day Official Visit to Kosovo

Revised Law Doubles Number of Rounds for Licensed Self-Defence Firearms

Defence and Armed Forces Act Revised Conclusively

The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has requested information from the Irish authorities about the ship Verila, on board of which a large amount of cocaine was found. This was said by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mariya Gabriel. The Minister of the Interior, Kalin Stoyanov, specified that there were 17 Bulgarians and one Ukrainian on board, and that the case refers not to about 300 kilograms of cocaine, as Irish media reported earlier, but about 500 kilograms.

MOSCOW, December 22. /TASS/. Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine's Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhny said he supported the country’s new draft bill on mobilization in general, but disagreed with some of its provisions, including on drafting women for military service.

NEW YORK, December 21. /TASS/. The US missile destroyer Laboon has been deployed to the US 5th Fleet area of operations to help ensure security in the Middle East, the US Central Command said. The Washington Post reported that US forces in the Middle East have been subjected to at least 76 attacks by militants since October 17 amid the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

LONDON, December 22. /TASS/. The United Kingdom’s plans to create a naval coalition for assisting Ukraine in the Black Sea will have no serious effect on the situation in the region, Russian Ambassador to the UK Andrey Kelin has told TASS. "It’s a murky affair and it’s not yet clear what they mean by this. One can assume that it is related to the security guarantees which Kiev is currently discussing with a number of countries," he said. "Clearly, these guarantees will be mostly on paper, and not in real life. Even [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky admitted <…> earlier this week that there is no military element in them." He went on to say that even if London decided to deploy its warships in the Black Sea, they won’t be able to enter it due to the Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits and Turkey’s commitment to it. "Two mine hunters have been moored here for two years, with Ukrainian flags hoisted. Reportedly, even a team of Ukrainian sailors was trained to operate them. However, they will not be able to enter the Black Sea, because Turkey prohibited warships of the ‘warring parties’ to enter, in accordance with related provisions of the Montreux Convention. That is why they are most likely to remain here," the Russian diplomat said. He added that London has already tried to create a tank coalition and an aviation coalition for Ukraine, which have apparently produced no result. "The Britons have handed over [to Ukraine] three maritime reconnaissance and rescue helicopters. They also trained special forces to operate at sea - this is what Britons are really good at. And that’s all they can do," Kelin said. "All these efforts and coalitions appear to have no serious, noticeable effect that could have somehow influence the situation."

Russians, get ready. A shock awaits you, you won't be able to hide, strikes follow... Next year, Ukrainian intelligence agents aim to carry out sabotage operations deep into Russian-controlled territory. As the head of the Ukrainian security service SBU, Vasyl Malyuk, said today, the goal is to bring the war as close as possible to the Kremlin. "We cannot reveal our plans. They should remain a shock for the enemy. We are preparing surprises," Malyuk told the Brussels portal Politico. He said that "the occupiers must understand that they will not be able to hide" and that they will find the enemy everywhere. Avoiding revealing details, Malyuk nevertheless gave some hints, the portal said. Logistical targets and military assets in occupied Ukrainian territory will likely continue to be the focus, followed by strikes that will hit the enemy across the border. "We are always looking for new solutions. So, the cotton will continue to burn," Malyuk joked. The Brussels portal states that Ukrainians use the word "cotton" to describe explosions in Russia and in the occupied territories of Ukraine organized by Ukrainian special services. The term is taken from Russian media and officials who describe such incidents with the word "hlopok", which in Russian means both "explosion" and "cotton". "The SBU carries out targeted strikes at points. We stab the enemy with a needle right in the heart. Each of our special operations aims at a specific goal and produces results. All this together complicates the capabilities of the Russian Federation for waging war and brings us closer to victory," Malyuk stressed. One of the focus areas will be Crimea and the Black Sea, he said. Malyuk's favorite project is the "Sea Baby" drone, which in Ukrainian is called malyuk, which means "little guy". The drone carries around 850 kilograms of explosives and is capable of operating in stormy conditions, making it difficult to detect. "With the help of those little guys, we are gradually pushing the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation out of Crimea," said Malyuk.

(December 22, 2023)

It's as though the Russians, because of the Kazak and Uzbek security services. They're Islamists now. And so the Kremlin sometimes sends out weird messages. For example, if the Houthis are legitimate governors.

BELGRADE, December 21. /TASS/. One of the leaders of the pro-Western opposition, Miroslav Aleksic, said during a protest outside the Republican Electoral Commission that he and his supporters will seek to cancel the election results in Serbia.

Recent data from Eurostat unveils a significant downturn in Bulgaria's construction industry, showcasing a more pronounced dip compared to the EU's overall production metrics. The released statistics for October 2023 highlight a 1% decrease in construction production in Bulgaria as opposed to a 0.4% decrease across the EU during the same period.

Bulgarian Ship Being Checked for Suspected Drug Trafficking at Irish Port A ship owned by Navigation Maritime Bulgare is being checked at Ireland's Shannon Foynes Port for suspected drug trafficking, according to information of the Bulgarian company. The Executive Director of Navigation Maritime Bulgare, Captain Alexander Kalchev, told BTA that the Verila has not been detained; she has been boarded for the check. The company has not been officially informed about the check by the local Irish authorities. According to unofficial information of a Navigation Maritime Bulgare agent, an investigation is underway into suspected drug smuggling. In Kalchev's words, if that is true, it is a serious violation of the company's procedures and a crime.

MARRAKESH, December 20. /TASS/. Russia, Arab states advocate prompt and simultaneous holding of parliamentary and presidential elections in Libya, says the outcome statement of the Russia-Arab Cooperation Forum that took place in Marrakesh.

MARRAKESH, December 20. /TASS/. The Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum called for further coordination between Russia and the non-permanent Arab members of the UN Security Council based on common interests, says the outcome statement of the forum that took palce in Marrakesh.

MARRAKESH, December 20. /TASS/. Moroccan and Russian Foreign Ministers Nasser Bourita and Sergey Lavrov discussed topical regional and international issues, including the Ukrainian crisis, during a bilateral meeting in Marrakesh, Bourita said, speaking at a joint press conference with Lavrov.

Houthis accuse US of intent to 'militarize' Red Sea Since mid-November, several commercial and military ships in the Red Sea were attacked from the territory, controlled by Ansar Allah DUBAI, December 20. /TASS/. Leader of the Yemeni Houthi rebel movement Abdul-Malik al-Houthi accused the US of intent to "militarize" the Red Sea. "The US’ actions are not aimed at protecting the international navigation in the Bab al-Mandeb Strait. The biggest danger [for the navigation] is posed by the actions of the US, who seeks to militarize the Red Sea," he said. After the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in the Gaza Strip, the Houthis claimed that they will carry out strikes at Israeli territory and will not allow Israel-affiliated ships to pass through the Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait until the operation in the Palestinian enclave ends. Since mid-November, several commercial and military ships in the Red Sea were attacked from the territory, controlled by Ansar Allah. In addition, the Houthis captured the Galaxy Leader cargo ship with a crew of 20. In response, the US announced the establishment of an international coalition and the preparation of an operation on ensuring the freedom of navigation and protection of ships in the Red Sea. The coalition should include Bahrain, the UK, Spain, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, the Seychelles and France. Meanwhile, Houthi spokesman Mohammad Abdel Salam told TASS that the establishment of the coalition will not affect the movement’s decision to attack Israeli-affiliated ships.

MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin is to hold a regular meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects via video conference, the Kremlin press service reported.

TUNIS, December 20. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has arrived in Tunisia, where he is scheduled to hold a number of bilateral meetings, a TASS correspondent reported.

CAIRO, December 20. /TASS/. Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry discussed with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov joint projects in various economic areas, as well as the situation in the Gaza Strip, according to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.

4 banks in Uzbekistan fined In November, four banks in Uzbekistan faced fines as a result of non-compliance with prudential regulations. The Bank Supervisory Committee held seven meetings, addressing over twenty issues. Sixteen issues were discussed in the areas of registration and authorization, including amending the charter of credit organizations (7 issues), issuing qualification certificates to auditors (5 issues), and evaluating candidates for important positions in supervisory and management boards of commercial banks (4 items). In terms of the financial situation of credit organizations (10 issues), discussions covered the adherence to Central Bank prudential standards by banks and payment organizations, as well as the results of studies conducted in banks and microfinance organizations. Due to non-compliance with Central Bank instructions and failure to meet macroprudential tasks on time, one commercial bank faced restrictions on certain operations. Four banks and two microfinance organizations were warned about applying appropriate measures and sanctions for providing unreliable information to the Central Bank and not ensuring compliance with regulatory documents. Fines were imposed on four banks and one payment system operator for identified violations related to non-compliance with prudential regulations. To maintain system stability and protect depositors' and investors' rights, the committee focused on correcting identified shortcomings in commercial banks' management, creating reserves against potential losses, and providing appropriate instructions for adherence to prudential regulations and improvement of financial conditions in banking activities.

(December 21, 2023)

You guys need some kind of a mental health check.
The dysfunctionality of the allied powers.
Moscow and London. I guess they have defense contracts in the Middle East. Their policemen want to read about Arab countries constantly. It's because they want jobs where they fly to Dubai and Kuala Lumpur. I think I have caught the Russians trying to convert American women to Islam.
Sir, we have men police here. You are not allowed in the United States to force convert women to Islam.

Cairo 35

This is me talking about another weird report coming from Moscow. 12-21-23

Just because he's a Russian, it might be weird if he reads a lot about Indonesia.

I guess there are rugby British policemen and rugby Russian policemen. They like reading about Rabat and Jakarta. Some of that seems questionable about the public sector.

It's kind of east coast to argue. Listen, I don't want to read about Jakarta every day. Kind of the Russians are supposed to read about Greek countries. If they read about the non-Greek world. I don't want to argue about Russian values.

At Eton, Harry played rugby.
MI5 wants to talk about construction and family values.

Cairo 34

I am looking for trade with China actors.
For example, Serbian army and Russian army professionals.
Do they in some way facilitate trade with China?
What about in their deployments in Africa?
What about in their communication with Central Asia?
What about the Russian navy base in Latakia?

About the trade with China.
The sea lanes.
The mines and natural resources in Africa.
The logistics of the routes between Europe and East Asia.

What about Russian navy ships, do they report Chinese cargo?
What about Russian security professionals, do they work near Chinese mines?
What about Uzbek security professionals and tech stuff and trade?

This is me talking about Chinese trade. 12-20-23

We're not so dumb we won't fight back here.
Crazy descriptions of NATO and the AUKUS treaty.
During the Korean War supposedly the French or whatever wanted to send wines and delicacies to the front. There is something of that in the intelligence communities. The Europeans will complain about an aesthetic. The Americans will think it's a work order. No, it's just he's saying it's not to his taste. Well, can you keep the complaints in the realm of hazards and work orders?
The Romanians or whatever complaining about American linguists.

Cairo 33

The locals think legal is quiet.
Some of this army stuff in Africa might be illegal.
The Russians are saying the Ukrainian army people are guilty of crimes.
What about Serbian army people?
Kind of morbid tales of adventure and excitement for army professionals.

This is me talking about Serbian army people in Africa. 12-20-23

A message from China: "Congratulations to Serbia" Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić received a congratulatory message from the MFA of the People's Republic of China on behalf of the leadership of that country.

BELGRADE, December 20. /TASS/. Supporters of Serbia’s opposition coalition, Serbia Against Violence, wanted to stage a revolution and seize power during their two-day protests outside the capital city of Belgrade, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic told TV Pink on Tuesday.

BELGRADE, December 20. /TASS/. Supporters of the Serbia Against Violence alliance continued their protest outside the office of the country’s election commission for a second day on Tuesday, according to a TASS reporter at the scene.

MARRAKESH, December 20. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov arrived in Marrakesh on Wednesday to participate in the Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum, a TASS correspondent reported.

MOSCOW, December 20. /TASS/. Ukraine is intensifying sabotage activities against Russia, Russian Federal Security Service Director Alexander Bortnikov said on Channel One television.

Emir of Qatar arrives in Tashkent

Bulgarian Prosecutors Seek FBI Assistance in Decrypting Slain Businessman's Phone In a recent press briefing related to the investigation into the murder of businessman Aleksei Petrov, Sofia city prosecutor Iliana Kirilova revealed a significant hurdle faced by investigators. The phone belonging to Petrov, who was fatally shot in August in Sofia's "Dragalevtsi" district, remains locked and inaccessible. Kirilova conveyed that efforts to unlock the businessman's phone had been futile, stating that Bulgaria lacks the necessary technology for such decryption. In a bid to resolve this impasse, the prosecutor's office has reached out to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for assistance. While disclosing the challenge faced in decoding the device, Kirilova highlighted that even after consulting with the FBI, the likelihood of decrypting a phone with a disconnected battery is slim. However, there is hope that the FBI's specialized equipment and expertise might aid in accessing the information from the phone. The prosecutor refrained from revealing the specific type of mobile device involved but expressed optimism about potential collaboration with the FBI to retrieve crucial data from the device. On 16 August 2023, Petrov was shot with a rifle while on a walk in Sofia, and died immediately. He was 61 years old.

Germany to Deploy Brigade in Lithuania for First Time Post-WWII

Bulgarian Foreign Minister, Israeli Ambassador Discuss Situation in Middle East

Iran announces establishment of Basij voluntary naval force According to the commander, the unit has already recruited 55,000 members and has 33,000 small vessels that are equipped with 107mm missiles DUBAI, December 20. /TASS/. Iran has established a voluntary Basij naval force, said Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy Commander Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri. "Guided by past experience in conducting maritime operations to free ships seized by pirates, we have concluded that it is necessary to establish a separate Basij unit to carry out maritime missions," Tangsiri was quoted as saying by Iran's Tasnim news agency. According to the commander, the unit has already recruited 55,000 members and has 33,000 small vessels that are equipped with 107mm missiles. "At first, it will operate in the Persian Gulf, but there are also plans to establish such a unit [for missions] in the Caspian Sea," Tangsiri said. The Basij militia is a volunteer paramilitary organization whose members oversee compliance with law and religious rules. The militia is part of the IRGC.

(December 20, 2023)

Cairo 32

Cairo 31

This is me talking about the Russian Duma. 12-19-23

1) You wonder about the Russian Duma. It seems like they make a lot of diplomatic overtures to the Arab World. Also, trade with Central Asia. I would like some consistency in Moscow about energy exports. Either export energy or don't. Notice they're wanting to increase energy exports to Tashkent.
2) Maybe some of the anti-Russian sanctions. Maybe that's alright or something.
3) Another report about the Ukrainian officer corps.

Romania's Schengen Entry Decision Expected by January End

PM Denkov Advocates Relocation of Soviet Army Monument to Museum

Bulgaria Anticipates Arrival of First Batch of F-16s by Early 2025

President Rumen Radev Monday held a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel and the heads of security services on the situation in the Middle East and the condition of the Bulgarian nationals on the crews of the ships Galaxy Leader and Ruen that were hijacked in the area.

Hijacked Ship's Crew Member Evacuated A member of the crew of the hijacked Bulgarian-owned, Malta-flagged ship Ruen has been evacuated with the assistance of the Indian Navy, the shipowner Navigation Maritime Bulgare announced on Tuesday. The man was transferred to a warship to receive medical attention. After his health condition was assessed, the Indian medial team decided that the Bulgarian should be hospitalized. The Ruen remains under the hijackers' control. Navibulgar added that it is working in coordination with the competent international authorities, and the safety of the crew is top priority. The bulk carrier was boarded on December 14 in the eastern Indian Ocean. Bulgarian Transport Minister Georgi Gvozdeikov said that the hijackers are presumably Somali pirates because the ship was bound for Somalia. On December 15, the Indian Navy said it was tracking the Ruen. Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel said in a televised interview on December 17 that Sofia was in contact with all the institutions and international partners who can help in this very difficult situation.

Russia Explores Increased Oil Exports to Uzbekistan Russia is exploring options to increase oil and oil product exports to Uzbekistan, according to Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov. This was discussed during a meeting of the intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan, attended by Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan, Jamshid Khojayev.

Ukrainian defense agencies said to occasionally move offices for security reasons A former Ukrainian deputy defense minister Anna Malyar said she had changed offices and locations about five times within one year of large-scale military operations MOSCOW, December 18. /TASS/. The Ukrainian Defense Ministry and the General Staff of the Armed Forces have left their offices for security reasons in February 2022 and keep relocating occasionally, said Anna Malyar, a former Ukrainian deputy defense minister. "Both the ministry and the General Staff have left their official premises," she said in an interview with Radio NV. "This is due to security reasons." "Afterward, we all moved offices several times," she continued. Malyar said she had changed offices and locations about five times within one year of large-scale military operations. On Sunday, Ukrainian news media reported that listening devices had been found in the office of Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Valery Zaluzhny. The Security Service of Ukraine said the bugs were discovered in an office that the commander could use in the future, and not in his current office. The agency also said the device was not in a working condition. On Monday, Zaluzhny confirmed the discovery of the listening device.

BRUSSELS, December 18. /TASS/. The European Union approved the twelfth package of anti-Russian sanctions due to the special military operation in Ukraine, the EU Council's press service informs.

(December 19, 2023)

Cairo 30

1) The PLAN says they're doing anti-piracy patrols and that justifies their ships sailing near the Gulf of Aden.
2) I wish Tashkent would trade locally, it seems intense about business trips to the Malaysian banking district.
3) A report about the Ukrainian officer corps.

This is me talking about Tashkent and Malaysia. 12-18-23

Batik Air Launches Kuala Lumpur to Tashkent Route

MOSCOW, December 17. /TASS/. Bugging devices have been exposed in the office of Ukrainian Army Commander-in-Chief Valery Zalyzhny, the RBC-Ukraine agency said, citing sources in military circles.

Tensions Escalate as North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Towards Sea Of Japan North Korea initiated the firing of an unspecified ballistic missile towards the East Sea (Sea of Japan) in the early hours of Monday, as reported by the South Korean military, intensifying concerns amid speculation about its nature.

Indian Navy Tracks Hijacked Bulgarian Ship Ruen in Arabian Sea The Indian Navy said on Saturday that they are tracking the Bulgarian cargo ship Ruen, which was hijacked in the Arabian Sea, sailing under the Maltese flag, the Associated Press reported. The agency noted that the identity of the hijackers has not yet been confirmed, but they are believed to be Somali pirates. The Indian Navy said in a statement that they responded to a distress call from the ship Ruen. As a result, they have dispatched their warship for anti-piracy patrols and an aircraft to locate and assist the hijacked vessel. The Indian aircraft flew over the ship early on Friday morning and has been continuously tracking its course ever since. The hijacked Bulgarian vessel is headed for the coast of Somalia, added the Indian Navy, noting that their warship, which was deployed in the Gulf of Aden to conduct anti-piracy patrols, spotted the Bulgarian vessel on Saturday morning. The Ruen, which is owned by the Navigation Maritime Bulgare (Navibulgar), was off the Yemeni island of Socotra when it was boarded on Thursday, according to the private intelligence company Ambey and the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO).

TOKYO, December 18. /TASS/. Japan has made a formal diplomatic protest to North Korea after a missile launch by Pyongyang, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said.

TOKYO, December 18. /TASS/. North Korea launched what is believed to be a ballistic missile early this morning, the Japan Coast Guard announced.

[Collision in Biden's Motorcade: Was The President Injured? US President Joe Biden and the First Lady emerged unharmed after a collision involving a car and an SUV within the president's motorcade while stationed in downtown Wilmington, Delaware, on Sunday night. The incident occurred as the couple departed the Biden-Harris 2024 headquarters at around 8:07 am (local time). As the First Lady entered the vehicle and exchanged holiday wishes with onlookers, President Biden followed suit, only to have his exit interrupted by a collision involving a motorcade SUV. Responding to a question moments before the incident, Biden dismissed polling data, stating it was "the wrong polls." Shortly after, a silver sedan with Delaware plates collided with a motorcade SUV, causing a loud impact and surprising the President, who was standing outside the vehicle. Amid the commotion, bystanders reacted with shock, with one passerby exclaiming, "Oh my gosh." Security agents swiftly intervened, apprehending the driver while ensuring safety within the area. Before the mishap, observers noted a festive atmosphere as people nearby were heard singing a holiday song. The motorcade resumed its course at 8:09, and Biden reached his residence at 8:20 pm. Despite the incident, the President and First Lady managed to visit their campaign headquarters, sharing dinner with the staff.]

(December 18, 2023)

These are HUMINT jokes.

MI5: "We..[something weird]"
FSB: "You...[inaccurate statement]"

I can't believe the Russians do this too. The British do this all of the time. It's a statement. And then it's about something. It's not always right what they say. How do they know everything about everything?

The British and the AUKUS treaty. Someone told me once that Texas is the Lone Star state. It has more than one nickname. But, officially Texas is the Friendship state. Texas is a translatable word. It means friendship.
There's some kind of a crazy how the British are. They start declaring stuff. And then they're not great at human intelligence. Yeah, but we...
There is a formal and an informal nickname here. Texas is a translatable word. Also, Lone Star is the name of a beer.

The demographic crisis. Here in Washington, DC there are jokes about the demographic crisis. Because isn't that what the Russians are supposed to be working on? The Kettler Iceplex is an example of Russians working on the demographic crisis.
I guess I didn't know that Russian men. They tell each other everyone needs to live with a wife.
I'm a Protestant Christian. I live alone.
I'm thoughtful about the workforce in Russia. If every man has a wife in his house.
That's a weird economy.
They say it's because of migration from Central Asia.

This is me talking about Russian army bases in Yemen. Maybe they're there. 12-17-23

Joe Biden urged to strike Houthis to stop Red Sea shipping attacks Two major shipping companies are pausing operations in the region after a succession of missile strikes on commercial vessels Joe Biden has been urged to attack Houthi militants whose strikes on shipping have threatened to halt the passage of freighters through the Red Sea. After a succession of missile strikes on various commercial vessels, two major shipping companies said they were pausing operations in the region, where as much as $1 trillion in goods passes through each year. Danish shipping giant Maersk said it was halting operations in the Red Sea until further notice, after its ship MSC Palatium III came under attack. The German shipping company Hapag-Lloyd, whose vessel Al Jasrah was targeted, said it was also stopping operations through the critical area, which includes the narrow Bab al-Mandab Strait. In a statement on social media, the Danish firm said it was “deeply concerned” about the incident and urged action from the international community. The attacks by the Houthis have increased sharply since the October 7 attack by Hamas in Israel, and appear to be intended as act of solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, where the reported civilian death has passed 18,000. “This issue cannot be addressed by the global shipping industry alone, and we urge the international society to come together to find a swift resolution to bring the situation under control,” Maersk said. Security in the Red Sea area is the responsibility of a 39-nation coalition, known as Combined Task Force 153, and commanded by the vice-admiral of the US Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain. Following the attacks, both US and French naval vessels have been sent to act as escorts and even shoot down drones deployed by the Houthis. Two US destroyers, USS Mason and the USS Carney, have been operating in the region. Late on Friday, Ali al-Qahoum, a member of the Houthi group’s Ansarullah politburo, told Al Mayadeen TV that any hostile move against Yemen would have dire consequences and great costs, according to Reuters. “The Houthis will not abandon the Palestinian cause, regardless of any US, Israeli, or Western threats,” he said, adding that operations against Israel would continue. The White House has said it was trying to increase the number of nations involved in security in the region. But there is pressure on Mr Biden to take more aggressive action. Retired Marine Corps Gen Kenneth F McKenzie Jr, who commanded US Central Command (CENTCOM) from 2019-2022, told The Telegraph something needed to be done to “slow those attacks”. “You can try it through escorting; it’s been done in the past. And that certainly is a possibility. And you can do it by demonstrating to the Houthis that it’s not in their best interest to continue these attacks,” he said. “And you do that by attacking their missile launchers, their radar sites, their intelligence-gathering platforms, and that requires offensive action against the Houthis in Yemen. We have clearly not chosen to do that yet. We may yet make a decision to do that.” Asked if he was urging Mr Biden to pursue such a course of action, he said such decisions were political rather than military. “I’m sure President Biden is considering that course of action,” he added. He said the Houthis only had respect for “force”. “I think the Houthis are going to continue these attacks. It costs them nothing to do it,” he said. “They feel that they’re having some effect. Certainly escorting ships as a possibility. But I would think we will consider other options as well.” The White House did not immediately respond to questions about what steps the US was planning. On Friday, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said he had ordered the Gerald R Ford aircraft carrier and one other warship to remain in the Mediterranean Sea for several more weeks to maintain a two-carrier presence near Israel. In addition, White House National Security spokesman John Kirby told reporters there would be more details announced about the maritime task force in coming days. A week ago, a ballistic missile fired by the Yemen-based rebels, widely believed to have links to Iran, hit a Norwegian-flagged tanker in the Red Sea. The militants claimed responsibility for the attack on the Strinda, and said without providing evidence, it was laden with oil and heading to Israel. “The naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a qualitative military operation against the Norwegian ship Strinda, which was loaded with oil and headed to the Israeli entity. It was targeted with a suitable naval missile,” Houthi military spokesperson Brig Gen Yahya Saree wrote on social media. Nilanthi Samaranayake, an author and expert on the Indian Ocean, said there was intense attention on the Bab al-Mandab Strait, through which about 23,000 ships pass each year. “It’s definitely a serious challenge. The US and partner nations should be taking seriously the safety and security of the Indian Ocean,” said Ms Samaranayake, a visiting expert at the United States Institute for Peace. She said the Indian Ocean was one area where the interests of multiple nations aligned. “Many nations rely on safe and peaceful sea lanes,” said Ms Samaranayake, whose books include “China’s Engagement with Smaller South Asian Countries”. What may not yet be clear is what the Shia Islam Houthis are seeking to achieve in their efforts other than to offer an act of symbolic support for the Palestinians. The rebels seized control of Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, in 2014, and have been engaged in a war against the government, which is backed by Saudi Arabia, the US and the UK. According to the UN, tens of thousands have been killed, at least 4.5 million people have been displaced, and 80 per cent of the population is in need of humanitarian aid.

The Americans and the British. The ocean. I think there isn't compassion in London for Americans. Because we left home and we stayed here. And some people never went back to Europe. It would be hard to be far from home. The tattoos and the wives and the kids and the beer. They live as though they believe in reincarnation. That their kids will live in England and get tattoos and drink beer and they'll get married.
There is a permanence in America. The ghosts of the deserts.

[18 But Lot said to them, “No, my lords,[b] please! 19 Your[c] servant has found favor in your[d] eyes, and you[e] have shown great kindness to me in sparing my life. But I can’t flee to the mountains; this disaster will overtake me, and I’ll die. 20 Look, here is a town near enough to run to, and it is small. Let me flee to it—it is very small, isn’t it? Then my life will be spared.” 21 He said to him, “Very well, I will grant this request too; I will not overthrow the town you speak of. 22 But flee there quickly, because I cannot do anything until you reach it.” (That is why the town was called Zoar.[f]) 23 By the time Lot reached Zoar, the sun had risen over the land. 24 Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah—from the Lord out of the heavens. 25 Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, destroying all those living in the cities—and also the vegetation in the land. 26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.]

There is some kind of modern Russian nationalism. But does that transfer to the Pacific in such a way that it threatens the USN?

This is me talking about Moscow and the navy. 12-17-23

Cairo 29

"Self-management system of farms and industrial plants immediately after independence."
Conceptually French colonialism in Algeria. If the Russian army gets caught up in stuff like that.

Cairo 28

This is me talking about Algeria. 12-17-23

This is me talking about Yemen. 12-16-23

The Soviet-Yemeni Friendship and Trade Treaty is signed in Sanaa, establishing relations between the Mutawakkil Kingdom and the USSR.
The treaty is renewed.
March: The treaty is again renewed in Cairo.
April: Agreement for exchange of diplomatic delegations between the two countries. Abd al-Raman Abu Talib becomes the first minister authorized and non-resident in Yemen to Moscow.
July: The crown prince of Yemen Muhammad al-Badr visits the Soviet Union and marks the beginning of the military cooperation between the two countries. An agreement for economic assistance is signed in Prague. According to the agreement the Soviet Union pledges to help Yemen with favourable credit terms for several economic projects.
October: Yemen receives Soviet weapons. Further shipments follow and military cooperation starts.

Cairo 25

I talk about how Yemen is a part of the Middle East. Maybe the Houthis resemble similar groups in Somalia. Reports about pirates and the Yemeni coast.

This is me talking about Yemen. 12-16-23

Musk's woes deepen as Tesla strike spreads across Scandinavia The labour dispute between Tesla and its repair workshop mechanics that originated in Sweden on October 27 has escalated to include Denmark, Finland and Norway. As the stakes rise, Elon Musk's electric vehicle manufacturer continues to resist signing a collective agreement with its Swedish employees. Tesla majority-shareholder and CEO Elon Musk faces growing resistance in Scandinavia's social democracies after refusing to sign a collective agreement determining the minimum wage of his employees. The dispute, which initially involved only 130 mechanics at ten Tesla repair workshops across seven Swedish cities, has ballooned into an international strike movement. "The mistake [American multinational] Tesla made was challenging the collective agreements that set sector-specific minimum wages in Sweden, a country where 70% of the population is unionised, compared with only 8% of private sector workers in France," says Yohann Aucante, a political scientist and Scandinavia specialist at the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris. Concerned about safeguarding collective agreements, which cover nearly 90% of all employees in Sweden, 15 Swedish unions have joined the strike at the request of the powerful IF Metall union since it kicked off on October 27.

World’s largest shipping firm Maersk 'pause' vessels Red Sea passage after Houthi attacks A ballistic missile fired by Yemen's Houthi rebels slammed into a cargo ship Friday in the Red Sea near the strategic Bab el-Mandeb Strait, following another attack only hours earlier that struck a separate vessel, authorities said. The missile attack on the MSC Palatium III and the earlier assault on the Al Jasrah escalate a maritime campaign by the Iranian-backed Houthis. The attacks also endanger ships traveling through a vital corridor for cargo and energy shipments for both Europe and Asia from the Suez Canal out to the Indian Ocean. The Houthis say their attacks aim to end the pounding Israeli air-and-ground offensive targeting the Gaza Strip amid that country's war on Hamas. However, the links to the ships targeted in the rebel assaults have grown more tenuous as the attacks continue. “The Yemeni armed forces confirm they will continue to prevent all ships heading to Israeli ports from navigating in the (Red Sea) until they bring in the food and medicine that our steadfast brothers in the Gaza Strip need,” the Houthi military spokesman, Brig. Gen.

Macron urges 'intelligent compromise' over immigration legislation French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday called for an "intelligent compromise" over a controversial immigration bill as his government battles a political crisis following the rejection of the flagship legislation in parliament.

China former bank manager sentenced to life in prison for corruption

Hong Kong offers HK$1m bounties on five overseas activists

Turkish FM in Oslo to bolster global stance for Gaza cease-fire

Türkiye, Albania enjoy century of diplomatic ties

(December 16, 2023)

I'd forgotten that Saint Cyril worked at the Bucharest police station.

I say net and da.
Poles say ne and tak.

At UT-Austin I took a Polish language class. It was at 8am. I got an A. At the time, I kind of refused to say the Polish words because I'd already learned those words in Russian. For example, tak means yes in Polish. Da is yes in Russian. Net is no in Russian. In Polish it's ne.
But we also learned about Polish culture. For example, Copernicus was from Poland. Chopin the piano player. Ivana Trump was from Czech. Somehow we talked about her in class. I remember when Donald Trump first ran for president. Ivanka got up there and talked. She talked about women in the workplace. I think she isn't a good role model.

Dominic Nicholls thinks this guy isn't a criminal. I think he's a criminal because he destroyed this bridge. The Scottish guards.

[Russia put the head of Ukraine's military intelligence (GUR), Kyrylo Budanov, on its "wanted" list on Thursday, accusing the agency he heads of attacks inside its own territory. Russia added 37-year-old Budanov to the Interior Ministry list of people wanted for criminal offenses. Moscow accuses Budanov, who has led the GUR since 2020, of having organized a 2022 attack that partially destroyed the bridge linking Crimea, the Ukrainian peninsula it annexed, to Russia. Ukraine said late last month that it suspected Russia of having poisoned Budanov's wife, Marianna Budanova, using mercury and arsenic. Budonova is an adviser to the mayor of Kyiv, Vitali Klitschko. The Kremlin dismissed the accusation. "Ukraine blames Russia for everything," said spokesman Dmitry Peskov.]

The Oxford dictionary is saying regime is the same word as reign. That's a French word. I don't speak French. Can Sergei tailor some of these to the non-French speaking world? Can we switch to British English and away from French?

OK. There is some kind of a crazy. I think it's from Texas. A Texas politician tactic of discrediting the other candidate. Are Maria and Sergei up to these audits?
"There's no e in potato."
That one was Dan Quail. What was he talking about?
"I invented the internet."
That was Al Gore.
"America invented the car."
Obama said that one.

Today Sergei said the word regime. I think that's a French word. There is a regime theory in international relations theory. Maybe he didn't use it as a technical word. Is it right to call Kiev an anti-Russia regime? Maybe that's not really right. " preserve the anti-Russia regime in Ukraine..."

Vladimir is talking about nineteenth century Russian history. I'm not sure that's relevant to today's news cycle, etc. Did he just think of that or how did that come up?

This is me talking more about the Kremlin. 12-15-23

Vladimir is 71 and Sergei is 69. I wish they would stop calling everyone West. Also, I'm not sure if a coast can become something. Can a beach become a Russian beach? It gives me a headache to read the statements because they are vague and maybe it's not even right what they're saying.

I prefer Ken to Sergei. Maybe Sergei should retire. This seems nonsensical what he's saying. Is the Kremlin speaking in song? I guess election interference. Are there weirdos who work at the Kremlin? Should some of these guys retire?
Notice the organized crime report in Belgrade. A comment on the government in Serbia and are some Serbian defense contracts mismanaged?
More reports about Yemeni pirates.
The IDF in real time is briefing the White House about its operations.

This is me talking about weird statements coming from the Kremlin. 12-15-23

Kenneth Douglas McCallum is a British intelligence officer who has been serving as the Director General of MI5 since 2020. Wikipedia Born: 1974 (age 49 years), Glasgow, United Kingdom

Sergey Yevgenyevich Naryshkin is a Russian politician and businessman who has served as the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service since 2016. Wikipedia Born: 1954 (age 69 years), Saint Petersburg, Russia

Putin: The Entire Black Sea Coast Became Russian After The Russo-Turkish Wars At the outset, Putin announced that Russia's sovereignty was under threat and that "the very existence of our country without sovereignty is impossible. The whole country cannot exist without sovereignty."

MINSK, December 14. /TASS/. The West will try to preserve the anti-Russia regime in Ukraine while continuing to use the country's territory for military purposes, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin said.

Bulgarian-Owned Ship Boarded near Yemeni Island on Thursday A Malta-flagged, Bulgarian-owned bulk carrier was boarded on Thursday in the eastern Indian Ocean, Reuters said quoting British maritime security company Ambrey. It emerged later on the ship is the Ruen with eight Bulgarians among its 18-member multinational crew. The incident took place off Yemen's Socotra Island. The ship's owner, Navigation Maritime Bulgare (Navibulgar), has confirmed the incident. The shipping company has no contact with the Bulgarian sailors for now, the Bulgarian National Radio reported. It is not clear yet if Yemen's Houthi rebels are behind the incident. The Galaxy Leader, whose captain and first mate are Bulgarian, was hijacked by Houthis in the Red Sea in November.

Yemeni Houthis claim responsibility for drone attack on Maersk container ship Yahya Sarea, a representative of the movement, said that the ship was allegedly traveling from Israel DUBAI, December 15. /TASS/. Yemeni Houthi rebels from the Ansar Allah movement said they had performed a drone attack on a Maersk Gibraltar container ship allegedly en route to Israel, movement spokesman Yahya Sarea said. "The naval forces of Yemen have carried out an operation against the Maersk Gibraltar container ship," Sarea said in an address aired by the Al Masirah, adding that the vessel was en route to Israel. "It was attacked by a drone," he added. "It was a direct hit."

Bulgarian bulk carrier boarded off Yemen A Bulgarian bulk carrier was boarded on Thursday after being involved in an incident in the Arabian Sea off the Yemeni island of Socotra, British maritime security company Ambrey said, quoted by Reuters. It is a Maltese flagged vessel owned by Bulgaria. BNR sources in the Bulgarian Navy confirmed the incident, BNR - Radio Varna reports. The ship is the Ruen, which is Bulgarian navy property. It has an international crew, including eight Bulgarians. So far the shipping company hasn't made contact with the Bulgarian sailors.

WASHINGTON, December 15. /TASS/. The Israeli government has informed US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan about their vision of the timeframes of military operations in the Gaza Strip, a high-ranking US administration official said. "The Israelis have briefed us <...> of potential timeframes and Jake [Sullivan] had a very good discussion about the kind of conditions that obviously we all hope to be set up. There was a heavy discussion on, of course, civilian protection," the official said during an online briefing on Sullivan's visit to Israel. "The Israelis briefed us in detail <...> about the extraordinary efforts that they are undertaking to try to separate the civilian population from Hamas," he added.

Major police operation; 19 people got arrested in Belgrade 19 people were arrested this morning in a major operation by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade. As the Kurir writes, referring to its sources, they are suspected of money laundering. According to unofficial information, the owners of private companies and agencies were arrested. Blic, on the other hand, learns that the detainees are suspected of having laundered over 350 million dinars and are charged with the criminal offense of money laundering.

(December 15, 2023)

Two things going on. The Kremlin is kind of like the White House. The employees look like Price is Right. Kind of nonsensical who is in there. It's not the handsome and beautiful. Also, the British give weird directions. I guess here is a report about the eastern Indian Ocean. Sometimes Dominic Nicholls will say the east side of the western front. You wonder about the British army and if you can learn from them where to go or whatever.

Pygmalion is a play by Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw, named after the Greek mythological figure.

Crazy reports about Russian army work from home contracts.
Post Soviet defense contracts and remote work.
Is everyone working remotely like we want them to.
In both Germany and Russia?

Spies can’t work from home — and that’s hurting recruitment in Germany Would-be spies face many challenges — from mastering the difficult technical or linguistic skills that intelligence agencies seek, to the new life of secrecy that awaits them if they are accepted. But, according to the head of Germany’s foreign intelligence service, its potential recruits have more mundane concerns: the lack of remote working and not being able to take their personal cellphone to work.

Luxembourg: Remote working — a more flexible social security regime The member states of the European Union (EU) have developed a new framework agreement in the field of social security to address the reality

This is me talking about remote work in the defense sector. 12-14-23

The Pentagon. Saigon.
Ian McShane is an English actor. He was in Deadwood. In the show, he said something. Here locally, everyone is so weird about work. Either they call in sick. Crazy excuses. They drink sugary drinks. Crazy diets.
In the show, he hired this young man to work for him. And he told him, either quit or work. That everyday orients me about what I'm doing here.
If that day, maybe I don't want to go to work. The locals will just call in sick.
I go to work every day. Or, I think maybe I should quit.
I only work, or I quit. I never half work.
It's the fastest way to run.

Cairo 24

These Russians in Gaza might be guilty of assisting the PLAN. In Russia there is a different standard of guilt. It's awkward sometimes about the court system in Russia. Maybe Russians, it's obvious to them who is guilty. For example I have really great eyesight.

This is me talking Russians and the Rafah border crossing. 12-14-23

Bulgaria's Parliament Approves EUR 3.6 Billion Assistance to Ukraine

Bulgarian Council of Ministers Approves BGN 51 Million in Extra Defence Funds

Lithuania's Cryptocurrency Surge Raises Concerns for Regulators Amid Money Laundering Fears

European Commission: Bulgaria Holds Authority to Alter Russian Oil Import Sanctions

Foreign Investments Inject EUR 500 Million Across Pleven, Shumen, and Plovdiv Municipalities

Bulgaria's Defence Industry, Defence Products Trade Employed nearly 26,000 by End-2022 The National Assembly Economic Policy and Innovation Committee on Wednesday debated a report on the implementation in 2022 of the Defence-Related Products and Dual-Use Items and Technologies Export Control Act by the Interdepartmental Council on Defence Industry and Security of Supplies with the Council of Ministers.

Socialists organize a protest against the dismantling of the Monument to the Soviet Army

TOKYO, December 14. /TASS/. Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokadzu Matsuno announced on Thursday he was tendering his resignation amid a fundraising scandal within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). The scandal affects several LDP factions, including its largest faction once led by late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. It had already caused the government’s approval rating to drop below to critical marks of around 23%.

Twenty-eight Russians, their family members pass through Rafah border crossing into Egypt According to the Emergencies Ministry, more than 1,000 people have been evacuated from the conflict area since the humanitarian operation started MOSCOW, December 13. /TASS/. Twenty-eight more Russian nationals and their family members have crossed the Rafah checkpoint, the Russian Emergencies Ministry told TASS. "Today, 28 more Russian citizens and their family members have passed through the Rafah crossing. At the Russian Emergencies Ministry’s crisis center in Cairo, Russian rescue workers, psychologists and physicians of the Russian Health Ministry will offer them the necessary medical and psychological assistance," the statement said. The ministry added that the people will be provided with meals, drinking water and the required documents. According to the Emergencies Ministry, more than 1,000 people have been evacuated from the conflict area since the humanitarian operation started.

MOSCOW, December 14. /TASS/. Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia’s relations with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have started to shine with new colors.

MOSCOW, December 14. /TASS/. "Russophobic outbursts" are likely to grip the West during the presidential race in Russia, as there they do not realize how consolidated the Russians are, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.

(December 14, 2023)

Cairo 23

This is me talking about Tartarstan. 12-13-23

Moscow On The Soviet Monument Removal: Bulgaria Chose The Wrong Side Of History - It Will Pay For That

Bulgaria's Average Salary Soars to BGN 2,000 in Q3 2022

EU Council Adopts Conclusions on EU Enlargement in Western Balkans

Belgian consortium plans to invest over 1 billion euros in battery production in Bulgaria

SEOUL, December 13. /TASS/. North Korea will face catastrophic consequences if it resorts to provocations and undermines peace on the Korean Peninsula, Defense Minister Shin Won Sik said.

MOSCOW, December 12. /TASS/. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin and Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Kazem Jalali held a meeting and discussed preparations to sign a free trade zone agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union and Iran, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

MOSCOW, December 12. /TASS/. The expansion of the EU monitoring mission in Armenia will not facilitate an Armenian-Azerbaijani settlement, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin told TASS.

Latin Alphabet Reform Debated for Simplicity and Standardization

This is me talking about Catholic University. 12-13-23

Notice how Warsaw seems like right wingers. Germany and Poland. Sometimes Poland has different borders, etc. The border between the countries. It would be hard about that border.
This seems weird about the IDF. Forensic stuff. Dead bodies. The IDF Special Ops teams.

MOSCOW, December 12. /TASS/. Poland's future Prime Minister Donald Tusk has already made it clear that Moscow should not expect a softer Polish approach to the Ukrainian issue, Russian Ambassador to Poland Sergey Andreyev said on Rossiya-24 television.

TEL AVIV, December 12. /TASS/. The Israeli military has found the bodies of two hostages abducted when Palestinian radicals attacked Israel on October 7, the army press service said. "During an operation in Gaza, the bodies of the hostages Eden Zakaria and (CSM) Ziv Dado were recovered by IDF Special Forces and brought back to Israel," the IDF press service said. According to it, the bodies were identified in a procedure carried out by forensic experts, military rabbis and police. Army and police officers notified the families of the killed hostages.

This is me talking about Wallacers in London. 12-12-23

The extent to which Berlin uses army intrigue and economic expansionism.
Notice the German military commander used to work for their intelligence community.
What are the Germans doing that's secretive?
Do Russians assist with the uranium mines in Africa?

This is me talking about German economic expansionism. 12-12-23

General's warning: Germany will have to prepare; The Russians will invade? Carsten Breuer, Germany's top military officer, told German media on Saturday that he feared Russia could invade Germany and start a war.

2016 – 2017 Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations/Military Intelligence/Training Directorate at DEU A HQ, Strausberg

Borissov Assumes Leadership of Sofia's GERB Chapter

Day 656 of the Invasion of Ukraine: Zelensky Seeks EU Aid while Russia Strikes the Capital

The fee for the transfer of Russian gas through Bulgaria has been waived. The parties that support the government have agreed on this. On the sidelines of the parliament, WCC-DB co-chair Kiril Petkov pointed out: “We will follow the common European approach. This fee should not be unilateral on the part of Bulgaria. It is necessary to work with the EC, so that together with all European countries, this type of fees can be imposed in a way that they can really have an effect on the economy of the Russian Federation as well.”

Parliament to Hold Extraordinary Sitting to Debate on Tax Law Revisions At an extraordinary sitting on Tuesday afternoon, the National Assembly will hold a second-reading debate on amendments to three tax acts, Parliament's programme shows. To be put to debate are revisions to the Local Taxes and Fees Act, the Value Added Tax Act, and the Corporate Income Tax Act.

WASHINGTON, December 12. /TASS/. The US House of Representatives unanimously voted on Monday to approve a measure that would ban Russian uranium imports.

TEL AVIV, December 12. /TASS/. The Israeli military has detained more than 500 Palestinian radicals in the Gaza Strip over the past month, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said.

TEL AVIV, December 11. /TASS/. The Hamas structure in the Gaza Strip is on the verge of complete collapse, with many of its militants surrendering, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said. "We are fighting our way forward, making more progress. We have surrounded Hamas’ last strongholds in Jabalia and al-Shujai’ya. Battalions previously thought to be invincible and which have been training to fight us for years, are on the brink of dissolution," he said. According to Gallant, many Palestinian radicals have been surrendering in the Gaza Strip recently. "The number of those yielding themselves prisoner there shows what is going on," he said, adding that some of those surrendering took part in the October 7 attack on Israel. He once again stressed that armed units in the Gaza Strip, as well as Hamas leaders have only two options: either surrender or die. "I call on all battalions, their terrorists and commanders: surrender. If you do this, we will be able to save your lives, otherwise your death is inevitable," Gallant said. "The fate of Hamas chief [in the Gaza Strip] Yahya Sinwar, like any other commander or terrorist is the same - either surrender or die. There is no other option."

Uzbekistan and Qatar forge bilateral partnership
Chirchik plans to launch chip production with China

(December 12, 2023)

These reports might involve Russian engineering firms. Do some of them assist the PLAN?
We're scrutinizing Russian scientists if they assist Beijing.
I think the Australian navy shouldn't enforce the Philippines' exclusive economic zone.

This is me talking about Russian engineering firms. 12-11-23

Chinese Ships "Shot" at Philippine Ships with a Water Cannon Chinese coast guard ships have used water cannons against Philippine ships that were delivering supplies to soldiers stationed in a disputed shoal in the South China Sea, the Philippine government said, as quoted by DPA and BTA. One of the Philippine vessels suffered "severe" engine damage and another vessel's mast was broken after being hit by the "full force of the Chinese Coast Guard's water cannon," the National Task Force on the West Philippine Sea said in a statement. Another vessel was rammed by a Chinese coast guard vessel, the statement added. The Philippine vessels were en route to the Second Thomas Shoal, known in the Philippines as Ayungin Shoal, which is located 105 nautical miles (195 km) west of the Philippine province of Palawan and is in the Philippines' exclusive economic zone. "We condemn once again China's unprovoked actions of coercion and dangerous maneuvers against a legitimate and routine Philippine rotational and supply mission in Ayungin Shoal, which put the lives of our people at risk," the task force said. China, which claims almost the entire South China Sea, has taken increasingly aggressive actions in the area in recent years. It is ignoring a 2016 ruling by an international arbitration court that said there was no legal or historical basis for his expansive claims, DPA noted. China's coast guard said a Japanese fishing vessel and several patrol vessels entered the waters around disputed islands in the East China Sea yesterday, Reuters reported. The islands, called Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan, are claimed by both countries. China's coast guard said it had taken the necessary measures in accordance with the law to chase away the Japanese ships.

Three presidents unveil the Bulgaria-Serbia gas interconnector

UK to create unit supervising anti-Russian sanctions The United Kingdom blacklisted more than 1,800 Russian individuals and legal entities since the start of the special military operation in Ukraine and froze their assets totaling over $23 bln LONDON, December 11. /TASS/. The government of the United Kingdom will set up a new unit to control compliance of private companies with anti-Russian sanctions, the Department for Business and Trade said. The Office of Trade Sanctions Implementation (OTSI) will have powers to slap companies violating laws with fines and pass criminal cases for review to the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). In particular, the Office that will start operations in early 2024 will keep an eye on companies that may evade sanctions regimes by exporting their products via third counties. The United Kingdom blacklisted more than 1,800 Russian individuals and legal entities since the start of the special military operation in Ukraine and froze their assets totaling over 18 bln pounds ($23 bln).

MOSCOW, December 10. /TASS/. /TASS/. Russia’s relations with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia continue developing, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said commenting on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visits to these countries.

Emirati Tadweer to build waste management plant in Uzbekistan

(December 11, 2023)

Are the Russians in Algeria nostalgic for past times?
Yeah, but Marxism is unethical.

This is me talking about Russian Marxism in Algeria. 12-10-23

Algeria seems to have a Marxist political either lingo or government organizational structure. If Russian soldiers are there, maybe they are Marxists.
Are Russian soldiers in Algeria Marxists?
Notice here a mention of a bureau. A bureau is a German word.

Talking about Russian army stuff in Africa. Maybe the Russians have engineering firms and the Algerians also. The Algerian army name sounds like the Chinese army name.
Different lingering signs of trade with China.

Cairo 19

Cairo 20

This is me talking about Marxism in Algeria. 12-10-23

Cairo 18

This is me talking about Algerian trade with Beijing. 12-10-23

Russians maybe were the first Europeans in San Francisco.
I think there aren't similar anecdotes about Sudan, for example.

This is me talking about Russian land claims in Africa. 12-9-23

Notice a complaint from the Turkish news about Israeli prisons. Also, a complaint about the White House. You wonder about the White House and the IDF. Do the Turks build drones and they spy on our commercial centers?

Shocking images of Israeli military detentions, humiliation spark outcry

Biden's pro-Israel policy failed US' Arab, Muslim communities

Canada, US linking drone-camera exports to Sweden NATO bid: Türkiye

Cairo 16

Nov 5, 2015 - A cargo plane crashes near the international airport in South Sudan's capital Juba, killing at least 36 people.
Many feared dead as Russian-built cargo plane crashes in South Sudan's capital Juba

This is me talking about Russian defense firms in East Africa. 12-9-23

This one is about the Suez Canal.
This is important:
Do the Russians assist with Chinese trade because they do weird engineering stuff in East Africa? They used to do that. I guess everyone assume they stopped doing that.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi looks to extend iron-fisted rule after ten years in power Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is the front-runner in Egypt’s upcoming presidential election which will be held from December 10-12. Despite being marked by a widespread crackdown on dissent and a weak economic and security record, the former army chief’s ten-year rule may be extended until 2030. It's an outcome that many believe is already written in stone. It has been more than ten years since Abdel Fattah al-Sisi overthrew Egypt’s first democratically elected president, the Islamist Mohamed Morsi, and he is still ruling the country with an iron fist. Sisi’s opponents and supporters alike are convinced that he will win this year’s presidential election, set to take place from December 10-12. His victories in 2014 and 2018 saw him win over 96 percent of the vote, a track record that leaves little room for doubt on what is likely to happen this time around. Another victory would see the former army chief hold on to power until 2030. Running for a third term was made possible when Sisi himself amended the Egyptian constitution in 2019, extending the presidential term from four years to six. Rising in the ranks – all the way to the presidency Born in Cairo in November 1954, Sisi was one of fourteen children raised in a conservative household. Son of a shopkeeper, he decided to pursue a military career at an early age, climbing the social ladder in a country ruled by the army. Spending much of his life out of the public eye, Sisi achieved prominence by becoming chief of staff of the Egyptian army and minister of defence in 2012. The surprise promotion was granted by President Morsi, the first democratically elected Egyptian head of state, just over a year after former president Hosni Mubarak was ousted in the Arab Spring. At the time, Sisi was portrayed by the media as a pious Muslim compatible with the Muslim Brotherhood movement from which Morsi hailed. The reputation was largely built on Sisi’s family ties with Abbas Sisi, a disciple of Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Islamist group. But Sisi’s rapid rise to power within the army would not have been possible if his close ties to the Brotherhood, under scrutiny by the Mubarak regime, gave rise to the slightest doubt. Partly trained in the UK and the US, Sisi became a commander of the northern Egyptian military zone before moving up the ranks to take over as director of military intelligence and quickly established himself as the country’s strongman. In the aftermath of the mass uprisings that saw millions of Egyptians demand the immediate resignation of Morsi in early July 2013, Sisi issued an ultimatum to the former president and his cabinet. Without explicitly calling for Morsi to step down, he called on Egypt’s politicians to “meet the demands of the people” within 48 hours. If Morsi refused, the armed forces (who were already in charge of the post-Mubarak transition) would be forced to “announce a roadmap for the future” and put an end to the revolution that had been boiling since 2011. The Islamist president was deposed, arrested and imprisoned shortly after. But the bloody repression of protesters, many of whom supported the Muslim Brotherhood, would not be forgotten. Human Rights Watch described the widespread killing of demonstrators at the time a probable “crime against humanity”. Morsi died in 2019 after collapsing in a Cairo court where he was attending a session in his trial. Regarded by his admirers as humble and skilful – and by his detractors as distrustful and suspicious – Sisi left his military uniform behind for the suit and tie of de facto presidency. For Egyptians opposed to the political Islam embodied by the Muslim Brotherhood, Sisi had saved the country from its grip. Repression left, right and centre Since Sisi’s sweeping victory in the May 2014 presidential election, opponents as well as local and international NGOs have accused the leader of wanting to return to an autocratic regime. They say that since he came into power, “repression has been reaching unprecedented levels”. In a report published on October 2, six international and local human rights organisations called out the “widespread and systematic use of torture” by Egyptian authorities that amount to what they consider “a crime against humanity under customary international law”. Running parallel to his repressive political stranglehold, Sisi also launched a series of gargantuan projects aimed at extolling the greatness of Egypt and flattering the nationalist sentiments of his compatriots. Among these ambitious undertakings was the modernisation of the country’s roads and electricity infrastructure, as well as the construction of a new administrative capital located in the desert about 50km from Cairo. Ironically nicknamed “Sisi City”, construction was due to be completed in 2020 but is still in its first phase. In August 2015, the president unveiled a plan for a giant expansion of the Suez Canal – another flagship project intended to symbolise a “new Egypt”. Costing some €7.9 billion, the project was completed on time in less than a year. The new Suez Canal brought in netted record revenues of around €8.6 billion between 2022 and 2023, leading Sisi to promise prosperity and security for all Egyptians. But in a country plagued by an unprecedented economic crisis and at risk of defaulting on its foreign debt, that is not an easy promise to keep. Egypt relies heavily on revenues from Ukrainian and Russian tourists, so when the war broke out in February 2022, its economy was hit hard. The number of yearly tourists from both countries plummeted from 35 to 40 percent, according to local figures. Egypt is also the world’s leading importer of wheat. When prices soared as a result of the war, the country’s economy bore the brunt. In the ten years Sisi has been in power, Egypt and its 105 million inhabitants – largely reliant on a steady drip of Saudi Arabian aid – have been plagued by poverty. A key ally for the West Despite his shortcomings, Sisi is still seen as a guarantor of stability and security in the region by many international leaders. Turning a blind eye to his human rights abuses, the West sees him as a key ally in what they consider an otherwise chaotic Middle East. This is even more the case since Hamas's bloody attacks on Israel on October 7 and Israel's ensuing invasion of the Gaza Strip. During the week-long ceasefire in Gaza from November 24-30, hostages held by Hamas were directed south of the enclave to Egypt. The Rafah crossing on the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt is also where humanitarian aid is transported into the Palestinian territory. Back in 2014, the pragmatic Sisi kept a low profile when the West protested his power grab. The US and Europe didn’t congratulate him after his election victory, though they did stress the need to get back to respecting human rights as soon as possible. In response, Sisi sided with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In November 2014, a month after the US froze military and financial aid to Egypt, the Kremlin announced it would deliver air defence systems to the country and said talks to deliver military aircraft were under way. A shrewd strategist, Sisi knows that the West cannot turn its back on the most populated Arab country for too long. Egypt is both a strategic intermediary in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and a key ally in the fight against terrorism. The fight against Islamic militants has moved the cursor for how world leaders see Sisi, especially in the case of the US. After years of strained ties under the Obama administration, former US President Donald Trump congratulated the Egyptian leader in 2016. "I just want to let everybody know in case there was any doubt that we are very much behind President Sisi. He’s done a fantastic job in a very difficult situation. We are very much behind Egypt and the people of Egypt," Trump said during Sisi’s first official visit to the US in April 2017. When Sisi visited France in October of 2017, French President Emmanuel Macron claimed he did not want to “lecture” his Egyptian counterpart on human rights. Between 2010 and 2019, Egypt imported €7.7 billion in French weapons, according the parliament. Securing the Sinai, another empty promise Like his military predecessors, Sisi is obsessed with acquiring modern weaponry and securing his borders. This is increasingly the case as his neighbours – Libya, Sudan, Israel and the Gaza Strip – are all affected by ongoing conflict. For years, Egypt has been battling a jihadist insurgency in its Sinai region, a peninsula located in the northeast of the country. According to the opposition, this ongoing threat to Egypt’s internal security is being instrumentalised by authorities to restrict civil liberties. In 2018, Sisi launched a vast “anti-terrorist” operation in the areas where Islamist radicals are rife – some of whom have pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group – but so far in vain. The Sinai is still a security headache for Sisi, who stands behind yet another empty promise.
(December 9, 2023)

Francis Dearnley went to Cambridge. My friend Bobby went to the University of London. They are my age. This happens locally. People want to work for NATO. My grandpa worked for Time Inc. Tom Brady was an NFL athlete. I can never really get into the UN stuff. I also don't want to work for NATO.

This is me talking about British English. 12-8-23

Why are they like that?
How did they get like that?
You wish they were different than they are.

This is me talking about Ken McCallum. 12-8-23

Last month Tel Aviv announced its intention to conduct covert ops in foreign countries. Notice the Turks are telling them not to in Turkey.
Does Ken oversee the British sanctions teams mentioned here about Tashkent?

Bulgaria's Defense Committee Greenlights Transfer of Anti-Aircraft Missiles to Ukraine

Bulgaria Poised to Emerge as Energy Storage Hub: Economy Minister's Talks in South Korea

Bulgarian Coalition Drafts Bill to End Russian Oil Exemption Amid Lukoil Neftochim Impact

PM Denkov, Energy Minister to Inspect Bulgaria-Serbia Gas Interconnection Facilities

Israel says it is delivering strikes to retaliate cross-border fire from Syria, Lebanon This was reported by the IDF press service TEL AVIV, December 8. /TASS/. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has registered cross-border fire from Syria and Lebanon and delivered strikes in retaliation, the IDF press service said. "Following the report regarding sirens that sounded in the town of Buq'ata in northern Israel, two launches that crossed from Syria were identified. The launches fell in an open area," the IDF press service said in a statement. In addition, a number of launches that crossed from Lebanon toward the areas of Shtula, Malkia, and Zar'it in northern Israel were identified. "Furthermore, a short while ago another siren sounded in the area of Zar'it in northern Israel as a result of a launch from Lebanon," the statement says. "The IDF is striking the sources of the fire.".

Turkey’s intelligence warns Israel against killing Hamas members on Turkish soil The media pointed out that it was the Turkish intelligence agency which held negotiations with Qatar, Egypt and the United States to free Israeli hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip ISTANBUL, December 8. /TASS/. Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization (MIT) said it would not allow Israeli counterparts at Mossad to conduct a special operation on its soil, including to kill members of the Palestinian radical movement Hamas, the pro-government Turkish newspaper Hurriyet reported. MIT has taken every precaution and used its technologies to their full potential to ensure a round-the-clock protection to Turkey against all security threats, the newspaper wrote, commenting on a remark by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan who warned Israel that any attempts to assassinate Hamas members on Turkish soil would not be left without consequences. Hurriyet recalled that it was the Turkish intelligence agency which held negotiations with Qatar, Egypt and the United States to free Israeli hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip following the October 7 attack and that it enabled the release of some hostages. Turkey’s official Anadolu news agency reported on December 4 that MIT had warned Israel’s spy agency about major consequences of a potential operation to hunt Hamas members on Turkish soil. The warning came amid reports alleging that Israel planned to assassinate Hamas leaders outside of Palestine, including in Turkey and Qatar.

Taiwanese military reports spotting Chinese balloon in strait According the Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense, the baloon travelled for about an hour before disappearing HONG KONG, December 8. /TASS/. A Chinese balloon crossed the Taiwan Strait median line on Thursday, the Taiwanese Ministry of National Defense reported. The balloon was detected 101 nautical miles (187 km) southwest of the Taiwanese city of Keelung at a height of about 6.4 km. The Taiwanese military said it had travelled for about an hour before disappearing. In early February, US authorities said they had detected a "surveillance balloon" over the continental US. The balloon was downed on February 4 in US air space off South Carolina. The Chinese Foreign Ministry expressed regret that the abnormal situation led to the weather balloon flying into US air space.

MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited Sultan of Oman Haitham bin Tariq Al Said to visit Russia in 2024.

MOSCOW, December 7. /TASS/. The political discord in the US and Europe over such issues as support for Ukraine will rise next year, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Director Sergey Naryshkin said in an article.

UK Imposes Sanctions on Individuals and Entities Allegedly Supporting Russia's Defense Industry The UK government has announced the imposition of sanctions on a new group of individuals suspected of supporting the "Russian war machine." The UK government has announced the imposition of sanctions on a new group of individuals suspected of supporting the "Russian war machine." A total of 46 individuals and legal entities associated with the defense industry of the Russian Federation, including entities from Belarus, China, the UAE, Serbia, Turkey, and Uzbekistan, have been included in the sanctions lists. Among the sanctioned entities, the Uzbek company Mvizion has been accused of acting as an intermediary for supplying parts for military equipment to Russia.

A stone-age army: "If they attack us - we will defend ourselves with stones" Desperation in European capitals when it comes to military industrial production is only growing…

(December 8, 2023)

Wayne is a criminal.
The construction sites are criminals.

Weird British policemen audit the EPL and construction firms. They play rugby and they're tired of the nuisance of the sites.
They themselves don't play soccer or work in construction. I've heard it's because they drink beer and so they're impotent. It's these weird police directives.

Like Ken McCallum's brother.

Talking about the British and the Virginians. Ken McCallum has GCHQ learning to read Farsi. I watched a video of him speaking at the University of Glasgow. That's where he went. I think he doesn't speak a foreign language. He has a degree in math. That seems unwise to me. Can GCHQ learn German or French? It was so awkward because Ken kept talking about his own relatives in the audience. As though Ken's brother is implementing these directives.

Cairo 15

This is me talking about the Serbian economy. 12-7-23

Belgrade and Tashkent seem to be examples of bad trade with China. Notice the Bulgarians are struggling with border issues.

Uzbekistan fully funds December pensions for 4.6 million people

A new KFOR battalion has arrived in Kosovo A new battalion of the Italian KFOR has arrived in Kosovo and Metohija, which will be assigned to the operational reserve forces. This was announced by KFOR last night on its X network, stating that the new battalion is part of a peacekeeping mission. "KFOR continues to fulfill its UN mandate in providing a safe and secure environment for all communities in Kosovo," the announcement said.

EU and China Seek Common Ground Amid Differences, Eye Global Stability

Bulgaria: Defense Committee Rejects President's Veto on APCs for Ukraine

President Says Politicians Should Not Lose Touch with Armed Forces

Customs Officials Seize 44,000 Cigarettes near Vidin

Truck traffic is intense at the exit of some of the border crossings with Romania, the Border Police General Directorate said on its website Thursday morning. Outgoing traffic is intense at the border crossing checkpoints Vidin, Kardam and Nikopol.

TOKYO, December 7. /TASS/. Japan will expand its anti-Russian sanctions over the situation around Ukraine before the end of 2023, expanding them to cover third-country organization that allegedly help in circumvention of restrictions, the Japanese Foreign Ministry said after the online G7 meeting, which took place on Wednesday. "As for sanctions against Russia, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced that, in addition to new sanctions against Russian individuals and legal entities, third-country organizations suspected of being involved in circumvention of these measures will also be declared subject to sanctions before the end of this year," the Foreign Ministry said.

TOKYO, December 6. /TASS/. The member-states of the Group of Seven (G7) will seek after further limiting the use of the international financial system by Russia, according to their statement released after the virtual meeting of G7 leaders.

TOKYO, December 6. /TASS/. The G7 will help Ukraine in its attempts to collect damages from Russia, according to the G7 leaders’ statement. "In light of the urgency of disrupting Russia’s attempts to destroy the Ukrainian economy and failure to abide by its international law obligations, we will explore all possible avenues to aid Ukraine in obtaining compensation from Russia, consistent with our respective legal systems and international law," the statement said. The G7 emphasized that Russia needs to end hostilities in Ukraine and pay for the damage it has allegedly caused. The statement claimed that according to the World Bank, the damage exceeds $400 billion dollars. Additionally, the G7 leaders pointed out that progress was needed to direct revenues from Russia’s sovereign assets to support Ukraine.

UNITED NATIONS, December 6. /TASS/. China is calling on all sides of the conflict in Ukraine to take a pragmatic stance and intensify efforts to achieve peace, said Geng Shuang, China’s deputy envoy to the UN.

(December 7, 2023)

The news is reporting on the border police in Bulgaria. Here in Washington, DC. Lots of police. OK. I'm an academic. I'm on the board sometimes of DC Phi Beta Kappa. I speak Russian.
I think it's some kind of my role here to make police jokes. But, I point out that for example Harry and his lawsuits. As I am averse to police. I've never been arrested and I have perfect credit. Wayne was arrested in Loudon Co, VA. You wish he made more police jokes. Harry gives interviews talking about drug use. You wish he made more police jokes.
That being said. My favorite, I guess, police here locally are the USCP. They get in like incidents because protestors will storm different congressional office buildings. I make Ken McCallum jokes. That he wants GCHQ to learn Farsi.

It's a false if then. Army casualty rates and the sanctions teams.
Crazy reports about the Treasury department. Are the sanctions teams sending away our money to Kiev? Aren't they supposed to be protecting our money?
[The Department of the Treasury is the national treasury and finance department of the federal government of the United States, where it serves as an executive department. The department oversees the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and the U.S. Mint.]

This is me talking about the sanctions. 12-6-23

EU Commissioner Applauds Bulgaria's Border Controls During Border Point Visit

Romania is Close to a Visa-Free Regime with the US

Heavy Fighting in Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip

Turkish Police Arrest Murderer from Skopje

It is a myth that Bulgaria has the largest grey economy in the EU

Buffer zones could be solution to Gaza crisis — Israeli ambassador to Russia "We should think of what to do so that our citizens who live near the border never face a repetition of what happened on October 7," Alexander Ben Zvi added MOSCOW, December 6. /TASS/. Creating buffer zones could be a solution to the situation around the Gaza Strip, Israeli Ambassador to Russia Alexander Ben Zvi told TASS as he urged efforts to prevent a repetition of the October 7 events. "It will depend on the results of the operation. If there is not a terror organization at all in the Gaza Strip, then such buffer zones will be less relevant," the diplomat said. "If there are any remains of terror organizations, then we will need [a buffer zone]. A buffer zone is just an option," he said as he also mentioned the demilitarization of the Palestinian enclave and international control scenarios. "We should think of what to do so that our citizens who live near the border never face a repetition of what happened on October 7," Ben Zvi emphasized. According to the Israeli envoy, it is too early to discuss how that could be done anyway. "We shall see how the operation ends," he reiterated. The fight against terrorism should continue as long as there is a terror organization in Gaza, he added.

Zelensky’s adviser says Kiev will run out of funds by January — Politico "We’re at the end of our rope in terms of the existing funding," the newspaper quoted the advisor, whose name was not disclosed WASHINGTON, December 6. /TASS/. The Kiev government is experiencing an acute lack of money, and its funds will run out completely after December, an adviser to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky told the Politico newspaper. "We’re at the end of our rope in terms of the existing funding," the newspaper quoted the advisor, whose name was not disclosed. "It’s not going to go beyond December." The statement was made prior to Zelensky’s planned plea for additional funding to US senators. It was scheduled to take place on Tuesday, but the Ukrainian president cancelled it "at the last minute," Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said. According to the Ukrainian presidential adviser, Zelensky was to tell US senators that without additional funding, the Kiev government’s troops are likely to lose swaths of its territories. " And ultimately Kiev itself could be at risk," he added. US Department of State Spokesperson Matthew Miller said on December 4 that the US administration had used 97% of the Congress-approved funds earmarked for assistance to Ukraine. On the same day, Shalanda Young, director of the Office of Management and Budget in the Biden administration, issued a letter to Congressional leadership warning that the US would run out of resources to help Ukraine by the end of the year, if the lawmakers turned down the administration’s financing draft. In October, the US administration asked Congress to set aside extra budgetary funds for the 2024 fiscal year, which began in the United States on October 1, in assistance to Israel and Ukraine, as well as to contain China and Russia in the Asia Pacific region. In all, the US plans to spend around $106 billion for these purposes. Several House and Senate Republicans have spoken out against continuing financial assistance to Kiev. The Politico newspaper said on Monday that the Senate’s vote on assistance to Kiev, which is due on December 6, is likely to fail due to the Republicans’ position.

US to bear responsibility for Kiev’s defeat if it fails to send new aid — official According to US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen, the Kiev government "is just running out of money" WASHINGTON, December 6. /TASS/. The United States will bear responsibility for the Kiev government’s defeat if Washington fails to approve additional aid to Ukraine, Reuters quoted US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen as saying. "I've talked to members of Congress, my colleagues have. I think they understand this, that this is a dire situation and we can hold ourselves responsible for Ukraine's defeat if we don't manage to get this funding to Ukraine that's needed, and I'm including direct budget support here because that's utterly essential," she said. In her words, the Kiev government "is just running out of money." She claims that Kiev has been "spending more than every penny they're taking in, in tax revenue, on military salaries and defense." "They wouldn’t have any schools or hospitals or first responders if not for the money we’re sending to them to support them," she added. In October, the US administration asked Congress to set aside extra budgetary funds for the 2024 fiscal year, which began in the United States on October 1, in assistance to Israel and Ukraine, as well as to contain China and Russia in the Asia Pacific region. In all, the US plans to spend around $106 billion for these purposes. Several House and Senate Republicans have spoken out against continuing financial assistance to Kiev. The Politico newspaper said on Monday that the Senate’s vote on assistance to Kiev, which is due on December 6, is likely to fail due to the Republicans’ position.

MOSCOW, December 6. /TASS/. The resumption of a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is still possible, but the military operation will continue until the movement’s members give up their military efforts, Israeli Ambassador to Russia Alexander Ben Zvi has told TASS.

A spy from the Serbian Army was arrested Reserve officer of the Serbian Army Lj. G. was arrested yesterday on suspicion of providing confidential information to the Bulgarian secret service. Reserve officer of the Serbian Army and employee of the Culture Center in Bosilegrad Lj.G. was arrested yesterday on suspicion of providing confidential information to the Bulgarian secret service. According to Novosti, Lj.G. (61) gave information about our armed forces. Namely, as stated, he forwarded to the interested party data on the number of soldiers in Vranje, the situation in the units, as well as what weapons and equipment they use. He also provided them with the personnel scheme of the security authorities. Moreover, he referred to the political situation in the south of the country, Novosti points out. According to the newspaper's sources, the citizens of Bosilegrad are quite confused because they know Lj.G. as a good neighbor, a father of two daughters, who, in addition to his basic job at the Cultural Center, also has a store in this border town. The suspect is accused of having communicated secret military information to members of a foreign organization, which could cause harmful consequences for the security, defense and military interests of the country. He was brought to the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office in the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Vranje yesterday for questioning.

(December 6, 2023)

On your way to the top, you'll do anything. But how do you get your life back when you get there. Is my dilemma.
I'm wanting to be funny. For example, I'm a really great driver. Because I have great eyesight. And I'm able to drive and shift gears, etc. I'm smart about driving laws. I'm good at defensive driving, etc. My friends in Texas, they're fine if I drive us because we'll arrive safe and I'm just fun to be with in the car. Another extreme though is like games. Dominios and scrabble. When I play dominos. There is a TI video where he's playing dominos in Atlanta. Also, in the wire they're playing craps. I'll think I got dominos because it's multiples of five, but it wasn't.

Cairo 14